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Protection of women 4 страница

A devotee of the Lord possesses all good qualities | The protection of women maintains the CHASTITY of society, by which we can get a good generation for peace, tranquillity and progress of life. | Prabhupada: That means they are not Christians. | Prabhupada: Here also, in Gujarat, they wear black, black sari. | Duties of a CHASTE Wife 1 страница | Duties of a CHASTE Wife 2 страница | Duties of a CHASTE Wife 3 страница | Duties of a CHASTE Wife 4 страница | PROTECTION OF WOMEN 1 страница | PROTECTION OF WOMEN 2 страница |

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(SB 3.17.15 P Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the Directions of the Universe)



VARNA-SANKARA is unwanted population which disturbs the peace of the general society. In order to check this social disturbance, there are prescribed rules and regulations by which the population can automatically become peaceful and organized for spiritual progress in life. When Lord Krsna descends, naturally He deals with such rules and regulations in order to maintain the prestige and necessity of such important performances. The Lord is the father of all living entities, and if the living entities are misguided, indirectly the responsibility goes to the Lord. Therefore, whenever there is general disregard of regulative principles, the Lord Himself descends and corrects the society. We should, however, note carefully that although we have to follow in the footsteps of the Lord, we still have to remember that we cannot imitate Him. Following and imitating are not on the same level. We cannot imitate the Lord by lifting Govardhana Hill, as the Lord did in His childhood. It is impossible for any human being. We have to follow His instructions, but we may not imitate Him at any time.

(Bg 3.24 P Karma-yoga)


In the Bhagavad-gita it is stated that when the women become unCHASTE for want of proper protection, there are unwanted children called VARNA-SANKARA. To insult a CHASTE woman means to bring about disaster in the duration of life. Duhsasana, a brother of Duryodhana, insulted Draupadi, an ideal CHASTE lady, and therefore the miscreants died untimely. These are some of the stringent laws of the Lord mentioned above.

(SB 1.8.5 P Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Save)d


As far as the women class are concerned, they are accepted as a power of inspiration for men. As such, women are more powerful than men. Mighty Julius Caesar was controlled by a Cleopatra. Such powerful women are controlled by shyness. Therefore, shyness is important for women. Once this control valve is loosened, women can create havoc in society by adultery. Adultery means production of unwanted children known as VARNA-SANKARA, who disturb the world.

(SB 1.9.27 P The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna)


According to sastras, a brahmana could marry the daughter of a ksatriya but a ksatriya could not marry the daughter of a brahmana. They were very much cautious about VARNA-SANKARA population in the world. Sukracarya amended this law of forbidden marriage and induced Emperor Yayati to accept Devayani. Devayani had a girl friend named Sarmistha, who also fell in love with the emperor and thus went with her friend Devayani. Sukracarya forbade Emperor Yayati to call Sarmistha into his bedroom, but Yayati could not strictly follow his instruction. He secretly married Sarmistha also and begot sons by her. When this was known by Devayani, she w

(SB 1.12.24 P Birth of Emperor Pariksit)


In Bhagavad-gita Arjuna informed Krsna that if there is unwanted population (VARNA-SANKARA), the entire world will appear to be hell. People are very anxious for peace in the world, but there are so many unwanted children born without the benefit of the garbhadhana ceremony, just like the demons born from Diti. Diti was so lusty that she forced her husband to copulate at a time which was inauspicious, and therefore the demons were born to create disturbances. In having sex life to beget children, one should observe the process for begetting nice children; if each and every householder in every family observes the Vedic system, then there are nice children, not demons, and automatically there is peace in the world. If we do not follow regulations in life for social tranquillity, we cannot expect peace. Rather, we will have to undergo the stringent reactions of natural laws.



Children begotten under the rules and regulations of the scriptures generally become as good as the father and mother, but children born illegitimately mainly become VARNA-SANKARA. The VARNA-SANKARA population is irresponsible to the family, community and even to themselves. Formerly the VARNA-SANKARA population was checked by the observation of the reformatory method called garbhadhana-samskara, a child-begetting religious ceremony. In this verse we find that although King Puranjana had begotten so many children, they were not VARNA-SANKARA. All of them were good, well-behaved children, and they had good qualities like their father and mother.

