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Ex. 8. Compose 5-6 sentences using the words of the VOCABULARY

Читайте также:
  1. A look through the descriptions of things you can do with music and try to guess the meaning of the words in bold type.
  2. A) Brainstorm the words which come to your mind when you think of flight.
  3. Abbreviations of words
  6. Active vocabulary
  7. And write your own sentences with the same word-combinations,


Ex. 9. Insert the missing letters and translate the following words:

Swol_en; mu_mur; dil_te; l_ver; r_les; lun_; h_art; tempera_ure; tong_e; bre_the; pres_ure; scarlet f_ver; t_roat; complai_t; disc_arge; haedac_e; coug_; tr_uble.


Ex. 10. Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian:

1. to breathe; to breathe heavily ['hevIlI]; to breath with difficulty; to breathe deeply; to breathe in; to breathe in oxygen ['OksIG(q)n]; to breathe out; to breathe out carbon dioxide ['ka:bqn daI'OksaId]; a breath [breT].

2. cough; dry cough; moist cough; a painful cough; to complain of cough; a cough remedy; to suffer from cough.


Ex. 11. Read the following words:

Cough; discharge; breathe; through; high; temperature; else; trouble; sore; throat; swallowing; headache; weakness; measles; mouth; tonsil; rales; cause; phlegm; dilate; murmur; coach; abdomen.


Ex. 12. Read the following dialogue:


Doctor: What do you complain of?

Patient: I have a bad cough.

D: Do you have a nasal discharge (runny nose)?

P: Yes, I do.

D: Is it difficult for you to breathe through the nose?

P: Yes, it is.

D: Do you have a high temperature?

P: Yes, I do.

D: Did you have a sudden rise in temperature to 38-39° C?

P: Yes, I have.

D: What else troubles you?

P: I have a sore throat.

D: Do you often have a sore throat?

P: No, I don't.

D: Do you feel pain on swallowing?

P: No, I don't.

D: What about your headache?

P: I have a headache.

D: Does your heart trouble you?

P: Yes, it does.

D: Do you have any other complaints?

P: No, I have not.

D: When did you fall ill?

P: I fell ill three days ago.

D: What first symptoms did you notice?

P: Weakness and headache.

D: Did you take any medicine?

P: No, I did not.

D: What diseases did you have in your childhood?

P: I had scarlet fever and measles.

D.: I'll examine you. First of all take your temperature, please.

P.: All right.

D.: Your temperature is 37.8° C. Open your mouth and say "Ah", please. Your tongue is thickly coated and your tonsils are swollen and red. Now strip to the waist, please. I'll examine your lungs. Breathe more deeply. Hold your breath. There are rales in your lungs. Does deep breathing cause pain?

P.: Yes, it does.

D.: How long have you been coughing?

P.: About three days.

D.: Do you bring up phlegm? (Чи у Вас виділяється мокротиння?)

P.: No, I don't.

D: Turn round, please. I'll listen to your heart. The borders of your heart are dilated and there is a murmur in your heart. Do you have pain near your heart?

P: No, I don't

D.: Let me palpate you now. Lie down on the coach. I'll check your liver. Do you feel any pain in your abdomen?

P: No, I don't.

D: Now you may stand up. Dress and sit down. Let me measure your blood pressure. It is normal. I'll give you an analysis form for blood count (urinalysis, stool test).

Ex. 13. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:

Скаржитися на; сильний кашель; дихати носом; різке підвищення температури до; турбувати; біль при ковтанні; захворіти; слабкість; скарлатина; кір; язик дуже обкладений; викликати біль; межі серця збільшені; шуми; аналіз крові; затримувати дихання.


Ex. 14. Translate the dialogue "At the Therapeutist's" into Ukrainian.

Ex. 15. Note how the doctor starts the interview:

What's brought you along today?

What seems to be the problem?

What is wrong with you?

What can I do for you?


Ex. 16. Ask the question and answer them using the expressions of the following table:

  Do you have any troubles? any complaints? a bad cough? a sore throat? a nasal discharge? (a runny nose?) a headache? a high temperature? a pain on swallowing? heart troubles?   I have a bad cough. a sore throat. a headache. a high temperature. a runny nose ['rAnI 'nquz] (нежить). a pain on swallowing. heart troubles.


Ex. 17. Complete the questions:

1. What _ you complain of? 2. What is _ with you? 3. _ you have any other complaints? 4. What else _ you? 5. When _ you fall ill? 6. Do you _ any pain in your heart? 7. What _ did you take in? 8. What first _ did you notice? 9. Do you feel _ on swallowing?

