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Vocabulary focus

ББК 81.2 Англ — 923 | Task VII. Answer the questions. | Vocabulary focus | Vocabulary focus | Vocabulary focus | Task III. Complete the sentences. | Vocabulary focus | VII. Translate from English into Russian. | It’s interesting to know |

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  7. Active vocabulary

to throw off one’s rule – свергать власть

to challenge the authority – бросать вызов властям

to suffer a setback – потерпеть неудачу

to claim the right – заявлять о своих правах; требовать

longbow n – большой лук (оружие)

to take smb prisoner – брать в плен

to sign a treaty – подписать договор

looting n – мародерство

ransom n – выкуп; ransom v – выкупать; требовать выкуп

chivalry n – рыцарство

courtly manners – изысканные манеры

courtier n – придворный

the Order of the Garter – орден Подвязки

plague n – чума, мор, эпидемия

famine n – голод (стихийное бедствие)

tenanted land – арендуемая земля

yeoman n – мелкий землевладелец, фермер

Flanders n – Фландрия; Fleming n – фламандец; Flemish adj – фламандский

spinster n – прядильщица; старая дева

revolt n – бунт, восстание, мятеж; revolt v – восставать

to enforce a tax – взыскать налог

heresy n – ересь

condemn v – осуждать, порицать; приговаривать, обрекать

to depose a king – свергнуть короля

capture v – завладеть; захватить силой

landed gentry n – поместное дворянство

esquire n – эсквайр (мелкопоместный дворянин); оруженосец

staple n – главный продукт; основной предмет торговли данного региона

fence in v – огораживать

(il)literate adj – (не)грамотный

accountable to smb adj – обязанный отчитываться, подотчетный

justice of the peace (JP) n – мировой судья


Task I. Complete the sentences with a suitable word or phrase.

Plague, spinsters, heresy, claimed the right, to ransom, to challenge the authority, longbow, taken prisoner, courtly manners, to throw off, condemned, chivalry

1. England tried to maintain control of Ireland and Wales, both of which were trying … English rule. 2. Local private armies increased the nobles’ ability to … of the Crown. 3. … was a useful way of persuading men to fight by creating the idea that war was a noble thing. 4. The year 1348 brought the terrible …, known as the Black Death. 5. Most of the ordinary footsoldiers used the Welsh …, which was very effective on the battlefield because of its quick rate of fire. 6. New religious ideas which appeared at the end of the 14th century were … by the Church as …. 7. Edward III and the Black Prince were greatly admired in England for their …. 8. Much of the clothmaking process was done by … in their own homes. 9. Edward III allowed the French … the Scots king David who had been …. 10. In 1337 Edward III declared war on France because he … to the French Crown.

Task II. Paraphrase the italicised part.

1. England’s wish to control Scotland had failed at Bannockburn in 1314. 2. Edward II was removed from power and cruelly murdered in 1327. 3. The French king had been caught by the English at Poitiers in 1356 and he bought his freedom for £500,000, an enormous amount of money in those days. 4. The growth of population led to the overuse of land resulting in years of food shortage when the harvest failed. 5. When Richard II made people pay money for a third time, there was an immediate protest in East Anglia and in Kent. 6. Between 1417 and 1420 Henry V managed to conquer most of Normandy and the nearby areas. 7. Most knights were no longer heavily armed fighters, but landowners who were deeply engrossed in farming. 8. In the 15th century rich and powerful sheep owners started to enclose land which had always been used by other villagers. 9. The development of Parliament led to the beginnings of a new relationship between the middle class and the king. For the first time the king allowed himself to tell Parliament how he spent the money. 10. Caxton’s press encouraged people to learn to read and provided books for the newly educated people.

