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The ABC of marketing is marketing mix. As well as the standard four Ps (Product, Pricing, Promotion and Placement), services marketing calls upon an extra three, totalling seven and known together as the extended marketing mix. These are:
· People: Any person coming into contact with customers can have an impact on overall satisfaction. As part of a supporting service to a product, people are particularly important because, in the customer’s eyes, they are generally inseparable from the total service.
· Process: This is the process(es) involved in providing a service and the behaviour of people, which can be crucial to customer satisfaction.
· Physical evidence: Unlike a product, a service cannot be experienced before it is delivered, which makes it intangible. This, therefore, means that potential customers could perceive greater risk when deciding whether to use a service. To reduce the feeling of risk, thus improving the chance for success, it is often vital to offer potential customers the chance to see what a service would be like. This is done by providing physical evidence, such as case studies, testimonials or demonstrations.
Marketing tends to be seen as a creative industry. It’s true that marketing requires some artistic flair, and even though the work of the marketing department is increasingly constrained by legal restrictions, to be a good marketer you need to be imaginative, provocative and intuitive.
But marketing also demands a fair degree of scientific thinking. It is a complex profession, requiring a broad understanding of technology, an awareness of how to use data, plus a good grounding in a variety of other scientific and mathematical principles. Marketing is also influenced by many of the social sciences, particularly psychology, sociology, and economics.
Successful marketing requires both a deep knowledge of customers, competitors, and collaborators and great skill in deploying an organization’s capabilities so as to serve customers profitably.
Vocabulary notes:
1. the ABC [ֽeı bi: `si:] – абетка; основа;
2. marketing mix [`mα:kıtıŋ mıks] / [`mα:kətıŋ mıks] – маркетинговий комплекс; структура маркетингу;
3. to call upon [kO:l ə`pOn] / [kO:l ə`pα:n] – закликати; вимагати;
4. to total [`təutəl] / [`toutəl] – становити, дорівнювати; складати; нараховувати (про суму, число);
5. extended marketing mix [ık`stendıd `mα:kıtıŋ mıks] / [ık`stendıd `mα:kətıŋ mıks] – розширений маркетинговий комплекс;
6. impact [`ımpækt] – удар; поштовх; імпульс; вплив, дія;
7. overall [ֽəuvə r `O:l] / [ֽouv ə r`O:l] – повний, загальний, граничний; всеосяжний; скрізь, всюди, повсюдно; повністю;
8. supporting service [sə`pO:tıŋ `sə:vıs] / [sə`pO:rtıŋ `sə:vəs] – служба підтримки; допоміжні служби;
9. inseparable (from) [ın`sep ə rəbəl] – нероздільний, невіддільний; нерозлучний;
10. experienced [ık`spıəriəntst] / [ık`spıriəntst] – досвідчений, обізнаний, кваліфікований;
11. to deliver [dı`lıvə] / [dı`lıvər] – розносити; доставляти; передавати, вручати виробляти, постачати;
12. to perceive [pə`si:v] / [pər`si:v] – сприймати, розуміти, усвідомлювати; осягати; відчувати; почувати, розрізняти;
13. evidence [`evıd ə nts] – очевидність; підстава; доказ; доказ; свідчення (свідків);
14. case study [ֽkeıs `stAdi] – конкретне дослідження; цільове дослідження; дослідження на конкретному прикладі; приклад;
15. testimonial [ֽtestı`məuniəl] / [ֽtestı`məuniəl] – характеристика, рекомендаційний лист; рекомендація; колективний подарунок, підношення, нагорода (вручені публічно);
16. to tend [tend] – мати тенденцію; схилятися (до чогось); мати нахил (до чогось);
17. artistic flair [α:`tıstık fleə] / [α:r`tıstık fleər] – художнє чуття;
18. increasingly [ın`kri:sıŋli]– все більше й більше;
19. to constrain [kən`streın] – примушувати, змушувати; стримувати; обмежувати; стискувати;
20. legal restrictions [`li:gəl rı`strık∫ən] – правові обмеження
21. imaginative [ı`mæGınətıv] / [ı`mæG ə nətıv] – наділений багатою уявою; образний, багатий на поетичні образи;
22. provocative [prə`vOkətıv] / [prə`vα:kətıv] – задирливий, зухвалий; провокаційний;
23. intuitive [ın`tju: ətıv] / [ın`tu:ətıv] – інтуїтивний;
24. a fair degree [ֽfeə dı`gri:] / [ֽfeər dı`gri:] – достатньою мірою;
25. scientific thinking [ֽsa ı ən`tıfık `θıŋkıŋ] – наукове мислення;
26. awareness [ə`weənəs] / [ə`wernəs] – обізнаність, компетентність;
27. grounding (in) [`graundıŋ] – основи знань; знання основних принципів;
28. collaborator [kə`læbəreıtə] / [kə`læbəreıtər] – співробітник;
29. to deploy [dı`plOı] – розгортати; використовувати; вживати;
30. capability [ֽkeıpə`bıləti] – здібність, здатність; (невикористані, потенційні) можливості.
