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Читайте также:
  2. Active vocabulary
  4. Essential vocabulary
  6. Ex. 11. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.
  7. Ex. 15. Compose 2-3 sentences using the words of the VOCABULARY.
tear[tFq] рвана рана cut [kAt] різана рана stab [stxb] колота рана contused wound [kqn'tjuzd 'wu:nd] забійна рана gunshot wound ['gAnSOt] вогнепальна рана pull [pul] рвати, розривати pointed ['pOIntid] загострений, гострий penetrate ['penItreIt] проникати всередину, проходити крізь, пронизувати, пробивати stick [stIk] триматися, притримуватися gape [geIp] розходитися blunt [blAnt] тупий underneath ["Andq'nIT] нижче union ['junjqn] зрощення, зрощування (тканин, кісток та т.п.) clot[klOt] згусток крові scab [skxb] струп (на рані)   seal[sI:l] скріплювати debris['debrI:] залишки granulation tissue ["grxnju'leIS(q)n] грануляційна тканина persist[pq'sIst] зберігатися scar [skR] рубець, шрам gap [gxp] розрив, розходження much more значно більше, набагато більше healing ['hI:lIN] загоювання (рани, виразки), гоєння reasonable ['rI:znqbl] доцільний suture['sju:Cq] накладати шов, зашивати; шов bind[baInd] зв’язувати, стягувати pus [pAs] гній ingest [In'Gest] ковтати, проковтнути; поглинати repair[rI'pFq] загоєння


Ex. 1. Insert the missing letters:

W_und; sut_re; _lot; se_l; he_ling; sca_; persi_t; debri_; unde_neath; contu_ed wound; g_nshot wound; p_s; pen_trate; pu_l.


Ex. 2. Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian:

Tear; cut; stab; contused wound; gunshot wound; pull; sharp object; pointed object; penetrate; the edges don't gape; a blunt force acts on the soft parts; the soft parts are held between the force and the bone; primary union; the edges are not close together; the wound fills with blood; clot; bind; scab; seal; blood cells ingest bacteria; tissue debris; pus; granulation tissue; persist; scar; the wound edges are far apart; close the gap completely; to cover the wound; to speed healing; to suture; the degree of scarring.


Ex. 3. Read the following words and word-combinations:

Occur; edge; cause; essential; vertically; diagonally; blunt; underneath; heal; primary union; fibrin; bind; dry; seal; isolate; microorganism; foreign; phagocyte; neutrophil; ingest; thus; mixture; pus; epithelial cell; remove; dead; gap; completely; cover; reduce; lead; disfiguring; reasonable; suture; faster; lowered; severe; called.


Ex. 4. Read the following text:


There are some types of wounds. They are tears, cuts, stabs, contused wounds, and gunshot wounds.

Tears occur when the skin is pulled beyond the limits of its elasticity. The edges of the wound are irregular. Tears are usually caused by sharp-edged objects such as broken glass. Deep tears can damage nerves and blood vessels. Cuts are caused by action of sharp object. Stabs are caused by pointed objects, which penetrate into the tissue. External bleeding is usually not severe, but there might be severe internal bleeding. The wound edges are generally stuck together and do not gape. Contused wounds occur when a blunt force acts on the soft parts, with bones a short distance underneath, so that the soft parts are held between the force and the bones.

If the edges of the wound are close together, the wound heals by a process called primary union. If the edges are not close together or if there has been extensive loss of tissue, the process is called secondary union.

In the primary union the wound fills with blood, and clots form. The clot contains a fibrin, which binds the edges of the wound together. The surface of the clot dries to form a scab, which seals the wound and helps prevent infection. Fibrin and blood cells move into the wounded tissues. The fibrin acts to isolate microorganisms and other foreign substances. Some of the white blood cells (phagocytic cells called neutrophils) ingest bacteria, thus helping to fight infection. They also ingest tissue debris, clearing the area for repair. Neutrophils are killed in this process and may accumulate a mixture of dead cells and fluid called pus. After a few days the epithelial cells from the edges meet, forming a single layer of cells over the wound. As the new epithelium forms, a second type of phagocytic cell removes the dead neutrophils and cellular debris. Then the clots are replaced by a connective tissue (granulation tissue). A large amount of granulation tissue sometimes persists as a scar.

Repair by secondary union is similar to healing by primary union, but there are some differences. Because the wound edges are far apart, the clot may not close the gap completely. Much more granulation tissue forms and wound contraction reduces the size of the wound and speeds healing. Wound contraction can lead to disfiguring scars. Thus it is reasonable to suture a large wound so that it can heal by primary rather than secondary union. Healing will be faster, the risk of infection will be lowered, and the degree of scarring will be reduced.


Ex. 5. Translate the words into English:

Гній; накладати шов; зберігатися; шрам, рубець; загоєння; розрив, розходжененя; пробивати, пронизувати, проникати всередину; згусток крові; зрощення рани; накладати шов; рвати, розривати; рвана рана; різана рана; колота рана; вогнепальна рана.

Ex. 6. Translate the text "Wounds" into Ukrainian.

Ex. 7. Insert the missing words given below. Put the verbs into correct tense form:

1. There are some _ of wounds. 2. They are tears, cuts, _, _ wounds, and gunshot wounds. 3. Tears occur when the covering skin is_. 4. The _ of the wound are irregular. 5. _ are caused by action of sharp object. 6. Stabs are _ by a pointed object. 7. The wound edges are generally stuck together and do not_. 8. Contused wounds occur when a _ force acts on the soft parts, with bones a short distance_.


stabs; to pull; types; edges; underneath; to cause; contused; to cut; to gape; blunt.


Ex. 8. Make up sentences using the following words and word-combinations:

1. is / occur / tears / the covering skin / pulled / when. 2. sharp / caused / cuts / are / action / object / by / of. 3. are / by / a pointed / caused / object / stabs. 4. contused wounds / underneath / on / when / a blunt force / acts / bones / the soft parts/ occur / with / a short distance.


Ex. 9. Answer the following questions:

1. What types of wound are there? 2. When do tears occur? 3. Can you characterize the edges of wound in tears? 3. In what cases do cuts occur? 4. What are the causes of stabs? 5. Describe the edges of the wound in stabs. 6. What are the causes of contused wounds?


Ex. 10. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Існує кілька видів ран. Це – рвані, різані, колоті, забійні та вогнепальні рани. 2. Вогнепальні рани одні з самих серйозних видів ран. 3. Рвані рани виникають у тих випадках, коли розривається шкіра. 4. Края цих ран – нерівні. 5. Різані рани викликаються дією гострого предмету. 6. Загострений предмет може призвести до колотої рани. 7. Забійні рани виникають під дією тупого предмету.


Ex. 11. Speak on the types of wounds and the causes of their occurring.


Ex. 12. Insert the missing words:

1. In the primary union the wound fills with blood, and _ form. 2. The surface of the clot dries to form a _, which seals the wound and helps prevent infection. 3. After a few days the epithelial cells from the edges meet, forming a single layer of cells over the _. 4. Then the clots are replaced by a _ tissue.


Ex. 13. Answer the questions:

1. What is primary union? 2. What does the wound fill with in the primary union? 3. Why does the surface of the clot dry? 4. What is the function of fibrin? 5.What is the function of a second type of phagocytic cells?


Ex. 14. Speak on the primary union.


Ex. 15. Answer the questions:

1. What is the secondary union? 2. What is the difference between primary and secondary unions? 3. What can wound contraction lead to?


Ex. 16. Speak on the secondary union.


Ex. 17. Read the following text and get ready to narrate it:

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