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  Oil pollution from refineries may ruin resorts and national parks

Вопрос №2 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

The main character of Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet was the Prince of...



Вопрос №3 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

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Shell and Gasprom Plan Bid for Rosneft

The Royal Dutct/Shell group plans to team up with Ga.sprom. Russia's largest companj, lo bid tor Rosnell. the last large Russian oil company still lo be privatized.

Shell is also said to he ready lo support Gasprom's planned 1 bn convertible bond issue underwritten by Goldman Sachs and ABN Amro. The US government is said to have threatened to oppose the bond issue because of Gasprom's investments in Iran.

Shell, which has a 11.12 bn cash mountain, last night declined to comment on reports from Moscow about a possible joint bid. But the Anglo-Dutch group has been talking with both Russian companies about possible partnership.

By teaming up with Gasprom, a corporate behemoth with immense political and economic power in Russia. Shell would acquire a strong partner in the battle for Rosneft, which is shaping up as Russia's biggest, business contest of the year.

Salomon Brothers, the US investment bank, estimated the identifiable value» of Rosneft at $1.4 bn, based on its proven reserves. But any bid is expected lo be higher, particularly in light of the decree signed on Wednesday by President Boris Eltsin that gives foreign companies the right to own 100 per cent of Russian oil companies.

Gasprom, the world's biggest natural gas producer, confirmed earlier this week it was sure to lake part in the privatisation of Russia's remaining state oil companies. Its ability to do so was enhanced on Wednesday when it signed an eight-year, $3 bn loan arranged by Credit Lyonnais and Dresdner Kleinwort Benson.

Alexander Putilov, Rosneft's chairman, said SheU was on the verge of signing a deal with Gasprom to make a joint bid for Rosneft when it was privatized later this year. The Russian news agency Interfax, which reported Mr. Putilov's comments, said Shell and Gasprom were likely to sign an agreement this month.

Competition for Rosneft is likely to b intense. Oneximhank, the Russian financial group which owns Sedanco, a large Russian oil company, has expressed an interest.

Boris Berezovsky, a powerful financier who was ousted from his government posl earlier this week, is also thought to be in the running. He is considered to be close to Gasprom, and some Russian observers have speculated he might team up with the gas giant in the contest for the oil company.

Rosnefl is scheduled to be fully privatized by the middle of next year. Some 96 per cent of the company is expected to be sold off in three tranches' and 3.75 per cent is left for the company's workers.

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  My Education


Вопрос №4 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

можно перевести /... be traslated



Вопрос №5 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

We stood on the bridge … the two banks of the river.


Вопрос №6 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

When... you come and see me? - Let me see: on Saturday.








Вопрос №7 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

There is sometimes very little … to be made between two different brand-name microcomputers.


Вопрос №8 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Many houses (to build) in our town every year.

are building

Вопрос №9 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Stonehenge the most famousprehistoric stone monument is about years old.



Вопрос №10 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

A political system or principle, in which unlimited power is held by one ruler.








Вопрос №11 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Mother: Ann, would you kindly help me to lay the table?

Ann:..., mother dear.

  Of course


Вопрос №12 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

The proposal is reported … by the committee.



  to approve


  to have approved


  to have been approved

Вопрос №13 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

What’s your address? -....

  5, Market Street


Вопрос №14 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

While … the book I came across a lot of interesting facts.




Вопрос №15 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

The International Olympic Committee was set up and began to work in 1896. There were competitions in many kinds of sports: jumping and running, boxing and swimming, football and others. Summer and winter Games are held separately. Since 1936 the opening ceremony is celebrated by lighting a flame, which is called “The Olympic Games”. Many people want the Olympic Games to be held on their cities. The Olympic Games were held on the cities of Europe, America, Asia and Australia. Our country joined the Olympic Movement in 1952. The 22-nd summer Olympic Games were held in Moscow in 1980. The last summer Olympic Games were held in 2008 in Peking.

The... Olympic Games were held in Moscow in 1980.

  twenty second


Вопрос №16 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

What does Jill do?-....

  She’s a teacher.


