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The refinery is to be built 120 km north of Newport, near the small resort of Puerto Escondido, in the West Coast National Park. Ms. Lucia Buenavista, a spokeswoman for the Ministry of the Environment said that it “did not foresee difficulty” in giving planning permission for the project. She said that the ministry had been assured by NHOC that environmental controls would be extremely strict and that danger of oil pollution from the refinery was “minimal”.

Local residents are less optimistic. The head of the environmental group Green Action, Mr. Charles Chang, says that the prospect of large oil tankers unloading their cargo at the port is “alarming”. “We don't believe what NHOC and the Ministry of the Environment are telling us. We've already seen the damage that oil pollution can do in other parts of the world. And the idea of building the refinery in a national park is ridiculous. What is the point of national parks if they can build oil refineries in them?”

What seems to be alarming about the oil refinery?

  Oil tankers will unload their cargo at the resort port.


Вопрос №4 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

His report... to with great interest.


  was listened


Вопрос №5 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

The large choice of sports in America can be explained by the variety and size of the country, its different climates and the people's love of competitions of any type. In addition, public sports facilities have always been available in great numbers for participants. American schools and colleges use sports activities as a way of teaching social values. Among these are teamwork and sportsmanship. The average high school offers its students a great variety of sports, including rowing, wrestling, tennis and golf. Being intelligent and being good at sport are regarded as things that combine well, as an ideal.

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Вопрос №6 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

If people carefully observe nature it can tell them many interesting and useful things. Do you know that thanks observing nature you can forecast weather? «How?» you may ask. By watching birds and animals, insects and flowers. It is known that some insects become more troublesome before a change in the weather. Flies and mosquitoes, for example, begin to hum and bite before rain. Big blue-black beetles fly only on evenings before nice weather.

Утверждение People can forecast weather является...


Вопрос №7 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

My Granddad is … travel alone.


  too old to


Вопрос №8 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

to travel more than 5 km a day -

  ездить более 5 км в день

Вопрос №9 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

My friend... come in time.




Вопрос №10 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Stock/share -

  a unit of ownership in a company


Вопрос №11 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

... is your name?



Вопрос №12 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

We stood on the bridge … the two banks of the river.



Вопрос №13 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

British Parliament consists of two...








Вопрос №14 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Many sports, such as hockey, or baseball and American football nowadays, came to our country from abroad. There are many stadiums and other sports facilities in our country. A lot of national and international matches and competitions take place there. Lenin Stadium in Moscow is the biggest one in Europe. Some of the sport complexes were built for the Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980. Russian athletes participate in most of the sports events in the world and usually show very good results. Some of them are invited to foreign clubs to play for them or to train sportsmen there.


  American football came to our country from abroad


  Baseball came to our country from abroad


Вопрос №15 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

... you tell me the nearest way to the city museum?



Вопрос №16 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

British Prime Minister was...

  George Bush


  Jack Chirac


  Margaret Thatcher


  Tony Blair

Вопрос №17 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

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Microeconomics and Macroeconomics

Economics as a science consists of uvo disciplines that is of microeconomics and macroeconomics.

Microeconomics is the branch of economics that studies individual producers, consumers or markets. Microeconomics also studies how government activities such as regulations and taxes affect individual markets. Besides microeconomics tries to understand what factors affect the prices, wages and earnings.

Macroeconomics is the branch of economics that studies the economy as a whole. It tries to understand the picture as a whole rather than small parts of it. In particular, it studies the overall values of output, of unemployment and of inflation.

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  My Education


Вопрос №18 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Something concerned with or thinking about the past.




Вопрос №19 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

When we want to buy food we go to the food store or to some specialized provision shops.

The grocer sells flour, butter, eggs, biscuits, cereals, jams, sugar, tinned and frozen foods.

The greengrocer deals in fruit and vegetables.

At the butcher's there is a wide choice of meat and poultry.

We go to the fishmonger for fish.

When we run out of bread we go to the baker's and ask for a loaf of white or brown breads, rolls, biscuits, cookies…

A milk shop is called a dairy. There we buy dairy products: milk, butter, cheese, cream, yoghurt.

Утверждение Alice likes to go shopping является...

  в тексте нет информации


Вопрос №20 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

The girl … for the bus is Jack’s sister.



Вопрос №21 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Can I speak to Ben, please? -...

  Yes, I’m speaking.