Task III. Match the words to their definitions:

1) esquire a) stealing things from shops or homes that have been damaged

in a war

2) plague b) a man belonging to the order of English gentry ranking

next below a knight

3) JP c) a belief that disagrees with the official principles of a

particular religion

4) spinster d) a situation in which a large number of people have little

or no food for a long time and many people die

5) looting e) the main product that is produced in a country

6) heresy f) someone who judges less serious cases in small courts

7) courtier g) a farmer who owned and worked on his own land in

former times

8) famine h) an unmarried woman, usually one who is no longer

young and seems unlikely to marry

9) yeoman i) a very infectious disease that produces high fever and

swellings on the body and often leads to death

10) staple j) someone in former times who had an important position

in the court

Task IV. Are the statements true or false? Correct the false ones.

1. The 14th century was a quiet time for England.

2. The English king was a rebellious vassal of the French king.

3. At the beginning of the Hundred Years War the English were more successful

than the French on the battlefield.

4. The Black Death killed half of the population of Britain.

5. The Black Death helped the poor end serfdom.

6. Wat Tyler's revolt happened during Edward III's reign.

7. Wat Tyler's demands were satisfied.

8. The authority of the Church increased greatly after the years of plagues.

9. The peasants executed the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1381.

10. Richard II was very wise at choosing his advisers.

11. Many Welsh joined the English army because they were paid much money.

12. Henry V became king of France in 1422.

13. Sixty noble families were controlling England at the time of Henry VI’s reign.

14. Richard III was very popular and his army fought heroically at Bosworth.

15. The year 1450 is considered to be the end of the Middle Ages in England.

16. The king became “accountable” to Parliament.

17. The decision to marry was made by the young couple not by their parents.

18. It was forbidden by law to beat wives.

19. Two writers, William Langland and Geoffrey Chaucer, helped in the rebirth of

English literature.

20. Books were very expensive and only rich people could buy them.

Task V. Choose the right variant.

1. The king who declared the Hundred Years War on France was a) Richard II, b) Edward I, c) Edward III.

2. a) The Black Prince, b) Edward I, c) Edward III was admired in England for his courtly manners but feared in France for his cruelty.

3. The Peasant’s Revolt lasted for a) 4 days, b) 4 weeks, c) 4 months.

4. One of the leaders of Lollardy was a) Wat Tyler, b) John Wycliffe, c) Thomas More.

5. a) The earl of March, b) John of Gaunt, c) Henry of Lancaster became king after Richard II had been deposed.

6. The Hundred Years War began again in 1415 when Henry a) claimed his right to the throne of France, b) was threatened by the French king, c) was attacked by the French.

7. Henry Tudor was supported by a) Yorkists, b) Lancastrians, c) Yorkists and Lancastrians.

8. Justices of the peace dealt with a) serious, b) small, c) political crimes.

9. The first duty of every wife was a) to keep house, b) to work in the field, c) to give birth to children.

10. William Caxton invented a) book printing, b) radio, c) telegraph.

Task VI. Choose the correct date for each event.

1. England declared war on France. a) 1476

2. The Hundred Years War ended. b) 1453

3. The Order of the Garter was founded. c) 1485

4. The terrible plague spread all through Britain. d) 1363

5. Wat Tyler stirred up a revolt. e) 1348

6. The “Wars of the Roses” started. f) 1431

7. Richard III was defeated at Bosworth. g) 1381

8. Edward III appointed “justices of the peace”. h) 1348

9. The Church in Rouen burnt Joan of Arc as a witch. i) 1460

10. William Caxton set up the first English printing press. j) 1337

Task VII. Arrange the kings in the order they succeeded to the throne.

Richard II, Edward II, Henry V, Edward III, Henry IV, Richard III, Henry VI, Edward I.

Task VIII. Match the kings to their deeds.

a. Edward II a) married Katherine of Valois, the French king’s daughter.

b. Edward III b) founded the Order of the Garter.

c. Richard II c) was brave and intelligent, one of England’s favourite kings.

d. Richard III d) introduced the idea of executing the Lollards by burning.

e. Henry IV e) founded Eton College and King’s College in Cambridge.

f. Henry V f) was thought to have killed his two nephews to get the


g. Henry VI g) inherited the thrones of England and France.

h) started the Hundred Years War.

i) dealt with the Peasants’ Revolt.

j) was deposed and cruelly murdered.

