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  Hockey came to our country from abroad


Kevin Mitnick’s most famous exploit was … into the North America Defence Command in Colorado Springs.






  erasing destroying

electric appliances –...



The Central … Unit is responsible for executing the programs.




Вопрос №2 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

The ruler of the UK is a...



Вопрос №3 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

It is necessary … the work by the 12th of June.

  to finish


Вопрос №4 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Nobody expected … at the exam.

  his fail


  he to fail


  him failed


  him to fail

Вопрос №5 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

The Olympic Games have a very long history. They beganin ancient Greece. The games were held in honour of Zeus, the principal god of the Greeks. They lasted for five daysand became a symbol of peace and friendship, because in keeping with the decree of that time no wars could be waged during the Games. The athletes competed in running, boxing, wrestling, horse and chariot racing and the like. The winners were presented with laurel wreaths in the temple of Zeus. There is a list of Winners dating from 776 ВС.

The Games took place every four years and were so important in the life of the Greeks that they culculated time by them. The Olympic Games were held for nearly twelve centuries until they were abolished in 394 AD by the Christian Emperor Theodosius I.

  The games were held in honour of Zeus, the principal god of the Greeks


  The games were held in honour of Zeus


Вопрос №6 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

to travel more than 5 km a day -

  ездить более 5 км в день


Вопрос №7 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

What... we see on this map?



Вопрос №8 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

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The Discoverers of' the Laws of Demand and Supply

The law of demand was discovered by A.A.Cournot (1801-1877), a professor of mathematics at the University of Lyon. France, and it was he who drew the first demand curve in the 1830s.

The first practical application of demand theory, by Jules Dupuit (1804-1866), a French engineer and economist, was the calculation of the benefits from building a bridge and given that a bridge had been built, of the correct, toll to charge for its use.

The laws of demand and supply and the connection between the costs of production and supply were first worked out by Dionysius Lardner (1793-1859), an Irish professor of philosophv at the University of London.

Dionysius Lardner showed railway companies how they could increase their profits by cutting rates on long-distance business, where competition was fiercest. And how they could raise rates on short-haul business, where they had less to fear from other suppliers.

The principles first worked out hy Lardner in the 1850s are now used by economists working for the major airline companies today to work out the freight rates and passenger fares that will give the airline the largest possible profit. And the rates that result have a lot in common with those of the nineteenth century in principle.

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  My Education


Вопрос №9 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Athletics is the most popular sport. People call it “the Queen of all sports”. It comprises such kinds of sports as: running (for different distances), jumping (long and high jumps) and others. From time to time international championships and races (horse-races, motor-races, cycle-races) take place. Representatives of various countries can win a gold, silver or bronze medal. Such great championships in sports are organized every four years and we call them Olympic Games. Only the best may take part in them. There are so many kinds of sports such as cycling, swimming, gymnastics, boxing, skating, skiing, rowing, yachting and many more in which everyone can take an active part or just be a devoted fan.

  Athletics is “the Queen of all sports”


Вопрос №10 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

There are books and writers that everybody knows. “Mary Poppins” by Pamela Travers, “Winnie-the-Pooh” by Alan Milne, and of course “The adventures of Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain.

My favorite book is “Tom Sawyer”. Tom Sawyer was a boy with wild imagination. He and his friends liked to play games, dreamt of different adventures. Tom was sometimes naughty and never quiet. But he was often noble and always bright and full of ideas. I also enjoy books about animals. Have you ever heard of Bambi? He is a baby deer who is famous all over the world. “Bambi” is a book by an Austrian writer Felix Salthen. Its author is a poet who feels nature deeply and loves animals.


  “Bambi” is a book by Felix Salthen


  “Winnie-the-Pooh” by Alan Milne


Вопрос №11 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

A set of ideas, especially one on which a political or economic system is based.




Вопрос №12 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Oh no!..........................my key!


  I've lost


Вопрос №13 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Is it...if I come home late tonight?




Вопрос №14 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

British Parliament consists of two...