  Yes, it is I.


  Yes, this is me.


  Yes, speaking.

Вопрос №22 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

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I am going to tell you about the non-state higher educational institution – the Eastern Institute of Economics, Humanities, Management and Law. It was established in January 1993 and was granted a state charter which means that its graduates receive diploma equal to the diploma of any state higher educational institution. Now it has a solid reputation for preparing specialists working in banks, police, educational institutions, tax inspection and other state and commercial institutions.

Unlike applicants to a state institute or university prospective students of the Eastern Institute do not take entrance examinations; this higher educational institution chooses its students after interviews and tests. The students pay for their education. The tuition fee is not the same at different faculties. It depends on the faculty one chooses and the department – full-time or extra-mural.

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  My Institute


Вопрос №23 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

The largest state in America, although it has the fewest people.


Вопрос №24 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Claude Monet, a...painter who started the impressionist movement and is known by showing the effects of light in pictures.




Вопрос №25 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

On Manners and Customs in the USA

In general social customs which are considered polite abroad are respected in the USA. Casual friendliness is characteristic for Americans and should not be mistaken for closed friendship, which is usually developed over a period of time. Americans call each other by their first names much sooner and more often than do people of most other countries. It may take you a little time to learn some of the American small manners and customs.

Americans usually shake hands when they meet, but a man does not shake a woman’s hand unless she offers it to him.

Introductions are simple: “Mr. Smith, Mr. Crown”, or “Bob Smith, John Crown,” or “Bob, John”. For a more formal introduction, you may say, “Mr. Smith, may I introduce Mr. Crown?” When you are introduced to someone you usually say “How do you do?” or “It’s nice to meet you”. You can say a simple “Hello” to an informal introduction. When you introduce a man to a woman, say the woman’s name first.



  “Mr. Smith, may I introduce Mr. Crown?” is a more informal introduction


  “Mr. Smith, may I introduce Mr. Crown?” is a more formal introduction

Вопрос №26 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Не... to New York.


  was sent

Вопрос №27 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

At the end of March the weather gets gradually milder. The sky is often blue. The sun shines more brightly. It is cold at the beginning of spring, at the end it is warm. Snow melts in the warm sun. Vegetation grows rapidly in this season. The birds return from the South and build their nests and the air is full of birds' songs. Spring is a hard time for farmers.

After summer autumn comes. The days are shorter than in summer. Autumn is the season of fruit and vegetables. It is a beautiful time. In autumn the leaves turn yellow and reddish, and later fall to the road. Then landscape becomes rather dull. Nature slowly falls asleep for winter.

Winter is the coldest season in the year. Fields, forests and houses are covered with snow and rivers and lakes with ice. The days are short, the sky is often grey, nature is sleeping and sometimes it gets rather boring. It is pleasant to work when it is not very cold and it snows. In winter it gets light late.

Утверждение Winter is the coldest season является...



Вопрос №28 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

When a Trojan horse is executed it performs some … act, such as copying security information for future use, etc.


Вопрос №29 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Now, in the period of most intensive development of industry and agriculture, the problems of nature conservation should be considered by a special service. The countries-members of the United Nations Organization have set up environmental protection agencies. Numerous conferences have been held by these agencies to discuss questions of ecologically poor regions including Chernobyl, the Aral Sea, and others. In 1987 a «Green Peace» public commission has been set up. Its main goal is to combine the people's efforts for peace with movement for nature conservation. The Earth is our home. Environmental protection is a universal concern. That is why serious measures to create a system of ecological security should be taken. We must keep our environment clean for us for the next generations. Each of us must do everything possibile to keep the land, air and water clean.

Утверждение In 1987 a «Green Peace» public commission was abolished является...



Вопрос №30 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

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For breakfast Englishmen often have porridge or cornflakes with milk or cream and sugar, bacon and eggs, jam with buttered toasts and tea or coffee. For a change they can have a boiled egg, cold ham, or fish.

English people usually have lunch about one o'clock. At lunch time in a London restaurant you can have a mutton chop, or steak and chips, or cold meat or fish with potatoes and salad, then a pudding or fruit.

Afternoon tea can hardly be called a meal. It is a substantial meal only in well-to-do families. It is between five and six o'clock. It is rather a sociable sort of thing as friends often come for a chat (поболтать) while they have their cup of tea, cake or biscuit.

