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Информация The head of Green Action group gives his view of the development содержится в абзаце...


Вопрос №3 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

British Prime Minister was...

  Tony Blair


Вопрос №4 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

American President Kennedy was shot dead in...



Вопрос №5 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

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In general social customs which are considered polite abroad are respected in the USA.

Casual friendliness is characteristic for Americans and should not be mistaken for closed friendship, which is usually developed over a period of time. Americans call each other by their first names much sooner and more often than do people of most other countries. It may take you a little time to learn some of the American small manners and customs.

Americans usually shake hands when they meet, but a man does not shake a woman’s hand unless she offers it to him.

Introductions are simple: “Mr. Smith, Mr. Crown”, or “Bob Smith, John Crown,” or “Bob, John”. For a more formal introduction, you may say, “Mr. Smith, may I introduce Mr. Crown?” When you are introduced to someone you usually say “How do you do?” or “It’s nice to meet you”. You can say a simple “Hello” to an informal introduction. When you introduce a man to a woman, say the woman’s name first.

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  On Manners and Customs in the USA

Вопрос №6 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

He... his notebook at home.

  was left




Вопрос №7 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

The girl … for the bus is Jack’s sister.



Вопрос №8 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Will you be able to come to the party?-.....

  I’m afraid not.


Вопрос №9 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

to travel more than 5 km a day -

  ездить более 5 км в день


Вопрос №10 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

... you speak Spanish?





Вопрос №11 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

ценовая система -

  the price system


Вопрос №12 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Summer and Winter Olympic Games are held separately. There are always several cities keen to host the Games. For example, Saint Petersburg put in a bid to host the Summer Games of 2004. The International Committee selects the most suitable city. After that, the city starts preparations for the competitions, constructs new sports facilities, stadiums, hotels, press centers. Thousands of athletes, journalists and guests come to the Games, and it takes a lot of effort to arrange everything.

There is always an interesting cultural programme of concerts, exhibitions, festivals etc.

  Saint Petersburg put in a bid to host the Summer Games


Вопрос №13 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

ready made clothes –...

  готовая одежда


Вопрос №14 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Fables are short and wise stories about animals and people. They teach us to be kind and not to boast. When we read fables we see people in the animals. We laugh at silly and greedy characters. Fables teach us not to be silly and to be pleased with what we have. We all love and admire Esop’s fables. Esop lived 2500 years ago in Greece. He told his fables to many people and they remembered them. Millions of people all over the world now read Esop’s fables.

  Esop lived 2500 years ago in Greece


Вопрос №15 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

нельзя решить /... be solved



Вопрос №16 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Make sure the … is not loose before you call a service technician.


Вопрос №17 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Your cat can tell you what the weather will be like. The cat washing behind the ears is telling you about the coming rain. Look at the sky and it will tell you about the weather. A red evening sky tells of good weather the next day, to say nothing about a little yellow or green sky. A grey sunrise gives promise of a good day too. If you want to forecast weather, you must know something about winds too. The South wind brings wet weather. The North wind is wet and cold together. The West wind always brings us rain. The East wind blows it again. Study nature, observe it and you'll understand that it needs your protection.

Утверждение Study nature, observe it and you'll be able to forecast your future. является...

  в тексте нет информации







Вопрос №18 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

The ruler of the UK is a...




Вопрос №19 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Computer … is a fast growing discipline.



Вопрос №20 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Can I...these jeans please?


  try on

Вопрос №21 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

At the end of March the weather gets gradually milder. The sky is often blue. The sun shines more brightly. It is cold at the beginning of spring, at the end it is warm. Snow melts in the warm sun. Vegetation grows rapidly in this season. The birds return from the South and build their nests and the air is full of birds' songs. Spring is a hard time for farmers.

After summer autumn comes. The days are shorter than in summer. Autumn is the season of fruit and vegetables. It is a beautiful time. In autumn the leaves turn yellow and reddish, and later fall to the road. Then landscape becomes rather dull. Nature slowly falls asleep for winter.

