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Your Exemptions

Text: Duties of a Customs Officer | Text: Customs in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | Text: Travelling Abroad |

In clearing U.S. Customs, a traveller is considered either a "returning resident of the United States" or a "nonresident".

Generally speaking, if you leave the United States for the purpose of travelling, working or studying abroad and return to resume residency in the United States, you are considered a returning resident by Customs.

However, U.S. residents living abroad temporarily are entitled to be classified as nonresidents, and thus receive more liberal Customs exemptions, on short visit to the United States, provided they export any foreign - acquired items at the completion of their visit.

Articles acquired abroad and brought into the United States are subject to applicable duty and internal revenue tax, but as a returning resident you are allowed certain exemption from paying duty on items obtained while abroad.




I. Suggest the Ukrainian for the following words and word combinations from the text:

to have your luggage inspected by; Customs declarations are available; you can speed your Customs and immigration clearance; within the allowed exemption; exceeds your personal exemption; a customs duty is collectible on any article in your possession, for all members residing in the same household; may combine their personal exemptions; a traveller is considered "a returning resident" or a nonresident; are entitled to be classified as nonresidents; items obtained while abroad; articles are subject to applicable duty.


II. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word combinations:

митні декларації розповсюджуються на...; прискорити митне й імміграційне оформлення; пасажири, які прибувають кораблями та літаками; задекларувати товар усно; товари, що були придбані закордоном; письмова декларація необхідна, коли...; середня роздрібна ціна; товари, які не призначені для особистого вжитку; комерційні зразки; голова сім’ї; оформляти спільну декларацію; з метою подорожі, роботи, навчання; які живуть закордоном тимчасово; при умові, що вони вивезуть придбані за кордоном речі.


III. Find proper definitions and study them:


Term Definition
1. Duty-free (of goods) a) person who lives in a place (not a visitor)
2. Resident b) allowed to enter without the payment of Customs duties
3. Household c) held or done by, belonging to two or more persons together
4. Joint d) all persons (family, lodgers, etc.) living in a house
5. Exceed e) make a statement (to Customs officials) of dutiable goods brought into a country
6. Declare f) be greater than; go beyond what is allowed, necessary or advisable

IV. Find synonyms for:


ownership to live

domestic to imply

accessible to dispense

item, object to go with

out of the country to surpass

joint to permit

citizen to continue


V. Fill in the blanks with proper words and phrases from the text:

1. When making your written declaration, you must list all goods... you other than your personal effects, along with their price or value.

2. If the article was a gift, state..., in U.S. currency or its equivalent in the country where it was acquired.

3. Articles brought into the United States... duty and internal revenue tax unless they are prohibited entry.

4. As a visitor or nonresident you are allowed certain … and privileges.

5. The wearing or use of any article... abroad does not exempt it from duty.

6. If you understate... of an article you declare, you may have to pay a penalty in addition to payment of duty.


1) personal effects – особисте майно;

2) to understate – применшувати.


(the fair retail value; are subject to; accompanying; exemptions; acquired; the value)


VI. Using the information in the text say what is true and what is false. Correct the false sentences:

1. Everyone who crosses the border has to go through Customs.

2. If the traveller has any item which comes under Customs restrictions he is asked to declare it.

3. It is desirable that a traveller fill out his declaration before he arrives.

4. A written declaration is necessary when the total fair retail value of articles acquired abroad exceeds your personal exemption.

5. A Customs duty or internal revenue tax is collective on certain articles in your possession.

6. It's impossible for Family Members making a joint declaration to combine their personal exemptions, if the articles acquired by one member of the family exceed the personal exemption allowed.

7. All travellers are classified as residents and visitors.


VII. Read the passage filling in the missing prepositions:

Nowadays travelling abroad is very popular. Some people prefer to travel... plane, especially businessmen, because it's the fastest means... transportation. Those who are not short... time usually travel... train or ship.

While travelling abroad you have to go... Customs, sometimes several times.

As a rule the Customs officers check your passports and visas if they are required. When coming... some countries you may need a health certificate or vaccination. If you have anything to declare, then you are to fill... the declaration form.

The Customs officers may ask you to show your luggage... them. Usually articles... personal use and wear and also used items and gifts are not liable... duty anywhere. If you are carrying much currency you should also declare it. Although some items are liable... duty, if you carry only a small amount... them, they are duty free.

Do not try to break the Customs rules and regulations because you may have a lot... troubles.


(by - 2; of- 4; through - 1; to - 4; in - 1; for - 1)


VIII. Answer the comprehension questions on the text:

1. Who has to go through Customs?

2. What does "to go through Customs" mean?

3. What does a traveller have to declare while crossing the border?

4. Why should you fill in your declaration before you arrive?

5. There are three kinds of Customs declaration in the USA, aren't there? What are they?

6. What articles can you declare orally?

7. When is a written declaration necessary?

8. Who may make a joint declaration?

9. Why do many families in the USA make joint declarations?

10. Can you make a joint declaration in our country?

IX. Translate the dialogue into English:

¾ Де ваш паспорт?

¾ Ось він. Я їду до Лондона.

¾ Як довго ви збираєтесь там пробути?

¾ Моя віза на три місяці, але я їду тижнів на два.

¾ Це ваші валізи?

¾ Так. Мені показувати вам всі речі?

¾ Ні, відкрийте будь ласка, цю валізу.

¾ Тут лише мої особисті речі та одяг..

¾ У вас є речі, які підлягають оподаткуванню?

¾ Не думаю. Я везу лише подарунки та речі, які були в користуванні. Чи цигарки підлягають оподаткуванню?

¾ Так, якщо ви провозите їх більше, ніж 200 штук.

¾ Ні, у мене їх лише 200.

¾ Ви задекларували всю вашу валюту?

¾ Так.

¾ Чому ви не внесли в декларацію ваші дорожні чеки?

¾ Я не знав про це. Я зараз задекларую їх.

¾ Поставте підпис на декларації ось тут. Огляд закінчено. Вибачте, що затримав вас надовго.

X. Speak on the following topics:


1. Main kinds of the declaration in the USA.

2. The advantages of a family declaration.

3. Declaring foreign-acquired articles.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 73 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Text: Customs in the United States of America| Text: Customs in Ukraine

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