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The translating of the Nominative Absolute Participial Constructions

Contextual meaning of the definite and indefinite articles. | Contextual meaning of the definite article. | Translation of three-componental ASC. | TO HAVE (GOT) TO | SHOULD and OUGHT TO |

Читайте также:
  1. Absolute (or indendent) subordinate clauses
  2. Absolute and relative truth
  4. Absolute constructions without a participle.
  5. Absolute Participle Construction
  6. Additional exercises for the Infinitive and the Infinitive Constructions
  7. Apo-koinu constructions


The Absolute Participial Complex/Construction is a construction in which a participle has his own subject expressed by a noun in the common case or a personal pronoun in the Nominative Case. The Absolute Participle Construction is used in the function of adverbial modifiers of time, cause, manner (способу дії) or attending circumstances (супровідних обставин) and condition (умови). All the forms of the Participle are used in the Absolute Participle Construction.


It can/may be translated into Ukrainian:


  1. a subordinate adverbial clause (підрядним обставинним реченням):

The letter being written I went to post it.

Коли лист був написаний, я пішов відправити його.

  1. a simple clause as a part of a complex sentence:

They went quickly out of the house, Jude accompanying her to the station.

Вони швидко вийшли з дому, i Джуд провів її до вокзалу.

  1. an adverbial participle construction (дієприслівниковий зворот):

Her face smiling, she came into the room.

Усміхаючись, вона увійшла в кімнату.

Besides the Absolute Participle Construction/Complex may be translated into Ukrainian by the main clause in a subordinate one, inserted clause, a noun with a preposition:

She sat down at the table, her hands beginning to tremble.

Коли вона сідала за стіл, її руки починали тремтіти.

He came into the room, his face smiling.

Він увійшов до кімнати з усміхненим обличчям.

The Absolute Participle Complex may be introduced by the preposition with. In this case it is used in the function of adverbial modifier of manner (способу дії) or attending circumstances (супровідних обставин):

She was sitting on the ground, with her head and one arm lying on a chair.

Вона сиділа на долі, а голова її і одна рука лежали на стільці.

He was standing, with his arms crossed and his head bent.

Він стояв, схрестивши руки і опустивши голову.


Заняття №9.

Translation of English Verbals and Verbal Constructions/Complexes.


The translating of the Gerund and Gerundial Complexes.


The Gerund is the only form of the verb which can be preceded by a preposition that refers to it; so the gerund is used after verbs, adjectives and expressions which require a prepositional object.

There is no gerund in Ukrainian. The English gerund is rendered in Ukrainian in the following ways:

  1. by an infinitive:

I thought of coming to see you.

Я думав провідати вас.

We enjoyed singing together.

Нам подобалось співати разом.


  1. by a noun:

He has a lot of medals for saving people's lives.

У нього багато медалей за врятування життя людей.

He liked riding, rowing and fencing.

Він любив верхову їзду, веслування і фехтування.


  1. by adverbial participle (дієприслівник):

And they continued their work without looking up.

І вони продовжували працювати, не розгинаючись.

She changed the room by painting the walls green.

Вона оновила кімнату, пофарбувавши стіни в зелений колір.

  1. by a finite form of the verb (the predicate of the subordinate clause – предикативною формою дієслова (присудка) підрядного речення):

She was trying to approach without his seeing her.

Вона намагалась наблизитися так, щоб він не помітив її.

Excuse my leaving you.

Пробачте, що я залишив вас.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 74 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Translation of five-, six- and seven-componental ASC.| Заняття № 10.

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