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Text: Duties of a Customs Officer

Text: Customs in the United States of America | Your Exemptions | Text: Customs in Ukraine | Text: Travelling Abroad |

Читайте также:
  1. A corporate officer or director may be criminally liable for
  2. A day in the life of a Customs Officer at Brisbane Airport
  3. American holidays: customs and traditions/Праздники в США: обычаи и традиции
  4. Answer the questions on the text:
  5. At a passport and customs desk
  6. At the Customs
  7. At the Customs



Text: The Work of Customs


to ship відправляти (вантаж), перевозити

to smuggle займатись контрабандою, перевозити контрабанду

to deal with мати справу з

to impose a duty on goods обкладати товари митом

to assess duty визначати суму мита, обкладати митом

duty free безмитний

to restrict обмежувати

to prohibit забороняти

total value of goods загальна вартість товарів

means of conveyance транспортні засоби

law enforcement виконання закону

cargo вантаж

endangered species види, породи (рослин, тварин), що вимирають


For the years Customs has come to mean many things to many people. To the international traveller, Customs is the men and women in blue at the border station, airport, or seaport who examine personal luggage upon return to the country. To the importer, they provide advice, protection, and control of merchandise shipped into the country. To the smuggler, Customs is the planes, vessels, vehicles and dedicated people constantly monitoring the nation's perimeters to thwart attempts at illicit entry of merchandise or smuggling.

Customs is all these things and much more. First of all Customs deals with passengers and their luggage.

In nearly every country Customs collects import (and sometimes export) duties, issues export and import licences and collects import statistics.

To assess duty Customs needs to know:

1. The value of the goods (excluding transport, insurance and other costs).

2. The country of origin. The goods might be duty free or have a lower duty depending on whether the exporting country has a trading agreement with the importing country.

3. The Harmonized System Nomenclature. It is an international system of classification of goods. Goods in different countries have different names and the Nomenclature tells a Customs officer which class of goods he is dealing with.

Besides collecting duties Customs issues export and import licences and gathers statistics.

Licences apply to restricted goods. For instance, some goods can be exported only with a licence while the export of others is prohibited.

Statistics is important for the government to know the total value of the goods leaving and entering a country in a given time period. This information gives the Balance of Trade figures (how much the country is selling compared to how much it's buying) and is provided by Customs.

One of the duties of Customs is to counteract smuggling. Smuggled goods can enter the country together with passenger cargo or with means of conveyance.

The unlawful bringing in or taking out of the country such articles as currency, bonds, precious metals and antiques, explosives, drugs, weapons, firearms and ammunition is considered smuggling or contraband.

Customs performs a number of key functions in the area of law enforcement. These include the policing of licensing restrictions, including those imposed to control strategic goods, and measures aimed at protecting endangered species and animal and plant health; the enforcement of prohibitions against obscene and indecent material, certain categories of firearms and drugs.

Cooperation between Customs services in different countries is an important element in this work.


I. Suggest the Ukrainian for the following words and word combinations from the text:


Customs has come to mean; examine personal luggage; upon return to the country; they provide advice, protection; merchandise shipped into the country; to thwart attempts; to assess duty; excluding transport, insurance and other costs; duty free; depending on; issue export and import licences; restricted goods, prohibited goods; total value of the goods; the goods leaving and entering a country; in a given time period; the Balance of Trade figures; to counteract smuggling; passenger cargo; means of conveyance; currency; bonds; is considered smuggling; in the area of law enforcement; measures aimed at; endangered species; obscene and indecent material; illicit entry of merchandise.

II. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word combinations:


перевіряти особистий багаж; прикордонний пункт; контрабандист; судно (корабель); віддані своїй справі люди; незаконний ввіз товарів; обкладати товари митом; витрати на транспортування та страхування; залежно від; торговий договір; мати справу з; торговий баланс; купувати; продавати; ця інформація надається митницею; один з обов’язків; транспортні засоби; валюта; облігації; коштовні метали; виконувати головні функції; товари стратегічного призначення; непристойні матеріали; заборона; породи, види (тварин, рослин), що вмирають; контролювати, оглядати.


