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What is Marketing?

What is Product? | Three Levels of a Product | Understanding Information on Products | Market and Market Relations | Careers in Marketing | Extended Marketing Mix | Advertising Today | Marketing vs. Advertising: What’s the Difference? |

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  1. What is Marketing?

Marketing is crucial to all phases of business and has become a driving force in most companies in recent years. Without paying attention to what it sells, what price it charges, how it promotes its products, and where it sells them, no company can survive.

Marketing activities are numerous and varied. They include everything needed to get a product off the drawing board and into the hands of the customer. A large portion of the working population in many countries is involved in some form of marketing. In many countries those engaged in marketing activities outnumber those involved in manufacturing or production.

The term “marketing” developed from the original meaning which referred literally to going to market, as in shopping, or going to a market to sell goods or services.

There are many definitions of marketing. The better definitions are focused upon customers and satisfaction their needs. Basically, marketing is about understanding customers and finding ways to provide products or services which customers demand.

Marketing is sometimes defined as getting the right product to the right place, at the right time, at the right price. Consequently, it can be divided into four main elements that are popularly known as the four Ps: product, price, placement, and promotion.

· Product: The product aspects of marketing deal with the specifications of the actual goods or services, and how it relates to the end-user’s needs and wants. This often involves research and development (R&D) of a new product, testing of the product to insure quality.

· Pricing: This refers to the process of setting a price for a product, including discounts. There are 3 pricing options the company may take: “above”, “with” or “below” the prices that its competitors are charging. Most companies price with the market and sell their goods or services for average price established by major producers in the industry.

· Promotion: This refers to various methods of promoting the product, brand, or company. It may include advertising, sales promotion, publicity, and personal selling.

· Placement (or distribution): refers to how the product gets to the customer. This takes place through the channels of distribution. A common channel of distribution is manufacturer → wholesaler → retailer → customer. This fourth P is also sometimes called Place, referring to the channel by which a product or service is sold (e.g. online vs. retail), as well as in which geographic region or industry, and to which segment (young adults, families, business people), etc.

These four elements are often referred to as the marketing mix, which a marketer can use to craft a marketing plan. You may think marketing is something you do later – after the product is developed, manufactured, or ready to sell. Actually, marketing doesn’t begin with a great idea or a unique product. It begins with customers – those people who want or need your product and will actually buy it.


Vocabulary Notes:

1. crucial [`kru:∫əl] – вирішальний; ключовий; критичний;

2. driving force [`draıvıŋ fO:s] / [`draıvıŋ fO:rs] – рушійна сила;

3. to charge [t∫α:G] / [t∫α:rG] / establish / set a price – призначати ціну, правити ціну;

4. to promote [prə`məut] / [prə`mout] – сприяти, допомагати, підтримувати; заохочувати, стимулювати; активізувати; рекламувати;

5. to survive [sə`vaıv] / [sər`vaıv] – переживати (сучасників тощо); витримати, перенести, пережити (щось); лишитися живим; продовжувати існувати; вціліти;

6. numerous [`nju:m ə rəs] / [`nu:m ə rəs] – численний;

7. varied [`veərid] / [`verid] – різний, різноманітний; мінливий, що змінюється;

8. drawing board [`drO:rıŋ bO:d] / [`drO:ıŋ bO:d] – креслярська дошка; кульман; планшет;

9. working population – працездатне населення (частина населення у працездатному віці, як правило від 15 до 70 років, фізичні властивості якого дозволяють займатися трудовою діяльністю); трудящі;

10. to outnumber [ֽaut`nAmbə] / [ֽaut`nAmbər] – переважати кількісно;

11. original

12. literally [`lıtər ə li] – буквально, дослівно; без перебільшення, буквально;

13. consiquently [`kOntsıkwəntli] – отже, в результаті;

14. “above” [ə`bAv] / “below” [bı`ləu] / [bı`lou] / “with” the market(про ціну) вище / нижче / на рівні ринкової;

