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Word Order in Questions. Types of Questions

Computer programming | Videoconferencing | Men, women and IT | Careers in IT | Plurals of Nouns | The is used both with singular and plural nouns to refer to something that is known. | Reflexive Pronouns | Agreement of Pronoun with Antecedent | Adverbs which have different meanings | Revision of Tenses |

Читайте также:
  1. A claim should be well organized with information in a logical order.
  2. A The following are dictionary definitions of different types of markets.
  3. A) Look at this extract from a TV guide and the photo and answer the questions.
  4. A) Read the article to find the answers to these questions.
  5. A) Try to answer these questions.
  6. A) two types of combinability with other words
  7. A. Read the extract below and answer the questions.
Type of question (тип запитання) Interrogative word (питальне слово) Auxiliary verb (допоміжне дієслово) Subject (підмет) Predicate (присудок) The secondary parts of the sentences (другорядні члени речення)
General Alternative Special - - Where Did Did did You You you Live Live Live? In Paris? In Paris or in Kyiv?
but Who - - lived In Paris?

Tag Questions

  She go es to school, She doesn’t go to school, Doesn’t she? Does she?  
  He is go ing to school, He isn’t going to school, Isn’t he? Is he? I am…, aren’t I?
  He went to school, He didn’t go to school, Didn’t he? Did he?  
  She was going to school, She wasn’t going to school, Wasn’t she? Was she?  
  I shall go to school, I shall not go to school, Shan’t I? Shall I? Shan’t = shall not Won’t = will not
  I have gone to school, I haven’t gone to school, Haven’t I? Have I?  
  I had gone to school, I hadn’t gone to school. Hadn’t I? Had I?  

Echo Tags


1. — Sam is paying. — /she? 1. — Sam isn't paying. — Isn't he?
2. — Sam eats much. — Does he? 2. — Sam doesn't eat much. — Doesn't he?


1. No one can do that, 2. Pass me some bread, 3. Please help me, 4. Don't tell anyone, 5. Let's go to the cinema, can theyl will you? will you / can you / could you? will you? shall we?
But Let me 1 him I her buy this shirt, will you / wow 't you?
6. There is a book on the desk, 7.1 have to help him, isn 'r there? don't I?

Direct and Indirect (Reported) Speech

Час, якого вимагає зміст і ситуація Modals ”present” Modals ”shall” Modals ”past” or “conditional” Modals ”perfect” Modals ”should”
Час, який фактично вживається в підрядних реченнях Modals ”past” Modals ”should” Do not change Do not change Doesn’t change

1) I may arrive late. — Sam said (that) he might arrive late.

2) Shall I speak to her? — Ron asked whether he should speak to her.

3)I could help you. — Ted said (that) he could help me/us.

4) I couldn't have said that. — Ted said (that) he couldn't have said that.

b) I ought to have helped her. — Bill said (that) he ought to have helped her.

5) I should go to the doctor. — Sam said (that) he should go to the doctor.

Time and Place Changes

Now-> immediately/then     this - that
Today->that day     these - those
Tonight->that night     here- there
Tomorrow->the next day        
the day after tomorrow-> two Two days later    
Yesterday->the day before      

Note: It is not always necessary to make these changes, especially in spoken indirect speech.

e.g. "I'll see you tonight” — she said. ->She said that she would see me tonight.

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Future-in-the Past| Passive Voice

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