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Rewrite the sentences using modal verbs instead of expressions similar to them.

State the functions of the Gerund in the following sentences. | Tell your friend about your first experience of giving First Aid (maybe at your Medicine classes) and the way you felt then. Use as many Participles as possible. | The United Nations Organization | Find in the text some examples of the Participle, the Gerund, and the Verbal Noun. Be ready to comment on the differences between them. | Death from tobacco add up to the population of London, say campaigners | Find the correspondences to the following Ukrainian proverbs. | Read the jokes and comment on the functions of the Participles and Participial Complexes. | SELF-STUDY BANK | Rewrite the following sentences using Participles and Participial Complexes. | Read a text abridged from the article by Peter Sheridan. While reading decide what kind of travelling the text is about. |

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  1. A four-wick, a five-wick, a seven-wick lamp or something similar, should now be offered
  2. A good thesis sentences will control the entire argument.
  3. A humorous drawing, often dealing with something in an amusing way
  4. A) Make sentences in bold type less definite and express one's uncertainty of the following.
  5. A) Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences to make a summary of what Carl says.
  6. A) Read the text below to find out about using gestures in different cultures.
  7. A) The use of the Past Indefinite becomes obligatory with stative verbs.

1. Perhaps, he has got a reduced ticket.

2. I’m sure, he has spent a large proportion of his time in the Internet.

3. It’s forbidden to smoke in the saloon of the plane.

4. Probably this adventure will capture your imagination.

5. Let’s go to India in search of beauty.

6. It wasn’t necessary for you to pay duty on these things.

7. You’d better restore your mental and physical resources.

8. Would you like me to book tickets in advance?

9. Would you mind if I reserve a round-trip ticket?

10. I’m to be at the airport at 9:00.

11. What about making preparations?

12. I don’t advise you to jump the queue at the ticket office.


Translate the following sentences into English using modal verbs.

1. Невже ця космічна подорож справила вирішальний вплив на ваш стиль життя?

2. Неперевершена краса цього краєвиду може привернути будь-чию увагу.

3. Не може бути, щоб вона була виснажена після такої захоплюючої подорожі!

4. Невже її життя стало одноманітним після того, як її коханий став першим космічним туристом у світі?

5. Очевидно, він стоїть у черзі за квитком.

6. Ви можете запізнитися на потяг, якщо не візьмете таксі.

7. Ти міг би допомогти мені нести ці важкі валізи!

8. Ви могли б помітити деякі недоліки цього проекту, адже вони просто очевидні!

9. Вам не потрібно було стояти в черзі за квитками. Ми замовили їх по телефону.

10. Вам не слід пливти проти течії, будьте насторожі!

11. Я повинна задекларувати всі речі, коли буду проходити митний огляд?

12. Ви маєте сплатити за надмірну вагу вашого багажу.


Complete the following proverbs matching their halves.

1. A man can die 2. As you sow 3. Can the leopard 4. That cock 5. A bird may be known 6. You cannot judge 7. The beggar may sing 8. Do as you may 9. What cannot be cured 10. You shouldn’t look 11. He that dares not venture 12. What must a. would be drowned in a tea-cup. b. must be endured. c. won’t fight. d. by its song. e. be must. f. if you cannot do as you would. g. a gift horse in the mouth. h. a tree by its bark i. change his spots? j. before the thief. k. you shall mow. l. but once.

Read Ukrainian proverbs and give their English equivalents from the previous exercise.

1. Горбатого могила виправить.

2. Видно птаха по польоту.

3. Чому бути, тому не минути.

4. Цей номер не пройде.

5. Треба миритися з тим, чого не можна змінити.

6. Двом смертям не бути, а одної не минути.

7. Що посієш, те й пожнеш.

8. Дарованому коню в зуби не дивляться.

9. Голий нападу не боїться.

10. Як нічим не ризикувати, то нічого і не мати.

11. Не можеш, як хочеш, роби, як можеш.

12. Зовнішність оманлива.


Make up your own situations to illustrate the proverbs above. Use as many modal verbs and modal expressions as possible.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 79 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Identify the meaning of the basic modals and modal expressions in the sentences below.| Read the jokes and define the meaning of modal verbs.

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