Even though we may produce many good children, our desire for sex that is beyond the prescribed method is to be considered sinful. Too much enjoyment of any of the senses (not only sex) results in sinful activities. Therefore one has to become a svami or gosvami at the end of his life. One may beget children up to the age of fifty, but after fifty, one must stop begetting children and should accept the vanaprastha order.

(SB 4.27.7 P Attack by Candavega on the City of King Puranjana: the Character of Kalakanya)


Not only was Puranjana, the King of Pancala, satisfied in his own sex life, but he arranged for the sex life of his 1,100 sons and 110 daughters. In this way one can elevate an aristocratic family to the platform of a dynasty. It is significant in this verse that Puranjana got both sons and daughters married. It is the duty of a father and mother to arrange for the marriage of their sons and daughters. That is the obligation in Vedic society. Sons and daughters should not be allowed freedom to intermingle with the opposite sex unless they are married. This Vedic social organization is very good in that it stops the promulgation of illicit sex life, or VARNA-SANKARA, which appears under different names in this present day. Unfortunately in this age although the father and mother are anxious to get their children married, the children refuse to get married by the arrangement of the parents. Consequently, the number of VARNA-SANKARA has increased throughout the world under different names.

(SB 4.27.8 P Attack by Candavega on the City of King Puranjana: the Character of Kalakanya)


The brahmacari, or student, is never allowed to mingle with women and learn from the beginning of life about sex enjoyment. The basic flaw in modern civilization is that boys and girls are given freedom during school and college to enjoy sex life. Most of the children are VARNA-SANKARA, meaning "born of undesirable fathers and mothers. " Consequently, the whole world is in chaos. Actually, human civilization should be based on the Vedic principles. This means that in the beginning of life boys and girls should undergo penances and austerities. When they are grown, they should get married, live for some time at home and beget children. When the children are grown up, the man should leave home and search for Krsna consciousness. In this way one can make one's life perfect by going home to the kingdom of God.

Unless one practices penances and austerities in his student life, he cannot understand the existence of God. Without realizing Krsna, one cannot make his life perfect. The conclusion is that when the children are grown, the wife should be put in the children's charge. The husband may then leave home to develop Krsna consciousness. Everything depends on the development of mature knowledge

(SB 4.31.1 P Narada Instructs the Pracetas)


The acaryas specifically mention that in this verse the words matuh anugrahat ("by the mercy of their mother") refer to the breast milk of their mother. In India it is a common belief that if a baby is fed his mother's milk for at least six months, his body will be very strong. Besides that, it is mentioned herein that all the sons of Agnidhra were endowed with the nature of their mother. Bhagavad-gita (1.40) also declares, strisu dustasu varsneya jayate VARNA-SANKARAh: when women are polluted, VARNA-SANKARA, unqualified children, are generated, and when the VARNA-SANKARA population increases, the entire world becomes hellish. Therefore, according to Manu-samhita, a woman needs a great deal of protection in order to remain pure and CHASTE so that her children can be fully engaged for the benefit of human society.

(SB 5.2.21 P The Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra)


Therefore, both individually and collectively, they try to enjoy so-called material comforts, and they become addicted to wine and women. The men produced in such a society are less than fourth class. They are the unwanted population known as VARNA-SANKARA, and as stated in Bhagavad-gita, an increase of VARNA-SANKARA population creates a hellish society. This is the society in which Americans now find themselves


The whole purpose of this system is to create good population. As stated in Bhagavad-gita, when women are polluted the populace is VARNA-SANKARA, and when the VARNA-SANKARA population increases, the situation of the entire world becomes hellish. Therefore, all the Vedic literatures strongly warn against creating VARNA-SANKARA population. When there is VARNA-SANKARA population, the people cannot be properly controlled for peace and prosperity, regardless of great legislative assemblies, parliaments and similar bodies

(SB 7.11.13 P The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes)


but because of gradual neglect of the varnasrama principles, VARNA-SANKARA population developed, and the entire institution has now been lost.