Task 12. Tick the correct sentence.
1. The ABC of marketing is the 5 Ss. The four Ps are considered to be the ABC of marketing. | ____ ____ |
2. Seven Ps are known as the extended marketing mix. Seven Ps are known as the standard marketing mix. | ____ ____ |
3. Customers’ overall satisfaction may depend on communication with people selling them a product. Salespeople coming into contact with customers have no impact on their overall satisfaction. | ____ ____ |
4. In the customer’s eyes, salespeople are generally inseparable from the total service. Salespeople are not particularly important as they are not part of a supporting service to a product. | ____ ____ |
5. Like a product, a service can be experienced before it is delivered. Unlike a product, a service cannot be experienced before it is delivered. | ____ ____ |
6. Marketing tends to be seen as a creative industry. Marketing does not require any artistic flair. | ____ ____ |
7. Marketing is a complex profession which requires a broad understanding of technology. Marketing is a creative industry which does not require understanding of technology. | ____ ____ |
Task 13. In the text “ Extended Marketing Mix” (Task 10) find the equivalents of the following words.
1. Закликати; 2. розширений; 3. основи, засади; 4. вплив, дія, імпульс; 5. нероздільний, невіддільний; 6. вирішальний, критичний; 7. очевидність, підстава, доказ; 8. зазнавати, випробувати; 9. сприймати, осягати, відчувати; 10. приклад, пошук прецедентів; 11. характеристика, атестат, свідоцтво, посвідчення; 12. художнє чуття (нюх); 13. правове обмеження; 14. наділений багатою уявою; 15. підбурювальний, провокуючий; 16. такий, що володіє інтуїцією; 17. чималий (значний) ступінь; 18. обізнаність, усвідомлення; 19. засвоєння основ (предмета); 20. конкурент, суперник; 21. співробітник; 22. (невикористані, потенційні) можливості.
Task 14. Find pairs of synonyms among the following words from the text “Extended Marketing Mix” (Task 10).
1. To demand; 2. awareness; 3. constraint; 4. to provide (a service); 5. crucial; 6. demonstration; 7. evidence; 8. knowledge; 9. restriction; 10. to deliver (a service); 11. to require; 12. vital;
Task 15. a) Use the words from the box to make up word-combinations (1-12).
knowledge | marketing | standard | services | overall | fair |
particularly | customer’s | principles | physical | to serve | legal |
1. _____ mix; 2. a _____ degree; 3. _____ important; 4. _____ marketing; 5. in the _____ eyes; 6. the _____ four Ps; | 7. _____ restrictions; 8. _____ satisfaction; 9. deep _____ of customers; 10. _____ customers profitably; 11. providing _____ evidence; 12. scientific and mathematical _____. |
b) Match the adjectives in column A (1-13) with the nouns in column B (a-m) to make up word-combinations.
A | B |
1.fair 2.deep 3.good 4.legal 5.social 6.overall 7.creative 8.physical 9.complex 10.potential 11.scientific 12.supporting 13.mathematical | a)satisfaction; b)knowledge; c)restrictions; d)profession; e)grounding; f)customers; g)principles; h)evidence; i)sciences; j)thinking; k)industry; l)service; m)degree; |
Task 16. a) Match the terms in column A with their definitions in column B.
A | B |
1. the ABC 2. collaborator 3. marketing mix 4. services marketing 5. customer satisfaction | a)a combination of factors that can be controlled by a company to influence consumers to purchase its products; b)a situation when customers are pleased with the goods or services they have bought; c)the parts or aspects of a subject or activity that you have to learn first because they are the most important and basic; d)someone that you work with to produce a piece of work, especially a book or some research; e)marketing based on relationship and value; it may be used to market a service or a product; |
b) Translate into Ukrainian paying special attention to the words in italics.
1. The term “marketing mix” was first used in 1953 by Neil Borden in his American Marketing Association presidential address.
2. Customer satisfaction with their mobile service runs at more than 90 per cent. I really believe that it is possible to both improve customer satisfaction and reduce costs.
3. In this job you need to know the ABC of chemistry.
4. The major difference in the education of services marketing versus regular marketing is that apart from the traditional “4 P’s,” Product, Price, Place, Promotion, there are three additional “P’s” consisting of People, Physical evidence, and Process.