Winter is the coldest season in the year. Fields, forests and houses are covered with snow and rivers and lakes with ice. The days are short, the sky is often grey, nature is sleeping and sometimes it gets rather boring. It is pleasant to work when it is not very cold and it snows. In winter it gets light late.

Утверждение Winter is the coldest season является...


Вопрос №22 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

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Importers and exporters do not use the same currency. When they buy and sell goods they change money from one currency to another. There are two ways of doing this. First, the importer can pay in his own currency and the exporter changes it on the international currency market. Secondly, the importer sells his own currency and purchases the exporter's. Then the importer pays. Usually the banks buy and sell currency for their clients.

The international currency market consists of a net of international banks. Exchange brokers and dealers deal in foreign exchange (Forex) transactions. The exchange rates change (or fluctuate) from day to day. For example, one day the exchange rate is 0.526 pound sterling to a dollar, another day it is 0.520 pound sterling io a dollar Dealers and banks choose the best rates and profit by forex dealing.

Текст относится к теме

  My Education


Вопрос №23 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

The currency of the United Kingdom is...




Вопрос №24 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Are they right size? - No, they’re...

  not too big


  big enough


  not big enough


  enough big

Вопрос №25 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

If people carefully observe nature it can tell them many interesting and useful things. Do you know that thanks observing nature you can forecast weather? «How?» you may ask. By watching birds and animals, insects and flowers. It is known that some insects become more troublesome before a change in the weather. Flies and mosquitoes, for example, begin to hum and bite before rain. Big blue-black beetles fly only on evenings before nice weather.

Утверждение People can forecast weather является...



Вопрос №26 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

To take up a subject –

  начать изучать предмет


Вопрос №27 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

… is a verb used quite often in COBOL programming.



Вопрос №28 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

The first prize... by John.

  was won


Вопрос №29 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

There are a lot of amateur clubs and keep-fit centres in Russia where people go in for aerobics, yoga, body-building, swimming, skating, jogging. Thousands of people go to the stadiums to support their favourite team and many thousands more prefer to watch the games on TV. But watching sporting events and going in for sport are different things.

Sport also plays an important part in the life of the British. The British are proud of fact that many sports originated in their country and then spread throughout the world. The national British sports are football, golf, cricket, table tennis, lawn tennis, snooker, steeplechase, racing, darts.

The national British sports are...

  darts, racing, steeplechase, snooker


  lawn tennis, table tennis, cricket, golf, football

Вопрос №30 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

At the ready-made Clothes Department

Customer: I'd like a summer frock.

Shop-girl: Certainly. What size?

Customer: 46. I'm stock size.

Shop-girl: The dresses on that rail are all size 46. Look at them and you may find something to your taste.

Customer: May I try on this cotton dress? Does it fit me?

Shop-girl: It fits you perfectly but I don't think the colour becomes you. It's too dark.

Customer: Have you got anything a shade lighter?

Shop-girl: I'm afraid, we haven't. Would you mind trying on this light-blue?

Customer: But it's not genuine silk. It's too hot for summer wear.

Shop-girl: Will you drop in a couple of days? We are expecting most of our summer stock at the end of the week.

Customer: Yes, of course. Thank you. Good-bye.

Shop-girl: Thank you. Have a nice day.

Текст относится к теме...



Вопрос №31 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

At the Footwear Department

Shop-girl: What can I do for you, madam?

Customer: I'd like a pair of strong walking shoes for everyday wear.

Shop-girl: What size do you take in shoes?

Customer: My size is 37.

Shop-girl: Will you try on these brown shoes, please?

Customer: Don't you think that the heels are a bit too high for everyday wear?

Shop-girl: Oh, no, such heels are all the fashion now. But you can try on another pair. Here is a pair of nice flat-heeled shoes. Do they pinch?

Customer: I like them much better than those ones. Will you give me a shoe for the left foot, please? It's a perfect fit. How much are they?

Shop-girl:... roubles.

Customer: Will you wrap them up, please? Where is the cash-desk?

Shop-girl: It's at the end of the department. Thank you.

Customer: Thank you. Good-bye.

Текст относится к теме...




