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Прочитайте и переведите текст 2А.

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Читайте также:
  1. A) Контекстік меню көмегімен, Файл менюімен және “Бума құру” сайманымен.
  2. A) проанализируйте модели образования слов, прочтите и переведите слова и словосочетания, созданные на их основе.
  3. A6. Какое из приведенных ниже предложений должно быть первым в этом тексте?
  4. Dei в контексте отношения людей к Богу или их господства над всеми
  5. Ex.21. Используя изученный грамматический и лексический материал, напишите небольшие тексты по темам, предложенным преподавателем или по изученным темам.
  6. I. C. Переведите предложения
  7. I. Вставьте вместо точек глагол werden. Переведите предложения.

Text 2A


Canada is the second largest country in the world. Only Russia has a greater land area. Canada extends across the continent of North America from Newfoundland on the Atlantic coast to British Columbia on the

Pacific coast. About 80 per sent live within 200 miles of the southern border. Much of the rest is inhabited or thinly populated because the country has rugged terrain and a severe climate.

Canada has two official languages, English and French. The official Languages Act of 1969 guarantees all Canadians the right to communicate with the national government in either French or English. About 69 per cent of Canadians speak mainly English in the home, and 24 per cent speak mainly French. About 6 per cent of Canadian people speak other languages which include Italian, Chinese, German and Portuguese.

Many immigrants from other European countries began to arrive in the late 1800’s. The greatest wave of immigration began after World War II, Today about 10 per cent of Canadians have some German ancestry, 4 per cent have Italian ancestry, and 4 per cent have Ukrainian ancestry.

Indians and Inuit has been living in what became Canada for thousands of years when Europeans first arrived. The word “Inuit” means “people”. The Inuit of Canada were once called “Eskimos”, an American Indian word meaning “eaters of raw meat”.

Other Canadians include Chinese, people from India and Pakistan, and other Asians, who make up about 9 per cent of the population of British Columbia. Many immigrants from China, the Indian subcontinent, and the West Indies have settled in Toronto. Blacks from about 1 per cent of Canadian’s population.

Canada is an independent, self governing nation. But the Constitution Act of 1982 recognizes the British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, as queen of Canada. This position symbolizes the country’s strong ties to Britain. Britain ruled Canada completely until 1867 when Canada gained control of its domestic affairs. Britain continued to govern Canada’s foreign affairs until 1931, when Canada gained full independence.

The Canadian economy is based on private enterprise. But the national and provincial governments play an active role in many economic activities. For example, they provide free health service to all Canadians. The federal and provincial governments also own broadcasting companies, transportation firms, and utilities. They have entered such fields as resource development and the financing of homebuilding and steelmaking. Foreign investment and ownership – especially from the United States – have a major influence on Canada’s economy. Great Britain, Germany and Japan also have large investment in Canada.

10 Ответьте на вопросы:

1 Where is Canada situated?

2 In what part of the country does the majority of the population live?

3 What official languages does the country have?

4 When did the greatest ware of immigration take place?

5 What peoples lived in what become Canada before Europeans came?

6 What does the word “Eskimo” mean?

7 When did Canada gain full independence?

8 What is Canadian economy based on?

9 Do national and provincial government play any role in economy activities?

10 What countries have the largest investment in Canada’s economy?


11 Переведите словосочетания на русский язык.

Land area; to extend as far as …; to be thinly populated; within three miles; to guarantee al rights; a self governing nation; to be recognized as …; country’s strong ties; to be ruled by; to gain control of domestic affairs; the country’s foreign affaires; full independence; private enterprise; play an active role in development; free health service; provincial government; broadcasting company; foreign investment; to have an influence on economy;


12 Назовите страны, соответствующие данным прилагательным.

Canadian German Japanese

Russian Portuguese Australian

French Ukrainian British

Italian Indian Dutch

Chinese Pakistanian Spanish


13 Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами:

to be situated gain

free border

ties settle

investment include

wave influence

1 Nowadays more that forty countries … on the European continent.

2 In the history of America there were several large … of immigration.

3 In Europe … between many countries go along big rivers and mountain chains.

4 Population of Canada and USA … people from Europe, Asia and other parts of the world.

5 British culture has strong … on that of English speaking countries.

6 Newcomers first … on the Eastern coast of the American continent.

7 Strong … exist now between the countries which were British colonies some time ago.

8 Canada … independence in domestic and foreign affairs only in XX-th century.

9 Health service is not free in many countries.

10 National economy mainly depends on foreign … in many countries.


14 Подберите пары антонимов

A. 1) across; 2) severe; 3) either … or; 4) immigrant; 5) arrive; 6) after; 7) dependent; 8) strong; 9) long; 10) full; 11) private; 12) active; 13) free; 14) enter; 15) dry; 16) thin; 17) short; 18) outdoor; 19) highest; 20) limited.

B. 1) foreign; 2) busy; 3) unlimited; 4) leave; 5) indoor; 6) mind; 7) emigrant; 8) lowest; 9) long; 10) along; 11) before; 12) wet; 13) social; 14) neither … nor; 15) partial; 16) independent; 17) weak; 18) thick; 19) go out; 20) passive.


15 Прочитайте текст 2B и найдите главную информацию об Австралии.

Text 2B


Australia. Is the only country that is also a continent in area it ranks as the sixth largest country and the smallest continent. Australia lies between the South Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. The name “Australia” comes from the Latin word “Australis” meaning “southern” the country’s official name is the Com-monwealth of Australia.

