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Text: Customs in Ukraine

Text: Duties of a Customs Officer | Text: Customs in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | Text: Customs in the United States of America |

Читайте также:
  1. A day in the life of a Customs Officer at Brisbane Airport
  2. American holidays: customs and traditions/Праздники в США: обычаи и традиции
  3. An Overview of the Civil-Society Sector in Contemporary Ukraine
  4. Answer the questions on the text:
  5. At a passport and customs desk
  6. At the Customs
  7. At the Customs



duty regulation митне регулювання

banned books заборонені книги

issues related to export питання, пов’язані з експортом

to rest within the competence залишатись в межах компетенції і сфери

and province діяльності

to avail oneself of the opportunity скористатися можливістю

Customs checkpoints митні пункти

former republics колишні республіки

shortage нестача, недостатня кількість

to elaborate ретельно розробляти

to pursue the policy проводити політику

favourable conditions сприятливі умови

to accelerate прискорювати

to take a worthy place зайняти гідне місце


excise taxable goods

Customs means: the order of goods and other objects transfer through a border, duty regulations connected with establishing duties, the procedure of duty control and other realizations of Customs policy. Today Customs in Ukraine is developing in direction of harmonization and unification in accordance with the international practice.

Ukraine is building its Customs anew.

In the former Soviet Union, the main occupation of Customs officers was to dig through the luggage of Soviet citizens going and coming from abroad looking for banned books, audio and videotapes, and so on. Customs had little relationship to the economy at that time. Issues related to exports and imports rested within the competence and province of the Ministry for Foreign Trade.

In 1991 it became necessary to build a basically new Customs structure which would be able to function under the new political and economic conditions. The task was quite difficult. Our Customs had to face a lot of problems. First of all many kilometers of Ukrainian borders actually remained unguarded. Smugglers were quick to avail themselves of this opportunity. So, our Customs had to tackle economic and law-enforcement tasks at the same time. It addition, it had to build Customs checkpoints on Ukraine's borders with the former Soviet republics. Ukraine successfully accomplished this task and fully equipped the checkpoints on the borders with Russia, Moldova, Belarus.

Another difficulty Customs had to face was a shortage of personnel. Today 17500 people work at Ukraine's Customs.

Ukraine also needed new laws because the former Customs laws did not regulate economic issues. And now Ukrainian business people see that Customs clearing procedures in Ukraine are the same as in other countries.

Smuggling remains the most difficult problem faced by Customs. Even highly developed countries encounter this kind of crime. Contraband includes mostly excise taxable goods - cigarettes and alcohol. Our Customs combats smuggling successfully.

Until recently, Ukraine had no institution to train Customs officers. But now the Academy of the Customs Service of Ukraine, some other higher educational establishments train specialists for Customs.

Ukraine realizes its Customs policy independently, creates its own Customs system and elaborates duty regulations on its territory.

In the process of pursuing Customs policy Ukrainian Customs houses solve the following main tasks:

· protection of national economy;

· control of Ukrainian Customs regulations;

· imposition of duties in accordance with international treaties on Customs regulations;

· application of duty-tariff and non-tariff regulations for goods transferred through the borders;

· complex control of financial currency operations together with the Ministry for foreign economic relations;

· creation of favourable conditions for accelerating goods and passenger movement through the Customs;

· enforcement of laws to combat smuggling and other Customs violations;

· cooperation with Customs of other countries and international organizations on Customs mattes;

· collection of Customs statistics.

So it can be said that Ukraine has finally set up a modem, multifunctional Customs service capable of taking a worthy place in the regulation of a market economy and of contributing to Ukraine's integration into the world economic system.





I. Suggest the Ukrainian for the following words and word combinations from the text:

the order of goods and other objects transfer through a border; in direction of harmonization; in accordance with; to dig through the luggage; looking for banned books; issues related to exports; within the competence and province; borders actually remained unguarded; to avail themselves of this opportunity; a shortage of personnel; Customs clearing procedures; excise taxable goods; in the process of pursuing Customs policy; application of duty-tariff and non-tariff regulations; for accelerating goods and passenger movement through the Customs.


II. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word combinations:


порядок проходження товарів та інших предметів через кордон; виконання митної політики; Україна створює свою митну службу по-новому; їхати за кордон та приїжджати з-за кордону; шукати заборонені книги; залишитись в межах компетенції та сфери діяльності; функціонувати в нових політичних та економічних умовах; кордони залишились незахищеними; митні пункти; Україна успішно виконала це завдання; колишні митні закони; зустрічатися з цим видом злочину; проводити митну політику незалежно; захист національної економіки; обкладання митом; у відповідності з міжнародними договорами; створення сприятливих умов; рух товарів та пасажирів; боротися з контрабандою; митна служба, яка спроможна зайняти гідне місце.


III. Find proper definition and study them:

Term Definition
1. Procedure a) what there is between one thing, person, idea, etc. and another or others
2. Relationship b) (of a court, ministry) legal capacity
3. Competence c) (the regular) order of doing things, esp legal and political
4. Province d) question that arises for discussion
5. Issue e) area of learning or knowledge; department of activity
6. Application f) putting to a special or practical use
7. Accelerating g) increasing the speed of; causing to move faster or happen earlier

IV. Find synonyms for:


performance to confront

accomplishment to make use of

activity, job to carry out, to fulfil

banned to meet

boundary to educate

deficit to expedite

staff to create, to establish


III. Fill in the blanks with proper words or phrases from the text:


1. Customs has established control over the main routes used by smugglers to bring... into Ukraine.

2. Task number one in the work of Customs is the coordinating of efforts... drug-trafficking and the smuggling of arms; strategic goods, works of art.

