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From the History of Marketing

It’s better to be first | My Future Profession | Exercise 18. Translate into English | Grammar: Appendix 7; Appendix 4 | MODULE CONTROL 1 | Grammar: Appendix 8; Appendix 5 | Market Segmentation | Grammar: Appendix 9; Appendix 10 | Marketing Principles | Grammar: Appendix 11; Appendix 4 |

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The concept of marketing that we now see has more to do with developments during the industrial revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries. This was a period of rapid social changes driven by technological and scientific innovations. But the study of the history of marketing as an academic field emerged only recently. The publication in 1976 of the book “ The History of Marketing Thought” by Robert Bartels marks a turning-point in marketing thought. Since then, academics specializing in marketing decided to imitate economics, distinguishing theory and practice. Two different fields of study emerged:

1. the history of marketing thought, giving theoretical accounts

2. marketing history, focusing on the history of marketing practice

This division parallels the distinction between the history of economics thought and economic history.

Much of traditional marketing practice before the 20th century remained hidebound by rule-of-thumb and lack of information. Information technology, especially since the mid-20th century, has given the marketer new channels of communication as well as enhanced means of aggregating and analyzing marketing data. Specialization has emerged (especially sales versus marketing and advertising versus retailing) and re-combined (business development over the years).

The history of marketing thought deals with the evolution of theories in the field of marketing, from the ancient world to contemporary days. Marketing historians agree that the discipline branched out of applied economics at the turn of the 20th century, though some argue that scholars in the ancient and medieval ages had already studied marketing ideas.

Robert Bartels in The History of Marketing Thought categorized the development of marketing theory decade by decade from the beginning of the 20th century thus:

1900s: discovery of basic concepts and their exploration

1910s: conceptualization, classification and definition of terms

1920s: integration on the basis of principles

1930s: development of specialization and variation in theory

1940s: more scientific approach

1950s: social development and quantitative approaches

1960s: differentiation on basis such as environmentalism, systems, and internationalism

1970s: socialization; the adaptation of marketing to social changes.

The marketing concept continues to be the most important point of marketing efforts, though the concept does have its own problems. But overall, marketers have learned they can no longer limit their marketing effort to just getting customers to purchase more. They must have an in-depth understanding of who their customers are and what they want.

Exercise 3. Answer the following questions:

1. When did the concept of marketing appear?

2. Which event marked a turning-point in marketing thought?

3. What fields of marketing thought emerged after the year 1976?

4. What does the history of marketing thought deal with?

5. How did Robert Bartels categorize the history of marketing?

6. What happened in marketing theory in 1900’s?

7. What happened in marketing theory in 1920’s?

8. What happened in marketing theory in 1930’s?

9. What important event in marketing theory happened in 1960’s?

10. Must marketers have an in-depth understanding of who their customers are and what they want? And why?

Exercise 4. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following:

to limit the efforts, distinguishing theory and practice, turning-point, scientific innovations, to imitate economics, sales versus marketing, information technology, definition of terms, scientific approach, social development, adaptation to social changes, environmentalism, internationalism, decade by decade, to parallel, to focus on, marketing thought, to argue, to emerge.


Exercise 5. Give English equivalents of the following:

спеціалізація, галузь науки, промислова революція, брак (недостача) інформації, канали зв’язку, обмежувати, дозволяти купувати більше, дані маркетингу, публікація, технологічні та наукові інновації, теоретичні підрахунки, розвиток теорії маркетингу, інтеграція, соціальний розвиток, сперечатися, еволюція теорії, класифікація, зростання важливості маркетингу, поглиблене розуміння.


Exercise 6. Match and learn synonyms:

A: branch, to aggregate, modern, to mean, exploration, to distinguish, ancient, to specialize, to emerge, rapid, concept, recently, scholar, to purchase, customer;

B: contemporary, old, to determine, to practice, to integrate, to differentiate, lately, quick, to buy, consumer, notion, scientist, research, to appear, field.


Exercise 7. Match and learn opposites:

A: new, to increase, high, to stop, a lot of, to agree, development, to emerge, ancient, to limit, to argue, rapid, to branch out;

B: to integrate, to decrease, a lack of, low, to continue, old, slow, to agree, contemporary, to widen, to disappear, to disagree, decline.


Exercise 8. Complete the sentences using the proper words from the list below:

re-combined, decade by decade, industrial revolution, marketing concept, information technology, exploration, to imitate

1. Robert Bartels in The History of Marketing Thought categorized the development of marketing theory … …. 2. 1900s was the period of the discovery of basic concepts and their …. 3. Specialization has emerged and …. 4. The concept of marketing that we now see has more to do with developments during the … … of the 18th and 19th centuries. 5… …, especially since the mid-20th century, has given the marketer new channels of communication. 6. Academics specializing in marketing decided … economics, distinguishing theory and practice. 7. The … … continues to be at the root of most marketing efforts, though the concept does have its own problems.


Exercise 9. Put questions to the bold part of the sentence:

1. Marketing branched out of applied economics at the turn of the 20th century. 2. Much of traditional marketing practice before the 20th century remained hidebound by rule-of-thumb and lack of information. 3. The publication in 1976 of the book The History of Marketing Thought by Robert Bartels marks a turning-point in marketing thought. 4. The history of marketing thought deals with the evolution of theories in the field of marketing. 5. Marketers have learned they can no longer limit their marketing effort to just getting customers to purchase more. 6. Robert Bartels in The History of Marketing Thought categorized the development of marketing theory decade by decade. 7. The socialization and the adaptation of marketing to social changes were developed in 1970’s.

Exercise 10. Restore the proper word order:

1. of marketing, The study, only recently, of the history, emerged, as an academic field. 2 scholars, had already studied, Some argue that, in the ancient, marketing ideas, and medieval ages. 3. in “The History of Marketing Thought”, Robert Bartels, the development, decade by decade, categorized, of marketing theory. 4. the distinction between, the history of economic thought, This division, parallels, and economic history. 5. They, an in depth-understanding, and what they want, must have, who their customers are. 6. the evolution of theories, The history, in the field of marketing, deals with, of marketing thought. 7. of applied economics, branched out, Marketing historians, that the discipline, agree.

Exercise 11. Translate into English:

1. Історія маркетингу зосереджується на історії практики маркетингу. 2. У 1940 році з’явилося багато наукових підходів для розвитку маркетингу. 3. 19 століття - це період швидких соціальних змін, зумовлених технологічними та науковими інноваціями. 4. Інформаційні технології дали маркетологам нові канали для спілкування. 5. Публікація книги «З історії маркетингової думки» у 1976 році стала поворотним пунктом в історії маркетингу. 6. Вчені, що спеціалізуються з маркетингу, вирішили наслідувати економіку та розрізняють теорію і практику. 7 Історія маркетингової думки пов’язана з еволюцією економічних теорій. 8. Багато науковців ще в стародавні та середньовічні часи вивчали маркетингові ідеї. 9. На початку 1900 року дослідження основних понять маркетингу мали дуже важливе значення. 10. Моя спеціальність високо цінується в період розвитку економіки нашої країни.


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