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Leave darling look at I want hope dare love hurt you score

Read the text of the following songs. Mind the transcription. | HELLO LITTLE GIRL | СURIOUS AND FUNNY STORIES ABOUT THE BEATLES |

Читайте также:
  1. Balanced Scorecard
  2. Describe Darling's old organizational structure and give reasons for introducing changes
  3. Divide your class into 2 teams. Match each specific term in column I. with the generic term in column II. The team which is the first to match the terms correctly wins the score.
  4. Explain how Darling's legal status changed from 1933 to 1983.
  5. Family Violence Always Leaves Home
  6. Final scores calculation
  7. Former Stamp Collector Jason Cowley on Why Being Cool Leaves Him Cold

[æ] [o] [u] [o:] [з:] [i:] [ou] [eз]

Photo let poor so me glove hear mild you war say charm

[л] [a:] [o:] [ai] [ou] [uз]

Say the sort words pure I wait long came to me hear

[o:] [i:] [ei] [juз]

My darling see and when care you bird near love much

[æ] [л] [з:] [i:] [ai] [eз]


H/t: Explain the reading rules. Read the text of the song.




I've j u st s ee n a f a ce

I can't forg e t the t i me o r pl a ce where w e just m e t.

She's just the g i rl for m e

And I w a nt a ll the w o rld to s ee we've met.

H a d i t b ee n a nother d ay I m i ght have l oo ked the o ther w ay

And I'd have never been aw a re.

B u t as it is I'll dr ea m of h e r ton i ght.

F a lling, y e s, I am falling

And sh e k ee ps c a lling me b a ck ag ai n.

I have never kn ow n the l i ke of th i s

I've been al o ne and I have m i ssed th i ngs

And k e pt ou t of s i ght for oth er girls were never qu i te like this.



Unite Four


Task I: Read the text of the song “Misery”. Remove the wrong words from it. Instead of them use the words with the same vowel sounds. The right words are suggested.


The g i rl* is gr ee ting* me s a d*, misery.

I'm the kind of sp y * who seld o m used to l i e*;

The g i rl* is gr ee ting* me s a d*, misery.

I've sh o t* her m ou se* for sure;

I won't f ee d* her r o sy* b oa r*.

It's gonna be a br a g*, misery.

I'll forg e t* all the s i lly* h i ts* we've s u ng*.

Can't she see she'll always n ee d* the only one.

L e t* her back to me, 'cause everyone can see

Ar ou nd* her I will be in misery.

I'll forg e t* all the s i lly* h i ts* we've s u ng*.

She'll remember and she'll s i ng* the only one, ph o ney* one.

L e t* her back to me, 'cause everyone can see,

Ar ou nd* her I'll be in misery.

Oh, in misery.

Ooh, my misery.

La la la la la la, misery.


b a d, cr y, d o ne, dr a g, guy, l i ttle, l o nely, l o st, m i ss, m o re, nev er, n o, n ow, r e member, s ee, s e nd, thi ng s, tr ea ting, w o rld, with ou t, b e.


Task II. Study the table and do the exercises.

Table. Правила чтения: согласные.