Вопрос №17 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

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For the 2-nd course Russians eat different kinds of salad (meat salad, fish salad, vegetable salad), fried, boiled or stewed meat or fish. At times we cook a roast chicken, especially on holidays.

For the 3-d course (for dessert) we have a glass of juice, a piece of a cake or a pie (cookies) if we aren't on a diet. A lot of people eat ice-cream, fruit and berries for dessert (pineapples, tangerines, apricots, cherries, mangoes; strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries and etc.). In summer everybody adores to have a piece of melon or a water-melon).

In the evening we have supper. Some people prefer mashed potatoes with pickled or fresh vegetables, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, onions (leek). Others eat stewed cabbage with a beefsteak or fried liver or kidneys. Russians also like stuffed peppers, tomatoes, squashes, potatoes. A special Russian dish is "'pyelmeni", a kind of ravioli - small cases of pasta containing chopped meat.

After that we have a glass of milk or stewed fruit with biscuits, crackers, or sweets (candies). But if you are thirsty you drink a coke, lemonade, some beer or even champagne.

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Вопрос №18 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

The new machines in the computer installation are not yet ….








Вопрос №19 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

The walk was a … one and we decided to have a short break at our hotel.


Вопрос №20 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

My birthday was on the 5 of July. In the morning my parents wished me many happy returns of the day and gave me presents.

I invited my friends to my birthday party. They came at 4 o’clock in the afternoon and brought me a lot of presents – books, sweets, toys.

Mother cooked many tasty things, among them was a beautiful birthday cake with ten candles in it. I was ten that day. We enjoyed tea with the cake and sweets and fruits. After tea we had a lot of fun. We played games, danced and sang songs.

In the evening my Granny and Grandpa came. They brought me a lovely puppy as a present. It has always been my dream to have a puppy! I thanked my Grandparents and kissed them. Really, I had a wonderful birthday.

Утверждение I like cakes является...

  в тексте нет информации







Вопрос №21 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

The capital of Scotland is...



Вопрос №22 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

The steps … to the river are dangerous.


Вопрос №23 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

NHOC in West Coast Refinery Shock

The National Hermosa Oil Corporation (NHOC) officially announced yesterday that it intends to construct a $1 billion oil refinery on the west coast of the island. The project is expected to take five years to complete, with 2,000 workers involved in its construction. The refinery when finished will employ 500 staff, easing the employment situation on the west coast, where tourism is at present the only industry.

Mr. Ken Woo, president of NHOC, said at a press conference officially announcing the project. “The construction of the refinery is a vital step forward in the development of the economy of the island. It will bring much-needed jobs to the west coast and act as a motor for economic activity there”.

Утверждение Apart from tourism, there are other industrial activities in the West Coast National Park является...



Вопрос №24 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

The art of speaking or writing in a way that is likely to persuade or influence people.








Вопрос №25 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Many terminals can be … to the basic system if the need arises.




Вопрос №26 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

The flag of the Unite Kingdom is called...


  Union Jack


Вопрос №27 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Our professor was considered … a good teacher.

  to be


Вопрос №28 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. Every season has three months.

The spring months are March, April and May. On March the days become longer, the sun shines more brightly. In May the trees become green. Summer is the hottest season of the year. The weather is fine, the sun shines brightly. In summer I have my holidays and I spend a lot of time in the open air.

Russian winter is famous for its sunny and frosty days. There is much snow on the ground. The rivers and lakes are covered with ice. It gets dark early in the evening. In winter we have the shortest days and the longest nights.

Утверждение Sometimes there are four seasons является...




Вопрос №29 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

The length of time a programmer takes to make a program will vary … on the complexity of the problem and his ability and experience.



Вопрос №30 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

If you have done your homework, you... go for a walk.


Вопрос №31 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

In Russia, a huge amount of attention was always given to sport, especially in schools, colleges and universities. You can hardly find a school without a gym or a sports ground. Every city and town has a few stadiums or swimming pools where local competitions are usually held. It's been a tradition in our country to divide sport into professional and amateur. There are various sporting societies and clubs in Russia. Many of them take part in international tournaments and are known all over the world. A great number of world records have been set by Russian sportsmen: gymnasts, weightlifters, swimmers, figure skaters, runners, jumpers. Our sportsmen also participate in the Olympic Games and always win a lot of gold, silver and bronze medals.

