The state has established a wide network of the medical institutions. One of them is the polyclinic. If a person falls ill he/she calls in a doctor. When his/her condition isn’t poor he/she goes to the local polyclinic. Many specialists, such as therapeutists, surgeons, neurologists, gynecologists and others work here.
When a patient comes to the local polyclinic he/she goes to the registry first and makes the appointment with the definite specialist.
The physical examination must be performed methodically and extended to all parts of the body. Examination comprises the following:
General examination;
Examination of the face (the face is usually a mirror of person's condition);
Examination of the tongue;
Observation of respiration;
Examination of the heart function, blood circulation and pulse;
General examination of the chest;
Measuring temperature;
Examination of the abdomen.
So at the medical examination a physician listens to the patient’s heart and lungs, palpates the abdominal parts, feels the pulse, and measures blood pressure. The doctor makes the diagnosis and prescribes proper treatment to every patient.
The laboratory analysis (blood analysis and urine analysis) and other tests help to make a correct diagnosis and administer proper treatment.
In addition to the consulting hours at the polyclinic local physician goes out to the calls to examine those patients who have a high temperature or who are seriously ill. The doctor puts them on sick-leaves for several days. Patient must follow a bed regimen and fulfill the doctor's prescriptions.
Any local physician knows his/her patients very well because he/she treats a definite number of patients. At the polyclinic every patient has a personal patient’s card, which is filled in by physician. Everything about the patient is written down in the card.
Twice a year the local physician should invite his/her patients for prophylactic examination with the aim of prevention of different diseases.
Ex. 22. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:
Дотримуватися, слідувати; захворіти; лікарняний лист; дотримуватися постільного режиму; оглядати хворого; вимірювати кров’яний тиск; пульс; пальпувати органи черевної порожнини; певна кількість пацієнтів; записатися на прийом.
Ex. 23. Translate the text "Polyclinic" into Ukrainian.
Ex. 24. Do you agree, disagree or partially agree with the statements below?
Suggestions for useful phrases:
When you agree I totally agree I quite agree I suppose so Quite so There’s no denying it That’s true No doubt | When you disagree Of course not On the contrary I don’t really think so Nothing of the kind Nonsense Far from it It is out the question I hardly think so | When you only partially agree To a certain extent I am not certain Yes, in a way I agree to some extent |
1. The state hasn’t established a wide network of the medical institutions. 2. If a person falls ill he/she will call in a mechanic. 3. Many specialists, such as therapeutists, lawyers, surgeons, neurologists, teachers, gynecologists and others work at the local polyclinic. 4. Gynecologist examines the patient, listens to the patient’s heart and lungs, palpates the abdominal parts, feels the pulse, and measures blood pressure. 5. The therapeutist makes the diagnosis and prescribes proper treatment to every patient. 6. In addition to the consulting hours at the polyclinic local physician goes out to the calls to rest a little. 7. The blood analysis, urine ones and other tests don’t help to make a correct diagnosis and administer proper treatment. 8. Any local physician knows his/her patients very well because he/she treats a definite number of patients.
Ex. 25. Insert the missing words or word-combinations:
1. The state has established a _ of the medical institutions. 2. If a person _ he/she calls in a doctor. 3. Many specialists, such as _, _, _, _ and others work here. 4. At the medical examination a physician _ the patient, listens to the patient’s _, palpates the abdominal parts, _ the pulse and _ blood pressure. 5. The laboratory tests help to _ a correct diagnosis and _ proper treatment. 6. In addition to the _ at the polyclinic local physician goes out to the _. 7. He examines those patients who are seriously _. 8. At the polyclinic every patient has a personal _, which is written down by the physician. 9. Twice a year the local physician invites patients for _.
Ex. 26. Answer the following questions:
1. What medical institutions in Ukraine do you know? 2. What does a person do if he/she falls ill? 3. What medical specialists work at a local polyclinic? 4. What does a physician do during the medical examination? 5. In what cases does a local physician go out to the calls? 6. What patients receive sick-leaves? 7. What does a local physician write down in every patient’s card?
Ex. 27. What do the doctors do? Fill in the blanks with the words below:
When people have some problems like being _ or having lost appetite, they go to see the doctor in his/her _. Every doctor has a _ to help the patient. When the doctor sees _ in the surgery, first he/she listens to their problems, then he/she _ them. The doctor takes the patient's temperature, listens to his/her _, looks in his/her ears, eyes, takes his _. Then, if the _ isn't so serious, the doctor _ some medicine. Later the patient will take the _ to the _. If something is seriously wrong with the patient, the doctor sends him/her to the hospital for _.
1. patients; 2. treatment; 3. examines; 4. heart and lungs; 5. depressed; 6. blood pressure; 7. prescribes; 8. surgery (кабінет); 9. disease; 10. chemist's (аптека); 11. nurse; 12. prescription. |
Ex. 28. Combine corresponding parts into sentences, paying attention to the meaning of the sentences:
1. The physician must know all the symptoms in the patient's own words and _. 2. The patient's voice, _ can give important clues to discover not only something about the disease but also about the patient. 3. The time the physician spends on thorough anamnesis _. 4. _ "good anamnesis is half-way to diagnosis".
A. helps him/her in diagnosing; B. facial expression and attitude; C. we know that; D. not to avoid minor complaint that may be of importance.
avoid[q'vOId] уникати minor['maInq] незначний, другорядний clue[klu] ключ | attitude['xtItju:d] постава або положення тіла anamnesis["xnxm'nI:sIs] анамнез |
Ex. 29. Get ready to speak on the physical examination of the patient.
Ex. 30. Ask 8-10 questions to the text "Polyclinic".
Ex. 31. Make up a dialogue on obtained information.
Ex. 32. Read the following dialogue and translate it:
Alex: Hello, John. When did you fall ill?
John: I fell ill two weeks ago?
Alex: I didn’t know anything about your illness till George told me about it.
John: Yes, the onset was so sudden.
Alex: Was it acute?
John: Yes, quite. I couldn’t sleep at night, felt feverish, and could hardly stand on my legs. I had a splitting headache and a bad cough.
Alex: Were you running temperature?
John: Oh, yes. It was very high: thirty-eight point nine. I didn’t know that it was so high and wanted to go to our district polyclinic, but my mother didn’t let me out.
Alex: Did you call in a doctor?
John: Certainly. He examined my lungs, told me to breathe deeply and to cough repeatedly. He took my temperature once more. It was 38.90C.
Alex: Did he diagnose your case?
John: Yes, he did. He told that I had pneumonia.
Ex. 33. Answer the following questions:
1. Did John have a cold or pneumonia? 2. What symptoms did John have? 3. Did he go to the polyclinic to consult a physician? 4. Why did he call a doctor in? 5. What did the doctor do in order to diagnose his case?
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