(SB 7.11.18-20 P The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes)


In Bhagavad-gita (1.40) it is said, strisu dustasu varsneya jayate VARNA-SANKARAh: if the women are polluted, there will be VARNA-SANKARA population. In modern terms, the VARNA-SANKARA are the hippies, who do not follow any regulative injunctions. Another explanation is that when the population is VARNA-SANKARA, no one can know who is on what platform. The varnasrama system scientifically divides society into four varnas and four asramas, but in VARNA-SANKARA society there are no such distinctions, and no one can know who is who. In such a society, no one can distinguish between a brahmana, a ksatriya, a vaisya and a sudra. For peace and happiness in the material world, the varnasrama institution must be introduced. The symptoms of one's activities must be defined, and one must be educated accordingly. Then spiritual advancement will automatically be possible.

(SB 7.11.25 P The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes)


My dear father and mother, you endured rain, wind, strong sun, scorching heat and severe cold, suffering all sorts of inconvenience according to different seasons. By practicing pranayama to control the air within the body through yoga, and by eating only air and dry leaves fallen from the trees, you cleansed from your minds all dirty things. In this way, desiring a benediction from Me, you worshiped Me with peaceful minds.




Vasudeva and Devaki did not obtain the Supreme Personality of Godhead as their son very easily, nor does the Supreme Godhead accept merely anyone as His father and mother. Here we can see how Vasudeva and Devaki obtained Krsna as their eternal son. In our own lives, we are meant to follow the principles indicated herewith for getting good children. Of course, it is not possible for everyone to get Krsna as his son, but at least one can get very good sons and daughters for the benefit of human society. In Bhagavad-gita it is said that if human beings do not follow the spiritual way of life, there will be an increase of VARNA-SANKARA population, population begotten like cats and dogs, and the entire world will become like hell. Not practicing Krsna consciousness but simply encouraging artificial means to check the population will be futile; the population will increase, and it will consist of VARNA-SANKARA, unwanted progeny. It is better to teach people how to beget children not like hogs and dogs, but in controlled life.

Human life is meant not for becoming a hog or dog, but for tapo divyam, transcendental austerity. Everyone should be taught to undergo austerity, tapasya. Although it may not be possible to undergo tapasya like that of Prsni and Sutapa, the sastra has given an opportunity for a method of tapasya very easy to perform--the sankirtana movement. One cannot expect to undergo tapasya to get Krsna as one's child, yet simply by chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra (kirtanad eva krsnasya), one can become so pure that one becomes free from all the contamination of this material world (mukta-sangah) and goes back home, back to Godhead (param vrajet). The Krsna consciousness movement, therefore, is teaching people not to adopt artificial means of happiness, but to take the real path of happiness as prescribed in the sastra--the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra--and become perfect in every aspect of material existence.

(SB 10.3.34-35 P The Birth of Lord Krsna)


But chance sex life is not acceptable. If by chance one is sexually attracted and there are children, they are called VARNA-SANKARA, unwanted population. That is the way of the lower animals; it is not acceptable for humans. For humans, there is a plan. We cannot accept the theory that there is no plan for human life or that everything is born of chance and material necessity.

(SSR 3 Discovering the Roots)


Today, however, no one wants to undergo the austerities of brahmacarya. Everyone wants to remain unmarried but also engage in sex. In this way people are losing all good character. To maintain a woman who is nothing more than a prostitute and engage in illicit sex with her for producing children is sinful. Such children are unwanted (VARNA-SANKARA), and in this way society becomes degraded.

Ajamila became attracted to a prostitute, and with her he begot ten children. He became so degraded that he could not execute honest business to support his large family, and he was forced to beg, borrow, and steal to maintain them. If a person indulges in illicit sex, intoxication and gambling automatically follow. His expenses will be unlimited, and to meet all his expenses he will have to adopt methods of cheating and stealing. The basis for Ajamila's degradation was his illicit connection with the prostitute.

Therefore, in the practice of Krsna consciousness we do not allow any illicit sex. Devotees must either get married or remain celibate; this regulation is very effective for maintaining a high standard of purity.

