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Revision of Tenses

Downloading plug-ins | Designing Web pages | Computer programming | Videoconferencing | Men, women and IT | Careers in IT | Plurals of Nouns | The is used both with singular and plural nouns to refer to something that is known. | Reflexive Pronouns | Agreement of Pronoun with Antecedent |

Читайте также:
  1. Active and Passive Voice Tenses Revision Key
  3. All tenses revision
  4. C) Make correct passive forms. Mind the tenses in brackets.
  5. Change into indirect speech observing the rules of the sequence of tenses. Comment on the changes.
  6. Change into indirect speech. Observe the rules of the sequence of tenses.
  7. Complete the conversation between a mother (M) and her daughter (D). Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or past simple. Explain the use of the tenses.

1. a) Form

  Simple(Indefinite) Continuous Perfect
Present I форма дієслова e.g. I go to school. I don't go to school. Does he (she) go to school?   am (I), is (singular) + ing are(plural) e.g. 1 am going to school. I am not going to school. Are you going to school? have, has + III форма дієслова < -ed done e.g. I have gone to school. I have not gone to school. Has he gone to school?
Past II форма дієслова < -ed went e.g. I went to school. I didn't go to school. Did you go to school?   was (singular) + ing were(plural) e.g. I was going to school. I was not going to school. Were you going to school?   Had + III форма дієслова e.g. I had gone to school. I had not gone to school. Had he gone to school?  
Future shall(I, we) will + I форма дієслова e.g. I shall go to school. I shall not (shan't) go to school. Will you go to school?   shall be + ing will be e.g. I shall be going to school. I shall not be going to school. Will you be going to school?   Shall have will have + III форма дієслова e.g. I shall have gone to school. I shall not have gone to school. Will he have gone to school?  


Note: Present Perfect Continuous

have been

+ ing

has been

e.g. I have been working.

(дія почалася в минулому і тривала/все ще триває в цей момент)

Past Perfect Continuous

had been + ing

e.g. I had been working before he came.

(тривала дія, яка почалася до іншої дії в минулому)

Remember Stative Verbs!

Stative are verbs which describe a state rather than an action,

an so do not usually have a contmuous tens.

I. Verbs of the senses  
feel Відчувати, вважати
hear Чути
notice Помічати
see Бачити
smell відчувати запах, пахнути
taste Відчувати смак, мати смак
sound звучати
look дивитися, виглядати
seem видаватися


but see — зустрічати(ся), проводжати. e.g. He is seeing off his friend. smell — нюхати. e.g. She is smelling the flower.
II. Verbs which express feelings and emotions adore обожнювати care піклуватися dislike не любити fear боятися hate ненавидіти hope сподіватися like любити, подобатися love кохати, любити regret шкодувати respect поважати desire / want / wish бажати need потребувати prefer надавати перевагу
III. Verbs of perception
consider Вважати
fancy уявляти, пропускати
imagine Уявляти
know Знати
mind Мати на увазі
remember Пам’ятати
think Думати
understand Розуміти
believe вірити


but think – міркувати e.g. I am thinking of what you have just told me.
IV. Some others verbs Agree погоджуватися Believe вірити Cost коштувати Depend залежати Differ відрізнятися Matter мати значення Have мати Be бути
but have – мати, зазнавати e.g. I am having a great time.


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Adverbs which have different meanings| Future-in-the Past

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