5. The Irvine group and their collaborators are testing whether lasers do the job better.
Task 17. “ Odd man out.” In each line cross out a word that in its meaning differs from the others. Explain your choice.
1. inseparable – intuitive – intangible;
2. restrictions – artistic flair – numbers-minded;
3. awareness – capabilities – behaviour;
4. to require – to provide – to deliver;
5. artistic flair – creative industry – customer satisfaction;
6. deep knowledge – awareness – imagination;
7. the ABC – good grounding – collaborators;
8. inseparable – vital – intangible;
9. extra – supporting – standard;
10. creative – standard – intuitive;
11. to perceive – to experience – to require;
12. imagination – demonstration – evidence;
Task 18. Choose the correct preposition.
1. (As / So) well as the standard four Ps, services marketing calls (upon / in) an extra three.
2. Any person coming (at / into) contact with customers can have an impact (for / on) overall satisfaction.
3. As part (of / to) a supporting service (with / to) a product, people are particularly important because, (on / in) the customer’s eyes, they are generally inseparable (out of / from) the total service.
4. This is the process involved (at / in) providing a service and the behaviour of people, which can be crucial (to / by) customer satisfaction.
5. Marketing tends to be seen (for / as) a creative industry.
6. The work of the marketing department is increasingly constrained (to / by) legal restrictions.
7. Marketing demands a fair degree (for / of) scientific thinking.
8. It is a complex profession, requiring a broad understanding (by / of) technology, an awareness of how to use data, plus a good grounding (from / in) a variety (of / at) other scientific and mathematical principles.
9. Marketing is also influenced (with / by) many (of / from) the social sciences, particularly psychology, sociology, and economics.
10. Successful marketing requires both a deep knowledge (for / of) customers, competitors, and collaborators and great skill (in / on) deploying an organization’s capabilities so as to serve customers profitably.
Task 19. Read and translate the passage.
Many people, including some executives, still do not understand the difference between selling and marketing. In fact, many think the terms are synonymous. However, as shown below, there are vast differences between the two activities.
Selling | Marketing | |
Emphasis is on the product. | vs. | Emphasis is on customers’ wants. |
Company first makes the product and then figures out how to sell it. | vs. | Company first determines customers’ wants and then figures out how to make and deliver a product to satisfy those wants. |
Management is sales-volume-oriented | vs. | Management is profit-oriented. |
Planning is short-run-oriented, in terms of today’s products and markets | vs. | Planning is long-run-oriented, in terms of new products, tomorrow’s markets, and future growth. |
Stresses needs of seller | vs. | Stresses wants of buyers. |
Task 20. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate terms from the box.
customers | supply | product | profit |
marketing | selling | demand | approach |
When (1) _____ is emphasized, a company makes a product and then persuades (2) _____ to buy it. In effect, the firm attempts to alter consumer demand to fit the firm’s potential (3) _____ of the product. When (4) _____ is practiced, a much different (5) _____ is taken. The firm finds out what the customer wants and then develops a (6) _____ that will satisfy that need and still yield a satisfactory (7) _____. In this case the company adjusts its supply to the will of consumer (8) _____.
Task 21. Answer the questions.
1. Are the terms “selling” and “marketing” often used interchangeably?
2. Are they equivalent?
3. What does selling focus on?
4. What emphasis is made in marketing?
5. How does management in sales differ from that in marketing?
6. What approach to planning is taken in selling? In marketing?
7. Whose needs are of paramount importance in selling? What about marketing?
8. How can a company alter consumer demand to fit its potential supply of the product?
9. Which strategy suggests that a company should adjust its supply to the will of consumer demand?
10. Is it difficult to understand the difference between selling and marketing?
Task 22. a) Study the following words.
· Customerand client can be used to refer to either people or companies that buy things, while consumerand clientele are used about people. · The word customer [`kAstəmə(r)] is usually used when the thing being sold is a standard product or service: Phone companies are competing to sign up domestic customers. · Client [`klaıənt] is someone who pays for the services of a professional person such as a doctor or lawyer. The word is referred when the thing being sold is specially prepared or designed, for example professional advice: They had advised their clients to buy the shares. · It is now common for organisations providing public services, for example hospitals or bus companies, to refer to the people who use their services as customersor clients rather than patients, passengers, etc. This is because the words customer and client are thought to present a more professional image. · A regular customer of a company can be referred to as an account, especially when the customer is another company: Biggart Donald, the Glasgow-based marketing agency, has won two Edinburgh accounts. · The word consumer [kən`sju:mə(r)] AmE [kən`su:mə(r)] is used to describe any member of the public who buys things rather than a customer of a particular company: changes in consumer behaviour; consumer demand for cheap flights. · The word clientele [ֽkli:ən`tel] / AmE [ֽklaıən`tel] (Sing) describes all the people who use a particular shop/store, hotel, restaurant or service considered as a group: The restaurant attracts a younger clientele. An exclusive / international /a regular / youngclientele; to attract / build up / havea clientele |
b) Translate into English.
