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Exercise 12. Make up sentences of your own using the following phrases.

Exercise 30. State the form of the verb. Translate the sentences into Russian. | Exercise 34.State the form of the verb. Translate the sentences into Russian. | Exercise 41. Use the appropriate form of subjunctive II in clauses of comparison and predicative clauses. | Exercise 44. State the form of the verb. Translate the sentences into Russian. | Exercise 46. Use subjunctive II or the conditional mood in complex sentences with clauses of unreal condition. | Exercise 69. Use the suppositional mood or subjunctive I in appositive and predicative clauses. | Exercise 79. Comment on the choice of the word form and translate the sentences into Russian. | Incredulity (in negative sentences) | Exercise 2. Instructions as for 1. | Exercise 8. Instructions as for 7. |

Читайте также:
  1. A good thesis sentences will control the entire argument.
  2. A humorous drawing, often dealing with something in an amusing way
  3. A The following are dictionary definitions of different types of markets.
  4. A) Give the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations.
  5. A) Make sentences in bold type less definite and express one's uncertainty of the following.
  6. A) Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences to make a summary of what Carl says.
  7. A) Read the following comments from three people about their families.

1. to express permission and prohibition: may I …? might we …? you may …; he said we might …; she says they may …; I said you might …; you may not …; she says I may not …; he said we might not…

2. to express supposition implying doubt and reproach: he may have…; they might have…; she might be …; they might have been …; he may (might) +simple infinitive; they may not have …; she might not have been…; we may (might) not + simple infinitive; you might + simple infinitive; you might have …


Exercise 13. Translate the sentences into English using may in different meanings.

1. Возможно, они все еще ждут от нас ответа. 2. Может быть, она еще не проснулась, поэтому и не берет трубку. 3. Ты могла бы позвонить и предупредить нас, что не придешь! 4. Возможно, он не сделал этого из-за страха быть наказанным. 5. Вы можете принести статью завтра. 6. Возможно, он тебя просто не заметил. 7. Чемодан тяжелый. Можно, я помогу тебе нести его? 8. Не трогай мои вещи без разрешения! 9. Может быть, он тебя не понимает (не понял). 10. Возможно, мы получим эту информацию завтра. 11. Может быть, он уже слышал об этом. 12. Вы можете позвонить мне в любое время. 13. Они, возможно, скоро вернутся (уже вернулись). 14. Зачем ты так торопился? Ты мог бы упасть! 15. Мы, возможно, больше не увидимся. 16. Я, пожалуй, подожду еще немного. (may as well) 17. Они, возможно, уже давно находятся дома. 18. Можно, я немного убавлю радио? 19. Возможно, он опять не сдал экзамен. 20. Не волнуйся, он скоро поправится; все могло быть и хуже! 21. "Обещаю, что помогу тебе завтра." "Тогда вообще можешь мне не помогать!" (may just as well not…).

Revision exercises on can and may

Exercise 14. Analyse the meanings of can and may. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Australia can bring forth writers, orators, financiers, singers, musicians, actors, and athletes which are second to none of any nation under the sun. (M.F.) 2. I can see several tents rigged for the night, looking like white specks in the distance. (M.F.) 3. He threw his handkerchief over my chest, saying I might catch cold, but I scouted the idea. (M.F.) 4. I was afraid the boat might have stunned you in capsizing, and you would be drowned before I could find you. (M.F.) 5. "Harold, it is shameful to teach a little innocent child such abominable slang; and you might give her a decent nickname." (M.F.) 6. There was little I could do for Mr. Farraday to prevent all but Mrs. Clements leaving for other employment. (K.I.) 7. The cause of this illness has not been identified, although recentresearch suggests that the problem may stem from an immune system reacting abnormally to the brain's chemical processes. (N.I.) 8. … so sufferers of this condition can only have their symptoms treated through a combination of counselling and drugs. (N.I.) 9. The roof seemed to be intact. Could it be – could it be? No, it wasn't possible. (M.Mit) 10. The English have no respect for their language…. They cannot spell it because they have nothing to spell it with but an old foreign alphabet. (B.Sh.) 11. Who could deny that Elliott, that arch-snob, was also the kindest, most considerate and generous of men? (S.M.) 12. … any experiment involving a change in the environment will alter many things, which may or may not be important. (E.Z.) 13. Does he constantly criticise and blame you or others for everything that is wrong in his life, rather than accept that he might have made a mistake? (N.I.) 14. Who could Jenny be talking to …? (E.S.)