(SC 1 Separating the Men From the Animals)


Either your mother or sister, or daughter. No, nobody becomes lusty with mother or sister or daughter. But sastra says: "Even your mother or sister or daughter, you should not live in a solitary place." Then one may question that "How it is possible?" No. The sastra says: balavan indriya-gramah. The senses are so strong that it becomes polluted. "Now it may be, some rascal fools may be polluted like that." No. Sastra... Vidvams api karsati. Even the most learned, he can be polluted. So sometimes in India, I am criticized that I keep women and men in the same temple. In India, that is not allowed. No women can live at night. They can come and go. But I defend myself that this is the system of the country, the women and men, they intermingle. How can I check it? Then the women, shall I not give them any chance for chanting Hare Krsna? No, I shall do this chance, I shall give this chance to woman even at the risk. That is my reply.

So therefore CHASTITY is very, very important thing for producing good population, nice population. So unless the population is good... If the population becomes hippies, then how there can be any peace and prosperity? Therefore, to produce children, there is samskara. First samskara is Garbhadhana samskara. This is called kula-dharma. Garbhadhana samskara means when, especially the high caste, brahmana, ksatriya especially... Sudra... Not sudra. Sudra has no samskara. Only the higher class, brahmana, ksatriya and vaisya. Vaisya also sometimes no samskara. But brahmana, ksatriya must have samskara. Dasa-vidha samskarah. Ten kinds of samskara. One of the samskara... Samskara means purificatory method. One of the samskara is also marriage. One must get married. So, before the child is given birth, there is a samskara, what is called? Garbhadhana samskara. It is not that the husband and wife mix without any restriction and have sex life at any time. No. You know that, that mother of Hiranyakasipu, Kasyapa Muni, I think, father. So she, the woman became very much sexually excited and the husband replied that: "This is not time. This is very bad time, evening. Why you are insisting?" But she was too much lusty, and because the husband was obliged, Hiranyakasipu was born, a demon was born. Therefore there is Garbhadhana samskara, to find out when the husband and wife should mix and give birth to a child. Therefore in the Bhagavad-gita you'll see that sex life which is according to the principle of religious ideas, that is "I am." So sex life is not bad, provided it is executed according to the religious principles. So Garbhadhana samskara... Just, what is the idea? The idea is the child born must be first class. He'll be able to become Krsna conscious. He'll be able to understand the sastras, the Vedas. He must have the good brain. These were the ideas. But if they are not born in that way, like cats and dog, that is called VARNA-SANKARA. VARNA-SANKARA. You cannot specify whether he's a brahmana or a ksatriya and vaisya and sudra. That is called VARNA-SANKARA. So VARNA-SANKARA population is not good. VARNA-SANKARA. No caste. No designation, no definition to which class this man belongs.

So at the present moment, because these purificatory processes are not accepted, even in India... Accepted, they're unable. Everything has topsy-turvied. Therefore the sastra says that: "Accept everyone as sudra." Kalau sudrah sambhava. There is no more brahmana, ksatriya or vaisya. All sudras. We have to accept. Because no Vedic culture, no Garbhadhana samskara. They are born like cats and dogs. So where is this division? There cannot be. Therefore, accept them as sudra. VARNA-SANKARA is less than sudra. So at least, sudra they should be. So there is no Vaidic diksa. For sudra, there is no diksa, there is no initiation. Initiation is meant for the persons who are born in brahmana family, ksatriya family, or vaisya family. The sudra has no initiation. So in India there are professional gurus. They initiate sudras, but do not eat foodstuff touched by the disciple. So there are so many things, that if he's initiated, how he can remain sudra? But they keep him sudra; at the same time, they become guru. Sanatana Gosvami gives direction in the Hari-bhakti-vilasa that: tatha diksa-vidhanena dvijatvam jayate nrnam. If properly initiated, he becomes immediately brahmana. Dvijatvam. Dvija means second birth. Yatha kancanatam yati kamsyam rasa-vidhanatah. There is a chemical process that kamsya, bell metal, can be turned into gold by mixing with proportionately mercury. Now here is a hint of chemistry. If anyone can prepare gold... But it is very difficult to mix mercury. As soon as there is little heat, immediately the mercury's finished. So there is a process. Everything has process. Many yogis know how to make gold from copper. Actually, chemically, copper, tin and mercury, if you mix proportionately, it will be gold. So Sanatana Gosvami gives this example. As the copper and tin, these two metals, mixed with mercury, there can be production of gold, similarly, by proper initiation, by the proper spiritual master, one sudra, even though he's a sudra, less than sudra, VARNA-SANKARA, or candala, he can become dvija, brahmana. So our process is to make dvija. Pancaratriki vidhi. Pancaratriki vidhi. That is recommended.

