Читайте также: |
1. Not every national state but every political community has a constitution, at least in the sense that it operates its important institutions according to some fundamental body of rules.
2. The constitution of a political community is composed of the principles determining the agencies to which the task of governing the community is entrusted and their respective powers.
3. Once the American colonies became independent states, they faced the problem of giving themselves a fresh political organization.
4. Since the end of the 19th century scores of states, in Europe and elsewhere, have followed the United States’ example.
5. Positive law from the Greek philosophers’ point of view is the law actually enforced in a community in order to be just must reflect the principles of a superior, ideal law: natural law.
4. Answer the questions on the text above:
1. By what means can constitutional law as the body govern the operation of political communities?
2. What is a constitution in the broadest sense?
3. What kind of organizations may operate under the terms of a formal written document labelled constitution?
4. What types of constitutions may be?
5. What is the composition of the constitution of a political community?
6. Can you describe the conceptions which were propagated in Rome and by whom?
7. Can you explain the rules of positive legal systems in the Middle Ages?
8. What doctrine was the banner of the Enlightenment? What did it assume?
9. What is the role of the USA in the forming of constitutional law?
5. Make the following sentences complete by translating the words and phrases in brackets.
1. The constitution of a (політична спільнота) may also include principles that
(визначити межі) powers to command in order to secure fundamental rights of
persons or groups.
2. If a proposal is out of order the presiding officer of a club is obliged to rule if it is (суперечити) a provision of its constitution.
3. The only (можлива) alternative to a constitution is a condition of anarchy.
4. The constitution of a political community is (складатися) of the principles determining the agencies to which the task of governing the community is (наділяти) and their (відповідні повноваження).
5. (Вирішальний момент) in the history of Western constitutional law occurred when a theory of natural law based on the («невід’ємне право») of the individual was developed.
6. Find the meaning in which the word «constitution» is used in the text:
1. System of government; laws and principles according to which a state is governed.
2. General physical structure and condition of a person’s body.
3. General structure of a thing; act or manner of constituting.
7. Find in the text all the word combinations with the word and family of the word “constitution”. Give their Ukrainian equivalents. Make up your own sentences with them.
8. Complete the sentences with the given words:
1. Constitutional law is the body of rules, doctrines, and practices that
____________ the operation of political communities.
2. In the broadest sense a constitution is a body of rules governing the
____________ of an organized group.
3. A parliament, a church congregation, a social club, or a ____________
may operate under the terms of a formal written document labelled
4. Constitutions may be written or ____________; they may be
complex or simple; they may provide for vastly different patterns
of governance.
5. The theory of the rights of the ____________ was a potent factor in
reshaping the constitutions of Western states in the 17th, 18th, and
19th centuries.
6. The American idea of stating in an orderly, comprehensive document
the ____________ of the rules that must guide the operations of
government became popular very quickly.
9. Match these documents with the descriptions below:
1. _____________ a document, frequently but not essentially, of high standing
in constitutional law, which sets out protections for the citizens, usually from
the state itself.
2. _____________ one of the foundations of the notion of the rule of law,
signed by King John at Runymede, 15 June 1215.
10. Explain the meaning of the following in English:
– The Oriental kingdom;
– the advent of Christianity;
– the Scholastics;
– the Enlightenment;
– the Glorious Revolution.
UNIT 8___________________________________________________________
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