  Our sportsmen also participate in the Olympic Games


  Our sportsmen also take part in the Olympic Games

Вопрос №32 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

The waves... the boat away.



  were carried


  to carry


  was carried

Вопрос №33 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)



  ювелирные изделия



Вопрос №34 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

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The Terms

In order to employ factors of production, a firm has to have finance.

This is usually divided into working capital and fixed capital. Working capital is for purchasing single-use factors or «variable factors». They are labour, raw materials, petrol, stationery, fertilizers, etc. Finance for working capital can he obtained from a variety of sources: banks, trade, credit, finance companies, factor houses, tax reserves, inter-company finance, advance deposits from customers and the government. For example, a company may secure some funds through the Enterprise Allowance Scheme which on conditions provides an allowance of £40 per week for a year when starting a new business.

Fixed capital covers factors which are used many times-factories, machines, land, lorries, etc. Some finance for fixed capital is therefore required initially for advance payments on factory buildings, machinery and so on before the firm is earning revenue, though it is possible to convert fixed capital into working capital by renting buildings, hiring plant and vehicles or by leasing or buying on deferred payments through a finance company.

Thus many companies, especially new ones, raise capital, both working and fixed, by borrowing, by selling their shares.

Текст относится к теме


  My Education


Вопрос №35 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

подсчитывать -

  to provide


  to keep count


  to calculate


  the price system

Вопрос №36 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

This room (to clean) every day.

have to clean

Вопрос №37 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

The advantage... direct marketing is that it enables us to cut out the middleman.



Вопрос №38 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

At the Footwear Department

Shop-girl: What can I do for you, madam?

Customer: I'd like a pair of strong walking shoes for everyday wear.

Shop-girl: What size do you take in shoes?

Customer: My size is 37.

Shop-girl: Will you try on these brown shoes, please?

Customer: Don't you think that the heels are a bit too high for everyday wear?

Shop-girl: Oh, no, such heels are all the fashion now. But you can try on another pair. Here is a pair of nice flat-heeled shoes. Do they pinch?

Customer: I like them much better than those ones. Will you give me a shoe for the left foot, please? It's a perfect fit. How much are they?

Shop-girl:... roubles.

Customer: Will you wrap them up, please? Where is the cash-desk?

Shop-girl: It's at the end of the department. Thank you.

Customer: Thank you. Good-bye.

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Вопрос №39 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

The ruler of the UK is a...


Вопрос №40 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

When summer comes, the weather gets warmer and sometimes it's very hot. It's schoolhildren's holidays time. Some of them go to the seaside with their parents, others go to the country. Summer is wonderful. It's nice to walk in the green fields, to play with friends, to swim and to fish. Children find a lot of things to enjoy in summer.

After summer autumn comes. We call autumn a tasty season. It's harvest's time when crops are being gathered at. The days get shorter and nights get longer. The woods turn yellow-red and brown. Leaves begin to fall down from the trees. The sky is grey and it often rains.

When winter comes we spend more time at home, because it is cold. But when snow covers the ground with a white carpet children like to play snowballs, to make snowman, to skate, to ski.

Утверждение It often rains in autumn из абзаца...







  1, 2

Вопрос №41 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

Nowadays more and more people travel around the world, some travel on business, some just for travelling, but all of them have to stop at hotels.

There are millions of hotels all over the world, some of them are small and reasonably priced, some are very expensive, and of course there are very big hotels which are well-known all over the world.

And certainly every hotel has a restaurant where you can have three meals a day and where you can book something to bring to your room.

Seaside hotels have swimming pools and tennis courts.

Surely modern hotels make our travelling easy and comfortable.

Утверждение Only very expensive hotel have restaurants является...



  в тексте нет информации





Вопрос №42 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Horse-racing is the chief spectator sport in British life next to football. A lot of people are interested in races. Britain is also famous for boat-racing between teams of Oxford and Cambridge which attract large crowds of people.