Australia is a dry, thinly populated land only a few areas along or near the coasts receive enough rainfall to support a large population. Australia’s two largest cities-Sydney and Melbourne-lie in this region. Canberra, the national capital lies only a short distance inland. The huge interior of Australia is mostly desert or dry grassland and has few settlements. The country as a whole averages only six persons per square mile (two persons per square kilometer). Australia is famous for its vast open spaces, bright sunshine enormous numbers of sheep and cattle and unusual wildlife. Kangaroos, coals, platypuses and wombats are only a few of many unusual animals that live in Australia.

The country was once a group of British colonies, and most of Australian people are of British ancestry. When people moved to Australia from Great Britain, they took many British customs wish them. For example, Australia drive on the left side of the road, as do British drivers. Tea is the favorite hot drink in Australia, as it is in Britain. English, the official language of Australia, includes many British terms. But Australians have developed a way of life all their own.

Australia has a warm sunny climate. The people can there fore spend mach of their free time out of doors. Australians love outdoor sports and outdoor living in general.

Australia is one of the world’s developed countries it has busy cities, modern factories, and highly productive farms and mines. The country is the world’s leading producer and exporter of wool and bauxite. It also produces and experts large amounts of other minerals and farm goods. The income from these export has mode it possible for most of the people of Australia to have a high standard of living.

The Commonwealth of Australia is a federation of states. The nation is administered under a written constitution. The Australian Constitution gives certain power states.

Australia is a constitutional monarchy like Great Britain. The British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II is also queen of Australia and the country’s head of state. However the queen has little no power is the Australian government. She serves manly as a symbol of the historical tie between the two countries. Australia is a member of the Commonwealth of nation, the association former by Britain and a number of its former colonies that are now independent countries.


16 Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1 What is the huge interior of the country like?

2 What domestic animals are the most numerous in Australia.

3 Why do many Australian people have English ancenstry?

4 What way of live did Australians develop?

5 Why is Australia considered one of the world’s developed countries?

6 What countries does Australia have the most close ties with?


17 Закончите предложения, используя предлагаемые варианты:

1 Australia lies between

a) South Pacific and Indian Ocean;

b) Pacific and Atlantic Ocean;

c) Indian and Atlantic Ocean.

2 The Latin word “australis”

a) a very far away land;

b) southern;

c) wild and desert country.

3 The biggest cities in Australia are

a) Canberra;

b) Seattle and Marlboro;

c) Sidney and Melbourne.

4 Most of Australian people have

a) British ancestry;

b) Maori and Polynesian ancestry;

c) Dutch and Portugal ancestry.

5 Australia is one of the world’s leading producers of

a) cotton and grain;

b) wool and bauxite;

c) oil and fish.

6 The most typical animals of Australian nature are

a) elephants and monkeys;

b) lions and bears;

c) kangaroos and koalas.


Прочитайте текст 2С и составьте письменный план.

Text 2C

New Zealand

New Zealand is an island country in the Southern Pacific Ocean. If lies about 1000 miles south east of Australia. The country consists of two main islands – the North Island and the South Island – and several dozen much smaller islands. Most of the smaller islands are hundreds of miles from the main ones. Wellington is the capital of New Zealand, and Auckland is the largest city. The country was once part of the British Empire. Today, it is an independent member of the Commonwealth of Nations, an association of countries that replaced the empire.

New Zealand is a beautiful country of snow-capped mountains, green lowlands, beaches, and many lakes and waterfalls. No place is more than eighty miles from the coast, and in few places are mountains or hills out of view.

New Zealand’s standard of living ranks among the highest in the world. For many yeas, the country’s economy depended largely on agriculture.

Today, agriculture, manufacturing, and service industries are all important to the economy. New Zealand’s economy depends on trade with numerous countries. These countries include Australia, Britain, Japan and the United States.

The country has a long tradition of equal rights and benefits for all citizens. In 1893, it became the first nation in the world to give women the vote. In addition, New Zealand was among the first countries to provide social security benefits and old age pension for its people. Today, the nation has one of the world’s first public health programmes.

The first settlers in New Zealand were Polynesians. They probably came to the country by the country by canoes from the Cook, Marquesas, or Society islands, which lie northeast of New Zealand about AD 100. The Maoris came several hundred years later. The first Maoris lived mainly by fishing and hunting. The later Maoris developed a culture based on agriculture as well as on fishing and hunting.

In 1642 the Dutch sea captain A. Tasman became the first European to sight New Zealand. The Dutch named the island “New Zealand” after a province in the Netherlands.

Explorers from France, Spain, and other countries visited New Zealand during the late 1700’s. By 1790 the seals and whales in coastal waters had begun to attract American, Australian, and European hunters. Hunters and traders, almost all of them British became the first colonists in New Zealand. New Zealand had no legal government and it remained a lawless frontier country until 1840.

Now the people of New Zealand have a high standard of living. They have long been the best-fed people in the world. They also receive excellent health care under the government’s medical program. New Zealand today has limited or reduced many of the problems that face other countries such as environmental pollution, poverty, racial conflict, and urban overcrowding. It’s top goals include conserving the environment, creating new job opportunities for women, and helping more Maoris obtain positions of leadership in industry and the professions.

19 Определите, являются ли данные утверждения правильными или неправильными:

1 New Zealand is an island in the South Atlantic Ocean 1000 miles from Africa.

2 Wellington, the largest city in New Zealand, is the capital of the country.

3 Now New Zealand is an independent member of the Commonweath of Nations.

4 New Zealand’s standard of living ranks among the highest in the world.

5 The first European settlers came to New Zealand about AD 100.

6 The Dutch named the island after the ship that carried them.

7 Sea animals in coastal waters attracted American, Australian and European hunters.

8 New Zealand had no legal government and remained lawless country until XX century.

9 Main problems for New Zealand today are environment pollution, poverty and urban overcrowding.

10 Agriculture, manufacturing and service industries are all important to the economy.


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