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MUST / TO HAVE TO / TO BE TO 4 страница

MUST / TO HAVE TO / TO BE TO 1 страница | MUST / TO HAVE TO / TO BE TO 2 страница | Ex. 479 Paraphrase the sentences using the verb “dare” (All about modal verbs). | All about modal verbs | Translate into English. | Новое платье Луны. |

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Exercise 19. State whether should is auxiliary or modal.

1. In his place I should have been more embarrassed and less calm. 2. Eleanor's relations suggested that her husband should go to work rather than live on her money. 3. If Fleur liked to amuse herself by having people round her, why shouldn't she? 4.1 should have gone mad if you hadn't let me read the letters. 5. I thought I should never get over it. 6. Philip, you shouldn't speak to your uncle like that. 7.1 shouldn't believe it myself if anybody told it to me. 8. We told him we should send him an autographed copy of our re­port. 9. It should have shown her to him in her true colours. 10. You shouldn't mention this woman and me in the same breath. 11.1 was afraid I should miss him. 12. We should go to the Zoo more often, and watch the monkeys. 13. "Are you English or American?" — "English, of course. Should I care about them if I were not?" 14. "Have you seen anybody about it?" — "No. Should I have?"

Exercise 20. Comment on the use of emotional should. Pay attention to the structure of the questions it is found in.

1.Why should I tell you a lie? 2. But why should you want to paint me? 3. Why shouldn't you stay with me? 4. Why, where should I be without you? 5. And where should I go then? 6. Why should he have said he found the watch just there? 7. What in God's name should I want that for? 8. Why should I give him his freedom? 9. Why should she buy me clothes? 10. How should I know what's to be done? 11. "Who did it?" the sheriff said. "How should I know who did it?" I said. 12. I have left Soames! Where should I go? 13. Why should I have done that? 14. Why in the world shouldn't you listen to her? 15. "Who is Mrs Thomas?" I asked. — "How should I know?" 16. I said to myself: "Why should I not go and see that poor Strickland?" 17. I don't know what to say except this: Why shouldn't the girl herself have done it? 18. Flight! But why should Bosinney fly? 19. "And who are these?" — "How should I know? It's no business of mine." 20. Why should you be different from other men?



Ex 457. Translate into English

1. Если вы хотите преуспеть, то вам следует набраться знаний, опыта и терпения. 2. Тебе следует проконсуль­тироваться у профессионала, прежде чем принимать какие-либо решения. 3. А не следует ли мне начать брать уроки вождения? 4. Единокровных детей не сле-дует разлучать. 5. Тебе не следует есть так много кон-фет! Это же плохо для тебя. 6. Замороженные продук­ты следует разморозить, прежде чем готовить их. 7. Я убеждена, что тебе следует обратиться к врачу по пово-' ду сердечной боли. 8. В больших городах животных следует держать под контролем. 9. Животных не сле­дует запирать в клетки, им следует жить в естествен­ных условиях. 10. Как настоящему другу тебе не сле­довало бы скрывать правду, тебе следовало все мне рас­сказать именно в тот критический момент. 11. Не следует тебе так много думать о нем. Свет клином на нем не сошелся. 12. Раньше нужно было думать об этом, моя дорогая! Но делать нечего, давай посмотрим, что можно сделать. 13. Вам следовало давным-давно бросить пить и курить. Нужно было думать о своем здоровье смолоду. 14. — Ну откуда же мне знать, как она поживает? — Как близкому родственнику тебе сле­довало бы знать это. 15. Тебе не следовало брать с нее пример все эти годы! То, что хорошо для нее, не может быть хорошо для тебя. Вы абсолютно разные люди. 16. Вам следовало высадить луковицы осенью, если вы хотели, чтобы цветы появились весной.

Ex 458. Give advice in the following using the verb should (have)

1. My eyes are tired. 2. They quarrelled last night. 3. My life is hectic. 4. Bess' boyfriend is too young. 5. What a horrible film! 6. Jack thinks his girl is light-minded. 7. Mr. Snow has gone bankrupt. 8. The roses have faded. 9. I caught a cold last week. 10. Now I'm coughing and sneezing. 11. The police are helpless in this case. 12.1 have developed a splitting headache. 13.1 haven't been getting enough sleep lately. 14. She's been eating only one meal a day. 15. This is my sixth cup of coffee this evening.


