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Options of creation of lessons with use of the electronic textbook

General information about electronic textbooks. | The psychologist and ergonomic requirements | Classification of tools for electronic textbooks | Structural organization of the electronic textbook | Electronic textbook as means of remote learning | The electronic textbook on the discrete mathematics. Methodical methods of their use in training in the discrete mathematics | Relations and their properties | Problem definition | Calculation of labor input of creation of a software product | Calculation of a salary of the programmer |

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1. The electronic textbook is used in case of study of a new material and its fixing (20 min. operation at the computer). Pupils at first poll by a traditional technique or by means of printing texts. Upon transition to study of a new material pupils in couples sit down at the computer, include it and start working with a structural formula and structural units of the paragraph under the direction of and according to the plan of the teacher.

2. The electronic model of the textbook can be used at a stage of fixing of a material. At this lesson the new material is studied by a normal method, and when fixing all pupils of 5-7 min. under the leadership of the teacher correlate the gained knowledge to a paragraph formula.

3. Within a combined lesson by means of the electronic textbook repetition and generalization of the studied material (15-17min is carried out.). Such option is more preferable to lessons of total repetition when on a course of a lesson it is required "to thumb through" contents of several paragraphs, to reveal a family tree of concepts, to repeat the most important facts and events, to define is causal investigative communications. At such level pupils shall have opportunity to work at first together (on a course of an explanation of the teacher), then in couples (on the instructions of the teacher), at last, individually (in turn).

4. Separate lessons can be devoted to independent study of a new material and compilation according to its totals of the structural formula of the paragraph. Such operation is carried out in groups of pupils (3-4 persons). In the lesson inference (10 min.) pupils address to an electronic formula of the paragraph, comparing it to the option. Thereby there is an union of pupils to research operation at a lesson, since low school age.

5. EU is used as a monitoring aid of assimilation by pupils of concepts. Then the monitoring system is a part of the electronic textbook. Results of testing of pupils on each subject are fixed and processed by the computer. Data of monitoring can be used by the pupil, the teacher, methodical services and administration. The percent of correctly solved tasks gives to the pupil an idea of how it acquired a training material, thus he can look, what structural units are acquired by it not fully, and afterwards to finish this material. Thus, the pupil to some extent can control doctrine process.

The teacher, in turn on the basis of the acquired information also has opportunity to control training activity. Results of a class on the contents as a whole I allow the teacher to see need of the organization of repetition on this or other structural unit for achievement of a maximum level of literacy. Considering results of certain pupils of structural units, it is possible to draw similar outputs on each certain pupil and to make the relevant methodical decisions in respect of personal operation. At last, It is possible to trace dynamics of training of the pupil in a subject. Good stable results of some pupils gives the chance to the teacher to build for them a personal object path.

Thicket results of monitoring on the contents are interesting to methodical associations and chairs of teachers. They receive the complete information about assimilation of each structural unit by pupils of all parallel. On the basis of such data the material which caused difficulties in pupils that allows at meetings of chairs comes to light and within creative groups to develop methodical recommendations about overcoming of these difficulties. School administrations the system of pedagogical monitoring allows to trace level of knowledge of pupils in subjects, to see its dynamics, to speed up methodical operation of teachers on specific problems of the content of education, to control an optimality of the curriculum and on the basis of data of pedagogical monitoring to realize its adjustment.

The information technology opens opportunity better to realize nature of the object, actively to join in process of its knowledge for pupils, independently changing both its parameters, and operating conditions. In this regard, the information technology not only can have the positive impact on understanding school students of a structure and entity of functioning of object, but that is more important, and on their mental development. Use of information technology allows quickly and to reveal objectively level of mastering of a material pupils that is very essential in training activity.

Scientists considered use of electronic technique for compilation of examinations, simulation of physical processes and the phenomena, computerizations of physical experiment, the solution of tasks and carrying out the quantitative calculations, development by pupils of algorithms and the action programs on the basis of computers, implementation of self-checking and the standardized monitoring of knowledge.

Problem of rate of assimilation by pupils of a material by means of the computer (a problem of a possible individualization of training in case of cool and fixed system).