B [b] baton, oboe, bar, cab, bank
BT [t] doubt, debt, debtor
  C 1. 2. 3. [s] - перед "e","i","y" [k] [∫] - перед безударной гласн. celeste, clave c in, cymbals, ice acoustic, carol, cook, cut musician, special, ocean
CC 1. 2. [ks] - перед "e","i","y" [k] accent, success, accept piccolo, accompany, accordion
  CH 1. 2. 3. [t∫] [k] – в словах греч. происхождения [∫] – в словах франц. происхождения chamber, chess, teach orchestra, chorus, school machine, chandelier, chablis,
CK [k] pluck, rock’n’roll, black
D [d] double-bass, conductor, mood
DG [dЗ] bridge, edge, judge
F [f] false, folk, lift, clef
G 1. 2. [dЗ] - перед "e","i","y" [g] solfegio, elegy, cage guitar, bag, beginning
GH 1. 2. [f] – после "au","ou" [-] – перед "t" и в конце слова laugh, enough, tough bright, light, high, sigh
GN [n] sign, foreign, design
H [h] helikon, habit, horn
J [dЗ] jingle, disk-jockey, joy
K [k] kettle-drum, sky, beak
KN [n] – в начале слова knee, know, knock, knight
L 1. 2. [l] [-] – в сочетаниях –alf, –alk, –alm leader, alto, troll half; talk; calm;
M [m] minstrel, home, tempo
MB [m] dumb, comb, climb
MN [m] autumn, column, solemn
N [n] note row, country, inn
NC NK [ŋk] plunk, thank, ink, uncle
NG 1. 2. [ŋ] [ ŋg]- перед "l","r" и "u" + гл. tuning, singer, gong single, angry, language
P [p] passage, top, upper
PH [f] – в словах греческого происхождения symphony, polyphonic
PS [s] psalm, psychical
QU 1. 2. [kw] [k] – в словах франц. происхождения quick, sequence, quaver burlesque, unique, boutique
R [r] ragtime, opera-house
RH [r] rhyme, rhythm, rhapsody
S 1. 2. [s] – в начале слова; перед и после глухого согласного [z] – после гласного или звонкого согласного; между гласными see, setting, study, test, opus   bees, opens, please, position
SC 1. 2. [s] - перед "e","i","y" [sk] scene, scenery, science scoring, descant, screen
SH [∫] shave, dish, wishes
SS 1. 2. [s] [∫] – перед безударными "ia" и "io" bassoon, classical, mass Russia, percussion, mission
-sion [Зn] vision, illusion, decision
-sten [sn] listen
-stle [sl] wistle, castle
-sure [Зз] pleasure, treasure, measure
  Т 1. 2. 3. [t] [t∫] – в безуд. суффиксе -ture [t∫з] [∫] – в безуд. суффиксе -tion [∫n] track, not, foxtrot picture, lecture, future diction, attention
ТР 1. 2. [θ] – в начале и в конце знаменатель- ных слов [ð] – между гласными; в служебных словах; в указательных местоимени- ях и некоторых наречиях thick, myth, fifth, path, think   bathe, breather, this, heather, with, then, the, that, these, those
TCH [t∫з] pitch, crotchet, kitchen
V [v] viola, volume, interval
W [w] wind, water, twins
WH 1. 2. [w] – перед гласными, кроме "o" [h] – перед "o" when, why, what, white who, whom, whose, whole
WR [r] write, wrist, wrap
X 1. 2. 3. [gz] – перед ударной гласной [ks] – в остальных случаях [z] – в словах греческ. происхожден. example, exotic music vox, exercise, text xylophone, Xenia
XC 1. 2. [ks] - перед "e","i","y" [ksk] except excursion
Z [z] Zoo, size, buzz, lazy


Exercise1. Explain the reading rules. Read the words.

ph lox; to mb; wa x; c igarette; cul ture; E ng li sh; spee ch; wh olly; s un; sta l k; th at; g in g er; c ent; wr eck; ps alter; kn ife; soo th e; ne s t; mea sure; C inderella; rh etor; c risp; ba dg e; th eme; admi ss ion; a cc ount; dog s; ch ee s e; j et; la ss; si ng alo ng; bu s y; appre c iate; tou gh; su bt le; boy s; para ch ute; a cc ept; me th od; wei gh t; sole mn; E g ypt; si gh; c y c list; pet s; provi sion; sh ine; g ate; rh o mb; ch orister; fa sten; ch anson; ba nk; sc y th e; ne ck; qu een; sa l mon; di sc overy; ca tch; si gn post; wh isper; ch a l ky; kn i gh t; ch ateau.


Exercise 2. Arrange the words in groups according to the pronunciation of the underlined consonants.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
[k] [m] [ks] [∫] [t∫] [s] [n] [dЗ] [r] [w] [t∫з] [θ] [f]


a cc ident; a cc ord; anti qu e; bla ck; bo mb; bo x; c at; ch ampagne; ch emist; colu mn; crea ture; da sh; e xc ellent; fa c e; forei gn; i c icle; j ug; k itten; lar g e; mon th; n ote; o c ean; pa ss; wr ong; pa ss ion; pa t ience; ph rase; ps ychology; r ose; sc ience; s mile; wa tch; wh ile; w orld; permi ss ion.


Ex. 3 Explain the pronunciation of (1) the underlined consonants;

(2) the vowels in bold type.

I sth ere anybody goi ng to li sten to m y s tory

A ll ab ou t th e g ir l wh o c a me to st ay?

Sh e's the kind of girl you w a nt s o m u ch it m a ke s you s o rry

St i ll you don't regret a si ng le day.

Ah. girl, girl, girl.

Wh e n I th i nk of all the t i me s I tried so h ar d to l ea ve h er

She will t u rn to m e and st a rt to c r y.

And she promises the ea r th to me and I bel ie ve her,

After all thi s time I don't kn ow wh y.

She's the kind of girl who p u t s you d ow n

When friend s are there, you f ee l a f oo l.

When you say she's l oo ki ng good, she a c ts a s i f it's underst oo d,

She's c oo l...

W a s she t o ld when she was young th a t p ai n would l ea d to plea sure?

Did she understand it when th ey s ai d

That a m a n m u st break hi s b a ck to ear n his day of lei sure?

Will she still believe it when he's d ea d?

H/t: Write the text of the following songs in transcription. Read the songs.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 75 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Table 2. Чтение гласных в четырех типах ударного слога.| V O C A B U L A R Y1

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