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Measles is a very infectious disease. The disease passes from one child to another. The first symptoms are sneezing and coughing. The disease begins with signs of a heavy cold, a running nose and a dry cough. The temperature is high and the child has a dislike of light.

Rash appears on the third or fourth day behind the ears and around the mouth, and then covers the body.

The nurse must be very careful to prevent the spread of infection. She should wash her hands thoroughly; wear a gown, a mask and gloves when she takes care of an infected patient.


3. Post-reading activities

3.1 Give the Ukrainian equivalents:

after being infected with influenza; drink a lot of liquid; for only short periods of time; a dry cough; a dislike of light; to prevent the spread of infection; wash her hands thoroughly.


3.2 Give the English equivalents:

починається раптово; почервоніле обличчя; сухий язик; у більшості випадків; інфекційна хвороба; залишатися в ліжку; слабкий і пригнічений; ознаки сильної застуди; нежить; вкриває все тіло.


3.3 Say if it is true or false:

1. Influenza is a very infectious disease.

2. Influenza is not communicated by contact.

3. The disease can be mild or severe.

4. The first symptom of measles is only coughing.

5. Rash covers the body.

6. The patient's temperature in case of measles is usually low.


3.4 Answer the questions to the text:

1. What kind of diseases is flu? 2. What are the symptoms of influenza? 3. What are the first symptoms of measles? 4. When does rash begin in case of measles? 5. How must a nurse look after a patient with measles? 5. The nurse should wash her hands thoroughly, shouldn’t she?

Дата добавления: 2015-07-11; просмотров: 287 | Нарушение авторских прав

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