15. advertising [`ædvətaızıŋ] – реклама, рекламування; рекламна діяльність, рекламний бізнес, рекламна справа; розміщення, публікація реклами (в ЗМІ);

16. average [`æv ə rıG] – середній; нормальний, звичайний, звичний;

17. competitor [kəm`petıtə] – конкурент, суперник; учасник ринку; той, що змагається;

18. to craft [krα:ft] / [kræft] – виготовляти; майструвати; виявляти майстерність; готувати;

19. end user [`end ֽju:zə] / [`end ֽju:zər] – кінцевий користувач; споживач;

20. to insure [ın`∫uə] / [ın`∫uər] – забезпечувати, гарантувати; страхувати;

21. majors [`meıGəz] / [`meıGərz] – головні компанії; великі фірми; монополії;

22. major producer [`meıGə prə`dju:sə] / [`meıGər prə`dju:sər] – головний виробник;

23. manufacturer [ֽmænju`fækt∫ ə rə] / [ֽmænjə`fækt∫ər ə r] – фабрикант, промисловець; підприємець; виробник, товаровиробник;

24. marketeer [ֽmα:kı`tıə] / [ֽmα:rkə`tıər] – спеціаліст з маркетингу, маркетолог; купець; закупник; збувальник; ринковий постачальник;

25. marketing mix [`mα:kıtıŋ ֽmıks] – маркетинговий комплекс; структура маркетингу; маркетинг-мікс;

26. option [`Op∫ən] / [`α:p∫ən] – вибір, альтернатива, (можливий) варіант; право заміни (вибору); предмет вибору;

27. personal selling [`pə:sən ə l `selıŋ] – особистий продаж (усне особисте представлення товару під час бесіди з одним або декількома покупцями); діяльність торговельних представників (тих, хто працює в безпосередньому контакті із споживачем);

28. placement [`pleısmənt] – розміщення; рух товарів;

29. pricing [`praısıŋ] – калькуляція; формування ціни; ціноутворення; встановлення ціни (на товар, послугу, кредит);

30. to provide [prə`vaıd] – постачати; забезпечувати; надавати, подавати;

31. publicity [pAb`lısəti] – публічність; гласність; популярність; реклама, рекламування; дії, спрямовані на привернення уваги; ділові зв’язки;

32. quality [`kwOləti] / [`kwα:ləti] – якість; сорт, ґатунок;

33. research and development (R&D) [rı`sə:t∫ ə nd dı`veləpmənt] [`α: ə nd di:] – науково-дослідні і дослідно-конструкторські роботи (НДІДКР);

34. retailer [`ri:teıəl] – роздрібний торговець;

35. sales promotion [`seıəlz prə`məu∫ən] – стимулювання збуту (реалізації товару); торговельна діяльність (робота, спрямована на продаж товарів і послуг);

36. specifications [ֽspesəfı`keı∫ənz] – технічні характеристики, технічні умови; специфікація;

37. wholesaler [`həulseıələ] / [`houlseıələr] – оптовик, оптовий торговець; оптове підприємство;

38. young adults [`jAŋ `ædAlts] – амер. молодий повнолітній (у віці від 18 до 21 року);



Task 15. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1. Marketing is a critical piece of running a business.

2. The term “marketing” literally means “creating a market”.

3. All definitions of marketing are focused upon customers and their needs.

4. Marketing comes into play after the product has been developed, manufactured and is ready to sell.

5. Major part of the working population worldwide is involved in marketing.

6. Marketing is everything from the advertisement that a consumer sees, through the entire sales process including the follow-up after the purchase.

7. Marketing can be divided into four main elements that are popularly known as the four MPs.

8. The product element of marketing refers to how the product gets to the customer.

9. The company may take 2 pricing options: “above” or “below” the prices that its competitors are charging.

10. R&D is an important aspect of promotion.

11. The only channel of distribution of products is manufacturer → wholesaler → retailer → customer.

12. Marketing mix serves the base for developing a marketing plan.


Task 16. a) In the text “What is Marketing?” (Task 14) find synonyms of the following words.