1. клієнт, замовник (особливо рекламної агенції);
2. покупець; замовник; клієнт;
3. клієнт; замовник; комітент;
4. фр. клієнтура;
5. споживач.
Task 23. Translate into Ukrainian.
1. Marketing is sometimes defined as simply “war” between competitors. 2. Marketing is any activity that connects producers with consumers. 3. Marketing is the method to get as many customers as possible. 4. Marketing is an approach to business that seeks to identify, anticipate and satisfy customers’ needs. 5. “Marketing” is a commonly misunderstood term. 6. Jack is the firm’s new director of marketing. 7. We are starting a wide-scope marketing campaign. 8. Our competitors are carrying out a marketing campaign that targets customers aged 20 to 30. 9. As a new marketing executive you will be in charge of developing marketing plans for new products. 10. Who heads the marketing department in your company? 11. The importance of effective marketing cannot be overestimated. 12. The product is the most important element of the marketing mix, since it holds together promotion, distribution and pricing policies. 13. The key focus of our marketing campaign will be on price. 14. Marketing is the provision of goods or services to meet customer or consumer needs. 15. Do we need to improve marketing or simply drop a particular product? 16. The direct marketing industry has become adept at packaging special offers. 17. Direct marketing on the Internet needs to be conducted with particular care. 18. Basically, you might look at marketing as the wide range of activities involved in making sure that you’re continuing to meet the needs of your customers and are getting value in return. 19. Marketing includes ongoing promotions, which can include advertising, public relations, sales and customer service. 20. Marketing online is stretching marketing budgets for many companies.
Task 24. Translate into English.
1. Маркетинг розпочинається не стільки з товару, скільки з пошуку платоспроможного споживача, який готовий щось купити. 2. У літературі існує декілька сотень визначень маркетингу. 3. Мета маркетингу – зробити зусилля зі збуту непотрібними. Його мета – настільки добре пізнати й зрозуміти клієнта, що товар або послуги будуть напевне підходити останньому і продавати самі себе. 4. Маркетингові функції формують такі поняття: нужда, потреби, попит, товар, обмін, угода та ринок. 5. Вихідною ідеєю, яка лежить в основі маркетингу, є ідея людських нужд. 6. Маркетинг – це діяльність, спрямована на створення попиту та досягнення цілей підприємства через максимальне задоволення потреб споживачів. 7. Маркетинг – це філософія бізнесу. 8. Маркетинг – це набір ефективних інструментів, які є необхідними для функціонування підприємства в умовах високої конкуренції. 9. Маркетинг – це важлива частина системи управління підприємством.
Task 25. Translate the following sayings. Choose one to comment on.
1. “ Affiliate marketing has made businesses millions and ordinary people millionaires. (Bo Bonnett)
2. “Avon invented the concept of direct marketing and direct selling beauty. And that’s still very valid to us. We’ll have a firm that will be around for another 114 years as strongly as it was the first 114. (Andrea Jung)
3. “I’m all for it. In these days, regional marketing is the only way to survive.” (John Howard)
4. “ Internal marketing is probably much more important than external marketing. That’s even more true today than it’s ever been.” (Tom Stewart)
5. “There are certain people who have become better artists, but they’re brilliant at marketing. I think someone who’s been phenomenal like that is Madonna.” (Michael Bolton)
6. “I was a pretty good coach and working with marketing was like coaching.” (Bernie Ebbers)
7. “I’m not a marketing person. I don’t ask myself questions. I go by instinct.” (Karl Lagerfeld)
8. “It will work. I am a marketing genius.” (Paris Hilton)
9. “I see the same coffee table everywhere. It’s mass marketing.” (Douglas Wilson)
10. “What can we say about a marketing culture that so openly feeds and colludes with obsession? The Disney empire has developed this to an unprecedented degree of professionalism.” (Rowan Williams)
Lesson 3
Task 1. Make the difference between the following words.
· Advertising is an uncountable noun and refers to the activity of telling customers about products and services, or the materials that companies use in general to do this, such as notices in magazines or newspapers: They do a lot of advertising on television.
· Advertisement is a countable noun. It refers to a particular piece of advertising, such as a notice or short film / movie about a particular product. In more informal language the words ad (BrE and AmE) and advert (BrE) are used: I am replying to your advertisement in the Guardian.