III. Find proper definitions and study them:

Term Definition
1. Duty a) do official things with
2. Deal with b) payment demanded by the government on certain goods exported or imported, or manufactured in the country
3. Duty-free c) getting (goods) secretly and illegally (into, out of a country, through the Customs, across a frontier)
4. Smuggling d) taking, sending by train, road, etc.
5. Licence e) allowed to enter without the payment of Customs duties
6. Smuggler f) permission from someone in authority to do something
7. Shipping g) person who smuggles


IV. Find synonyms for:


indecent to monitor

devoted to bring in

permission to take out

ship to limit

unlawful to gather

goods to impose

vehicle to forbid

obscene to act against

treaty to point towards

to determine the amount of duty



V. Fill in the blanks with proper words or phrases from the text:

1. I bought the bottle of wine in the... free shop.

2. The policeman asked me to show him my driving....

3. Import duty often can be different... the country of origin of the goods.

4. Import of guns without a licence is....

5. My friend told me about an incident which had happened to him whilegoing....

6. The... provides a systematic and methodical classification of goods based essentially on technological data.


(depending on; licence; prohibited; Harmonized System; through Customs; duty)

VI. Using the information in the text say what is true and what is false. Correct the false sentences:

1. The only function of Customs is the assessment and collection of duties on imported goods.

2. Customs needs to know the value of goods including transport, insurance and other costs.

3. Customs in every country collects import statistics to know the total value of goods.

4. The Harmonized System Nomenclature is used because goods have different names in different countries.

5. Customs issues export and import licences applying to all goods.

6. The Balance of Trade figures are provided by a government of any country.

VII. Read the passage filling in the missing prepositions:

The struggle... smuggling and violation... Customs regulations has always been closely connected... the political and economic situation... a country.

A common reason... violation... Customs regulations has always been and still is foreign currency: an enormous quantity... it continues to be exported from many countries, both legally and illegally. From an analysis... currency offences it is concluded that there are definite categories... people who commit these offences.

To the first category belong those who do so out... ignorance... Customs legislation: for them Customs regulations and their liability... them is something that is abstract and has nothing to do... them.

The second category... foreign currency smugglers are those who are leaving for countries... unstable political situation and a high crime rate. Fear of revealing the amount... their saving and of being robbed leads... the failure to declare their money to Customs.

The third category consists... people who deliberately provide false information... the money they are carrying. As a rule, they do this... the aims of not providing information about the cash they are exporting and of concealing their personal finances... the tax authorities.

The most effective way to fight these offences will be to bring the Customs legislation... good order, particularly in the section concerning Customs declarations.



1) violation of customs regulations – порушення митних правил;

2) Customs legislation – митне законодавство;

3) cash - готівка;

4) to conceal – приховувати.


(against - 1; of- 10; with - 4; in - 1; for - 1; from - 1; into - 1; about - 1; to - 2)

VIII. Answer the comprehension questions on the text:

1. What does Customs mean?

2. First of all Customs deals with passengers and their luggage, doesn't it?

3. What are the main functions of Customs?

4. What does Customs need to know in order to assess duty?

5. What does the Harmonized System Nomenclature mean?

6. Do licences apply to all goods?

7. Why is statistics important for the government?

8. What information do the Balance of Trade figures give?

9. How can smuggled goods enter the country?

10. What is considered smuggling?

11. What functions does Customs perform in the area of law enforcement?

IX. Read the dialogue and reproduce it:

Passenger: Excuse me!

Customs officer: Yes. What can I do for you?

P.: Sorry to bother you but where can I pass through the Customs?

C.O.: Go to the red channel if you have something to declare and to the green channel if you have nothing to declare.

P.: What documents are required?

C.O.: Let me see what you have.

P.: Just a minute... I'm afraid I've forgotten to fill in my declaration.

C.O.: Now then … You should fill in your declaration form first and then go through the Customs.

P.: I see.

C.O.: You can find forms on the table in the middle of the hall.

P.: Thank you. The problem is - I don't know English well enough to fill in a declaration form.

C.O.: There are forms in different languages. Choose any you need … Have you filled in the Customs form? Could you have missed anything? Have you declared all your currency?

P.: Yes, I have.

C.O.: Well … well … Have you got weapon of any kind and ammunition?

P.: Oh, dear! Why? No!

C.O.: Then you should write "No" … Is this your luggage all here? Please put your suitcase into the X-ray machine. Wait just another second... It's o'key. You may go. Thank you. Sorry to have kept you so long.

P.: Thank you for your help.


