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Vocabulary focus

ББК 81.2 Англ — 923 | Task VII. Answer the questions. | Vocabulary Focus | Vocabulary focus | Vocabulary focus | Task III. Complete the sentences. | Vocabulary focus | VII. Translate from English into Russian. | It’s interesting to know |

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  6. Active Vocabulary
  7. Active vocabulary

glory n – слава; успех; glorious adj – славный; блистательный

break away from v – отделиться от чего-л.

(the Court of) Star Chamber – Звездная Палата (судебная коллегия, состоявшая из членов палаты лордов, обладала практически неограниченной судебной властью)

stand up to v – перечить, прекословить

infancy n – раннее детство, младенчество, малолетство

Act of Supremacy – Акт о супрематии (закон о главенстве английского короля над церковью)

dissolution n – роспуск, закрытие; dissolve v – прекращать деятельность, распускать

execute v – казнить

benefit from v – извлекать пользу, выгоду из чего-л.

pardon n – (истор., церк.) индульгенция

unbending adj – непоколебимый, непреклонный, несгибаемый

inferior to adj – стоящий ниже (по положению, чину, развитию, и т. п.) относительно кого-л.

lifetime n – продолжительность жизни; целая жизнь

parish n – (церк.) приход

parson / vicar n – приходский священник

plot n – интрига, заговор, козни; plot v – составлять заговор, плести интриги

adventurer n – авантюрист; искатель приключений

Spanish Armada (Invincible Armada) – "Непобедимая армада" (испанский военный флот)

chartered company – компания, существующая на основе королевской грамоты или специального акта парламента

tempt v – соблазнять, прельщать, притягивать

far-reaching adj – далеко идущий; влекущий серьезные последствия; имеющий большие перспективы

run v – руководить, управлять


Task I. Complete the chart with the missing parts of speech. Check the pronunciation.

Verb Noun Noun (agent) Adjective

Task II. Complete the sentences with a suitable word in the correct form.

Adventurer, to stand up to, pardon, infancy, glory, inferior, to execute, unbending, Act of Supremacy, to benefit, plot, to dissolve

1. Henry VII firmly believed that war and … were bad for business. 2. Henry VIII had several reasons … the authority of the Church. Henry wanted to divorce his wife because she didn’t have a son who survived …. 3. The … made Henry VIII head of the Church in England. 4. Henry … Catholic monasteries because he … from the sale of monastery lands. 5. Despite Henry’s break with Rome he remained loyal to Catholic religious teaching and … Protestants who refused to accept it. 6. Many people were glad to see the end of some of the Church’s bad practices like the selling of … for the forgiveness of sins. 7. Mary was thought to be unwise and … in her policy and beliefs. 8. The marriage of a queen was a difficult matter as at that time women were considered to be … to men. 9. Mary’s execution was popular because the Catholic … and the dangers of a foreign Catholic invasion had changed people’s feelings. 10. Elizabeth encouraged the seamen who were traders as well as pirates and ….

Task III. Paraphrase the italicised part.

1. The century of Tudor rule is often thought as a most triumphant period in English history. 2. Henry VIII put to death his second wife because she was unfaithful. 3. Parliament unwillingly agreed to Mary’s marriage, and it only accepted Philip as king of England while Mary was alive. 4. The area served by one church, usually the same size as a village, became the unit of state administration. 5. The parish priest became almost as powerful as the village squire. 6. Elizabeth I discovered several secret plans aimed at making Mary queen of England. 7. The Spanish fleet of ships was defeated more by bad weather than by English guns. 8. Ireland attracted Catholic Europe as a place from which to attack the English. 9. During the Tudor period the changes in government, society and the economy of England caused more serious consequences than ever before. 10. The Tudor monarchs realised that by asking Parliament for money they were giving it power in ruling the kingdom.

Task IV. Match the words to their definitions.

1) infancy a) a former English court that became notorious for its harsh

methods and severe punishments

2) plot b) to formally end an arrangement, organisation etc.

3) lifetime c) the period of a child’s life before it can walk or talk

4) Star d) unwilling to change opinions, decisions, etc.

5) Chamber e) to kill smb, especially legally as a punishment for a serious crime

6) adventurer f) a person who enjoys journeys, new experiences, often dangerous

7) parish g) to make smb want smth by making it seem attractive

8) to execute h) a secret plan involving several people, to do smth harmful

or illegal

9) to dissolve i) the area that a priest is responsible for

10) unbending j) the length of time that smb lives or that smth lasts.

11) to tempt k)

Task V. Are the statements true or false? Correct the false ones.

1. Henry VII was far more important in establishing the new monarchy than Henry VIII or Elizabeth I.

2. Henry VIII had more power and money than earlier kings.

3. Henry VII spent much money on building ships because he was at war with France and Spain.

4. Henry VIII’s break with Rome was purely religious.

5. Henry VIII executed Catholics who refused to accept Protestantism.

6. Most English people believed in the old Catholic religion and didn’t like the changes.

7. Elizabeth expressed purely Catholic views while Mary lived.

8. Elizabeth I encouraged merchant expansion.

9. Spanish fighting ships were much better than English.

10. Peace was made with Spain once the Spanish Armada was defeated.

11. Henry VIII managed to bring Wales and Ireland under his authority.

12. The Scottish kings were too weak to fight with England.

13. Mary Queen of Scots was very popular in Scotland.

14. The Welsh king gained the English throne when Elizabeth died.

15. The Renaissance caused far-reaching changes in the English society.

16. In the 16th century Parliament met every year.

17. Elizabeth refused to sell official positions in government.

18. The peasants managed to cope with the economic crisis better than all the rest.

19. Women in England had greater freedom than anywhere else in Europe.

20. London pronunciation was considered to be “incorrect”.

Task VI. Choose the right variant.