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Task 2. Practice reading the following words.
1. advertising [`ædvətaızıŋ] / [`ædvərtaızıŋ] 2. billiards[`bıljədz] / [`bıljərdz] 3. brevity[`brevəti] 4. comfort[`kAmpfət] / [`kAmpfərt] 5. descriptive[dı`skrıptıv] 6. dignified[`dıgnıfaıd] 7. doubt[daut] 8. entity[`entəti] 9. expert[`ekspə:t] 10. extent[ık`stent] 11. function[`fAŋ k ∫ən] 12. heard[hə:d] 13. industry[`ındəstri] 14. likened[`laık ə nd] | 15. lively[`laıvli] 16. luxury[`lAk∫ ə ri] / [`lAgჳ ə ri] 17. megaphone[`megəfəun] 18. to measure[`meჳə] / [`meჳər] 19. to persuade[pə`sweıd] / [pər`sweıd] 20. picturesque[ֽpıkt∫ə`resk] 21. potential[pə`tent∫əl] 22. punctuation[ֽpAŋ k t∫u`eı∫ən] 23. purely[`pjuəli] / [`pjurli] 24. purpose[`pə:pəs] 25. scientific[ֽsa ı ən`tıfık] 26. throughout[θru`aut] 27. urban[`ə:b ə n] |
Task 3. Read the text.
There is no doubt that we live in an overcommunicated society. Advertising as a communication function was born thousands of years ago. These days it is increasingly invading public spaces. According to most experts the average citizen of an urban centre today is exposed to over 500 commercial messages a day. Some give even higher figures.
Advertising is defined as a paid, non-personal sales communication, directed at a large number of potential buyers. Throughout history, the purpose of advertising – to inform and persuade – has not changed.
The two basic types of advertising are: product and institutional. Product advertising involves selling a good or service. Institutional advertising involves promoting a concept, idea, or philosophy, or the goodwill of an industry, company, organization, or government entity.
With so many products from which we can choose (over 10,000 in the average supermarket), companies must often shout to be heard, and advertising is their megaphone.
The fact is, to do its job, advertising must speak to people. It must be understandable and readable. Advertising research shows that people respond better to a down-to-earth, conversational tone than to a more dignified, formal one. Therefore, good copywriters develop a style that is descriptive, colorful, and even picturesque as well as warm, human, and personal. Because of the need for brevity, they try to use words that are simple, lively, and full of personality and to use punctuation to build a conversational tone rather than to construct purely grammatical sentences.
Advertisers like language that suggests:
· their product is of especially high quality;
· value for money;
· luxury and comfort;
· scientific backing for their product;
· their products make us more attractive.
The economic effect of advertising can be likened to the opening “break” shot in pool or billiards. The moment a company begins to advertise, a chain reaction of economic events takes place. Usually the extent of this chain reaction is very difficult to measure: but as in billiards, its scope is certainly related to the force of the shot.
Vocabulary Notes:
1. doubt [daut] – неясність; сумнів, вагання;
2. overcommunicated [ֽəuvəkə`mju:nıkeıtıd] – такий, що характеризується гіперкомунікацією (прискореною комунікацією; надмірною комунікацією);
3. invading (public spaces) [ın`veıdıŋ] – той, що вторгається (захоплює; оволодіває; окуповує) (громадські місця);
4. public spaces [`pAblık `speısız] – громадські місця;
5. average citizen [`æv ə rıG `sıtızən] – обиватель; середньостатистичний громадянин;
6. urban centre [`ə:b ə n `sentə] – місто; міський центр;
7. exposed (to) [ık`spəuzd] – такий, що піддається (чомусь); той, що зазнає впливу (чогось);
8. commercial message [kə`mə:∫əl `mesıG] – комерційне звернення;
9. (higher) figure [`fıgə] – (вища) цифра;
10. non-personal [ֽnOn`pə:sən ə l] – неособистісний; неперсональний;
11. sales communication [ֽseıəlz kəֽmju:nı`keı∫ən] – засоби поширення комерційної інформації; комерційна інформація;
12. throughout (history) [θru`aut] – протягом, упродовж (історії);
13. to persuade [pə`sweıd] / [pər`sweıd] – умовляти, переконувати;
14. product advertising [`prOdAkt `ædvətaızıŋ] – товарна реклама (реклама товарів / послуг); конкуруюча реклама (реклама різними виробниками одного й того ж самого продукту; виробники змагаються між собою за збільшення ринку збуту продукції, яку рекламують);
15. institutional advertising [ֽıntstı`tju:∫ən ə l `ædvətaızıŋ] – реклама самої фірми, а не її товарів; рекламування достоїнств організації;
16. goodwill [ֽgud`wıl] – престиж фірми; умовна вартість ділових зв’язків; ділова репутація; “шанси”; добра воля; непомітні активи компанії; нематеріальні активи компанії (підприємства); вартість репутації, престиж (фірми, компанії), гудвіл;