Use of learning PPS is resulted by a training activity individualization. Each pupil acquires a material according to the plan, i.e. according to the personal abilities of perception. As a result of such training through 1-2 lessons (occupation) pupils will already be at different stages (levels) of study of a new material. It will lead to that the teacher won't be able to continue training of school students on traditional cool and fixed system. The main objective of such training consists in that pupils were at one stage before study of a new material and thus all allowed time for operation was taken from them. Apparently, it can be reached in case of a combination different technology of training, and learning PPS shall contain some levels of complexity. In this case the pupil who quickly acquires information offered it, can view more difficult sections of this subject, and also work over fixing of a studied material. The feeble pupil by this moment will acquire that minimum information volume which is necessary for study of the subsequent material. In case of such approach to a solution the teacher has an opportunity to implement differentiated, and also different level training in the conditions of traditional school teaching.

By comparison of options we will recognize that training it is carried out preferentially according to the deductive diagram, i.e. by differentiation of some "rather primitive, but an integral basis". On ethane of introduction of knowledge the pupil passes from total absence of knowledge but a subject to study to mastering by them as a first approximation. Taking into account the mentioned diagram this transition shall be carried out so that the pupil had the general, not a differentiated frame of the required knowledge, some general idea about a subject. The main form of assimilation — verbal, it is frequent in the form of educational rules, the solution of tasks plays preferentially supporting illustrative role. The stage passes with the maximum help from the teacher.

At the stage of training consisting in the solution of tasks, the verbal knowledge turns into ability and skill, acquires definition, determinacy. The solution of tasks rotates in the principal training aid there is a differentiation of the initial knowledge, it is filled with quotients, details. This stage considerably exceeding first on difficulty of duration, is carried out with the minimum help from the teacher or even in case of its total absence.

Computer training is possible in principle at both stages, but it is expedient. Ho most often on the second.

Argument is that fact decisive that the identity of the teacher plays a huge stimulating role for which no equivalent in case of computer introduction of knowledge exists in case of knowledge introduction and in the near future can't essentially appear. Database (memory) on which the teacher leans and which includes not only the knowledge acquired as a result of externally organized and, to a certain extent, standardized training, but also and the extra mental experience including products of involuntary mental activities, it is incomparable more richly than that that can be at the disposal of the computer. At a training stage where independent operation of pupils prevails, the significance of this factor is close to zero.

Computer training allows to eliminate long ago a known defect of the school training, consisting that it often remains more or less incomplete as it is carried out preferentially at the level of a stage of introduction of knowledge. Educational process is built usually by the principle of a nested doll, i.e. assimilation of the subsequent subject requires sure possession previous, up to ability to solve problems. But school resources on training don't suffice, and for many pupils training is reduced to result of a chain of not completely acquired subjects.

It is very essential that automation of training allows to guarantee assimilation of adequate knowledge and correction of the errors which have arisen at the previous stage. In case of study of the discrete mathematics the technique of diagnosing of the psychological reasons of errors, applicable, probably, and for other subjects for this purpose can be used.

For these reasons, speaking further about a training computerization, we will preferentially mean a stage of training and, therefore, those subjects which assimilation assumes execution of numerous exercises. Mathematicians, mathematician, languages, etc. are that, for example, the discrete.

The training problem is long ago on the periphery of scientific interests of researchers that caused its low psychology and pedagogical familiarity. We will mark in this regard two its aspects.

First, it is insufficiency of available information for the organization of rational training even within traditional school training. No, for example, scientifically reasonable technique of selection of training tasks. In school practice sets of such tasks are formed, as a rule, empirically at the level of intuition of originators and individually for each case. I didn't receive an output in practice and the phenomenon of the negative impact described by P. A. Shevarev on communication training between structures of educational knowledge and educational tasks isn't researched.

The second aspect of theoretical undevelopment of training — it isn't probed specifically computer side and, as a result — absence of scientific criteria and valuation methods of the learning computer programs (LCP), and also regulatory base of their production. Naturally therefore that provided today the OKP market (their state production is absent) — as a rule, the products of intuition deprived of scientific reasons, and insufficiency of their quality long ago is already marked in literature. Judgments on domination in production of OKP of intuition of programmers, are expressed on inadmissibility "school literacy empty, though by externally effective learning programs", on need of implementation in education not new information technologies generally, but only their progressive options as "not any new deserves implementation, especially — in such delicate sphere as education, for example.

Therefore scientific approach is necessary for successful implementation in school of computer training, "serious (the systematic analysis "knowledge and abilities" from the point of view of the contracted mental actions containing in them and operations of these which were an internal basis "knowledge and abilities" which just and needs to be torn in programs ra6oty educational computers".