1. Henry VII firmly believed that a) war, b) business, c) glory was good for the state.

2. Henry VIII wanted to gain an important position in European a) politics, b) trade, c) culture.

3. Elizabeth I became queen because Mary a) died, b) was executed, c) was taken to prison.

4. Elizabeth I correctly recognized a) France, b) Spain, c) Holland as her main trade rival and enemy.

5. The Tudors fought a) no, b) two, c) four wars to make the Irish accept their authority and religion.

6. Elizabeth died at the age of a) 50, b) 60, c) 70.

7. Over half the population of Great Britain was under a) 25, b) 35, c) 45.

8. a) Small children, b) unmarried women, c) old people suffered particularly badly during the Tudor period.

9. England’s greatest art form was a) music, b) painting, c) literature.

10. “Utopia” was written by a) Christopher Marlowe, b) Ben Jonson, c) Thomas More.

Task VII. Choose the correct date for each event.

1. James VI became king in England. a) 1587

2. Wales became joined to England under one administration. b) 1534

3. Elizabeth I came to power. c) 1601

4. The East India Company was established. d) 1558

5. Parliament passed the first Poor Law. e) 1588

6. Parliament passed the Act of Supremacy. f) 1603

7. 560 monasteries were dissolved. g) 1536 – 1543

8. The Spanish Armada was defeated. h) 1536 - 1539

9. Henry VIII destroyed the Scottish army at Flodden. i) 1600

10. Mary Queen of Scots was executed. j) 1513

Task VIII. Match the names of kings to their deeds.

1. Henry VII a) encouraged English traders to settle abroad and

to create colonies.

2. Henry VIII b) made changes in the matter of names in Wales.

3. Mary Queen of Scots c) spent a lot of money on wars from which

England had little to gain.

4. Elizabeth I d) married the murderer of her husband.

e) was a strong Catholic and had close connections

with France.

f) forbade anyone, except himself to keep armed men.

g) sold official positions in government.

h) stood up to the authority of the Church.

i) used the “Court of Star Chamber” to deal with

lawless nobles.

j) spent 20 years in prison.

Task IX. Answer the questions.

1. What did Henry VII’s policy concentrate on? 2. Why did Henry VIII want to influence European politics? 3. Why did Henry VIII dislike the power of the Church in England? 4. Why did the pope forbid Henry’s divorce? 5. Why did Henry VIII dissolve monasteries? 6. Why was the marriage of a queen a difficult matter? 7. Why did Elizabeth keep Mary as a prisoner for a long time? 8. How did Elizabeth I make the Church part of the state machine? 9. What was the basis of England’s foreign policy? 10. How did Elizabeth help the Dutch Protestants? 11. What was the agreement between the queen and the chartered companies? 12. Why did Henry VIII fail to make the Irish accept his English Church Reformation? 13. What was the difference between the English Church and the Scottish Kirk? 14. Why did power move from the House of Lords to the House of Commons in the 16th century? 15. What were the tasks of Parliament? 16. What caused social and economic problems in the 16th century? 17. Why did landowners start to enclose land? 18. What efforts were made by the government to keep order in a situation of rising unemployment? 19. What changes did the usage of coal bring? 20. Were there any changes in the English language?

Task X. Translate from Russian into English:

1. Английская церковь отделилась от римско-католической во времена правления Генриха VIII. 2. Звездная Палата занималась рассмотрением преступлений, совершенных дворянами. 3. Генрих VIII выступал против церкви, потому что, во-первых, не мог полностью контролировать её деятельность и, во-вторых, не хотел платить налоги, которые уменьшали его доход. 4. Акт о супрематии позволил Генриху развестись с Катериной и жениться на своей новой возлюбленной Анне Болейн. 5. Закрытие католических монастырей обогатило землевладельцев и купцов, так как они получили большую часть монастырских земель. 6. В то время считалось, что женщина занимает подчиненное положение по отношению к мужчине, поэтому королева Елизавета отказалась выходить замуж, чтобы сохранить независимость своей страны. 7. Поражение “Непобедимой армады” стало блистательным моментом в истории Англии, но это не привело к окончанию войны с Испанией. 8. Англия стремилась получить как можно больше прибыли от своих колоний в Америке. 9. Грамота давала компании право вести все дела в определённой сфере торговли или области. 10. В XVI веке Парламент управлял королевством почти самостоятельно.

Task XI. What do you know about…?

1. the Court of Star Chamber; 2. Cardinal Wolsey; 3. the Act of Supremacy; 4. Fidei Defensor; 5. sea dogs; 6. Londonderry; 7. Kirk; 8. Speaker; 9. monopolies; 10. soldier poets.

Task XII. Prove that…

1. Henry VII was fortunate. 2. Henry VIII was cruel, wasteful with money and ambitious. 3. Henry VIII’s break with Rome was purely political and neither a religious nor a diplomatic disaster. 4. Mary was unwise and unbending in her policy and her beliefs. 5. Elizabeth I considered trade the most important foreign policy matter. 6. The Tudors did their best to bring Wales, Ireland and Scotland under English control. 7. The Tudors didn’t like governing through Parliament. 8. In the 16th century Parliament had more authority than ever before. 9. London was the filthiest city in the world. 10. Most English people lived in small family groups.

Task XIII. Discuss in class.

1. Do you support the idea of absolute or constitutional monarchy? Why? Can you differentiate between these two notions?

2. How can the private life of a monarch / president influence his / her political decisions? Give examples.

3. Read the speech of Elizabeth I with which she called her soldiers together in 1588. Comment on it. Is the speech impressive and encouraging? What would you say in such a situation?

Chapter V

The Stuarts

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