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General information about electronic textbooks.

Classification of tools for electronic textbooks | Structural organization of the electronic textbook | Electronic textbook as means of remote learning | The electronic textbook on the discrete mathematics. Methodical methods of their use in training in the discrete mathematics | Relations and their properties | Problem definition | Development of systems of testing and monitoring of knowledge of pupils | Options of creation of lessons with use of the electronic textbook | Reasons for need of development of the Electronic textbook on the discrete mathematics | Calculation of labor input of creation of a software product |

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Content 2

Introduction. 4

1. General information about electronic textbooks. 5

1.1 Requirements to system "electronic textbook". 6

1.2 Requirements to projection system "electronic textbook". 6

1.3 The psychologist - ergonomic requirements. 8

1.4 Classification of tools for electronic textbooks. 9

1.5 Traditional algorithmic languages. 10

1.6 Tools of general purpose. 10

1.7 Multimedia. 10

1.8 Hypertext and hypermedia of means. 11

1.9 Criteria of a choice of tools. 11

1.10 Structural organization of the electronic textbook. 12

1.11 Duties of the electronic textbook. 12

1.12 Electronic textbook as means of distance learning. 13

2. The electronic textbook on discrete mathematics. Methodical methods of their use in training in discrete mathematics. 17

2.1 Instrumental use of the computer – the software and methodical support. 17

2.2 What is discrete mathematics?. 18

2.2.1 Logic. 18

2.2.2 Propositions. 18

2.2.3 Bit operations. 21

2.2.4 Propositional Equivalences. 22

2.2.5 Logical Equivalences. 22

2.2.6 Functionally complete collection of logical operators. 24

2.2.7 Predicates and Quantifiers. 24

2.2.8 Quantifiers. 25

2.2.9 Binding variables. 26

2.2.10 Negations. 27

2.2.11 Sets. 27

2.2.12 Cartesian products. 29

2.2.13 Set operations. 29

2.2.14 Set identities. 30

2.3 Functions. 30

2.3.1 One-to one and onto functions. 31

2.3.2 Inverse functions and compositions of functions. 31

2.3.3 Methods of proof 32

2.3.4 Rules of inference. 32

2.3.5 Rules of inference for quantified statements. 34

2.4 Counting. 35

2.4.1 Basic counting principles. 35

2.4.2 The inclusion-exclusion principle. 36

2.4.3 The Pigeonhole Principle. 36

2.4.4 Permutations. 37

2.4.5 Combinations. 38

2.4.6 The binomial theorem. 39

2.4.7 Permutations with repetition. 39

2.4.8 Combinations with repetition. 40

2.4.9 Permutations of sets with indistinguishable objects. 40

2.5 Relations and their properties. 41

2.5.1 Combining relations. 41

2.5.2 Representing relations using matrices. 42

2.5.3 Representing relations using digraphs. 42

2.5.4 Equivalence relations. 42

2.5.5 Lexicographic order 43

2.5.6 Hasse diagrams. 44

2.5.7 Maximal and minimal elements. 45

3 Implementation of the electronic textbook on discrete mathematics. 46

3.1 Problem definition. 46

3.2 Choice of a platform of implementation. 47

3.3 Structural matrix of the electronic textbook on the discrete mathematics. 47

3.4 Composition of the main chapters of the electronic textbook. 47

3.4.1 Heads the devoted theories of sets. 47

3.5 Development of systems of testing and monitoring of knowledge of pupils. 48

3.6 Options of creation of lessons with use of the electronic textbook. 49

4 Economical Part 56

4.1 Reasons for need of development of the Electronic textbook on the discrete mathematics. 56

4.2 Calculation of labor input of creation of a software product. 58

4.3 Calculation of a salary of the programmer 60

4.4 Costs for consumable materials. 61

4.5 General running costs. 61

4.6 Cost budget on development of the software product. 62

5 Labor protection and industrial ecology. 65

5.1 General information on enterprise labor protection. 65

5.2 Analysis of dangerous and harmful production factors. 66

5.3 Production sanitation and occupational health. 66

5.4 Electrical Safety. 66

5.5 Fire safety. Reasons of emergence of a fire. 68

5.5.1 Safety requirements before a cut-in. 69

5.5.2 Safety requirements in operating time. 69

5.5.3 Safety requirements in the emergency cases. 69

5.5.4 Safety requirements upon termination of works. 69

5.5.5 Accident prevention. 69

5.6 Engineering calculations. 70

Conclusion. 72

List of references. 73





The second half of the XXI century became the transition period to information societies. Strong growth of information volumes, accepted nature of information blowup in all spheres of human activities.