Ex460. Translate into English

1. С какой стати мне не доверять им? 2. Невероятно, что он может верить в такую чушь. 3. Что же, мне лгать лишь ради приличий? 4. — Где дети? — Где же им еще быть, как не в постели? Уже 11 часов вечера. 5. Ужасно, что ты так презираешь людей беднее тебя. 6. Не вижу причин, почему вы должны расстаться. 7. Было странно, что такая молоденькая девушка оде­валась как старушка. 8. И чего это он вдруг позвонил мне? 9. Странно, что она влюбилась в этого ловеласа. 10. — Не следовало тебе вмешиваться. — Откуда мне было знать, что все так серьезно? 11. Забавно, что она выглядит такой важной. 12. Ну где же мне еще быть, как не здесь? 13. Есть нечто, что мне следовало ска­зать тебе вчера. Я собирался несколько раз, но муже­ство покинуло меня. 14. Не следовало тебе настаивать. Тебе следовало сразу понять, что случай безнадежный.




26. Use should or had (to) with the correct form of the infini­tive in brackets.

1. We... (to call) on him yesterday, but we were too busy as we... (to attend) an extra meeting. 2. I... not (to tell) him this news; he was so much upset, but I really... (to do) so, for the circumstances demanded that. 3. You... (to see) him dance! You have missed a lot. I... (to take) you to the concert. 4. It was very hard work but we... (to do) it. 5. She... (not to let) it pass like that, she... (to explain) it to him that he was wrong. 6. Although it was unpleasant to her, she... (to tell) him that he was wrong.

27. Use should or need with the correct form of the infinitive in brackets.

1. I am very sorry, I... not (to bother) you with this trifle. 2. You... not (to come) so early, now you will have to wait. 3. You... not (to give) the child so much money. It will spoil him. 4. You... not (to return) the money so soon. I could have waited. 5. You... not (to help) him with this work. He could have managed it himself.

28. Fill in the blanks with either should or must. Translate into Russian.

1. a) You... have spoken to him already. I see you know everything, b) You... have spoken to him of the matter. Why keep him in the dark? 2. a) They... have studied the subject more thoroughly; they will regret it later on. b) They... have studied the subject thoroughly; they answered every question. 3. a) You... have ignored the traffic regulations. That's why you were fined, b) You... have followed the traffic regulations, then you would not have been fined. 4. a) He... have forgotten to send them a telegram, b) He... have remembered to send them a telegram. 5. a) I... have taken Grandfather's spectacles. I cannot see anything through them, b) I... have taken my opera-glasses. I don't see anything.

29. Translate into English using must, to be (to), have (to), needn't or should.

1. Я не должен был говорить с ней таким тоном. Именно мой тон, должно быть, и обидел ее. 2. Мы, должно быть, пропустили его. Мы должны были прийти пораньше. 3. Вам не надо было так торопиться; нужно было быть здесь не раньше пяти. 4. Она должна была выгладить это платье, до того как оно высохло; теперь ей придется смочить его снова. 5. Она не должна была закрывать окно так быстро, надо было проветрить комнату получше. 6. Это должно было случиться. Всем известна его рас сеянность. 7. Этого следовало ожидать, и нечего удивляться. 8. Нам не пришлось тащить вещи на себе: нам попалась попут­ная машина. 9. Вы не должны так расстраиваться по пустякам. Надо держать себя в руках. 10. Вы не должны грызть ногти. Это отвратительная привычка, и нужно от нее избавиться. 11. Наде­юсь, ты не должна теперь так рано вставать; ты ведь теперь работаешь в десяти минутах ходьбы от дома. 12. Она, очевидно, была очень приятной женщиной. Все говорят о ней с такой любовью. 13. В Крыму есть много растений, которые нельзя тро­гать руками, так как они оставляют ожоги. 14. Это лекарство можно получить только по рецепту врача. 15. Там, наверно, идет дождь; смотри, какое темное небо. 16. С какой стати я буду делать то, что я не должна. 17. Они, вероятно, что-то горячо обсуждали; они даже не заметили, как мы вошли. 18. Через год эта железная дорога будет полностью электрифицирована.

32. Fill in the blanks with must, should or ought (to).

1. Your questions surprise me, you... (to know) this. 2. Child­ren... (to obey) their parents. 3. Though it is a very unpleasant mission, I feel I... (to tell) you the truth. 4. Why... I (to know) where he is? 5. Let's tell him all as it is. He... (to understand). 6. You... (to apologize) when you saw that his feelings were hurt. 7. You... (not to eat) so much bread; you will gain weight, which is not good for your heart. 8.She... (not to speak) about such things in the child's presence. Now you see the results. 9. I... (to know) that it might come to that. 10. a) If they had been warned in time, they... (to be) there by now. b) If they were warned in time they... (to be) there by now. 11. His heart was now thumping so violently he felt it... (to burst). 12. He gave you just that feeling of assurance, of confidence that a doctor... (to give).


