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Exercise 42. Instructions as for 41.

Exercise10. Instructions as for 9. | Exercise 12. Make up sentences of your own using the following phrases. | Obligation, necessity, duty (in all types of sentences) | Exercise 20. Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the infinitive. | Exercise 23. Instructions as for 22. | Exercise 26. Turn the sentences into negative and interrogative. | Necessity, obligation due to a previous plan or arrangement | Exercise 32. Make up situations or sentences of your own with the following phrases to show the difference between them | Should, ought (to) | Exercise 37. Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the infinitive. |

Читайте также:
  1. A) Read the following text and do the exercises below.
  2. Action I, Exercise 6
  3. Additional exercises for the Infinitive and the Infinitive Constructions
  4. Additional Language Exercises
  5. Additional Language Exercises
  6. Advanced exercises in conversion
  7. Answers to Exercises

1. "I believe you are making a big mistake," she said. I would not listen to her, I thought her hard and cruel. (D.M.) 2. My only enemy was the clockon the dash-board, whose hands would move relentlessly to one o'clock. (D.M.) 3. I called him Frank because Maxim did, but he would always call me Mrs. de Winter. (D.M.) 4. "I've no patience with people who won't learn." (D.M.) 5. The English have no respect for their language, and will not teach their children to speak it. (B.Sh.) 6. We tried to get Taylor to watch his step but he wouldn't. (F.F.) 7. Mr. Mayfair supports them but will not let them leave. (A.Hit.) 8. His efforts to extricate himself failed. The banks would not lend him money. (S.M.) 9. … they knew too much about him and wouldn't play with him. (S.M.) 10. He was in a state of perturbation because the grey pearl he usually wore in his necktie would not make any sort of effect against the pale grey tie he had chosen… (S.M.) 11. At one place the farmer said he'd take Kosti but couldn't do with me and Kostu said we were buddies and wouldn't separate. (S.M.) 12. I wonder if you would perhaps permit me to ask you something of a rather personal order. (K.I.) 13. It occurs to me in recalling these words that, of course, many of Lord Darlington's ideas will seem today rather odd. (K.I.) 14. I thanked him for his thoughtfulness, but when I made inquiries as to payment, he, too, would hear none of it. (K.I.) 15. I turned to him and said: "If you will perhaps follow me, sir." (K.I.) 16. … Dudley had given his wife "a bottle of liquor which he willed her to use in any faintness, and which she, not knowing it was poison, gave him, and so he died." (K.B.P.)


Exercise 43. Say whether will, would are modal or auxiliary.

1. If she could have killed him, she would have done it. (M.Mit.) 2. I will do my best to secure a replacement at the earliest opportunity, Miss Kenton. Now if you will excuse me, I must return upstairs. (K.I.) 3. "In fact, Mr. Stevens," she called, "I would ask you from now on not to speak to me directly at all." (K.I.) 4. I certainly wish you would play ball now and then, Oliver. (E.S.) 5. I told him all about it. You'll have heard about it from them, I expect… (A.Chr.) 6. One of Davies' first jobs was to persuade Foot to join him. Davies would not be drawn on the issue. (S.T.) 7. If you loved me you wouldn't be afraid to tell me the truth. (M.F.) 8. … the construction of the river by embankments will have changed the depositional-erosional balance and may have led to a rise in the height of tide levels. (E.Z.) 9. "Is Gray in bed?" "No, he won't ever go to bed when he has his headaches." (S.M.) 10. And again he would have passed her without a word had she not … called to him and taken the green shawl off the picture frame, and gone to him. (V.W.) 11. If you will wait a few more minutes, the doctor will see you without your making an appointment. (B.D.Graver) 12. "It would have occurred to most men," said Mrs. Chick, "that poor dear Fanny being no more, it becomes necessary to provide a nurse." (Ch.D.) 13. I saw in her face, looking gloomily at me, "It would have been better, little Esther, if you had had no birthday; that you had never been born." (Ch.D.) 14. … their plots were invariably absurd – indeed sentimental – and I would not have wasted one moment on them were it not for these afore-mentioned benefits. (K.I.) 15. Not for anything would they have called at Lady Louth's house. (D.H.L.) 16. "If you will indulge me by listening, I would be most grateful." (K.I.) 17. He will forget to lock the door when he goes out. (M.Dean) 18. It would be much appreciated if you would give me the name and address of the publication which monitors these transactions. (S.T.)


Exercise 44. Insert shall, should, will, would.

1. "Turn this man out!" "I … not be turned out! I … speak!" 2. Don't be afraid. You … not be punished! 3. … I shut the door, ma'am? 4. That was all he could see, for the sedan doors … not open. 5. … you have a cup of tea with me? 6. You … be learning your lessons, not talking over the phone. 7. She was beginning to feel uncomfortable, but she … not admit that. 8. Why … I go? I was not invited. 9. They have gone to the river; they … not take me. 10. You … not run away before you answer! I've locked the door! 11. He said he had done something which he … not have done. 12. Nothing … divide me from you! 13. "It's obvious she loves you." "But she … (negative) marry me!" 14. You … have no cause to complain of me. 15. He … help me, but he never does. 16. You may come to our place, if you …. 17. In your place I … try to find a job. 18. Don't worry, he … not interfere. 19. The news has been broadcast several times today. They … have heard it. 20. … you say it again, please?

Exercise 45. Translate the sentences into English using shall, should, will, would.

1. Не беспокойтесь, он вернет вашу машину в целости и сохранности. 2. Ему следует сначала закончить аспирантуру, а потом думать о женитьбе. 3. Мои родители не дают мне денег, чтобы купить компьютер. 4. Я не буду ходить вокруг да около, я расскажу всю правду! 5. Должно быть, это и есть туристский лагерь. Посмотри по карте. 6. Нам подождать ваших дальнейших указаний? 7. Он часто сидел один в своем кабинете и о чем-то думал. 8. Подожди немного. Скоро ты будешь есть конфеты каждый день. 9. Я бы пошла сегодня в театр. Ах, если бы меня пригласили! 10. Они долго стучали в дверь, но она так и открыла ее. 11. Закройте, пожалуйста, дверь. 12. Мы приглашали их остаться на обед, но они и слышать об этом не хотели. 13. Если вы останетесь здесь еще на пару дней, я покажу вам все наши достопримечательности. 14. Они не хотят обучать меня рисованию, хотя я много раз просила их об этом. 15. Вы, должно быть, уже прочитали об этом в газетах. 16. Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы ты быстрее начал готовиться к вступительным экзаменам. 17. Присмотрите, пожалуйста, за моей собакой сегодня. 18. Вам следовало вмешаться в их спор в самом начале. Тогда они бы не поссорились. 19. Сколько раз я тебе говорила, не сиди допоздна, но ты продолжаешь это делать! 20. Если вы окажете ей психологическую помощь, она быстро избавиться от своих страхов. 21. Не следует тебе появляться в их обществе.


6.11. Need can be used as a modal or as a regular verb. It has the following meanings:

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Volition, intention, determination (in affirmative and negative sentences)| Necessity (in negative and interrogative sentences)

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