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At a passport and customs desk

Читайте также:
  1. A day in the life of a Customs Officer at Brisbane Airport
  2. American holidays: customs and traditions/Праздники в США: обычаи и традиции
  3. At the Customs
  4. At the Customs
  5. At the Customs House
  6. British customs and traditions

Прочитайте и переведите диалоги.

Mr Klimenko is at Kiev airport now. He has to fly to London and then to go by train to Brighton where he will be met by a junior manager of Continental Equipment.

At an airport

— Excuse me. Could you tell me where the Ukraine International Airlines counter is?

Certainly. Just go up the escalator here on your right and you'll see it.

— Here's your ticket. Your flight is now boarding at gate 50. Go down concourse D to your left there.

At a passport and customs desk

— Your passport, please. How long are you planning to stay in the country?

— Three weeks. Could I prolong my entrance visa in case of necessity?

— Sure. The receiving party shall take care of it.

— Well, bags on the table and your customs form, please.

— How much do they weigh?

— 23 kilos. I'm sorry, but you'll have to pay an excess luggage charge.

— Oh! It's only three kilos overweight.

— Yes, sir... that's $6... Thank you. Have you anything to declare?


— Alcohol, cigarettes, fresh fruit, plants...?

— Uh, no. Only for personal needs.

— Open your suitcase, please. Any gifts?

— Only one bottle of vodka.

— All right. It's duty free. As you probably know, it's forbidden to bring more than two bottles of alcohol and two blocks of cigarettes to England. And no limitations as to currency. Here's your form.

— Thank you.

— Not at all. The next please.

gate 50 стойка 50
concourse D зал D
a passport and customs desk стол паспортного и таможенного досмотра
prolong an entrance visa продлить въездную визу
in case of necessity в случае необходимости
receiving party принимающая сторона
customs form таможенная декларация
to pay an excess luggage charge заплатить за избыточный (лишний) вес
Have you anything to declare? Вы декларируете что-нибудь?
it's duty free это не облагается пошлиной
it's forbidden это запрещено



Грамматический материал

Настоящее время группы Continuous

Present Continuous - выражает действие, продолжающееся в данный момент.

Образуется из вспомогательного глагола be в настоящем времени и Причастия I смыслового глагола.

I am learning English Am I learning English? I am not learning English
You are learning English Are you learning English? You are not learning English
He is learning English Is he learning English? He is not learning English
She is learning English Is she learning English? She is not learning English
It is learning English Is it learning English? It is not learning English
We are learning English Are we learning English? We are not learning English
They are learning English Are they learning English? They are not learning English
  The telephone is ringing. Звонит телефон.
  You are listening to the morning news. Вы слушаете утренние новости.
  "Where's Bob?" "He's having lunch." Где Боб? – Он обедает.
  Who's calling, please? Кто говорит? (Кто звонит?)
  "What are you doing?" "I'm watching the telly. Are you?" – Чем занимаешься? (Что делаешь?) – Смотрю телевизор. А ты?

Сравните: Present Continuous — Present Simple

"I can’t understand them. What language are they speaking?" "Scottish." – Я их не понимаю. – На каком языке они говорят? – На шотландском.
"What languages do you speak? "French and German.?" – На каких языках вы говорите? (Какими языками вы владеем?) – На французском и немецком.

Некоторые глаголы, выражающие состояние и не употребляющиеся в Present Continuous: be, have (got), see, hear, know, understand, remember, like и другие.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 302 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Telephone Conversation with the British Firm| Buying a ticket

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