In some houses dinner is the biggest meal of the day. But in great many English homes, the midday meal is chief one of the day, and in the evening there is usually a much simpler supper — an omelette, or sausages, sometimes bacon and eggs and sometimes just bread and cheese, a cup of coffee or cocoa and fruit.

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  Meals in England

Вопрос №31 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

She... her mother.




Вопрос №32 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

You... not make notes in the books.



Вопрос №33 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

The Olympic Games have a very long history. They beganin ancient Greece. The games were held in honour of Zeus, the principal god of the Greeks. They lasted for five daysand became a symbol of peace and friendship, because in keeping with the decree of that time no wars could be waged during the Games. The athletes competed in running, boxing, wrestling, horse and chariot racing and the like. The winners were presented with laurel wreaths in the temple of Zeus. There is a list of Winners dating from 776 ВС.

The Games took place every four years and were so important in the life of the Greeks that they culculated time by them. The Olympic Games were held for nearly twelve centuries until they were abolished in 394 AD by the Christian Emperor Theodosius I.

  The Olympic Games began in 776 ВС


Вопрос №34 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

The capital of Scotland is...



Вопрос №35 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

To hack means to access to data in a computer system without ….




Вопрос №36 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Nowadays every child... on a computer.



Вопрос №37 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

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Japan in Pole Position

Last year was not an easy one for investment strategisits. There were some volatile moves: the Dow Jones Industrial Averaue passed 5,000. the dollar fell roY80.

As 1997 begins, with many world stock markets hitting all-time highs this week, most analysts are cautiously optimistic.

Japan appears to he one of the strategists favourite areas for the year. Mr Peter Chambers, chief investment strategist at James Capel, who has an overall strategy of moving investments eastwards in 1997, points to the massive differences between rates of profits growth.

"Japanese earnings are growing at 6.3 per cent a year and it is the only country where earnings estimates were being upgraded in the second half of 1996. In the US. we are expecting core earnings to grow only 1 per cent in 1997".

Nat West's Mr Reynolds says: "1997 should show a significant improvement in the fortunes of the Japanese economy. With the help of monetary and fiscal stimulation: the outlook for the corporate sector is looking increasingly bright. It should push the Nikkei into the 24,000-25,000 range".

Текст относится к теме

  My Education


Вопрос №38 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Stonehenge the most famousprehistoric stone monument is about years old.



Вопрос №39 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Excuse me, are you Mr. Green? I'm Mr. Ivanov. How do you do? -...

  I don't know!




  How do you, Mr. Ivanov?


  Good night!

Вопрос №40 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

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Greek Bottler Gets into Former Soviet Union

Hellenic Bottling Company, the Coca-Cola franchise-holder tor Greece and Bulgaria, after scoring a success in Balkans. has turned to the former So-*, ict Union in search of further growth.

Mr. Loukas Konis, HBC's corporate afl'airs director, points out: There's some margin for expansion in the Greek market, but the growth area is Eastern Europe and the ex-Soviet Union".

HRC is now modernising a bottling plant in Armenia to produce Coca-Cola and has acquired a larger share of its parent group's soft drinks bottling operations in Moldova and parts of Romania and Russia.

The company belongs to the Cypriot-owned Leventis group, a leading independent Coca-Cola bottler, with franchises in Nigeria and Ireland. The Leventis group has a 80 per cent share of the Greek soft drinks market. It is a family-run conglomerate.

HBC increased pre-tax profits in 1997 to Dr 25.9 bn and sales rose 20 per cent to Dr 140bn.

Last October it reported consolidated first half-year profits up 17 per cent to Dr 72 bn.

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  My Education


Вопрос №41 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

In Russia, a huge amount of attention was always given to sport, especially in schools, colleges and universities. You can hardly find a school without a gym or a sports ground. Every city and town has a few stadiums or swimming pools where local competitions are usually held. It's been a tradition in our country to divide sport into professional and amateur. There are various sporting societies and clubs in Russia. Many of them take part in international tournaments and are known all over the world. A great number of world records have been set by Russian sportsmen: gymnasts, weightlifters, swimmers, figure skaters, runners, jumpers. Our sportsmen also participate in the Olympic Games and always win a lot of gold, silver and bronze medals.

Утверждение Russian sportsmen are divided into professional and amateur является...





Вопрос №42 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

I saw her … the street.



