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Вопрос №15 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

At the end of the century there were 600 million people around the world … in absolute poverty.

  are living


  having lived





Вопрос №16 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

In a flowchart, the … between events is shown by means of connecting arrows.


Вопрос №17 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Period in history, which brought political change to the Soviet Union and the comedown of the Berlin Wall.








Вопрос №18 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

A piece of music that gradually becomes very loud.




Вопрос №19 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

They were supposed … with us till Monday.

  to stay

Вопрос №20 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Be careful: you... spill the milk if you carry it like that.


Вопрос №21 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

NHOC in West Coast Refinery Shock

The National Hermosa Oil Corporation (NHOC) officially announced yesterday that it intends to construct a $1 billion oil refinery on the west coast of the island. The project is expected to take five years to complete, with 2,000 workers involved in its construction. The refinery when finished will employ 500 staff, easing the employment situation on the west coast, where tourism is at present the only industry.

Mr. Ken Woo, president of NHOC, said at a press conference officially announcing the project. “The construction of the refinery is a vital step forward in the development of the economy of the island. It will bring much-needed jobs to the west coast and act as a motor for economic activity there”.

Утверждение Apart from tourism, there are other industrial activities in the West Coast National Park является...


Вопрос №22 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

My birthday was on 5 July. In the morning my parents wished me many happy returns of the day and gave me presents.

I invited my friends to my birthday party. They came at 4 o’clock in the afternoon and brought me a lot of presents – books, sweets, toys.

Mother cooked many tasty things, among them was a beautiful birthday cake with ten candles in it. I was ten that day. We enjoyed tea with the cake and sweets and fruit. After tea we had a lot of fun. We played games, danced and sang songs.

In the evening my Granny and Grandpa came. They brought me a lovely puppy as a present. It has always been my dream to have a puppy! I thanked my Grandparents and kissed them. Really, I had a wonderful birthday.

  My birthday was not on 5 July


  I was born on 5 July


  My birthday was on 15 July


  My birthday was on 5 June

Вопрос №23 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Our university … foreign students to take a proficiency exam in the English language before registering for a computer science degree.








Вопрос №24 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Two characters in an old love story. They fall in love with each other when they drink a magic love portion. Richard Wagner tells their story in an opera.



  Tristan and Isolda

Вопрос №25 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

A programmer can operate a computer … he has the proper training.


Вопрос №26 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Can I speak to Ben, please? -...

  Yes, speaking.


  Yes, this is me.


  Yes, I’m speaking.


  Yes, it is I.

Вопрос №27 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)



  are you from


Вопрос №28 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

... I help you?



Вопрос №29 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Summer is wonderful! There are many long sunny days and there is no school! There are new friends and many interesting things to see and to do.

Some children spend their holidays at the seaside, some in the mountains and some in the country.

Isn't it nice to spend some weeks out of a noisy town?

Isn't it to walk in the green fields? To watch the clouds? To sit down by a river or a lake on soft green grass? To climb the high hills? To swim and to fish? To play games outdoors all the time. I think I was the happiest of all because I was at a wonderful children's camp. Children from different towns gather here every year.

In the morning we swam and bathed in the beautiful sea and played games on the yellow sand. In the evening we made a camp-fire, sat around it and sang songs. We all became good friends.

The day to leave came too soon. We had a very good time at camp with our new friends. Children find a lot of things to enjoy, and the summer months go so quickly. Then autumn comes and school begins.

Утверждение Winter is the best season является...


  в тексте нет информации


Вопрос №30 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

They were given.

  Им дали

Вопрос №31 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

The capital of Scotland is...



Вопрос №32 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

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Foreign Exchange Rates

The foreign exchange market is the market in which the currencies of different countries are exchanged for one another. The foreign exchange market is made up of thousands of people all over the world - importers and exporters, banks and specialists in the buying and selling of foreign exchange called foreign exchange brokers.

The foreign exchange market opens on Monday morning in Tokyo, when it is still midnight on Sunday in London. As the day advances, the foreign exchange market also opens in Zurich, Frankfurt, London, New York and finally in Vancouver and Los Angeles.

Before these last two markets have closed, Tokyo is open again for the next day of business.

The price at which one currency exchanges for another is called a foreign exchange rate.

In the UK there are three possible foreign exchange rate regimes, they are fixed exchange rate; flexible- (or floating) exchange rate; managed exchange rate.