(730728BG.LON Lectures)


One who has taken very seriously this devotional service, he's no more on this material platform. So long we are in the material platform, these distinction, brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, VARNA-SANKARA, they are considered. But when one is transcendentally situated, simply in pure, unalloyed service of the Lord, he's no more in the material platform. He's in the spiritual platform. Brahma-bhuyaya kalpate. He's already in the Brahman platform. Brahman platform means sa gunan samatitya etan. This material platform means three modes of material nature. Sattva-guna, rajo-guna, tamo-guna. Here, even one is brahmana... Sattva-guna means the brahminical qualification. He's also contamined. He's also contaminated. He's conditioned by the material nature. And what to speak of sudra and VARNA-SANKARA? Everyone is conditioned by the material nature. Daivi hy esa gunamayi. Brahmana means to be situated, a first-class prisoner. A first-class prisoner is also prisoner. You cannot say that he's free. No, free is different from a first-class prisoner.


So these are called dharmas. There are so many departmental dharmas. So Arjuna is referring to this, that: adharma-abhibhavat krsna. When these principles are sacrificed and there is awakening of adharma, irreligious principles, then the result will be... Adharma abhibhavat krsna pradusyanti kula-striyah. Then the stricture will be withdrawn and the family women, women, they'll be polluted. And as soon as the women is polluted, strisu dustasu, the woman is polluted, varsneya, "My dear Krsna," jayate VARNA-SANKARA, "then the whole population will be VARNA-SANKARA. " And the next verse will explain how varna sankara population makes this world exactly like hell. That is stated.

(730728BG.LON Lectures)


When there are unwanted children, then the family tradition, the family obligation, they are all forgotten. At the present moment, nobody knows that after death there is life, and still such life is connected with the family, the forefathers and the descendants. Nothing of this science is known at the present moment. More or less, exactly like animals. That's all. An animal has no such feelings of connections. Simply the number of days he will eat. He will eat, sleep, have sex life and die, that's all. This subtle regulation of family connection is unknown at the present moment, and still they are very proud of advancement of knowledge. So unwanted children, as we have discussed in the previous... Pradusyanti kula-striyah. If the woman, kula-striyah, family... Family woman and prostitute are different. Still in India, the uncontrolled woman, or there is a class of prostitutes. They are not family women. But kula-striyah, family women, they have got so many obligations. There is a verse that svargapta-kama-moksaya dhara samprati hetuta. Dhara means wife. Wife can help one to be elevated to the heavenly planets, and dharmartha-kama, to become helpful in the matter of advancement in religious and spiritual knowledge: dharma; artha, economic development; kama, satisfying the husband for sense gratification; dharma artha kama; and moksa also, also for salvation. The wife is so important. If there is CHASTE wife, she can help the husband in these four principles of life, dharma artha kama moksa, dhara samprati hetuta. If we can train up nice wife, or the society trains the girls to become nice wife, she becomes a great source of energy to the husband. Dharma-artha-kama-moksah dhara sampra.... And if they are polluted, they become source of the sankara, VARNA-SANKARA.

The exact example of VARNA-SANKARA is the hippies at the present moment. All over the world, not only in the Western countries but in India also. So the population, hippie population means sankara population. So increase of such population means narakayaiva, naraka, hellish, hellish condition of life in this life, also in the next life. At that time, to live, actually we have practically seen in recent years, especially in Calcutta, it has become a hellish life. The population, the younger generation, is so polluted, so contaminated, that you cannot safely walk in the street. Anywhere, the young boys they can encircle you and rob you. You cannot say on. The police cannot help, the government cannot help.

(730729BG.LON Lectures)


So when the unwanted children, irresponsible children, they do not follow any more the tradition, the family tradition, or jati-dharma, so they create a class of population in the VARNA-SANKARA. So everything becomes topsy-turvy, hellish condition. And actually it has so happened. Now there is no more jati-dharma. Everyone is engaged somehow or other to fill up the belly. Formerly, formerly there was stricture. The brahmanas, the ksatriyas, and the vaisyas, these three higher castes, there were certain restrictions. The brahmana would not do this or the brahmana must do this. So that is called jati-dharma. A brahmana cannot accept service from anywhere.