Вопрос №43 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

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Climatic Forecast for the 21st Century

Pollution is widely in the news nowadays and probably will be for a long time to come. Environmental problems appear in the newspapers almost daily.

According to Soviet mid foreign scientists the buildup of atmospherie CO2 (carbon dioxide) has already raised the temperature in the northern hemisphere by 0.3 C since 1970 and will raise it by another l.5 C by the end of our century. By 2050 the average annual temperature will be 3-4°C higher than it is now. which will gradually change the climate and the water balance. This forecast was made by a group of specialists at the all-Union Congress held in Leningrad. Later the World Meteorological Organization made the same forecasts at their conference in Ausria.

The Soviet scientists say that up till 2000 these climalic changes wi11 not have great effect, however, winter will become wamer and summer drier in the continental regions of Eurasia. The summer in the Arctic will become warmer too and the subtropical done will stretch out northwards. At the beginning of the next century the climate will start changing on a wider scale. Rainfalls will increase in the northern areas and droughts will happen more often in the south. The specialists say that the rise in temperature calls for international cooperation to cope with the problems of water resources and planning in agriculture.

Текст относится к теме

  Meals in England


  My Education


  At the Footwear Department



Вопрос №44 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

The inspector suspected him … the cop last week.

  of having killed


Вопрос №45 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Nick: I went to the Air Company office and fixed up everything in a few minutes. Then I came home, packed my things and got ready for the trip.

John: Did you feel nervous?

Nick: Not a bit. Just excited.

John: Did you get into the plane straight away?

Nick: Oh, no. First I had to check in my luggage. If your luggage is overweight you have to pay extra, if it is underweight you needn't pay anything.

John: And what did you do then?

Nick: I went to the departure lounge to wait for my flight. When it was announced I passed through customs and immigration office and walked to the plane. It was on the runway. Sometimes when the plane is at the far end of the field passengers are taken there by a special motor-coach.

Утверждение If the luggage is overweight one have to pay extra является...



Вопрос №46 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Tom – this is my friend Lisa.-....

  Hi. How are you?


Вопрос №47 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Department store –...



Вопрос №48 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

She is known … on a very important problem now.

  to be working


  is working




  to have worked

Вопрос №49 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

If you travel for pleasure you can find not very expensive, but very comfortable hotels to stop there. These hotels have all modern conveniences and very cozy rooms. Usually there are many double rooms and some single ones. There is a bathroom and a TV-set in every room. There is a phone too. Every hotel has a receptionist's desk where you can get all the necessary information, leave your key and use a safe for your money and documents. There is a hall where you can sit and watch TV, read a newspaper or just talk to somebody.

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Вопрос №50 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Supermarkets are the markets that sell all kinds of fresh foods and supplies for keeping house (e.g. paper goods, cleaning agents). They are usually well located. All the goods are arranged on trays nand shelves. All the prices are clearly marked. The goods are weighed and packed. There you can find everything you need. The prices are reasonable.

A department store is composed of many departments: ready-made clothes, fabrics, shoes, toys, sports goods, electricappliances, cosmetics, linen, jewellery, hosiery, etc. All the things for sale are displayed so that the men can chose what they want.

Утверждение A department store is composed of many departments является...




Вопрос №1 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

The holiday … Thanksgiving Day is now observed on the fourth Thursday of November.



Вопрос №2 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

NHOC in West Coast Refinery Shock

1. The National Hermosa Oil Corporation (NHOC) officially announced yesterday that it intends to construct a $1 billion oil refinery on the west coast of the island. The project is expected to take five years to complete, with 2,000 workers involved in its construction. The refinery when finished will employ 500 staff, easing the employment situation on the west coast, where tourism is at present the only industry.

2. Mr. Ken Woo, president of NHOC, said at a press conference officially announcing the project. “The construction of the refinery is a vital step forward in the development of the economy of the island. It will bring much-needed jobs to the west coast and act as a motor for economic activity there”.

3. Local residents are less optimistic. The head of the environmental group Green Action, Mr. Charles Chang, says that the prospect of large oil tankers unloading their cargo at the port is “alarming”. “We don't believe what NHOC and the Ministry of the Environment are telling us. We've already seen the damage that oil pollution can do in other parts of the world. And the idea of building the refinery in a national park is ridiculous. What is the point of national parks if they can build oil refineries in them?”

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