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Calculation of a salary of the programmer

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Official salary of the programmer depending on his qualification:


Ds = 65000 tenge


Annual amount of a salary:

Sy = Ds * 12; (4.7)

where 12 – number of months in a year.

Sy = 65000 * 12 = 780000 tenge;


Award for work good results:

Sy *%P

P =;

100 (4.8)

where award percent %P = 7.


780000 *7

P = = 54600 tenge


Main salary:

MS = Sгод + P; (4.9)


MS = 780000 + 54600 =834600 tenge;


Percent of an additional salary:



До *100%

%ДЗП = + 1%;

Дк – Дв – Дп - До (4.10)


where До = 42 – holidays;

Дк = 365 – calendar days;

Дв = 104 – weekends;

Дп = 12 – holidays.



%AS = + 1 = 20,29%;

365 – 104 – 12 – 42


Additional salary:


AS =;

100 (4.11)


834600 *20,29

AS = = 169340,34 tenge;


General salary fund:

OffS = MS +MS; (4.12)


OffS = 834600 + 169340,34 = 1003940,34 tenge;


General salary fund from ESN


OffSesn = OffSр-н * 0,11; (4.13)


where 0,11 – ставка СН (социальный налог), установлен в размере 11% с 01.01.2009 года.


OffSesn = 1003940,34* 0,11 = 110433,4374 tenge;


Annual fund of working hours:

Fгод = (Dk – Dv – Dp – Do) * tсм; (4.14)

Fy = (365-104-12-42) * 8 = 1656 hour;


Hourly average rate of the programmer:


OffS р-н

Счас =;

Fy (4.15)



Счас = = 606,24 tenge;


Expense on compensation of a developer of the program:


Ss= Сh * Т; (4.16)


Ss = 357,14 * 252 = 90000,5 tenge;

Costs for consumable materials


Table 4.4 – Consumable materials

Cost items Price, tenge Quantity Amount, tenge
Cartridge 4500,00 1,00 4500,00
A4 paper 900,00 1,00 900,00
File folder 400,00 1,00 400,00
Handle 130,00 1,00 130,00
Pencil 30,00 1,00 30,00
Eraser 40,00 1,00 40,00
Laser disk 120,00 1,00 120,00
  Итого: Sрм  



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