We will mean thus, computer training — a new method of formation of the knowledge which impact on pupils can be only the positive, but also the negative, i.e. under certain conditions it can lead educational process to negative results and do harm to mentality of pupils. Respectively we will speak further about ecologically dangerous and ecologically safe OKP. OKP in case of which compilation the phenomenon mentioned above is ignored can be ecologically dangerous in particular.

Today in pedagogics and psychology much attention is paid to a development question in training activity of creative abilities of pupils. Here we recognize that training — one of necessary and major utilities high learning efficiency and development of creative potential of pupils.

It is necessary to apply to a solution of the problem of a ratio of "computer" and "human" thinking along with information methods of training and traditional. Using different technologies of training, we will accustom pupils to different methods of perception of a material: reading pages of the textbook, explanation of the teacher, obtaining information from the screen of the monitor and other. On the other hand, training and controlling programs shall give to the user opportunity of creation of own algorithm of actions, instead of impose to it ready, created by the programmer. Thanks to creation of own algorithm of actions the pupil starts systematizing and applying knowledge available for it to real conditions that is especially important for their judgment.

The information technology will allow pupils to realize model objects, conditions of their existence, improving, thus, understanding of a studied material and that is especially important, their mental development. It is necessary to mark that the computer as pedagogical means, is used at school, as a rule, incidentally. This results from the fact that by development of the modern course of the discrete mathematics there was no question of a binding to it information technology. Use of the computer therefore, it is expedient only in case of study of separate subjects where there is an obvious possibility of variability. For systematic use of information technology in training activity it is necessary to overwork (to upgrade) all school course of the discrete mathematics.

When planning lessons it is necessary to find an optimum combination of such programs to other (traditional) training aids. Existence of back coupling with possibility of computer diagnostics of the errors made by pupils in the course of operation, allows to conduct a lesson taking into account specific features of pupils. Monitoring of the same material can be exercised with different level of depth and a completeness, at optimum speed, for each specific person. Thus, it is supposed that it is most expedient to apply information technology to implementation of preliminary monitoring of knowledge where fast and exact information on mastering of knowledge by pupils, in need of creation of an information flow of a training material or for simulation of different physical entities is required.

Methodical aspects of a combination of traditional and information technologies in training allow to select educational subjects of the traditional course which study can be carried out with PEVM use.

the first look is a set of the material objects (the phenomena, processes) which the pupil needs to analyze and systematize for explanation of a studied material.

the second look is a set of different conditions and parameters which are selected (are set, entered by the pupil or the teacher, the programmer) for the purpose of receiving a certain result (job execution) computer experiment.

Visualization of the I kind is everything that pupils see directly as a result of carrying out real physical experiments (external and internal appearance of buildings, shops of different physical productions and etc.).

Visualization of the II kind is a character (model) record of carried-out or shown physical processes and the phenomena,

Visualization of the III kind is a multimedia visualization which allows not only to combine in the speaker of visualization of I and the II sorts, but also considerably to expand and enrich their opportunities with introduction of fragments of a multimedia thanks to information technology. Distinctive feature of the III type of visualization is possibility of combining of a real physical entity and its entity at different levels. Along with it the computer gives opportunity to the user (to the pupil or the teacher) actively to be connected to demonstrations, accelerating, decelerating or repeating, as required, a studied material, to control and simulate difficult physical processes, to systematize, classify and fix on the monitor screen necessary information, etc.

From classification of evident means and offered above determination it is visible that visualization of the III kind allows to study and simulate with high performance a physical entity and conditions of its existence, promotes increase of mental development of pupils.

Thus, it is obvious that application of information technology in training activity of the discrete mathematics according to traditional programs is possible only incidentally, in case of study of separate subjects. For more full and systematic application of information technology in training activity of the discrete mathematics it is necessary to process school programs according to the accounting of opportunities of the computer and the selection criteria developed by us and structuring the contents. By operation with computer programs it is necessary to distinguish the terms "information" and "information stream". Training of pupils in the environment of a flow of educational information also is information technology of training.

By preparation of this manual the training material was picked specially up according to the program in the discrete mathematics for comprehensive schools. The most widespread textbooks were the basis for the present manual on the discrete mathematics:

For convenience of the user of the name of the subjects which have entered this manual, practically match the appropriate paragraphs of the specified textbooks. And study of this manual is very similar to repetition of all school course of the discrete mathematics at the level of requirements of comprehensive school. However in some questions the material nevertheless is beyond basic requirements, and some questions discussed in quoted textbooks, in the manual are lowered. Some offset of accents in material presentation in comparison with basic course is connected to desire of authors to provide a material is most oblate, but without loss of the main ideas.

