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The psychologist and ergonomic requirements

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New opportunities cause development of new properties of the software, especially forms of communication of the person with a computer. It is necessary to provide psychological naturalness of activities of the user with a computer, adequacy of the program to the purposes and training functions, convenience of operation of the user about a computer and saving its health. Psychology and ergonomics are one of the most important characteristics of quality of PS (software), widely advocated and now "friendliness of the software" just and assumes existence of psychological-ergonomic support of development of software.

Application of PS places special focuses between psychological and ergonomic support of the didactic purposes. Psychological naturalness according to age opportunities of the user is closely connected to support of such, ergonomic requirements, as perceptibility of information, separation of special zones for special information, etc. As G. S. Tseytin any software development marks includes the task of design of activities of future user of created system. In practice of automation issues of design of activities of future user are usually resolved spontaneously, at best on the basis of experience of authors of system technical supply, and most often proceeding from accidental reasons. Moreover, the project of activities of the user isn't a part of documentation on automated system, isn't the finished product of its development. And as a result are absent psychologically and ergonomically reasonable decisions on such important issues, as class definition of tasks decided by the user, design of language of its interaction with a computer, a choice of a type of a dialog, development of display formats that leads, as a rule, to low motivation at users in case of the solution of tasks using a computer, to lowering of efficiency of their activities, increased fatigue, to origin of difficulties in an application of funds of ADP equipment.

Project program and research approach to creation of psychological-ergonomic support technical and software of activities of the user was offered. The initial stage of project development of activities of the user of a computer includes the next project, systematically, psychological and ergonomic moments:

• - systemically - psychological characteristics of the user;

• - the logic-psychological description of a class of tasks solved by means of PS;

• - the list of software supports of the main standard procedures of the solution of the specified tasks;

• - the structure declaration of the computerized activities including those actions, procedures, implementers, effective strategy of implementation of information technologies.

It is necessary to consider personal distinctions of users, in particular to provide possibility of obtaining information of different level of a detail.

In case of a choice of data representation forms on the screen of the computer it is necessary to proceed not only from the content of educational activities, but also from those opportunities which are given by the computer for: implementations of effective strategy of the decision and achievement of such purposes which in case of "manual" technology are unattainable.

Due to the special rhythm of communication of the person with a computer the special role is acquired by a problem of understanding of texts. It concerns not only understanding of texts of programs, but also understanding of those texts which are shown to the user on the computer screen. It is necessary to research as new skills and abilities are acquired when using such new means as the computer.

By PS development ergonomic requirements can be provided to procedure of interaction of the user with a computer; to types of a dialog of the user with a computer; to design of display formats; to error control of the user; to temporal parameters of a dialog of the user with a computer; the information organizations on the screen; to information coding on the screen; to languages of interaction of the user of a computer.

It is possible to select a number of ergonomic requirements to the information organization on the screen:

• - the information shown on the screen, shall be clear, logically downlink, distributed on groups on the contents and the functional purpose;

• - in case of the information organization on the screen it is necessary to avoid excess coding and unjustified, badly identified abbreviations;

• - it is recommended to minimize on the screen use of the terms relating to a computer, instead of the terms customary for the user;

• - it isn't necessary to use edge zones of the screen for information representation;

• - on the screen there shall be only that information which is processed by the user at present.

In the modern software a row of receptions for separation of part of information on the screen is used: restructuring information and separation of zones, windows for selected part of information, and also the inverse image for part of information and the different effects drawing attention of users (flashing, etc.). Use of these receptions shall be psychologically justified especially for PS, is functionally caused and is ergonomic.

It is recommended: to place question-answer messages and helps in the upper part of the screen, selecting the zone explicitly led-out for this purpose, for example separating it the horizontal line from the main information on the screen; different types of the message need to be separated from each other, in a zone of auxiliary information. For example, it is possible to recommend to apply the inverse image to helps; placement zones on the screen of auxiliary information shall be accurately identified - a zone of helps, a zone of comments, a zone of control messages, a zone for error messages; when zoning the screen change of scale of signs in a separate zone is allowed; the effects drawing attention of the user of PEVM (the flashing, the increased brightness, the reverse contrast), it is necessary to apply strictly according to the project of activities of the user, only when, it is necessary and psychologically justified.



Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 64 | Нарушение авторских прав

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