Вопрос №15 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Children all over the world enjoy New Year. They know Father Frost will come and give them presents. They like to have a fir-tree at home. It's fun to decorate it with shiny toys and colored lights. And it’s nice to find a surprise under it in the morning. Children like to go to a big New Year party where they sing and dance around the beautiful New Year tree.

At 10 o’clock guests come. They wish us a happy New Year. We watch holiday programs on TV. At 12 o'clock the Kremlin clock strikes and the New Year comes. We congratulate each other. I think New Year is the best holiday.

  Children all over the world like New Year


Вопрос №16 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Football, the most popular game in the world, is of two kinds in Britain: association football (soccer) and rugby. Soccer, played in almost all countries, remains one of the most popular games in Great Britain. Rugby football originated at Rugby public school. In this game players may carry the ball. Rugby is played by teams of 15 men with an oval ball.

Golf, one of the most popular sports in Britain, originated in Scotland.

One of the most British games is cricket. It is often played in schools, colleges, universities and by club teams all over the country. To many Englishmen cricket is a game and a standard of behaviour. When they consider something unfair, they sometimes say: “That's not cricket”.

Утверждение “That's not cricket” means that you are a criminal является...





  в тексте нет информации



Вопрос №17 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Travelling by air is very convenient, it doesn’t take long to reach the place of destination. A passenger can do whatever he wants during the flight.

A train is not so quickly as a plane, but it is more comfortable, and most of the people prefer to travel by train, especially if the place where they go is not too far away. In a train one can see the places he passes much better, can also read, listen to the radio, or sleep.

Travelling by car gives you a possibility to do everything on your own, to go where you want, to stop if you need, to choose the speed you like. You can also stay in the places you like as long as you wish.

Sea travels are very much different but extremely interesting. It is nice to be on a big ship, enjoying the pleasure of luxurious rest and beauty of the sea.

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Вопрос №18 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

The capital of Scotland is...



Вопрос №19 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

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A Stockbroker

Once at an informal party two post-graduates (A and B) who had notmet for rather a long time, were speaking about their university mates andfriends:

A: Fred is remarkable! There isn't much he doesn't know.

B: I think it's his natural curiosity. He wants to knou every thing. He doesn't

just scratch the surface, either. He really gets lo the bottom of things.

A: Do you know what he explained to me today? 'Ihe ins and cuts of the

stock market. He knows all about Wall Street - all these stocks, shares.

s-iock exchange quotations and what not.

B. Is he astockbroker?

A: If I'm not mistaken, he is,

fi: I have to confess something, I didn't think much of Fred at first.

A: I understand, he's very quiet. Me doesn't make a good first-impression.

Текст относится к теме

  My Education


Вопрос №20 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Summer is wonderful! There are many long sunny days and there is no school! There are new friends and many interesting things to see and to do.

Some children spend their holidays at the seaside, some in the mountains and some in the country.

Isn't it nice to spend some weeks out of a noisy town?

Isn't it to walk in the green fields? To watch the clouds? To sit down by a river or a lake on soft green grass? To climb the high hills? To swim and to fish? To play games outdoors all the time. I think I was the happiest of all because I was at a wonderful children's camp. Children from different towns gather here every year.

In the morning we swam and bathed in the beautiful sea and played games on the yellow sand. In the evening we made a camp-fire, sat around it and sang songs. We all became good friends.

The day to leave came too soon. We had a very good time at camp with our new friends. Children find a lot of things to enjoy, and the summer months go so quickly. Then autumn comes and school begins.

Утверждение Winter is the best season является...

  в тексте нет информации


Вопрос №21 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

The … of the manufacturing division will be expensive in the short term, but cost-effective in the long term.



Вопрос №22 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

All these books... by this publishing house.

  were published


Вопрос №23 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

December, January and February are the winter months. In winter the days are short and the nights are long. English people try to spend more time indoors because out of doors it's cold. In December the sun rises about eight a.m. and gets about four o'clock p.m. Eight hours of daylight! It's so little.