1) to pass through the Customs – пройти митний огляд;

2) to fill in a declaration – заповнити декларацію;

3) weapon - зброя;

4) X-ray machine – рентген-апарат.

X. Speak on the following topics:

1. What is Customs?

2. Different functions of Customs.

3. The role of Customs in the area of law enforcement.


Text: Duties of a Customs Officer


to hide переховувати

to warn попереджувати

item кожний окремий предмет, річ

to be liable to duty що підлягає обкладанню митом

passenger inspection activities митний огляд пасажирів

expeditious швидкий

accounts рахунки

tax податок

drug traffickers торговці наркотиками

interdiction заборона

leading drug interdiction agency провідний орган по боротьбі з наркотиками

to be mandated to perform мати повноваження на виконання

seizure конфіскація


The work of Customs officers is very important and many-sided. They deal with passengers, cargoes, transport. The passengers going through customs have to fill in a customs declaration form. They have to declare certain items they are bringing into the country. They also have to open their luggage for inspection. Customs inspectors are trained to recognize the passengers who are carrying things into a country illegally to prevent smuggling. The inspectors know all about hiding smuggled items in bandages, hair, books, toys, etc.

Customs officers also help travellers to fill in their declaration forms. They warn them to write "no" instead of dashes, sign the declaration and put the date. Travellers are told to declare items they are bringing with them. Usually articles for personal use and wear and also used items and gifts are not liable to duty anywhere. The passengers carrying weapons must have a permit. Occasionally a Customs officer may take some of traveller's things for a more detailed inspection but usually he returns them soon.

Passenger inspection activities have always been an integral part of the total Customs program. The public has a right to demand expeditious Customs processing and Customs officers continually seek ways to improve efficiency in this area. As with merchandise processing, modern computer technology and communications are being used extensively to facilitate the processing of the ever - increasing numbers of travellers entering different countries.

Besides working with passengers, checking imports and exports there are many other types of work done by Customs men. They control payments of various duties, see that appropriate licences are held, inspect the books and accounts and see that the right amount of tax is paid.

The bonded warehouses where goods on which duty has not been paid are stored, have to be controlled by Customs officers as well.

According to Customs regulations one of the duties of a Customs officer is to prevent drug smuggling. Drug smuggling is a very serious problem nowadays. Drug traffickers use any and every means of transport to smuggle drugs from source area to their market destination.

As the leading drug interdiction agency, Customs has been mandated to perform investigative and tactical enforcement functions which include interdiction and seizure of the illicit drugs smuggled into a country, the arrest of those violators responsible, and the seizure of the conveyances used in the smuggling attempt. To accomplish this mission, Customs relies heavily on its Customs officers. There are many effective ways of detecting cases of drug smuggling but the best tool for drug law enforcement is a well-trained and experienced Customs officer. The majority of the drugs seized resulted from the work of such officers.





I. Suggest the Ukrainian for the following words and word combinations from the text:

have to fill in a customs declaration form; certain items; are trained to recognize; to prevent smuggling; hiding smuggled items; instead of dashes; articles for personal use and wear; are not liable to duty; occasionally; detailed inspection; passenger inspection activities; Customs processing; continually seek ways; to facilitate the processing; they control payments; right amount of tax; bonded warehouses; use any and every means of transport; source area; the leading drug interdiction agency; seizure of the illicit drugs; to accomplish this mission; the majority of the drugs seized.


II. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word combinations:

важливий і багатосторонній; мати справу з; вантаж; заповнювати декларацію; інспектори митниці навчені розпізнавати; нелегально ввозити речі в країну; знати все про схованки; речі для особистого вжитку; повинні мати дозвіл;більш ретельна перевірка; мають право вимагати; склад для зберігання неоплаченого вантажу; порушники; конфіскація транспортних засобів; щоб виконати цю місію; покладатися на; виявлення випадків контрабанди наркотиків; більшість конфіскованих наркотиків.

III. Find proper definitions and study them:

Term Definition
1. Item a) single article or unit in a list
2. Account b) building for storing goods
3. Interdiction c) act of seizing or taking possession of by force or the authority of the law
4. Warehouse d) statement of money (to be) paid or received (for goods, services, etc.)
5. Seizure e) formal or authoritative prohibition
6. Detecting f) discovering the existence or presence of...