(730729BG.LON Lectures)


Because he has talked. But those things are right. What Arjuna has said, that VARNA-SANKARA, when the women become polluted, the population is VARNA-SANKARA, that is fact. Whatever Arjuna has said to Krsna in order to avoid the fighting, so those things are correct. But from the spiritual platform, those things may be correct or incorrect, but from spiritual platform, they are not to be considered very serious

(730816BG.LON Lectures)


But Krsna declined. Krsna said, "No, you have to fight. Your duty is to fight." Then Arjuna placed before Him so many ideas that "If I kill my brother, then my brothers' wives will be widow and they may be polluted, then unwanted children, VARNA-SANKARA, will come out, and when the VARNA-SANKARA population is filling, then the whole world becomes a hell." So many arguments. So Krsna, when He saw that Arjuna is very much afflicted with the material ideas, so He wanted to teach him this Bhagavad-gita.

(760325BG.DEL Lecture)


'If I kill my brothers, their wives will be widow, and they will become prostitute and there will be VARNA-SANKARA.' " These questions are very nice. If women become prostitute, then the population is VARNA-SANKARA. And VARNA-SANKARA means unwanted children. They become practically nuisance in the society. Narakayate. If VARNA-SANKARA population is increased, then the whole society becomes a hell. That's a fact. Actually, that is the position at the present moment. Therefore, according to the Vedic system, marriage is there. Without marriage, the population, increase of population, means VARNA-SANKARA.

(721119BG.HYD Lectures)


Everyone is VARNA-SANKARA. Kalau sudra-sambhavah. In this age, everyone is a sudra. Nobody is brahmana, nobody is ksatriya, nobody is vaisya. Sudra. So in this age, you won't find anybody following the varnasrama-dharma

(681230BG.LA Lectures)


That's all. Therefore there is so much chaos and confusion all over the world. VARNA-SANKARA. So if you want to be happy, really, if you want to make your life successful, human life, then you have to take this principle of mayy asakta manah. You have to increase your attachment for Krsna. This is the meaning of Krsna consciousness movement. It is not a sectarian religion. It is the fact. Unless the human society takes to this principle of increasing their attachment... We have got... At last, we increase our attachment for dogs and cats.

(730127BG.CAL Lectures)


Sastra means which is giving you regulative life. In regulative life sex life is... (break) That is sastra. That is regulative principle. And even with your wife you cannot have sex life unless it meant for progeny, for producing children, Krsna conscious children, not cats and dogs. That is dharmaviruddhah. That is not against religious principles. That is very nice. Just like to produce brahmacaris. Brahmacari, wherefrom the brahmacari comes? It comes from the grhastha life. Unless one marries, how he can beget children who become brahmacari? So if you produce brahmacari, then you can produce hundreds of brahmacari. That is allowed. But don't produce cats and dogs. That is dharmaviruddhah. Krsna says, "I am there." Everything is there. Krsna is everything. Even in sexual intercourse there is Krsna. But how? Dharmaviruddhah, not against the laws of sastra. In the sastra it is said that you'll have sex life after the menstrual period, sex life you have. But when your wife becomes pregnant, no more sex life. No more sex life. This is the injunction of the sastra. You cannot have sex life for producing illegitimate son. That is described in the... That is called VARNA-SANKARA. One who produces illegitimate children, the world becomes full of VARNA-SANKARA, unwanted children, and thus the whole world becomes hell. This is stated in the Bhagavad-gita. Now it is a fact, everyone knows, that so many children are... Especially in the Western country, I have seen. A girl is not married, but she has got child. What is that? That is VARNA-SANKARA. So VARNA-SANKARA increases; the world becomes hellish. Why so much trouble now? Because... Don't mind. It is according to sastra. The whole population is VARNA-SANKARA. Therefore there is no regulative principles. If you follow regulative principles, there is no problem. And this regulative principle is Krsna svayam. Dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam. He's giving, He's saying, dharmaviruddhah kamo 'smi bhutesu bharatarsabha. So there is Krsna consciousness even in begetting children. Provided you follow

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