Exercise 22. Fill in the blanks with the verbs can, may, must, should, ought, need, have to, be to.

1. At this time Strickland... have been nearly forty-seven. 2. "Real friends... have everything in common," the Miller used to say. 3. Surely he... have stayed with her on her birthday! 4. She... never have married him! 5. You... not bother with these things here for you are among friends. 6. If anything... happen to me, my wife will be left very badly off. 7. That young American chap... have overheard something too. 8. Tell him I'd wait twenty years for him if I... to. 9. This... be the very last dinner he would ever eat at Ella's. 10. He... go to business, why... other people stay in bed merely because it was dark and foggy? 11. I... have insisted on going by myself and who knows I... have got a job when I got to London. 12. You... not be afraid, I never cry. 13. Why... you and I talk about it? 14. He sug­gested that I... stay with him for a few days so that he... show me something of the surrounding country. 15. It... be a tiny path, or it... extend for miles. 16. I think I... find some girl, who'll just look after me. 17. Well, my dear fellow, you... not eat as if you were going to eat it all. 18. Harris said there... have been twenty people following him in all. 19. It was of himself and of his own future, that he... think. 20. It's not my secret. But I'll see what I... do, because I think both you and John... be told. 21. I... say that you... have shown more consideration. 22. It's absurd to have a hard and fast rule about what one... read and what one... not.



Ex. 468. Read and translate the sentences Comment on the meanings of the verb shall

1. That's against the law! I shall complain to the council. 2. Well, what shall we do next? 3. Shall I tell you the real reason, sir? 4. Let's go there, shall we? 5. It is a clever piece of work — and useful — as you shall see. 6. "You shall retain your human forms in the Impossible World," said Old Nancy to the spies. "You shall become a hassock. You shall never, never return." 7. — Seek and you shall find. — All right, I shall try. 8. — As a man lives so shall he die. — Yes, as you sow, so shall you reap. 9. He is your enemy and you shall meet him everywhere. 10. He that has no money, shall need no purse. 11. He that commands well, shall be obeyed well. 12. Fragile articles, money, jewellery, business documents shall not be accepted as checked baggage. 13. Blessed be he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.


Ex 469. Translate into English

1. — Нам остаться дома или же пойти с вами? — Это вам решать. 2. — Мне ответить на телефонный зво­нок? — Да, пожалуйста. 3. Если не последуете моим приказам, то вы меня еще вспомните. 4. Как посеешь, так и пожнешь. 5. Не волнуйся, дорогая, ты получишь это кольцо. 6. Будь спокоен, ты получишь по заслу­гам. 7. Они будут следовать за вами повсюду, как тени. 8. Если послушаешь этого дилера, то точно потеряешь все свои деньги. 9. Она боится, что ей придется отве­чать за свои грехи. 10. Будь уверен, они обеспечат твою полную безопасность. 11. Если все будет в порядке, я позвоню тебе. 12. Не знаю, куда мы поедем отдыхать следующим летом. 13. Учти, ничто не останется без­наказанным. 14. Уверяю вас, ничего подобного боль­ше не произойдет. 15. Что же мне тебе посоветовать?


Exercise 23. Comment on the modal colouring of the following sentences with shall.

1. You shall sit by me, and amuse me. 2. At what time shall I be back? 3. Now you shall look on it face to face. 4. You shall listen. 5. Shall I leave the things here, sir? 6. Well, what night shall we go? 7. "You shall see it (the por­trait) yourself, tonight!" he cried, seizing a lamp from the table. 8. Shall I tell you why these men could not live with me? 9. If I come there you shall know about it. 10. She shall go off tomorrow, the little artful creature. 11. They shall not touch me ever again. 12. You shall not slip through my fingers. 13. I give you my word, you shall hear from me after the Cabinet meets. 14. I made a mistake about this afternoon. It shall not occur again. You shall enjoy your solitude. 15. Well, if it's twins, doctor, you shall be godfa­ther. 16. "What!" cried Mrs Morel, panting with rage. "You shall not touch him for her telling, you shall not!" 17. I'll tell you the story of my life and you shall tell me all about Buntinghom. — How's that? 18. "You shall have a pony, Henrietta," he said, "and James too, later on." 19. Well, you shall hold my bouquet? 20. Then you shall come; and you will come too, Basil, won't you?


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