Ex. 18. Translate into English:

1. Чи у Вас висока температура? 2. Чи у Вас є кашель? 3. Чи часто у Вас болить горло? 4. Чи часто Ви хворієте на ангіни? 5. Чи у Вас болить голова? 6. Чи відчуваєте Ви біль при ковтанні? 7. Коли Ви захворіли? 8. Відкрийте рота. 9. Виміряйте температуру. 10. Ваш язик обкладений. 11. Ваші мигдалики запалені. 12. У легенях прослуховуються хрипи. 13. Межі серця збільшені. 14. В серці – шуми.

Ex. 19. Make up a short dialogue using the material of the 15th -17th exercises.


Ex. 20. Find the Ukrainian equivalents for the English questions:

Do you feel dryness in the throat? Do you feel a dry scratchy feeling in the throat? Do you feel a burning sensation in the throat? Чи Ви відчуваєте сухість в горлі? Чи Ви відчуваєте печію в горлі? Чи Ви відчуваєте, що дере в горлі?


Ex. 21. List the signs and symptoms of some disease. Give this list to your fellow-student. He/She must make the diagnosis asking questions and using your list.

Ex. 22. Complete the case notes asking the questions:



Ex. 23. Compose the affirmative and interrogative sentences:

1. through / to breathe / is / difficult / for / you / the nose / it /? 2. you / a nasal discharge / do / have? 3. a sudden rise / you / have / in temperature / to 38-39° C / did /? 4. on swallowing / feel / do / you / a pain /? 5. you / do / complain of / what/? 6. troubles / my heart / me /. 7. fall / you / when / did / ill/? 8. other / do / complaints / you / have / any/? 9. I / a bad / cough / have /. 10. notice / symptoms / what / first / did / you/? 11. did / what / childhood / diseases / you / have / in / your /?


Ex. 24. Insert the missing words:

1. First of all _ your temperature, please. 2. Open your mouth and _ "Ah". 3. _ me your throat. 4. Your _ is thickly coated. 5. Your _ are swollen. 6. Breathe more _. 7. Hold your _. 8. There are _ in your lungs. 9. Does deep breathing _ pain? 10. _ you bring up phlegm?


Ex. 25. Insert the missing word-combinations given below:

1. I'll listen to your heart. The _ are dilated and there is _. Do you have pain near your heart? 2. Let me palpate you now. _ on the coach. I'll check _. Do you _ in your abdomen? 3. Let me measure _. It is normal. I'll give you _ for blood count.


a murmur in your heart; lie down; borders of your heart; your blood pressure; your liver; feel any pain; an analysis form.


Ex. 26. Reproduce the dialogue "At the Therapeutist's" in pairs.

Ex. 27. Practise this dialogue. You can select replies from the list (1-5) below:

Cardiologist: Let me measure your blood pressure.

Mr. Peters: Is it normal?

C.: No, it isn’t. Your blood pressure is quite high (1). Is anyone in your family with high blood pressure?

P.: My father (2) had it for years. He did have a stroke a few years ago (3). That won’t happen to me, will it?

C.: No. Let’s finish the rest of the examination. I’ll listen to your heart. Breath in… Breathe out… Hold it… Breathe away (4). Say ninety-nine.

P.: Ninety-nine.

C.: A couple of times more.

P.: Ninety-nine, ninety-nine, ninety-nine…

C.: Good. We’ll have a look at that blood pressure again.

P.: How is it now?

C.: Still high (5).

P.: What are you going to do for me?

C.: Check your blood and urine. Then we’ll send you up to the hospital for a chest X-ray and a cardiogram.


(1) normal; low; quite low.

(2) uncle; grandmother; aunt.

(3) five years ago; last year; some years ago.

(4) Now would you turn on your left side, please; Lie right out; Sit up again; Lean forward; Breath quietly through your mouth.

(5) Still low.

Ex. 28. Reproduce the similar dialogue:

Doctor: Where is the pain?

Patient: It is in the abdomen. I can hardly bear the pain.

D.: Is it sharp?

P.: Yes, it’s cutting.

D.: Where does the pain radiate to? To which side, upwards or downwards?

P.: It hurts inside…

D.: Is this first attack of pain?

P.: No. I felt the same pain a few weeks ago, but it stopped quickly. I didn’t send for the doctor then.

D.: In what body position do you feel pain the most?

P.: When I’m on my back.

D.: All right, you’ll be admitted for the treatment to the municipal hospital. The ambulance will bring you to the emergency room.


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