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  2. The signs of fractures, dislocations, sprains, and strains

The word "fracture" means a break in a bone. There are two kinds of fractures: closed and open. In a closed fracture there is no wound on the skin. In an open fracture there is a wound. Open fractures are more serious than closed ones. If a person breaks his arm or leg he complains of pain in the place of the break. The pain becomes more severe if he presses the place or tries to move.

Swelling appears quickly. Do not let the person move. Use a splint for the broken limb. Bind the splints to the limb but not at the place of the fracture. Doctors use X-rays to see the break and put plaster casts on the broken limbs.

fracture - перелом; swelling - пухлина;

complain - скаржитися; splint - шина;

plaster casts - гіпсова пов'язка;

X-rays - рентгенівські промені.



1. Say it in English:

відкритий перелом; закритий перелом; місце перелому; біль посилюється; намагатися рухатися; з'являється набряк; не дозволяйте рухатися; зробити рентген; накласти гіпс.


2. Make up sentences using the words-combinations:

It is good to use X-ray to see the break

It is difficult to use a splint for the broken limb

It is important to see the open fracture without X-rays

It is harmful to bind the splints at the place of the fracture

It is wrong to give the first aid immediately

It is correct to move when you have a fracture


1.Read and translate the text:


Burns are injuries resulting from exposure to heat, chemicals, electricity, or radiation. The severity of a burn depends on the temperature of the object or gas causing the burn, how long the skin was exposed to the source, the location and extent of the burn, and the victim's age and medical condition. Burns are classified according to their source, such as heat or chemicals, and their depth. The deeper the burn, the more severe it is. Generally, there are three depth classifications: first degree; second degree; and third degree.

First-degree burns involve only the top layer of skin. The skin is red and dry, and the burn is usually painful. The area may swell. Most sunburns are first-degree burns. First-degree burns usually heal in 5 to 6 days.

Second-degree burns are deeper than first-degree burns. The burned skin will look red and have blisters. Second-degree burns are usually painful, and the area often swells. The burn usually heals in three or four weeks. Scarring may occur.

Third-degree burns extend through the skin and into the structures below the skin. Third-degree burns can be very painful or may be relatively painless if the burn destroyed the nerve endings in the skin. The scarring that occurs may be severe. Third-degree burns are life-threatening. They can cause shock.

If burns are present, follow these four basic care steps:

• Cool the burned area.

• Cover the burned area with dry, sterile dressings.

• Prevent infection.

• Care for shock.


2. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What does the severity of a burn depend on? 2. What are burns classified according to? 3. How many depth classifications of burns are there? 4. Are second-degree burns painful? 5. Third-degree burns are life-threatening, aren’t they?


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