17. government entity [`gAvənmənt `entəti] – урядова організація;
18. megaphone [`megəfəun] – рупор; мегафон;
19. down-to-earth [ֽdaun tu `ə:θ] – розумний, практичний;
20. conversational (tone) [ֽkOnvə`seı∫ən ə l] – розмовний (тон);
21. dignified [`dıgnıfaıd] – поважний; величний;
22. copywriter [`kOpiֽraıtə] – копірайтер, текстовик, укладач рекламных текстів (творчий співробітник, який укладає рекламні тексти, створює сюжети для рекламних ілюстрацій);
23. descriptive [dı`skrıptıv] – описовий; образний; наочний;
24. brevity [`brevəti] – короткість, стислість;
25. lively [`laıvli] – живий; пожвавлений; веселий;
26. punctuation [ֽpAŋ k t∫u`eı∫ən] – пунктуація;
27. luxury [`lAk∫ ə ri] / [`lAgჳ ə ri] – розкіш; предмет розкоші;
28. scientific backing (for) [ֽsa ı ən`tıfık `bækıŋ] – наукове підкріплення;
29. to liken (to) [`laık ə n] – уподібнювати (чомусь); прирівнювати (до);
30. (opening) “break” shot [ֽbreık `∫Ot] – початковий удар (розбиття);
31. pool (billiards) [pu:l] – пул (вид більярдної гри);
32. chain reaction [t∫eın ri`æk∫ən] – ланцюгова реакція;
33. extent (of) [ık`stent] – ступінь, міра;
34. to measure [`meჳə] / [`meჳər] – міряти, вимірювати; оцінювати, визначати (характер тощо).
Task 4. Complete the sentences making the proper choice.
1. According to the text we live in … society.
A. underpopulated;
B. overcommunicated;
C. underestimated;
2. Most experts claim that the average citizen of an urban centre today is exposed to over … commercial messages a day.
A. 50;
B. 500;
C. 5000;
3. Throughout history, the …of advertising hardly changed.
A. purpose;
B. forms;
C. tools;
4. There are … basic types of advertising.
A. two;
B. three;
C. four;
5. Statistics says that customers can choose from among … products in the average supermarket.
A. 1,000;
B. 10,000;
C. 100,000;
6. Advertising research shows that people respond better to a … tone.
A. down-to-earth;
B. dignified;
C. formal;
7. Advertisers like language that suggests that their products …
A. are of especially high quality;
B. make us more attractive;
C. all the above;
8. The economic effect of advertising can be likened to …
A. a bullet in ice hockey;
B. referee’s final whistle in football;
C. the opening “break” shot in pool or billiards;
9. The moment a company begins to advertise, a … reaction of economic events takes place.
A. chain;
B. explosive;
C. irreversible;
10. To do its job, advertising must be …
A. readable;
B. understandable;
C. all the above;
Task 5. Agree or disagree with the following statements.
1. Advertising as a communication function was born in the 20th century.
2. Advertising is defined as a non-paid, personal sales communication, directed at a large number of potential buyers.
3. Since ancient times the purpose of advertising has remained the same.
4. The two basic types of advertising are: distributional and institutional.
5. Institutional advertising involves selling a good or service.
6. To do its job advertising must shout at people.
7. Because of most customers’ illiteracy copywriters try to use words that are simple, lively, and full of personality.
8. Purely grammatical sentences are preferable in advertising messages.
9. Advertisers like language that suggests exclusiveness of their product.
10. The economic effect of advertising is related to its initial impact.
Task 6. Use the prepositions / articles from the box in the following phrases. Refer to the text “Advertising” (Task 3) to check your answers.
a | in ×2 | of ×2 | over |
at | to ×4 | for ×3 | throughout |
1.… day; 2.… history; 3.exposed …; 4.directed …; 5.the need …; | 6.… billiards; 7.is related …; 8.value … money; 9.respond better …; 10.can be likened …; | 11.the force … the shot; 12.… the average supermarket; 13.… 500 commercial messages; 14.scientific backing … a product; 15.a product … especially high quality. |
Task 7. a) Make up the words using the following stems.
earth | good | |||
out | to | |||
market | communicated | through | ||
will | over | |||
super | down |
b) Which of the derived words means:
· with no illusions or pretensions; practical and realistic;
· a large self-service store selling foods and household goods;
· characterized by excessive communication; the one in which there is too much communication;
· happening during the whole of a particular period of time; from beginning to end of (an event or period of time);
· the established reputation of a business regarded as a quantifiable asset and calculated as part of its value when it is sold?
c) Translate into Ukrainian paying special attention to the words in italics.