A great number of people play and watch tennis. Tennis tournaments at Wimbledon are known all over the world. The innumerable tennis courts of Britain are occupied by people of all ages who show every degree of skill. Table tennis also originated in England.

Утверждение Table tennis originated in England является...



Вопрос №43 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Summer is as nice as spring. The sun shines brightly, there are thunderstorms and lightning. The weather gets still warmer and sometimes it is very hot. The days are long, the nights are short. The gardens are gay with flowers all summer months. In summer children do not go to school. They have summer holidays. There is a lot of fruit and vegetables at that time. The corn gets golden in the fields. In summer people spend much time in the open air. After summer comes autumn. September is the first autumn month. The weather is still warm. The leaves change colour, they are red and yellow. Early autumn is the harvest time. In October it often rains. The weather gets colder and colder and then winter comes.

Утверждение In October it rains days and nights является...



Вопрос №44 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

How much... - They`re 5.95.

  do they cost?

Вопрос №45 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

At the ready-made Clothes Department

Customer: I'd like a summer frock.

Shop-girl: Certainly. What size?

Customer: 46. I'm stock size.

Shop-girl: The dresses on that rail are all size 46. Look at them and you may find something to your taste.

Customer: May I try on this cotton dress? Does it fit me?

Shop-girl: It fits you perfectly but I don't think the colour becomes you. It's too dark.

Customer: Have you got anything a shade lighter?

Shop-girl: I'm afraid, we haven't. Would you mind trying on this light-blue?

Customer: But it's not genuine silk. It's too hot for summer wear.

Shop-girl: Will you drop in a couple of days? We are expecting most of our summer stock at the end of the week.

Customer: Yes, of course. Thank you. Good-bye.

Shop-girl: Thank you. Have a nice day.

Текст относится к теме...




Вопрос №46 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

to use public transport -...


  пользоваться общественным транспортом


Вопрос №47 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

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An Economic Lead Over Asia

The US has long regarded itself as a natural role model for other countries, for most of ib history it has offered a certain mixture of personal freedom and material abundance. But its status as a role model is now being challenged by East Asia. For the past three decades this region's per capita economic growth is more than 5 per cent annually.

Asian leaders emphasise that their model of development has social as well as economic advantages. Many believe that Americans arc "too free".

Lee Kuan Yew, the former prime minister of Singapore and architect of its economic transformation, said in his interview with tlie journal "Foreign Affairs", of American society: "I find parts of it totally unacceptable; guns, drugs, violent crime, vagrancy, - in other words it's a breakdown of civil society".

But in narrow economic terms, the US probably has little to fear. Claims that Japan and the smaller Asian “tigers” found a new elixir of growth now seem naive.

Most experts agree that the region's success is due to such economic fundamentals as: unusually high rates of domestic saving and investment, strong education, prudcnt fiscal and monetary policies.

Текст относится к теме

  My Education


Вопрос №48 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Nick: I went to the Air Company office and fixed up everything in a few minutes. Then I came home, packed my things and got ready for the trip.

John: Did you feel nervous?

Nick: Not a bit. Just excited.

John: Did you get into the plane straight away?

Nick: Oh, no. First I had to check in my luggage. If your luggage is overweight you have to pay extra, if it is underweight you needn't pay anything.

John: And what did you do then?

Nick: I went to the departure lounge to wait for my flight. When it was announced I passed through customs and immigration office and walked to the plane. It was on the runway. Sometimes when the plane is at the far end of the field passengers are taken there by a special motor-coach.

Утверждение If the luggage is overweight one have to pay extra является...



Вопрос №49 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

I've got an idea!...to the beach.

  Let's go


Вопрос №50 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

The judge... the thief.



  is blamed




  was blamed


Вопрос №1 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Kevin Mitnick’s most famous exploit was … into the North America Defence Command in Colorado Springs.








Вопрос №2 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

I've got an idea!...to the beach.

  Let's go

Вопрос №3 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

NHOC in West Coast Refinery Shock

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