Вопрос №32 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Many viruses … through pirated – illegally copied or broken – games.



Вопрос №33 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

I’m Sam Smith. And you? -....

  I’m Mary. Nice to meet you.


Вопрос №34 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

What is a hobby? It's something that you like to do when you have time to spare.

There was a man who collected old trains. Another man collected old cars. But such collections need a lot of money and the place where to keep them. More often people are fond of collecting small things: stamps, match-boxes, coins, stickers. Very often people collect stamps, envelopes, postcards. It's a traditional hobby of most children. I should say that stamps open the world for you. It's interesting to imagine those countries from where the letters come. There is nothing better than to get a letter from your pen-friend and to see a new stamp on it. Some of the stamps are very beautiful. We learn many interesting things about these countries. Sometimes we stage fairy tales in English. It's great!

  Hobby is what you like to do when you have time to spare


Вопрос №35 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Travelling by Train

Passenger: I want a ticket to London, please. Which train must I take?

Booking-clerk: If I were you, I would take the 8.35 train.

Passenger: Do I have to change anywhere?

Booking-clerk: No, no change, it's a through train.

Passenger: Thank you. A ticket to London, please.

Booking-clerk: Single or return?

Passenger: Return, please, first class.

Booking-clerk: Here you are.

Passenger: Thank you. What time did you say the train goes?

Booking-clerk: 8.35. You'll have to hurry if you want to register your luggage.

Passenger: Thanks. (He hurries away)

Текст относится к теме...


Вопрос №36 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

She is known … on a very important problem now.

  to be working


  is working


  to have worked



Вопрос №37 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

We are looking forward … our going to Spain for the summer holidays.



Вопрос №38 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

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Retailers and Wholesalers

All the firms can be grouped into "wholesalers" and "retailers". The figure below shows how they fit into the various stages in the production of chocolate.

The wholesaler buys goods in bulk from producer and sells them in small quantities to retailers. In doing so he helps production, relieves manufacturers and retailers of the risk of a fall in demand- e. g. fashion changes. The holding of stocks is in itself a valuable economic function evening out prices resulting from temporary changes in demand and supply.

Текст относится к теме


  My Education


Вопрос №39 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

The largest state in America, although it has the fewest people.



Вопрос №40 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

He was forgotten.


  Его забыли


Вопрос №41 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

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Cost-push Inflation.

Alternatively, inflation can be of the cost-push variety. This takes place when firms face increasing costs. This could he caused by an increase in wages owing to trade union militancy, the rising costs of imported raw materials and components or companies pushing up prices in order to improve their profit margins.

Текст относится к теме

  My Education


Вопрос №42 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

Police took away Mr. Ali and all things … to him.




Вопрос №43 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

A Visit to the Houses of Parliament

The students arrived at Westminster at half past three and went to the entrance in the Victoria Tower. Soon the guide came and the tour began.

The guide took the students first to the House of Lords. They saw the Throne on which the Queen sits when she opens Parliament and the Woolsack (a real sack of wool) on which the Lord Chancellor sits. The Lord Chancellor sits on a woolsack because years ago wool was the most important thing England produced. There are almost 800 peers in the House of Lords but only about half take an active interest in the affairs of the state.

Утверждение The Queen sits on the Woolsack when she opens Parliament является...



  в тексте нет информации





Вопрос №44 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

British Parliament consists of two...








Вопрос №45 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

We were sent.


  Нас послали


Вопрос №46 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

The separation of a social or racial group from others, especially by the laws.



Вопрос №47 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896 to underline the importance of precedent. The International Olympic Committee was also set up in 1896. It is the central policy-making body of the Olympic movement. It is composed of representatives from all the countries, which take part in the Olympic Games. The International Olympic Committee decides on the programme of the games, the number of the participants and the host-city for the games. Over one hundred and fifty countries are represented in the International Olympic Committee now. Each of the countries also has its National Olympic Committee.

Утверждение The International Olympic Committee is the central policy-making body of the Olympic movement является...



Вопрос №48 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

While … the book I came across a lot of interesting facts.


Вопрос №49 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

I'm sorry I'm late. -...