1. Changing minds in our overcommunicated society is an extremely difficult task. 2. The word “overcommunicated” uses 16 letters: A C C D E E I M M N O O R T U V. 3. Their ideas seem to be far more down-to-earth and sensible. 4. Gloria is probably the most down-to-earth person I’ve ever met. 5. The first true supermarket in the United States was opened by Michael J. Cullen, on August 4, 1930, inside a 6,000 square foot (560 m²) former garage in New York City. 6. Supermarkets have changed the look of our high streets, and as some argue, are causing the disappearance of small independent shops. 7. Goodwill was originally used to reflect the fact that an ongoing business had some “prudent value” beyond its assets, such as the reputation the firm enjoyed with its clients. 8. Goodwill can be negative. Negative goodwill is recognized as a liability. 9. House prices continued to rise throughout the 1980s. 10. As we have tried to show throughout this book, companies that provide outstanding service don’t do it by luck.
Task 8. In the text “Advertising” (Task 3) find antonyms of the following words.
1. rural; 2. illegible; 3. repulsive; 4. ugly; 5. informal; casual; 6. decreasingly; less; 7. incomprehensible; 8. undercommunicated; 9. colourless; neutral; dull; 10. impractical, unreasonable, unsensible.
Task 9. Find synonyms among the following words from the text “Advertising” (Task 3).
1. idea; 2. scope; 3. entity; 4. extent; 5. to build; 6. concept; 7. colorful; 8. picturesque; 9. to construct; 10. organization;
Task 10. Which words do the following attributes describe? Refer to the text “Advertising” (Task 3) to check your answers.
----------- | ----------- | ----------- |
warm; | formal; | lively; |
human; | dignified; | simple; |
colorful; | down-to-earth; | full of personality. |
personal; | conversational; | |
descriptive; | ||
picturesque; |
Task 11. Relate the words in the box with the actions denoted by the following infinitives. Refer to the text “Advertising” (Task 3) to check your answers.
people | companies | advertising | economic events |
products | advertisers | copywriters | citizens of big cities |
1.to shout; 2.to speak; 3.to be born; 4.to be heard; 5.to advertise; | 6.to take place; 7.to develop styles; 8.to be likened (to); 9.to be exposed (to); 10.to be directed (at); | 11.to respond (better to); 12.to invade (public places); 13.to like (specific) language; 14.to build a conversational tone; 15.to make (somebody more) attractive. |
Task 12. a) Make the difference between the following words.
Because the words sound alike, copywriters are sometimes confused with people who work in copyright law. These careers are unrelated. · Copyright is the set of exclusive rights granted to the author or creator of an original work, including the right to copy, distribute and adapt the work. These rights can be licensed, transferred and / or assigned. Copyright lasts for a certain time period after which the work is said to enter the public domain. Copyright applies to a wide range of works that are substantive and fixed in a medium. Some jurisdictions also recognize “moral rights” of the creator of a work, such as the right to be credited for the work. · Most copywriters are employees within organizations such as advertising agencies, public relations firms, company advertising departments, large stores, marketing firms, broadcasters and cable providers, newspapers, book publishers and magazines. Copywriters can also be independent contractors freelancing for a variety of clients, at the clients’ offices or working from their own, or partners or employees in specialized copywriting agencies. A copywriter usually works as part of a creative team. Agencies and advertising departments partner copywriters with art directors. The copywriter has ultimate responsibility for the advertisement’s verbal or textual content, which often includes receiving the copy information from the client. |
b) Translate into Ukrainian paying special attention to the words in italics.
1. Copywriters are similar to technical writers and the careers may overlap. 2. The Internet has expanded the range of copywriting opportunities to include web content, ads, commercial emails and other online media. 3. The Statute of Anne 1709, full title “An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by vesting the Copies of Printed Books in the Authors or purchasers of such Copies, during the Times therein mentioned”, is now seen as the origin of copyright law. 4. Since the 19th century copyright is described under the umbrella term intellectual property along with patents and trademarks. 5. Copyright has been internationally standardized, lasting between fifty and one hundred years from the author’s death, or a shorter period for anonymous or corporate authorship.
Task 13. Some words can be used both as a noun and as an adjective (noun / verb). Complete the table with the appropriate words from the text “Advertising” (Task 3).