1. A grown-up; 2. mean price; 3. widespread channel; 4. rivals; 5. reduction; 6. impelling force; 7. a make; 8. requirements; 9. alternative; choice; 10. public attention; promotion; 11. retail dealer; petty dealer; 12. meeting needs; 13. to make skillfully; 14. to guarantee quality; 15. to be more numerous (than sb. / sth.); 16. to occur; 17. to utilize; 18. diverse; manifold; 19. wishes; desires; 20. dealer; dealer in gross.

b) Give the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.


1. Дорослий; 2. середня ціна; 3. поширений (розповсюджений) канал; 4. конкуренти; суперники; 5. знижка; дисконт; 6. рушійна сила; 7. бренд; 8. потреби; вимоги; 9. опція; альтернатива; 10. публічність; реклама; розголос; слава; 11. роздрібний торговець; 12. задоволення потреб; 13. створити (виконати) із майстерністю; майструвати; виявитимайстерність (у чомусь); 14. гарантувати якість; 15. переважати кількісно; 16. мати місце; відбутися; трапитися; 17. використовувати; 18. різний, різноманітний; мінливий, що змінюється; 19. бажання; 20. оптовик; оптовий торговець.

Task 17. a) Match items in column A with their synonyms in column B.


1.crucial a)ultimate buyer;
2.numerous b)verbatim; word for word;
3.to charge c)distribution;
4.to outnumber d)to develop, to create;
5.varied e)plural;
6.to craft f)to exceed;
7.literally g)to set, to establish;
8.producer h)vital;
9.to insure i)guarantee;
10.placement j)manufacturer;
11.end user k)advertising;
12.publicity l)diverse;


b) Use the words from column A to make up combinations with the following words.


_____ activities (× 2); _____ a price; _____ quality; _____ workers; _____’s needs; _____ a plan; major _____; to refer _____ to; may include _____.

Task 18. a) Fill in the blanks with adjective, noun or verb forms. Use your dictionary if necessary.

1. satisfactory ----------- -----------
2. ----------- insurance -----------
3. ----------- ----------- to promote
4. specific ----------- -----------
5. ----------- development -----------
6. ----------- ----------- to establish
7. relative ----------- -----------
8. ----------- competitor -----------
9. ----------- ----------- to advertise
10. distributable ----------- -----------


b) Use the correct adjective, noun or verb forms in the sentences. Change the grammatical form of the words if necessary.



A. Some celebrities will do almost anything _____ their craving for publicity.

B. Friendly service and low prices all contribute to customer _____.

C. The law says that goods you buy must be “of _____ quality” and free from defects.


A. The _____ industry is one of the country’s biggest employers.

B. Companies are required _____ against accidents in the workplace.

C. The challenge is to work out what risks are _____.


A. _____ advertising informs the public of an item or a range of items in stock.

B. Her job is mainly concerned with sales and _____.

C. It is expensive _____ new products and get them accepted in the marketplace.



A. Buyers are interested in the technical _____ of the new model of car.

B. The customer _____ a date and time for delivery.

C. In the UK, tobacco is taxed as a _____ duty per unit of quality.



A. Children in many _____ countries lack basic medical care.

B. Markets for such high-priced products _____ slowly.

C. We encourage our staff in their _____ of new skills.


A. The treaty _____ a free trade zone across Europe.

B. Since its _____ in 2001, the firm has enjoyed rapid growth.

C. It is an old _____ family firm.


A. The visit is an important step in improving business _____ between Japan and China.

B. The tax bears no _____ to people’s ability to pay.

C. We are going through a period of _____ economic stability.


A. We need to win market share from our _____.

B. Small traders cannot _____ in the face of cheap foreign imports.

C. They must work harder to remain _____ with other companies.



A. If you want to attract more customers, try _____ in the national press.

B. How much did we spend on _____ last year?

C. Young adults make up the major part of their _____ audience.


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