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Prominent scientists and physicians of Ukraine

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  2. Hetman Ivan Mazepa and an attempt to separate Ukraine from Russia
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A well-known Ukrainian scientist O.M. Shumlyansky was the prominent anatomist-microscopist of the 18th century. He was the first who described the kidney texture. O.M. Shumlyansky was born in 1748 in the village Yakivtsi of Poltava region. He graduated from the medical school in Petersburg and worked as a surgeon. Then he improved his education in the field of obstetrics and received his doctor's degree. O.M. Shumlyansky was a professor of the medical surgical school in Moscow. He was the author of many research works in the fields of surgery and obstetrics.

The outstanding Ukrainian anatomist V.P. Vorobyov (1876 – 1937) was born on July 15, 1876 in Odesa. In 1897 he finished gymnasium and entered the Medical Faculty of Kharkiv University. After graduation he worked as a professor at this University. In 1917 V. Vorobyov headed the chair of Normal Anatomy at the Kharkiv Medical Institute. One of the greatest contributions to the world science made by V. Vorobyov was "Atlas on Human Anatomy". This scientific work was of great importance for theoretical and practical medicine.

O. Bohomolets was the founder of a large school of pathophysiologists. O. Bohomolets graduated from the medical faculty at Odesa University in 1906 and worked as a lecturer there. In 1911–1925 he served as a professor at Saratov University in Russia and in 1925–1931 as a professor of pathophysiology at Moscow University; he was also director of the Institute of Hematology and Transfusion in Moscow (1928–1931). In 1931 he moved to Kyiv, where he founded the Institute of Experimental Biology and Pathology and the Institute of Clinical Physiology. He demonstrated that connective tissue had a protective function in the organism and played a role in its nourishment. Bohomolets wrote many works in Biology, Physiology, and Pathology and gained world-wide fame.

The prominent surgeon and scientist M. V. Skliphosovsky (1836 – 1904) was born in Moldova and spent his childhood in Odesa. After successful graduating from University he worked hard for the degree and became a professor of the Medical Academy in Petersburg. He was one of the organizers of surgical school in Russia. M.V. Skliphosovsky liked Ukraine and often visited Odesa and other Ukrainian towns. In 1871 he moved to Poltava and worked as a physician at the regional hospital. It should be noted that he took care about poor people. He treated them free of charge and tried to create favourable conditions in the hospital. A new school was built for poor children on his initiative and his daughter was a teacher there.


Ex. 11. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:

Закінчити медичну школу; працювати хірургом; покращувати; автор багатьох науково-дослідних робіт; вступити на медичний факультет; очолити кафедру; сполучна тканина; здобути всесвітнє визнання; хірург; винайти ефективний метод; багато працювати; безкоштовно.


Ex. 12. Translate the text "Prominent Scientists and Physicians of Ukraine" into Ukrainian.

Ex. 13. Complete the following sentences:

1. The prominent anatomist-microscopist O.M. Shumlyansky described the _. 2. He was the author of many _ works. 3.V.P. Vorobyov is the _ of "Atlas on Human Anatomy". 4. His work was of great _ for practical medicine. 5. O. Bohomolets founded the Institute of Experimental Biology and _ and the Institute of Clinical Physiology. 6. He demonstrated that connective tissue played a role in the organism's _. 7. A prominent Ukrainian _ M.V. Skliphosovsky treated poor people free of charge.

Ex. 14. Read the following text and entitle it:

The outstanding clinicist and scientist of Ukraine M.D. Strazhesko (1876–1952) was an initiator in establishing Kyiv Institute of Clinical Medicine and worked there as the academician during a long period. Under the supervision of his teacher professor V.P. Obraztsov he differentiated and described preclinical picture of myocardial infarction. M.D. Strazhesko was the author of many classical works describing the heart and abdominal diseases. He used Pavlov’s scientific ideas in his clinic. He paid much attention to the clinical researches of his patients. V.P. Obraztsov and M.D. Strazhesko worked out a new method оf sliding palpation of abdominal cavity organs that won the world recognition. They made a huge progress in the field of cardiology.