Exercise 15. Insert can, may or both in the appropriate form.

  1. Neither wanted to bring up the subject for fear of what that … lead to. 2. She … have been a little puzzled by this question, for she was silent for some time before answering. 3. There is little we … do for him now. 4. "… you see what is written there?" "No, I … not. I am short-sighted." 5. "The cost of such a trip … come to a surprising amount. Are you sure you have enough money to afford it?" 6. "Let's go to the countryside. At this time of the year we … get some work on a farm." 7. "I see you have so much time on your hands if you … simply wander about this house doing nothing and poking your nose into other people's affairs." 8. She used to hope ardently that her daughter … have a better life than she herself had. 9. I … not say I felt greatly excited at hearing the news. 10. He … sense the steep drop to his left, though he … not see it due to the trees and thick foliage that lined the roadside. 11. You … be amazed to hear that this obvious mistake for a long time escaped my notice. 12. You have made several spelling mistakes. You … have been more attentive translating such an important text! 13. I am sure America … offer you more opportunities than your motherland. Try to emigrate. 14. He refused to help you? He … not be so callous! 15. … he have misunderstood us? 16. Nobody … have supposed that you quarrelled. 17. It is time for the woman to take her own decisions, however slow the progress … be. 18. "It is quite clear they suspect that something is wrong, and their suspicions … be quite justified! 19. Nobody else … have done it better than you did! 20. … I smoke here?


Exercise 16. Paraphrase the following sentences using can or may in the appropriate form.

1. Perhaps, he has forgotten it. 2. I don't believe that he has forgotten it. 3. It is possible that he will forget it soon. 4. Is it possible that he has forgotten it? 5. Did he allow you to take his books? 6. I forbid you to speak to me in such a tone! 7. It is impossible that they didn't find the place. 8. They will perhaps discuss the question at the next meeting. 9. Did he give you permission to come here? 10. Perhaps, he didn't notice us. 11. I am sure she hasn't fallen ill. 12. Is it possible that they didn't congratulate you? 14. Perhaps, he doesn't know it. 15. I am not able to stand here any longer! 16. Maybe he has been taken to hospital. 17. It is possible to see the lake and the forest through this window. 18. He was unable to find it out.


Exercise 17. Translate the sentences into English using can, may or both.

1. Мы встречались ипрежде, но, возможно, вы забыли об этом. 2. Не может быть, чтобы мы встречались прежде. Я уверена, что вижу вас впервые. 3. Где мы можем с вами встретиться? 4. Неужели вы прежде не встречались? 5. Не может быть, чтобы она нас обманула. 6. Возможно, она нас обманула. 7. Может быть, она нас и не обманула. 8. Возможно, она нас обманет. 9. Неужели она нас обманывает. 10. Можно я принесу статью завтра? 11. Вам нельзя оставлять это дело без внимания. 12. "Она убежала (to run off) с Хитклиффом!" "Не может этого быть!" 13. Я не мог не пойти на эту встречу. 14. Возможно, мы скоро получим ответ на этот вопрос. 15. Он не смог ответить даже на этот простой вопрос. 16. Неужели он не ответил даже на этот вопрос. 17. "Мам, можно я возьму еще одну конфету?" "Тебе нельзя есть много сладкого." 18. Нам, пожалуй, лучше сходить в кино. 19. Он мог бы оставить ей побольше денег перед отъездом. Сейчас ей просто не на что жить. 20. Вряд ли она была красавицей даже в юности. 21. Возможно, ты встретишь там настоящих друзей.


6.5. The modal verb must has the following meanings:

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Exercise10. Instructions as for 9.| Obligation, necessity, duty (in all types of sentences)

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