3. It has been found that smuggling of cigarettes and other... is the second profitable business in the USA after drug-trafficking.

4. Ukraine cooperates with Customs of other countries and international organizations on....

5. Russia has already equipped... on the borders with the Baltics, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

6. Since border control in Russia was not tight, several Customs institutions have helped a lot by undertaking the Customs... and relieving border checkpoints of some of their tasks.


(to combat; excise taxable goods; customs matters; contraband; the checkpoints; clearing procedures)

VII. Using the information in the text say what is true and what is false. Correct the false sentences:

1. Ukraine is an independent state now, it is building a market economy, so it is not surprising that it is building its Customs anew.

2. In the former Soviet Union, the main occupation of Customs officers was to collect taxes and duties.

3. Today issues related to exports and imports are within the competence and province of Customs and Ministry for Foreign Trade.

4. Ukraine has built Customs checkpoints on its borders with the former Soviet republics.

5. Customs clearing procedures in Ukraine are the same as in other countries.

6. Several higher educational establishments train highly-qualified specialists for Customs.

7. Ukrainian Customs houses solve a lot of important tasks and have to work on several areas simultaneously.

8. As distinct from developed countries which don't encounter smuggling, our country has to combat this evil.

IV. Read the passage filling in the missing prepositions:


According... the legislation of Ukraine quoting and licensing are provided only... certain groups of goods.

The decision on introduction... the regime of licensing and quoting of export (import) is approved... the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on granting of the Ministry... Economy with determination of the list of the particular goods (works, services). Realization... the export of goods (works, services) over established quota, not resulting... the international obligations of Ukraine, is provided under condition … payment of export Customs duty.

… Ukraine the following kinds of Customs taxes are applied:

· value added tax, which is charged … percentage to Customs cost of the goods and other objects liable … tax;

· specific tax, which is charged in a fixed money amount per unit of goods and other objects, taxed... the Customs taxation.

Setting … privileges and change of the rates of Customs duties, including for personal belongings, are carried out... the Supreme Council of Ukraine … granting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

It is forbidden to apply other kinds … Customs duties, except those, which are established... the Law.

Customs duties stipulated... the Law are import duty, seasonal duty, special duty, antidumping duty, countervailing duty.


1) licensing and quoting – ліцензування та квотування;

2) on granting – за згодою;

3) seasonal duty – сезонне мито;

4) countervailing duty – компенсаційне мито;

5) antidumping duty – антидемпінгове мито.


(to - 2; for - 1; of- 6; by - 5; from - 1; in - 2; on - 1)


IX. Translate into English:

1. Пасажири закордонного прямування повинні пройти паспортний контроль документів на право перетинання державного кордону України.

2. Порядок перетинання державного кордону України та перелік документів на право його перетинання визначається міжнародними договорами, а також чинним законодавством (effective legislation) України.

3. Для громадян України такими документами є:

· паспорт громадянина України для виїзду за кордон;

· дипломатичний паспорт;

· службовий паспорт (business passport);

· проїзний документ для дитини (travel document);

· посвідчення особи моряка (identity card);

· посвідчення особи члена екіпажу.

4. Особи, що намагаються проникнути на повітряні судна закордонного прямування поза паспортним контролем, чи ті, що пред’явили чужі або недійсні документи, вважаються порушниками Державного кордону.

5. Іноземна валюта, що ввозиться в Україну готівкою, пропускається (is admissible) в сумі:

a) ─ громадянам-резидентам ─ до 10000 доларів США, або еквівалент цієї суми в іншій іноземній валюті, без документів, що підтверджують джерела походження цієї валюти;

─ при ввезенні суми, що перевищує 10000 доларів США, громадяни-резиденти мають подати митниці документ (звіт) про джерело походження (currency origin);

b) громадянам-резидентам – при ввезенні суми, що перевищує 10000 доларів США чи еквівалент у іншій валюті, митниці подається заява на ввезення готівкою з поясненням мети, для якої призначені валютні кошти.

6. Дозволено ввезення в Україну свіжих овочів і фруктів (крім картоплі) приватним особам, до 10 кг по кожному найменуванню.

7. З метою охорони території України і захисту населення від хвороб, спільних для тварин і людей, ви повинні пред’явити державному ветеринарному контролю тварин і птахів всіх видів, продукти тваринного походження, рибу, бджіл, корми.


X. Answer the comprehension questions on the text:

1. What does Customs mean?

2. How is Customs in Ukraine developing?

3. Why is Ukraine building its Customs anew?

4. What difficulties did our Customs face in 1991?

5. Why did Ukraine need new Customs laws at that time?

6. Does smuggling remain the most difficult problem faced by Customs?

7. What does contraband mostly include?

8. Where are Customs officers trained now?

9. How does Ukraine realize its Customs policy now?

10. What main tasks do Ukrainian Customs houses solve?

11. Can it be said that Ukraine has finally set up a modem, multifunctional Customs service?

XI. Speak on the following topics:


1. Customs service in Ukraine today.

2. Difficulties faced by Customs at the beginning of the 1990s.

3. The problem of smuggling in Ukraine.

4. Tasks solved by Customs are very important.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 148 | Нарушение авторских прав

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