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Anatomy, histology and physiology of the normal skin. Histomorphological changes in the skin.

Psoriasis. Lichen ruber planus. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical features. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention. | Scabies. Pediculosis. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical features. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention. | Diseases due to virus infection. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Classification. Clinical features. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention. | Pyodermia. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical features. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention. | Keratomycoses. Candidiasis. Clinical features. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention. Classification of mycoses. Laboratory diagnostics of mycoses | Dermatomycoses. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical features. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention. | Collagenoses. Lupus erythematosus. Sclerodermia. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical features. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention. | Neurodermatoses. Atopic dermatitis. Prurigo. Urticaria. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Classification. Clinical features. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention. | Dermatitis. Toxicodermia. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Classification. Clinical features. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention. | Eczema. Etiology, Pathogenesis. Classification. Clinical features. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention. |

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Guides for distance teaching on «DERMATOLOGY, VENEREOLOGY» for students of medical faculty

Author:candidate of medical sciences, assistant of professor L.L.Garmash

Basic tests of department.


Methods for examination of a patient in skin diseases. Deontology in the practice of dermatologist and venereologist.

1. During examination of patient it is necessary to keep the certain condition:

1) Illumination must be daily;*

2) A temperature in an apartment must be room temperature;*

3) Cutaneous covering of patient must be clean;*

4) For determination a diagnosis it is enough to examine only the affected place.

5) To examine all skin.*

2. What variants are correct?

1) The scraping of the lesions is used for determination of the phenomenon of psoriatic terminal film;*

2) The scraping of the lesions is used for determination of the phenomenon of punctate bleeding;*

3) Diascopy is used for determination of the phenomenon of apple jelly;*

4) Diascopy is used for determination of inflammation of skin;*

5) Diascopy is used for determination of dermographism.

3. Skin tests can be:

1) Application;*

2) Drop method;*

3) Scarification;*

4) Intracutaneous;*

5) Hypodermic.

4. Layer scraping apply for determination:

1) Inflammation of skin;

2) Dermographism;

3) The psoriatic triad;*

4) Hidden desquamation;*

5) Nikolsky's sign.

5. Diascopy is used for determination:

1) Symptom of apple jelly*;

2) Acantholytic cells;

3) Nikolsky's sign;

4) Inflammation of skin*;

5) Pathogenic fungus.

6. Skin tests – it is:

1) Application;*

2) Scarification;*

3) Drop method;*

4) Intracutaneous;*

5) Layer scraping;

6) Baltser's test.

7. Methods of inspection of patient in dermatology are:

1) Clinical;*

2) Histological;*

3) Microbiological;*

4) Biochemical;*

5) Immunological;*

6) Statistical.

8. Name the objective methods of examination of patient:

1) Inspection;*

2) Palpation;*

3) Percussion;*

4) Auscultation;*

5) Statistical analysis.

9. Special dermatological methods of examination are:

1) Palpation;*

2) Scraping;*

3) Diascopy;*

4) Pilomotor reflex;*

5) Wickham's symptom.*

10. What research are conducted in laboratory conditions?

1) Blood test;*

2) Urine analysis;*

3) The Wassermann test;*

4) A Wood's lamp examination;

5) Blood investigations for sugar.*

11. Medical deontology is based on:

1) Humaneness;*

2) Kindness;*

3) Sympathy;*

4) Selflessness;*

5) Unselfishness.*

12. The conversation during the inspection of patient can be:

1) Informative character;

2) Explanatory character;

3) Convincing character;

4) All right.*


Anatomy, histology and physiology of the normal skin. Histomorphological changes in the skin.

1. In which layer is found melanin? (1 point)

1) Horny;

2) Dermis;

3) Granular layer;

4) Stratum basale;*

5) None of the above.

2. Sweat glands are classified into:

1) Anagen and Telogen;

2) Eccrine and Apocrine;*

3) Collagen and Apocrine;

4) Collagen and Telogen.

3. What basic elements are included in a horny layer?

1) Nucleus;

2) Keratogialin;

3) Keratin;*

4) Eleydin;

5) Melanin.

4. From what germinative zones develops an epidermis?

1) Entoderm;

2) Ectoderm;*

3) Dorzal mesoderm;

4) Ventral mezoderm;

5) Interstitial mezodermy.

5. The color of skin depends on:

1) Of the thickness of horny layer;*

2) Of the thickness of dermis;

3) Of the amount of melanin;*

4) Of occurrence of vessels in the skin;*

5) Of occurrence of carotin in the skin.*

6. Under radiation some cell of stratum basale were destroyed. What function of the last will weaken?

1) Protective;

2) Barrier;

3) Dielectric;

4) Regenerative;*

5) Sucking.

7. What types of pathohistological changes of skin are distinguished in the epidermis?

1) Acanthosis;*

2) Granulosis;*

3) Spongiosis;*

4) Papillomatosis;

5) Acantolysis.*

8. What basic elements are included in a basal layer?

1) Nucleus;*

2) Keratogialin;

3) Keratin;

4) Eleydin;

5) Melanin.*

9. Derma consists of:

1) Fibrous substances;*

2) Basic interstitial substance;*

3) Cellular elements;*

4) Granules of keratohyalin;

5) Hypodermic fatty tissue.

10. The arterial vessels of skin form:

1) Deep hypodermic vascular plexus;

2) Superficial vascular plexus;*

3) Intradermal vascular plexus;

4) Epidermal vascular plexus;

5) Capillaries of papillae.*

11. What cells produce a pigment melanin?

1) Keratinocytes;

2) Melanocytes;*

3) Langerhans cells;

4) Merkel cells;

5) T-lymphocytes.