1. | публіка; громадськість; народ | громадський; державний; народний, загальнонародний; публічний, загальнодоступний; | ----------- |
2. | комерційна реклама; рекламний ролик, рекламне оголошення; комерційна радіо- чи телепередача (оплачена рекламодавцем); | торговельний, комерційний; такий, метою якого є отримання прибутку | ----------- |
3. | потенціал; можливість; | потенційний; можливий; | ----------- |
4. | постріл; стрілець; гарматне ядро; удар; спроба; | переливчастий; що вилискує різними барвами; | ----------- |
5. | отвір; тріщина, розколина, щілина; розкол, розрив (стосунків); | ламати(ся); розбивати(ся); рвати(ся); розривати(ся); руйнувати(ся); зламувати; | ----------- |
6. | число, кількість; номер; сума; випуск, примірник (газети тощо); | нумерувати; нараховувати; рахувати; бути в числі (among, in); зараховувати; | ----------- |
7. | міра; одиниця виміру; мірка; масштаб, мірило, критерій; ступінь; межа | міряти, вимірювати, відміряти; знімати мірку; оцінювати, визначати (характер тощо); мати розміри | ----------- |
8. | вирок; рішення (судове); речення; сентенція, вислів; | засуджувати, присуджувати. | ----------- |
Task 14. Translate into English.
1. Ми живемо в суспільстві, в якому спостерігається надлишок комунікації. 2. Реклама виконує функцію комунікації. 3. Реклама, що народилася тисячі років тому, сьогодні заполонила громадські місця. 4. Експерти вважають, що середньостатистичний житель великого міста щодня зазнає впливу понад 500 рекламних повідомлень. 5. Реклама спрямована на велику кіль-кість потенційних покупців. 6. Основні функції реклами – інформувати і переконувати – не змінилися за всю історію. 7. Основними типами реклами є корпоративна реклама та товарна реклама. 8. У звичайному супермаркеті ми можемо знайти понад 10 тисяч найменувань продукції.
9. Реклама є мегафоном компаній, які змушені “кричати”, щоб бути почутими покупцями. 10. Реклама повинна бути зрозумілою і читабельною. 11. Дослідження свідчать, що покупці краще реагують на практичний, розмовний тон, а не на більш поважний, формальний. 12. Копірайтери повинні розробляти описовий, яскравий і навіть колоритний стиль. 13. Копірайтери намагаються використовувати прості та сповнені особистості слова. 14. Рекламодавці віддають перевагу словам, які передбачають, що їхній товар особливо високої якості. 15. Економічний ефект реклами можливо порівняти з початковим ударом (розбиттям) у пулі чи більярді. 16. Як тільки компанія розпочинає рекламувати, стається ланцюгова реакція економічних подій.
Task 15. Answer the questions.
1. Do we live in an undercommunicated or overcommunicated society? Support your opinion with the facts from the text.
2. Is advertising an invention of modern overcommunicated society?
3. How is advertising usually defined?
4. Has the purpose of advertising changed throughout history?
5. What are the two basic types of advertising?
6. Which type of advertising involves selling a good or service?
7. Why do companies need advertising?
8. What language do advertisers prefer?
9. What tone in advertising do most people respond better to?
10. What can the economic effect of advertising be compared to? Why?
Task 16. Practice reading the following words.
1. advert[`ædvə:t] 2. advertisement[əd`və:tısmənt] 3. brochure[`brəu∫ə] 90% / [brou`∫uər] 10% 4. code[kəud] / [koud] 5. commercial[kə`mə:∫əl] 6. contemporary[kən`tempər ə ri] 7. dawn[dO:n] 8. decent[`di:sənt] 9. digital[`dıGıtəl] 10. to distribute[dı`strıbju:t] 74% / [`dıstrıbju:t] 26% 11. to ensure[ın`∫O:] / [ın`∫uər] 12. excerpt n [`eksə:pt] 13. feature[`fi:t∫ə] / [`fi:t∫ər] 14. flyer[`fla ı ə] / [`flaıər] | 15. format[`fO:mæt] / [`fO:rmæt] 16. frontier[`frAntıə] / [frAn`tıər] 17. honest[`Onıst] / [`α:nəst] 18. impact n [`ımpækt] 19. jingle[`Gıŋgəl] 20. legal[li:gəl] 21. logo[`lOgə u ] 22. media[`mi:diə] 23. otherwise[`Aðəwaız] / [`Aðərwaız] 24. pleasant[`plezənt] 25. Popunder (pop-under)[`pOp`Andə] 26. Popup (pop-up)[`pOpAp] / [`pα:pAp] 27. spam[spæm] |
Task 17. Read the text.
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