Task IX. Answer the questions.

1. What were the terms of the alliance between Scotland and France? 2. What made the battle at Poitiers famous? 3. What happened to the king of Scots when he had attacked England in 1346? 4. What ideas were expressed in the code of chivalry? 5. The dramatic fall in population in the 14th century caused positive consequences, didn’t it? 6. What were the reasons for the poor to revolt? 7. What was the attitude of monarchs towards the Lollards? 8. What caused the crisis of kingship? 9. What was the outcome of Glyndwr’s rebellion? 10. What country won the Hundred Years War? Why? 11. How did Edward IV get the throne? Did he manage to keep it? 12. What were the consequences of the Wars of Roses? 13. Had Scotland developed as a nation by the end of the Middle Ages? 14. What benefits did Scotland’s alliance with France bring? 15. What was the rank system in the society? 16. What was the purpose of the guilds? 17. What were the two different ideas about women? 18. What responsibilities did the wife of a noble / peasant have? 19. Did education develop during the 15th century? 20. What positive changes did the printing press cause?

Task X. Translate from Russian into English.

1. В 1337 году Эдуард III заявил о своих правах на французский трон и объявил войну Франции. 2. В 1360 году Эдуард был вынужден подписать договор и отказаться от своих притязаний на французскую корону. 3. Король Шотландии напал на Англию в 1346 году, но потерпел поражение и был взят в плен. Эдуард III позволил французам выкупить шотландского короля. 4. Английские войска совершали набеги по всей Шотландии, сжигая деревни и мародёрствуя. 5. Эдуард III стал символом рыцарства. Придворные восхищались не только его мужеством, но и изысканными манерами. Именно Эдуард основал в 1348 году известный орден Подвязки. 6. Чёрная смерть унесла жизни одной трети всего населения Британии; только один человек из десяти, заболевших чумой, смог выжить. 7. Английская шерсть экспортировалась во Фландрию, где продавалась по очень высокой цене. В 1320 – 60 гг. фламандская текстильная промышленность пришла в упадок, и сотни квалифицированных фламандцев отправились в Англию в поисках работы. 8. В конце XIV века в Англии появились новые религиозные учения, которые церковь признала ересью. 9. Средний класс в Англии был грамотным. Он состоял из юристов, купцов, промышленников, мелкопоместных дворян и мелких землевладельцев. 10. В 1363 году Эдвард III назначил мировых судей, чтобы они занимались мелкими правонарушениями и осуществляли правосудие четыре раза в год.

Task XI. What do you know about…?

1. the Welsh longbow; 2. the treaty of Bretigny; 3. the Order of the Garter; 4. the Black Death; 5. the Peasant’s Revolt; 6. Lollardy; 7. Joan of Arc; 8. “Lancastrians” and “Yorkists”; 9. clans; 10. guilds

Task XII. Explain why…

1. France and England went to war. 2. It was said that winning battles was easier than winning wars. 3. The replacement of wool by finished cloth as England’s main export was the most important economic change in the 14th century. 4. The Church was unpopular. 5. The king reduced the amount of tax money the pope could raise in Britain. 6. Henry V felt able to begin fighting the French again. 7. Henry VI’s kingship was questioned. 8. The wars between Yorkists and Lancastrians were called the “Wars of the Roses”. 9. The new middle class, educated and skilled in law, administration and trade created a new atmosphere in Britain. 10. “Middle English”, the language of the 14th and 15th century, was very different from the old Anglo-Saxon.

Task XIII. Discuss the topics.

1. Deposed rulers. Think of the cases in the history of Britain and other countries when monarchs (or other rulers) were deposed by their sons, relatives оr subjects. How did it happen? What were the typical mistakes of the deposed rulers?

2. Revolts. Think of the cases in the history of Belarus when people revolted. What were the reasons? What helped the rebels win the struggle? Why did they fail?

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 38 | Нарушение авторских прав

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