Information blowup generated a set of the problems the most important of which is the training problem. The questions connected to automation of training as "manual methods" without use of technical means exhausted long ago the opportunities are of special interest. The most available form of automation of training is computer application, that is use of machine time for training and processing pupils results of control inquiry of knowledge. The increasing use of computers allows to automate, and thereby to simplify that difficult procedure which is used also by teachers in case of creation of methodical manuals. Thereby, different representation of "electronic textbooks", methodical manuals on the computer has a row of important advantages. First, it is automation both the process of creation of those, and data storage in any necessary form. Secondly, it is operation with almost unlimited data volume. Creation of computer technologies in training adjoins to issuing of manuals of the new generation meeting needs of the identity of the trainee. Educational issues of new generation are urged to provide unity of educational process and the modern, innovative scientific researches, i.e. feasibility of use of new information technologies in educational process and, in particular, different so-called "electronic textbooks". The effect from application of means of the computer equipment in training can be reached only when the expert of data domain isn't restricted in means information representations, communications and operation with databases and knowledge.

Use of computers in training of students creates possibility of use them for classroom (lecture and laboratory), classroom and independent and independent occupations. Now, in all above-mentioned cases, the software of general purpose - text editors, electronic spreadsheets, etc. is used generally, but in our judgment use of specialized learning systems is necessary. There is a set of different approaches to classification of learning computer programs, but a consensus and according to the general classification isn't present that is marked by a row of authors. One of offered classifications is based on the purposes and tasks of learning programs or usage modes of automated learning systems, with separation of the following types: illustrating, advising, an operating environment, trainers, learning monitoring" [1, p. 5].

Analyzing and generalizing different classifications, E.I. Mashbits also specifies absence of uniform classification, and offers "the following five types: a) training, b) tutorial, c) problem training, d) imitative and simulating, e) game" [5, p. 27]. One of forms of computer learning systems is the electronic textbook which depending on the put opportunities can be carried to different types. Some authors [3, p. 13-14] suppose, and it is necessary to agree with their judgment that the electronic textbook shall check assimilation of knowledge, show a new portion of information, only after assimilation of the previous. Thus, the electronic textbook is put in one row with automated learning systems, but they in our judgment can't be identified completely. That’s why it is necessary to decide on terminology.

The electronic textbook - the computer, pedagogical software intended, first of all, for presentation to new information, adding the printing issues, serving for the personal and individualized training and allowing in a limited measure to test the gained knowledge and abilities of the trainee. The automated learning system is the also computer, pedagogical software intended, both for presentation of new information, and for learning to skills and abilities, the intermediate and total testing (examination), possessing developed system of the help, both according to the most learning program, and for the studied subject, possessing possibility of sub setup to the trainee (to his level of knowledge, speed and an advance way on a studied material, etc.) possessing developed system of collection and processing of statistical information on the certain trainee, group and a flow of the trainees, accumulating information on often meeting errors by operation with learning system and errors on a studied subject or discipline.

The electronic textbook as educational means of new type, can be open or partially open system, i.e. such system which allows to make changes to the contents and textbook structure.

Thus, naturally, there shall be a restriction from unauthorized change of the textbook so that, first, the law "About Copyright and Related Rights" wasn't broken, and the password or system of passwords shall be applied to protection of the electronic textbook against unauthorized change.

In the second, changes if such opportunity is provided, shall be allowed only the skilled teacher that the general structure and contents of the electronic textbook wasn't broken.

Modification of the electronic textbook can be demanded, first of all, for adaptation it to the specific curriculum considering specifics of studied discipline in this universities, possibility of material - technical basis, a personal experience of the teacher, the current state of science, a basic level of readiness of trainees, volume of the hours selected for study of discipline, etc.

It is necessary to mark that the electronic textbook not to repeat simply printing issues, and use all modern achievements of computer technologies.

Today criteria of an assessment of computer programs on the discrete mathematics and a practical technique of application of electronic textbooks in training in the discrete mathematics are insufficiently developed. Therefore operation purpose:

1. To analyze the computer programs used in training in the discrete mathematics, from the point of view of their efficiency in training and simplicity of operation with them.

2. To develop methodical approach to application of electronic textbooks when training in the discrete mathematics.

Methodical aspects of use of PPS are more learning - controlling type on occupations on the discrete mathematics and their combination to traditional technology.




General information about electronic textbooks.

What is "The electronic textbook" and in what its differences from the normal textbook? Usually electronic textbook represents a set of the training, controlling, simulating and other programs placed on magnetic carriers (solid or flexible disks) PEVM in which the main scientific maintenance of a subject matter is reflected. EU often adds normal, and is especially effective when it: provides practically the instantaneous back communication; helps to find quickly necessary information (including context-sensitive search) which search in the normal textbook is complicated; significantly saves time in case of repeated references to hypertext explanations; along with the short text - shows, tells, simulates, etc. (exactly opportunities here are shown and advantages of multimedia technologies) allows quickly, but at speed the most suitable for a specific individual to check knowledge of a certain section.