12. What basic elements are included in granular layer?

1) Nucleus;*

2) Keratogialin;*

3) Keratin;

4) Eleydin;

5) Melanin.

13. Function of apocrine sweat glands:

1) Begin to function from the moment of birth of child;

2) The activity is linked with the period of pubescence;*

3) Related to the nervous system;*

4) Related to the endocrine system;*

5) Related to the gender.

14. The main function of the basal cell is:

1) Synthesis of eleydin;

2) Synthesis of keratin;

3) Mitosis;*

4) Secretion of a skin fat;

5) Permanent desquamation.

15. The dendritic cells with granules of deep-brown color in the cytoplasm are found in biopsy material of epidermis of patient’s skin. What are their name?

1) Intradermal macrophages;

2) Keratinocytes;

3) Merkel cells;

4) Melanocytes;*

5) Lymphocytes.

16. What basic elements are included in the prickle-cell layer?

1) Nucleus;*

2) Keratogialin;

3) Keratin;

4) Eleydin;

5) Melanin.*

17. To what type of glands belong sweat glands:

1) Compound alveolar;

2) Compound tubular;

3) Simple tubular;*

4) Simple alveolar;

5) Compound tubuloalveolar.

18. What layers are distinguished in the dermis?

1) Basal;

2) Papillary;*

3) Vascular;

4) Reticular;*

5) Lucid.

19. The blood vessels locate in:

1) Epidermis;

2) Epithelium;

3) Papillary layer;*

4) Reticular layer;*

5) Hypoderm.*

20. The trauma of skin has happened with the damage of the reticular layer. From which cells will be the regeneration of this layer?

1) Macrophages;

2) Melanoblasts;

3) Lymphoblasts;

4) Fibroblasts;*

5) Neuroblasts.

21. What basic elements are included in the lucid layer?

1) Nucleus;

2) Keratogialin;

3) Keratin;

4) Eleydin;*

5) Melanin.

22. To what type of glands belong sebaceous glands:

1) Simple tubular unbranched;

2) Simple alveolar branched;*

3) Compound alveolar;

4) Compound tubular;

5) Compound tubuloalveolar.

23. The basic cellular components of dermis are:

1) Fibroblasts;*

2) Fibrocytes;*

3) Histiocytes;*

4) Keratinocytes;

5) Mastocytes.*

24. What inflammatory pathohistological changes of skin are distinguished in the epidermis?

1) Granulosis;

2) Acanthosis;

3) Acantolysis;

4) Spongiosis;*

5) Ballooning degeneration.*

25. The most superficial layer of skin is:

1) Dermis;

2) Stratum corneum;*

3) Stratum basale;

4) Stratum spinosum;

5) Stratum granulosum.

26. What layer of skin can be found in thick skin, but can’t be found in thin?

1) Stratum corneum;

2) Stratum basale;

3) Stratum granulosum;

4) Stratum spinosum;

5) Stratum lucidum.*

27. A basic function of the skin is protection from:

1) Abrasion;

2) Ultraviolet light;

3) Entry of microorganisms;

4) Dehydration;

5) All of these.*

28. The layer of skin that is composed of dense connective tissue and has projections called papillae is the:

1) Dermis;*

2) Hypodermis;

3) Stratum corneum;

4) Stratum basale;

5) Stratum lucidum.

29. This layer contains loose connective tissue and has about half of the body's stored fat:

1) Dermis;*

2) Hypodermis;

3) Stratum corneum;

4) Stratum basale;

5) Stratum lucidum.

30. The specific layer that shapes the ridges for fingerprints and footprints is the:

1) Hypodermis;

2) Papillary layer of the dermis;*

3) Reticular layer of the dermis;

4) Underlying muscle layer;

5) Superficial bony layer.

31. The epidermis is nourished by diffusion from capillaries in the:

1) Epidermis;

2) Reticular layer of the dermis;

3) Papillary layer of the dermis;*

4) Hypodermis;

5) Subcutaneous tissue.

32. The outermost layer of the skin is the:

1) Hypodermis;

2) Subcutaneous layer;

3) Epidermis;*

4) Dermis;

5) Subcutaneous tissue.

33. All of the following are functions of the skin except:

1) Protection;

2) Vitamin B synthesis;*

3) Temperature regulation;

4) Sensation.

34. The protein that helps protect the skin and underlying tissue is:

1) Melanin;

2) Melatonin;

3) Keratin;*

4) Actin.

35. The cells producing the pigment responsible for skin color are the:

1) Keratinocytes;

2) Melanocytes;*

3) Adipocytes.

4) Merkel cells.

36. All of the following are accessory organs of the skin EXCEPT:

1) Hair;

2) Nails;

3) Pain receptors;*

4) Sweat glands.

37. The bundle of smooth muscles associated with hair follicles is called:

1) Orbicularis muscle;

2) Sebaceous bundle;

3) Arrector pili;*

4) None of the above.

38. The pH of the skin is around

1) 5.0;

2) 8.0;

3) 7.0;

4) 5.5.*

39. Star shaped cells situated in the basal layer of the epidermis which are called melanocytes produce:

1) Melatonin;

2) Melanin;*

3) Melanocyte stimulating hormone;

4) Elastin.

40. The sebaceous glands produce:

1) The acid mantle;

2) Sweat;

3) Heat;

4) Sebum.*

41. The function of the erector pili is to:

1) Constrict blood vessels;

2) Dilate blood vessels;

3) Make your hair grow;

4) Raise the hairs when you are cold.*

42. The basic elements of the immune system of skin are:

1) Langerhans cells;*

2) T-lymphocytes;*

3) Keratinocytes;

4) Merkel cells;

5) Meissner’s corpuscles.


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