On repetition of one subject it is enough to lead out one day. Thus, full repetition of all school course of the discrete mathematics possibly in two months of operation with the manual. Operation with the present manual ("live" operation at the computer, the solution of tests and tasks) also assumes operation with textbooks.

Manual structure such is. The user can begin operation over one of sixty specific questions on five primary partitions of school discrete mathematics: mechanics, molecular the discrete mathematician, electricity and magnetism, electromagnetic waves and optics, relativity theory and quantum the discrete of mathematician.

The user will find in each question:

The text with the formulas, containing a subject explanation (sometimes minimum necessary, for more difficult questions — torn).

Figures and the diagrams relating to a subject and containment elements of animation, and also the mandatory member of user interaction allowing in many cases to change parameters in formulas for physical regularities and immediately to trace result of these changes on the screen.

Biographic data on some scientists who have made an important contribution to development of the discrete mathematics.

Tests for assimilation of a material of a subject (in case of desire opportunity to see the full correct solution of the first dough is given; the second test gives only the correct answer).

Tasks on a subject (the first task is provided with the full decision, for the second — the answer is given only).

Possibility of a call at any moment of the helps concerning system of units, fundamental physical constants, tables of numerical values of a row of physical quantities.

Possibility of a call of the reference manual of basic formulas on mathematics.

Besides, video fragments of real experiments are included in the manual.

In case of presentation of questions didn't adhere to strict sequence and it was used where it seemed justified, data from course, for example, the 11th class in case of discussion of a subject which is formally passed in the 9th class. Same concerns tasks and tests: in some cases their statements contain the data relating to the subsequent sections of course. In case of presentation of questions of mechanics, molecular discrete mathematics and electromagnetism widely used mathematical receptions (in particular, differentiation and integration) which are taken place in the last class. We will emphasize that the offered manual isn't intended for sequential study of the discrete mathematics by school students of the 9th and 10th classes. The user — is the school student of the 11th class, the graduate of technical training college or any other person who wishes to repeat effectively for rather short term all school course of the discrete mathematics at the level allowing adequately to pass final examinations and to pass admission examination on the discrete mathematics in the majority of technical colleges of the country.

In case of presentation of separate subjects the following serious deviations from contents of the basic textbook are allowed. The material concerning the graph theory is completely overworked and is significantly expanded. It is connected by belief what exactly questions of the discrete mathematics of the XXI century are most poorly reflected in operating textbooks and require other approaches in presentation. At the same time omitted (at least, in this version of the manual) discussion of questions of conductance of metals and semiconductors as, it is necessary to explain them with attraction of the minimum data from quantum mechanics or at that "philological" level which is accepted in the standard textbook and which can be quite mastered when reading this textbook.

Tasks are in the end of each subject (the first task is provided with the full decision, for the second – the answer is given only);

in those tasks which provide obtaining the numerical response, monitoring of correctness of the response with an accuracy given in a condition (when obtaining the numerical response it must be kept in mind that value of free fall acceleration was accepted equal 9,81 m / с2, and value of light velocity was accepted equal 3•108 m / by c) is provided;

tests are collected at the end of each section (for the first dough on this subject the decision is provided, for the second – only the response).

The user can receive brief information on this or that physical term in the Glossary and in case of desire immediately to get to the section where this term is discussed.

In the manual the tree-structured system of nested hyperlinks allowing a message search in separate article, in all material and search in articles which specify hyperlinks is created.

In the course of operation over the manual the user can also:

to do tabs on subjects to which he assumes to return. In principle, the system of tabs allows to construct sequence of questions which require secondary study;

to use "History of relocation" where the last 64 sections (including tests and tasks, biographies are specified and reference materials) to which the user addressed during this session with the manual;

to look at the operation diary where all data on operation of the user over the manual (the general operating time with the program, time spent on study of each question, etc.) are remembered. Data on correctly solved tests and tasks (for which there is an opportunity to enter the response) are entered in the diary, the decision reached from the first attempt in this session with the manual is thus fixed only;

to use the Album in which all slides of this manual (including illustrations, animations, video experiences, interactive illustrations, tasks and tests) are collected. At will, it is possible to view an album in a row, returning to that section where this illustration is used, or to consider the slides collected on subjects.



Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 75 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Development of systems of testing and monitoring of knowledge of pupils| Reasons for need of development of the Electronic textbook on the discrete mathematics

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