  That's OK

Вопрос №50 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

You... not argue with the boss.




Ну Вопрос №1 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

The flag of the Unite Kingdom is called...

  Union Jack


Вопрос №2 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Travelling by Train

Passenger: I want a ticket to London, please. Which train must I take?

Booking-clerk: If I were you, I would take the 8.35 train.

Passenger: Do I have to change anywhere?

Booking-clerk: No, no change, it's a through train.

Passenger: Thank you. A ticket to London, please.

Booking-clerk: Single or return?

Passenger: Return, please, first class.

Booking-clerk: Here you are.

Passenger: Thank you. What time did you say the train goes?

Booking-clerk: 8.35. You'll have to hurry if you want to register your luggage.

Passenger: Thanks. (He hurries away)

Текст относится к теме...




Вопрос №3 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

There are books and writers that everybody knows. “Mary Poppins” by Pamela Travers, “Winnie-the-Pooh” by Alan Milne, and of course “The adventures of Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain.

My favorite book is “Tom Sawyer”. Tom Sawyer was a boy with wild imagination. He and his friends liked to play games, dreamt of different adventures. Tom was sometimes naughty and never quiet. But he was often noble and always bright and full of ideas. I also enjoy books about animals. Have you ever heard of Bambi? He is a baby deer who is famous all over the world. “Bambi” is a book by an Austrian writer Felix Salthen. Its author is a poet who feels nature deeply and loves animals.


  “Bambi” is a book by Felix Salthen



  “Winnie-the-Pooh” by Alan Milne

Вопрос №4 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

The man … the bus is my brother.



Вопрос №5 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Many viruses … through pirated – illegally copied or broken – games.



Вопрос №6 Уровень сложности - тяжёлый (3 балла)

Many sports, such as hockey, or baseball and American football nowadays, came to our country from abroad. There are many stadiums and other sports facilities in our country. A lot of national and international matches and competitions take place there. Lenin Stadium in Moscow is the biggest one in Europe. Some of the sport complexes were built for the Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980. Russian athletes participate in most of the sports events in the world and usually show very good results. Some of them are invited to foreign clubs to play for them or to train sportsmen there.

  Baseball came to our country from abroad



  American football came to our country from abroad


Вопрос №7 Уровень сложности - лёгкий (1 балл)

When summer comes, the weather gets warmer and sometimes it's very hot. It's schoolhildren's holidays time. Some of them go to the seaside with their parents, others go to the country. Summer is wonderful. It's nice to walk in the green fields, to play with friends, to swim and to fish. Children find a lot of things to enjoy in summer.

After summer autumn comes. We call autumn a tasty season. It's harvest's time when crops are being gathered at. The days get shorter and nights get longer. The woods turn yellow-red and brown. Leaves begin to fall down from the trees. The sky is grey and it often rains.

When winter comes we spend more time at home, because it is cold. But when snow covers the ground with a white carpet children like to play snowballs, to make snowman, to skate, to ski.

Утверждение It often rains in autumn из абзаца...

  1, 2







Вопрос №8 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

He... the boy a toy.




Вопрос №9 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

His sister... cook very well.




Вопрос №10 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

The ruler of the UK is a...



Вопрос №11 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)



  ювелирные изделия


Вопрос №12 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

When we want to buy food we go to the food store or to some specialized provision shops.

The grocer sells flour, butter, eggs, biscuits, cereals, jams, sugar, tinned and frozen foods.

The greengrocer deals in fruit and vegetables.

At the butcher's there is a wide choice of meat and poultry.

We go to the fishmonger for fish.

When we run out of bread we go to the baker's and ask for a loaf of white or brown breads, rolls, biscuits, cookies…

A milk shop is called a dairy. There we buy dairy products: milk, butter, cheese, cream, yoghurt.

Утверждение Alice likes to go shopping является...

  в тексте нет информации


Вопрос №13 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

While … the book I came across a lot of interesting facts.


Вопрос №14 Уровень сложности - средний (2 балла)

Stonehenge the most famousprehistoric stone monument is about years old.




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