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I. (a) Find in the text the English for:
Толкучий рынок; рыночная площадь; фруктовые ларьки; чулочная фабрика; постельные принадлежности; плохонькая фаянсовая посуда; товары; прикинуть цену; торговаться; пощупать вещь.
(b)Read each of the following sentences aloud and answer the questions given in brackets.
1. The market-square is not large though. (You expected it to be much larger, didn't you?) 2. I'd like to buy this piece though. (There's something wrong with all pieces, isn't there?)
3. It was once gilded though. (Do you think it makes up for
its other defects?)
II. Answer the following questions:
1. Where was the jumble market situated? 2. What was the place piled with? 3. What did the market place look like?
4. What did Ursula and Birkin want to buy and what did they buy? 5. Do you think Andrew and Christine (see pp. 70—71) would buy this chair? Give your reasons.
III. Topics for dialogues:
1. It is very likely that all the rubbish collected on the cobble-stones was sold. Mrs. A. bought some old bedding. Mr. В., a tinker, chose something in the heap of old iron. The shabby crockery went for a song to Mrs. С (the old lady
knows how to wrangle over the prices). Mr. D. bought up many lots of clothing. Ask Mrs. A. and Mr. B. what they bought and what for. Dramatize the long and stubborn haggling between Mr. C. and the owner of the crockery. As to the
unthinkable old clothing Mrs. D. did not like it at all and explained it to her husband in so many words. Think of their conversation.
2. It is said in the text that Ursula and Birkin had been talking of furniture before going to the market. Develop this line into a dialogue.
3. Suppose the chair got into a junk-shop and there, among other articles, attracted the attention of an art-dealer. Dramatize a dialogue between the art-dealer and the shopman. The art-dealer is trying to beat down the price, while the shopman
points to the artistic value of the piece.
IV. Render the following passage in English:
Немного в стороне от Пикадилли, в двух шагах от аристократического квартала, на улице Windmill и вокруг нее, вы увидите в субботу вечером зрелище, незабываемое по своему контрасту. Пять-шесть узких перекрещивающихся улиц заставлены рядами ларей и палаток, освещенных мигающим желтым пламенем переносных фонарей. Здесь продается все что хотите. Краснеют лотки с мясом, рядом щетинятся желтые бананы, тут же торгуют башмаками, одеждой, рыбой и овощами, цветами и посудой. Все здесь самое дешевое и пятисортное.
Толпа прохожих и покупателей стеснилась в узком ходе между ларями. Старушка сует всем в руки головки лука, убеждая купить. Беспрерывно кричит мясник, восхваляя мясо. У рыбной лавки импровизированный аукцион. Слепой вертит шарманку.
Такой рынок бедноты в субботний вечер мы встретите в десятках уголков Лондона. Если вы хотите увидать лондонскую рабочую толпу, толкайтесь по этим базарам.
(В. Керженцев. Столица Англии, М., 1919)
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