Spring brings with it new life. The sky is blue. It's warm, the days become longer. The summer months are June, July and August. The weather in Great Britain is usually warm in summer. It is sometimes hot, but it is not often very hot. When the temperature is over eighty degrees Fahrenheit (80 F) English people say that it is hot. When the temperature is about seventy degrees Fahrenheit (70 F), they say that it is warm. In the south of Europe the summer is usually very hot. It is always hot in the South of Spain and North Africa.

Утверждение When the temperature is over eighteen degrees Fahrenheit (80 F) English people say that it is hot является...



  в тексте нет информации





Вопрос №24 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

I saw her … the street.





Вопрос №25 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

We... the translation in the evening.

  to do


  shall do


  shall be done


  shall done be

Вопрос №26 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

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The way in which a bank is organized and operated is determined by its objectives and by the type of economy in which it conducts its business. A bank may not necessarily be in business to make a profit. Central banks, for example, provide a country with a number of services, while development banks exist to increase the economic growth of a country and raise the living standard of its population. On the other hand, the aim of commercial banks is to earn profits. They therefore provide and develop services that can be sold at a price that will yield a profit.

A commercial bank which provides the same range of services year after year is less likely to be successful than one which assesses changes in the demand for its products and which tries to match products to its customer’s needs. New services are constantly being introduced and developed by commercial banks, and (the full-service philosophy of many banks means that they are akin to financial supermarkets, offering a wide variety of services. However, not every bank may want to offer every kind of financial service.

Many banks offer a combination of wholesale and retail banking. The former provides large-scale services to companies, government agencies and other banks. The latter mainly provides smaller services to the public. Both types of banking have three essential functions which are:

- deposits

- payments

- credits

These three functions are the basis of the services offered by banks. They make it possible for banks to generate profits and to achieve their operating aims.

Several factors have combined to make banking an international business. These include the growth of multinational companies and of international capital markets, the increased competition between the banks themselves, and important improvements in communications and transportation. The major banks of the world have established extensive international operations by acquiring banks in other countries, by extending their own branch network abroad and by establishing correspondent relationships with foreign banks so as to develop profitable joint operations. The operations of these major commercial banks are dynamic and rapidly changing, and their organization is of a global nature.

Текст относится к теме


  My Education


Вопрос №27 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

James Watt patented his steam engine, … mainly for pumping, in 1769.


Вопрос №28 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

At the Footwear Department

Shop-girl: What can I do for you, madam?

Customer: I'd like a pair of strong walking shoes for everyday wear.

Shop-girl: What size do you take in shoes?

Customer: My size is 37.

Shop-girl: Will you try on these brown shoes, please?

Customer: Don't you think that the heels are a bit too high for everyday wear?

Shop-girl: Oh, no, such heels are all the fashion now. But you can try on another pair. Here is a pair of nice flat-heeled shoes. Do they pinch?

Customer: I like them much better than those ones. Will you give me a shoe for the left foot, please? It's a perfect fit. How much are they?

Shop-girl:... roubles.

Customer: Will you wrap them up, please? Where is the cash-desk?

Shop-girl: It's at the end of the department. Thank you.

Customer: Thank you. Good-bye.

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Вопрос №29 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

A microcomputer may be … to operate than a minicomputer.



Вопрос №30 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

The separation of a social or racial group from others, especially by the laws.


Вопрос №31 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

Football, the most popular game in the world, is of two kinds in Britain: association football (soccer) and rugby. Soccer, played in almost all countries, remains one of the most popular games in Great Britain. Rugby football originated at Rugby public school. In this game players may carry the ball. Rugby is played by teams of 15 men with an oval ball.

Golf, one of the most popular sports in Britain, originated in Scotland.

One of the most British games is cricket. It is often played in schools, colleges, universities and by club teams all over the country. To many Englishmen cricket is a game and a standard of behaviour. When they consider something unfair, they sometimes say: “That's not cricket”.

Текст относится к теме...


Вопрос №32 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

... you swim?



Вопрос №33 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Talk about the Weather

Nick: What lovely weather we had last week. I hope it keeps dry and sunny this week, too.

