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Translation of five-, six- and seven-componental ASC.

Contextual meaning of the definite and indefinite articles. | Contextual meaning of the definite article. | Заняття № 10. | TO HAVE (GOT) TO | SHOULD and OUGHT TO |

Читайте также:
  3. Approaches to the idiomatic translation in the Biblical texts
  4. Attitude to the Materials for Translation
  5. Back-up Essentials of Translation
  6. Background knowledge as a prerequisite for quality translation
  7. CHAPTER 1. What Is Translation?


It must be noted that 5-7-componental ASC are used rather seldom in English newspaper or scientific and technical matter texts. The approach to their translating is very similar as to the translating of 4-componental ASC. The common models of 5-componental clusters are NN+NN+N, NNN+NN, AN+NN+NN, N+AN+NN+N -type, etc. sense units.


Covent Garden Opera House orchestra performance -

Виступ/гра оркестру (лондонського) оперного театру ”Конвент Ґарден”;


London County Council general purpose committee member –

Член комісії із загальних питань Ради Лондонського графства.


As you can see the usual way for translating multi-componental ASC starts with the head noun. It can/may start with the initial N-component:


London sheet metal workers section -

Лондонська філія профспілки робітників металопрокатних підприємств.

It can/may start with the second sense unit:


The Post Office Workers London district council –

Лондонська окружна рада профспілки поштових працівників.


The proper name can begin the translating:


New Zealand world mile record holder Peter Snell –

  1. новозеландський світовий рекордсмен з бігу на милю Пітер Снелл;
  2. новозеландець Пітер Снелл, чемпіон світу з бігу на милю;


In a descriptive way:


The City Cooper Square Community Development Committee-

Комісія/комітет по переплануванню площі Купера лондонського Сіті.


Sometimes, though rarely, the meaning of ASC can be rendered into Ukrainian by fewer words than in English:


the Turin public prosecutor – прокурор Туріна;

London building workers – лондонські будівельники;

the old books salesman – букініст;

the land improvement work – меліорація;

the crop farmers – хлібороби.


We should remember that the use of three- and more componental ASC is mostly restricted to the newspaper and scientific or technical matter texts. In spoken English and in belles-lettres texts preference is given to prepositional word-groups which can/may easily transformed into ASC:


Newspaper   Oral speech
the plant shop-stewards the shop-stewards of the plant
Labour housing policy the policy of the Labour party/concerning housing
the Midland car factory trade union committee the trade union committee of the Midlands car factory



The ways of translating the names of public bodies, offices and institutes…from Ukrainian into English have some peculiarities:



Львівський театр опери та балету ім. Заньковецької –

Lviv Zan’kovets’ka Opera and Ballet House.

Київська станція метро “Шулявська” –

The Kyiv Shuliavs’ka underground railway station.

Харківський педагогічний університет ім. Г. Сковороди –

Kharkiv H. Skovoroda Teachers’ Training University.

Заняття № 7.

Translation of English Verbals and Verbal Constructions/Complexes.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 73 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Translation of three-componental ASC.| The translating of the Nominative Absolute Participial Constructions

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