IV. Find synonyms for:


baggage to require

illicit to look for

examination to carry out

quick, fast to check

offender to make better

means of conveyance to finish successfully

method to stop or hinder



V. Fill in the blanks with proper words or phrases from the text:

1. Some people prefer to travel by plane, especially businessmen, because it's the fastest....

2. Although some items..., if you carry only a small amount of them, they are duty free..

3. Do not try to break the Customs... because you may have a lot of troubles.

4. If you have anything to declare, then you are to... the declaration form.

5. Could you tell me whether gifts and used... are liable to duty?

6.... is the act of closely looking at goods being imported or exported, in order to check that the goods are as described in the Customs declaration and to determine the amount of duty to be paid.


(regulations; fill in; items; means of transport; are liable to duty; Customs inspection)

VI. Using the information in the text say what is true and what is false. Correct the false sentences:

1. The traveller has to declare all the items he is bringing into the country.

2. The traveller doesn't have to open his luggage for inspection.

3. Customs officers mustn't help travellers to fill in their declaration forms.

4. Sometimes Customs officers are asked to control the bonded warehouses.

5. There are many effective ways of detecting cases of drug smuggling but a well-trained and experienced Customs officer does it best of all.

VII. Read the passage filling in the missing prepositions:

Like in most countries all formalities through which an incoming/outdoing passenger must pass... Ukraine, include passport and visa control, health control, and customs inspection... the passenger's baggage.

When the passenger enters or leaves the country he must fill... an entry/exit declaration which he must present then... a Customs officer. All the points... the declaration should be answered... full words and... block letters.

The passenger is to fill... his name, citizenship, country... residence, permanent address and purpose... his visit. He also should declare all dutiable articles and currency he is having.

Money not declared and therefore concealed... the Customs control is liable... confiscation as smuggling.

The Customs officer may ask the passenger to open, unpack and repack his belongings... inspection. And the owner... the luggage is obliged to answer all the questions on the contents... his luggage and present any article... customs examination.


(of- 6; in - 5; to - 2; from - 1; for - 2)


VIII. Answer the comprehension questions on the text:

1. What do Customs officers deal with?

2. What documents must passengers fill in?

3. How must Customs officials be trained?

4. How do Customs officers help travellers?

5. What is an integral part of the total Customs program?

6. What equipment is used to facilitate the processing of the ever-increasing numbers of travellers entering different countries?

7. Customs officers work only with passengers, cargoes, check imports and exports, don't they?

8. What warehouses are called bonded warehouses?

9. Why is drug smuggling a very serious problem nowadays?

10. Do Customs officers seize the illicit drugs smuggled into a country?


IX. Read the dialogue and reproduce it:

Customs officer: Good morning! Come this way, please.

Passenger: Yes, thank you.

C.O.: Are these your suitcases, sir?

P.: Yes, that's right.

C.O.: Do you have goods to declare?

P.: I don't think I have.

C.O.: Okay, put your bags on the counter, please. Your customs form, please. Thank you. How long are you planning to stay in the country?

P.: Two months, I think.

C.O.: What's the purpose of your visit?

P.: I'm here on business.

C.O.: I see. And you have nothing to declare?

P.: Pardon?

C.O.: I mean alcohol, cigarettes, medicine...

P.: Oh, no.

CO.: What's inside this bag?

P.: Presents for some of my colleagues.

C.O.: Uh-huh. Spirits?

P.: A bottle of French red wine.

CO.: Any meat?

P.: What?

C.O.: Food, fresh fruit...

P.: Uh,no.

C.O.: No plants?

P.: No. But I have 200 French cigarettes for my friends.

C.O.: You don't need to declare this. That's under the limit.

P.: Good.

CO.: Okay, that's okay. Here's your form.

P.: Thank you.

C.O.: Welcome to the USA! Have a nice stay!

Clerk: Please, can I help you?

P.: Yes, I'd like to cash this traveller's cheque, please.

C: Have you got your passport, sir?

P.: Yes, here it is.

C.: Fine. Would you sign here, please.

P.: O.K. Could I have two dollars in coins, please?

C.: Sure. Here are four 100 dollars notes and two dollars in coins.

P.: Thank you.

C.: You are welcome.


1) under the limit – не обкладається митом;

2)to sign - підписатись;

3)traveller's check – дорожній чек.

X. Speak on the following topics:

1. The work of Customs officers is very important and many-sided.

2. A Customs officer should have a special training to carry

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Test 15. Past Simple or Present Perfect?| Text: Customs in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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