Under a fixed exchange rate regime, the value of the pound would be pegged by the Bank of England. Under a flexible exchange rate regime, the value of the pound would be determined by market forces with no intervention by the Bank of England. Under a managed exchange rate regime, the Bank of England would intervene in the foreign exchange market to smooth out fluctuations in the value of the pound but it would not seek to maintain the pound ut an absolutely constant value for a long period of time.

Текст относится к теме

  My Education


Вопрос №33 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

I've got an idea!...to the beach.


  Let's go


Вопрос №34 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

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A Stockbroker

Once at an informal party two post-graduates (A and B) who had notmet for rather a long time, were speaking about their university mates andfriends:

A: Fred is remarkable! There isn't much he doesn't know.

B: I think it's his natural curiosity. He wants to knou every thing. He doesn't

just scratch the surface, either. He really gets lo the bottom of things.

A: Do you know what he explained to me today? 'Ihe ins and cuts of the

stock market. He knows all about Wall Street - all these stocks, shares.

s-iock exchange quotations and what not.

B. Is he astockbroker?

A: If I'm not mistaken, he is,

fi: I have to confess something, I didn't think much of Fred at first.

A: I understand, he's very quiet. Me doesn't make a good first-impression.

Текст относится к теме

  My Education


Вопрос №35 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Could you pass me the salt, please? -...

  Here you are, please.


Вопрос №36 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

The people … in the area are leaving on Sunday.



Вопрос №37 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Прочитайте текст.

The course of studies at the Eastern Institute lasts for five years at the day-time department and for six years at the extra-mural department. The academic year is divided into terms. For day-time students there are two terms, for extra-mural students there are three terms.

Each faculty offers teaching in both general subjects and special subjects. As for general subjects such as the Russian Language, Mathematics, History, Physical Culture, etc., they are important for every qualified specialist who wants to be an educated member of the society. Among the general subjects, the Foreign Language, particularly English, is of special importance because it is a means of international communication.

  Each faculty teaches genera and special subjects


  Each faculty offers teaching in both general subjects and special subjects

Вопрос №38 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

The large choice of sports in America can be explained by the variety and size of the country, its different climates and the people's love of competitions of any type. In addition, public sports facilities have always been available in great numbers for participants. American schools and colleges use sports activities as a way of teaching social values. Among these are teamwork and sportsmanship. The average high school offers its students a great variety of sports, including rowing, wrestling, tennis and golf. Being intelligent and being good at sport are regarded as things that combine well, as an ideal.

Текст относится к теме...




Вопрос №39 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

In fine weather the passengers

I like to look at the ship with its many decks and cabins. It looks like a white flouting city. When the sea is a little rough, the ship rolls from side to side. Some passengers feel seasick.

I like to watch the sea-gulls, listen to their cries when they fly over the waves.

It's also fine to travel by trains. From a comfortable railway carriage you have a splendid view of a country side.

And of course it's not bad to travel in a car. You may stop at any place you like, have lunch under a shady tree or swim in a cool river or a like.

Текст относится к теме...



Вопрос №40 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

... is your name?




Вопрос №41 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Your cat can tell you what the weather will be like. The cat washing behind the ears is telling you about the coming rain. Look at the sky and it will tell you about the weather. A red evening sky tells of good weather the next day, to say nothing about a little yellow or green sky. A grey sunrise gives promise of a good day too. If you want to forecast weather, you must know something about winds too. The South wind brings wet weather. The North wind is wet and cold together. The West wind always brings us rain. The East wind blows it again. Study nature, observe it and you'll understand that it needs your protection.

Утверждение Study nature, observe it and you'll be able to forecast your future. является...







  в тексте нет информации

Вопрос №42 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

The International Olympic Committee was set up and began to work in 1896. There were competitions in many kinds of sports: jumping and running, boxing and swimming, football and others. Summer and winter Games are held separately. Since 1936 the opening ceremony is celebrated by lighting a flame, which is called “The Olympic Games”. Many people want the Olympic Games to be held on their cities. The Olympic Games were held on the cities of Europe, America, Asia and Australia. Our country joined the Olympic Movement in 1952. The 22-nd summer Olympic Games were held in Moscow in 1980. The last summer Olympic Games were held in 2008 in Peking.

The Olympic Games were held in Moscow in....



Вопрос №43 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

... Yury Dolgoruky found Moscow in 1147?








Вопрос №44 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

They... the shop at 8.





Вопрос №45 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Until the … and limitations of a computer are recognized, its usefulness cannot be thoroughly understood.



Вопрос №46 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

The performance was really …!



Вопрос №47 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Travelling by air is very convenient, it doesn’t take long to reach the place of destination. A passenger can do whatever he wants during the flight.