The famous scientist and physician D.S. Samoilovych (1742–1804) born in Ukraine more than others was known in Europe where his works on the fight against the plague were republished repeatedly. He was called the fighter against plague. He was elected a member of the academies of Rome, Marseilles, Lyons, Toulouse, Turin, the Paris Surgical Academy, the Paris Museum, and the Nancy Medical College.

The Institute of Eye Diseases named after V.P. Filatov in Odesa is one of the largest clinics in Ukraine. Academician V.P. Filatov founded this Institute and was its director during many years. The famous scientist V.P. Filatov has made some valuable inventions in medicine, which are widely used in medical practice. Much was done in the treatment of many eye diseases by the brilliant scientist.


Ex. 15. Answer the following questions:

1. What was O.M. Shumlyansky? 2.What school did he graduate from? 3. Was he the author of many research works? 4. What was M. Skliphosovsky? 5. When did he become a professor of the Petersburg Academy? 6.What did he do in Poltava? 7. What was M.D. Strazhesko? 8. Who was an initiator in establishing Kyiv Institute of Clinical Medicine? 9. Was he the author of many classical works? 10. What method did M.D. Strazhesko and his teacher V. P. Obraztsov work out? 11. Who was the fighter against plague? 12. Who was the founder of the Institute of Eye Diseases? 12. What do you know about O. Bohomolets? 13. What was one of the greatest contributions to the world science made by V. Vorobyov?


Ex. 16. Fill in the blanks:

1. A well-known Ukrainian scientist O. M. Shumlyansky was the prominent _ of the 18th century (A. anatomist-microscopist; B. the fighter against plague; C. cardiologist; D. surgeon). 2. M. V. Skliphosovsky was one of the organizers of a _ school in Russia (A. therapeutic; B. ophthalmologic; C. oncological; D. surgical). 3. The outstanding clinicist and scientist of Ukraine M. D. Strazhesko was an _ in establishing Kyiv Institute of Clinical Medicine and worked there as the academician during a long period (A. connection; B. initiator; C. movement; D. head doctor). 4. M. D. Strazhesko was the author of many classical works describing the _ and abdominal diseases (A. heart; B. lung; C. gullet; D. liver). 5. V. P. Obraztsov and M. D. Strazhesko worked out a new method оf sliding palpation of abdominal _ organs that won the world recognition (A. spleen; B. fiber; C. cavity; D. muscle).


Ex. 17. Translate the following sentences into English using words and word-combinations given in brackets:

1. Відомий вчений І.М. Сеченов досліджував процеси абсорбції вуглекислого газу розчинами солі. (to investigate; the process; absorption; carbon dioxide; solution; salt). 2. Всесвітньо відомий фізіолог Павлов визначив, що умовні рефлекси формуються в корі головного мозку. (to determine; conditioned reflex; to form; cortex). 3. Видатний німецький бактеріолог Роберт Кох є засновником сучасної мікробіології. (prominent; bacteriologist; founder; modern microbiology). 4. У 1905 році Роберт Кох отримав Нобелівську премію за свої наукові відкриття. (Robert Koch; to get; Nobel prize; scientific discovery). 5. Олександр Флемінг винайшов пеніцилін. (Alexander Fleming; to discover; penicillin).


Ex. 18. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Андреас Везалій був справжнім революціонером в анатомії. Він – автор ілюстрованого посібника "Про будову тіла людини". 2. Видатний вчений-медик М.І. Пирогов створив топографічну анатомію та ввів новий метод в анатомічне дослідження. 3. Д.М. Зернов – відомий російський анатом. Йому належать роботи з вивчення центральної нервової системи та анатомії черевної порожнини. 4. Академік, професор анатомії В.П. Воробйов розробив макро- та мікроскопічний методи дослідження. 5. До відомих вчених-анатомів, які працювали в Україні та створили регіональні школи науковців і викладачів анатомії, належать професори М.К. Лисенков, Ф.А. Волинський, М.Д. Довгялло, А.П. Любомудров, М.С. Спіров, Г.В. Терентьєв, Б.Й. Коган та інші.


Ex. 19. Write out key words of the text "Prominent Scientists and Physicians of Ukraine".

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