Mary: Well, I wouldn't be sure. Have you heard the forecast?

Nick: No, what does it say?

Mary: Occasional showers tomorrow morning, drizzle and more cloud later on, unsettled for the rest of the week.

Nick: Oh, isn't that awful! I do hope it clears up by Saturday.

Mary: Why are you so eager?

Nick: Don't you remember? We were planning an outing for this weekend.

Mary: Oh, yes, shall I ask Ann? She is a great one for outings.

Nick: Of course. Phone her straight away, will you?

Mary: All right.

Утверждение Nick and Mary were planning an outing for this weekend является...



Вопрос №34 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

In 1960`s Liverpool became a very fashionable place as the home of...


  the Beatles


Вопрос №35 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

A Visit to the Houses of Parliament

The students arrived at Westminster at half past three and went to the entrance in the Victoria Tower. Soon the guide came and the tour began.

The guide took the students first to the House of Lords. They saw the Throne on which the Queen sits when she opens Parliament and the Woolsack (a real sack of wool) on which the Lord Chancellor sits. The Lord Chancellor sits on a woolsack because years ago wool was the most important thing England produced. There are almost 800 peers in the House of Lords but only about half take an active interest in the affairs of the state.

Утверждение The Queen sits on the Woolsack when she opens Parliament является...



  в тексте нет информации





Вопрос №36 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Shall I call him? -....


  Oh, yes please. His number is in the phone book.

Вопрос №37 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

Прочитайте диалог.

Shop-girl: What can I do for you, madam?

Customer: I'd like a pair of strong walking shoes for everyday wear.

Shop-girl: What size do you take in shoes?

Customer: My size is 37.

Shop-girl: Will you try on these brown shoes, please?

Customer: Don't you think that the heels are a bit too high for everyday wear?

Shop-girl: Oh, no, such heels are all the fashion now. But you can try on another pair. Here is a pair of nice flat-heeled shoes. Do they pinch?

Customer: I like "them much better than those ones. Will you give me a shoe for the left foot, please? It's a perfect fit. How much are they?

Shop-girl... roubles.

Customer: Will you wrap them up, please? Where is the cash-desk?

Shop-girl: It's at the end of the department. Thank you.

Customer: Thank you. Good-bye.

Текст можно назвать


  At the Footwear Department


Вопрос №38 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

The girl … for the bus is Jack’s sister.



  is waiting





Вопрос №39 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

The number of employees of a computer company can be seen as a … of its success in the business world.



Вопрос №40 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

The students... by the teacher in a day.

  will be examined


Вопрос №41 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

Tomorrow I... to help you.

  can not






  will be able

Вопрос №42 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Glad to meet you, Mr. Ford. -...

  Glad to meet you too.


Вопрос №43 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Will you be able to come to the party?-.....

  I’m afraid not.


Вопрос №44 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

ready made clothes –...

  готовая одежда


Вопрос №45 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

linen –...

  бельё, изделия из льна

Вопрос №46 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)


  the equivalent

Вопрос №47 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

The teacher... the pupil some interesting work.




Вопрос №48 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

My friend suggested … to Greece for a short holiday.

  to going




  to go



Вопрос №49 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Companies must understand how … security measures are.



Вопрос №50 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Stonehenge the most famousprehistoric stone monument is about years old.



Вопрос №1 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

NHOC in West Coast Refinery Shock

The National Hermosa Oil Corporation (NHOC) officially announced yesterday that it intends to construct a $1 billion oil refinery on the west coast of the island. The project is expected to take five years to complete, with 2,000 workers involved in its construction. The refinery when finished will employ 500 staff, easing the employment situation on the west coast, where tourism is at present the only industry.

Local residents are less optimistic. The head of the environmental group Green Action, Mr. Charles Chang, says that the prospect of large oil tankers unloading their cargo at the port is “alarming”. “We don't believe what NHOC and the Ministry of the Environment are telling us. We've already seen the damage that oil pollution can do in other parts of the world. And the idea of building the refinery in a national park is ridiculous. What is the point of national parks if they can build oil refineries in them?”

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