It is possible to refer to shortcomings of EU not absolutely good physiology of the display as means of perception of information (perception from the screen of text information is much less convenient and it is effective, than reading the book) and higher cost in comparison with the book.



1.1 Requirements to system "electronic textbook"


Basis the principles for the environment of electronic textbooks include.

For effective functioning of the person in electronic system of training regardless of the task solved by the researcher, methods of visualization of basic data, the intermediate results of processing providing the uniform form of submission of the current and finite information in the form of displays, adequate to visual sensation of the person and the received results convenient for single-digit interpretation are of particular importance. The important requirement of the interface is its intuitivism. It should be noted that controlling elements of the interface shall be convenient and noticeable, at the same time they shan't distract from the main contents, except for cases when controlling elements are the main contents.



1.2 Requirements to design system "electronic textbook"


Requirements to design system "electronic textbook" the Technique of teaching of the discrete mathematics is a private component of system of pedagogical sciences. Much attention in pedagogics is paid to the didactics justifying and opening the contents, methods and organizational forms of education. Training activity is built according to the didactic principles on the basis of visualization, consciousness, systematic character, accessibility and durability of assimilation of knowledge, skills. Important condition of strong assimilation of knowledge is art of the teacher to cause interest to a subject. It is necessary to remember that computer textbooks are only the means strengthening possibilities of the teacher, but not his substitute. From this point of view we consider the problems connected to development of computer school textbooks.

First, users we break into categories. In perception of information and the form of messages of users the essential role is played by personal factors. In automated learning systems of the characteristic of trainees shall be represented in the form of models of trainees. It is necessary to set number of indexes by which the trainee is characterized, thus indexes can change on time.

Secondly, we develop model of knowledge which defines set of knowledge, skills which needs to be created at the trainee. Based on information on, whether the object of training is transferred to a required status or not, the decision on training continuation is made.

The study of features of the identity of the trainee is necessary in order that it was possible to define, what external conditions, what forms of interaction with a computer are for it the most suitable. Important point is the accounting of models of system of memory of the person. By development of a dialog it is necessary to create functions of submission of information for storage of sensor information, short-term memory, long-time memory.За последние годы число школ и классов с углубленным изучением математики резко увеличилось. Система предназначена для углубленного изучения дискретной математики и рассчитана на поступающих в академии, университеты, а также на начинающих учителей школ с углубленным изучением математики.

AOS consists of a triptych of electronic textbooks: "Trainer", "Program", "Labour training".

"Trainer" contains a specific didactic material. The set of the tasks is given in it, first of all the increased difficulty. To tasks solutions are proposed. In the textbook materials of entrance examinations, the mathematical Olympic Games of different years, materials of summer schools and collections, the materials published in different issues for persons, interested in mathematics are given. For example, logs of "American Mathematical Monthly", "Alpha" etc.

In the textbook "Program" main objectives and tasks of profound study of mathematics at high school are listed. We don't concern standard programs and we read justified study it is aware of algebra of the section "Introduction in Boolean algebra". In this section are considered: commutability, associativity, reversibility, contractility, existence of a neutral element, the reverse element, independence of properties, uniqueness of a neutral element, uniqueness of the reverse element, with associativity of action, communication between a reducibility and reversibility; equivalence of different determination of group; cyclic subgroups; classification of movements; main groups of conversions.

It is aware of geometry we offer the section "Introduction in Lobachevsky's plane geometry" since the Lobachevski geometry has huge developing and methodological value therefore pupils shall be though to some extent with it are acquainted. We give a material according to the following program: property of exterior angle of a triangle, sign of parallelism of straight lines; defect of a triangle, its property; equivalence of the 5th postulate and the statement about equality of the amount of angles of a triangle; independence of parallelism of a choice of a point through which the straight line is drawn; Lobachevsky's function, sign of dispersing straight lines; sign of equality of triangles on three angles; proportionality of the area of a triangle and its defect; description of models of Cayley-Klein and Poincare.

The electronic textbook "Labor training" contains introduction in "Calculus mathematics". Here the pupil learns to transfer mathematical theorems to a practical harmony, to make computing algorithms. The textbook contains the following material: absolute and relative errors, actions with approximate values; the linear interpolation, direct and reverse; Lagrange's interpolation polynomial; decision of linear equation systems Gauss method; numerical solution of the equations (bisection method, method of chords, method of tangents; combined method of chords and tangents, method of iterations); the linear programming (the transport task, concept about a simplex-method); approximative integration (rectangular formula, trapezoid rule, Simpson's formula); numerical solution of differential equations; Euler's method.

Ease in mastering and use of this environment for generation of electronic textbooks is reached due to application of visual technologies and possibility of use by the specialist subject teacher of any text and graphics editors for writing of contents of the electronic textbook. For convenience of operation the environment on generation of electronic textbooks assumes project development by separate parts that allows to organize operation over the textbook of several specialists subject teachers.



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