A train is not so quickly as a plane, but it is more comfortable, and most of the people prefer to travel by train, especially if the place where they go is not too far away. In a train one can see the places he passes much better, can also read, listen to the radio, or sleep.

Travelling by car gives you a possibility to do everything on your own, to go where you want, to stop if you need, to choose the speed you like. You can also stay in the places you like as long as you wish.

Sea travels are very much different but extremely interesting. It is nice to be on a big ship, enjoying the pleasure of luxurious rest and beauty of the sea.

Текст относится к теме...



Вопрос №48 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

We should be able to … our profit for next year fairly accurately with the new program.


Вопрос №49 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

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The Earth is My Home

The six continents of the Earth with big and little islands make only 30 per cent of the Earth's surface. The names of the six continents are: Eurasia (Europe and Asia), Africa, North and South Americas. Australia and the Antarctic. On a cosmic scale our planet is certainly a vcfy-very little place.

How is our little planet living nowadays? What problems is it facing and what problems are the Earthman facing? As a result of the technological progress and great needs of the peoples in minerals and water, the face of the Earth is changing day by day and nor to the good.

The ecological problems we are facing are really great and difficult to solve. There is au English song which sounds like this:

"What are they doing to our land, my friend? What are they doing to the deep seas and oceans? What are they doing to the fresh water lakes and rivers, my friend?... etc"

T he answer to these questions may, really, be very sad.

Our generation must not be so egoistic. We must think of our children, grandchildren and grandgrandchildren as well. We really haven't got much fresh water on the Earth. as well as minerals. We must protect nature from people's egoism.

What problems are the peoples of the five continents discussing now? The principal problem is the classical one War and Peace problem. The discussions on this problem are taking place on all levels here and everywhere on our planet. State political leaden, and scientists as well as common people of the five continents are thinking day and night about one and the same -"peace or war?" They are thinking over this problem inside their states and out. north and south, cast and west from every point of view. This problem is exactly what we think about it next world war may well be the end of our planet.

If we want to be intelligent beings, as we say about it in our message to cosmos, we must protect and save this, perhaps, the only Oasis of Life in our Universe.

Текст относится к теме


  My Education


Вопрос №50 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Department store –...





The grass there was much... than on the upper field.



  more long




  the longest

He...in hospital.








There … few passengers in the compartment.








I use your pen?


She and I … cousins.








Заполните пропуск.

The shops … at noon today.

  shall not close




  will not close


  will close

Заполните пропуск.

… no one at home.



  are there


  there is


  there are

Вопрос №16 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Заполните пропуск.

The telephone … twice but no one answered it.

  do think


  to think





Вопрос №17 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Indefinite или Present Perfect.

My daughter has already returned from school. Yesterday she (to return) at 2 o'clock.

was back


Притяжательным местоимением, соответствующем личному местоимению, данному в скобках является:

(I) dog's nickname is Charlie.



Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Indefinite или Present Perfect.

My parents (to) together for 25 years. They met in 1980.



What country is called the Emerald Isle?




The United States is a large country in North America that ranks... among the nations after Russia, China and so on.




Притяжательным местоимением, соответствующем личному местоимению, данному в скобках является:

(They) knowledge of the subject is not much superior to ours.



The strong personal charm or power to attract, that makes a person able to have great influence over people.



The Mississippi is the (long) river in North America.



I... not imagine her speaking in public: I knew that she was so shy.





  have to



John (to be) absent from school last Monday.


The Globe Theatre, situated to the south of he River Thames in London where...plays were first performed.

  William Shakespeare

The Venus de Milo, a Greek statue of the goddess Venus can be seen in the Louvre in Paris, it’s badly damaged and is famous for having no...



Притяжательным местоимением, соответствующем личному местоимению, данному в скобках является:

(He) car is in the garage.



The ruler of the UK is a...




Phil is... boy in the group.

  the tallest


… sister is young.








A person who believes that all forms of government or controls are unnecessary and usually supports violence.



I (to be) busy now.



Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Indefinite или Present Perfect.

He always loves my sister. They (to get) married two years ago.

To got


Mike... run very fast.





  may not


  have to

Kate... speak English well.




Stonehenge the most famousprehistoric stone monument is about years old.



Заполните пропуск.

I … my English book yesterday but (find) it later.




Заполните пропуск.

I … lunch in the cafeteria every day.



  to eat





An old story about great events and people in ancient times, which may not be true.

  fairy tale







Заполните пропуск.

He …French perfectly.





  to know


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