Читайте также:
The main principle of our Health Service is to prevent diseases, to strengthen the health of the people and to increase their longevity.
The Health Network of Ukraine comprises a great number of hospitals, policlinics, out-patient departments and research institutes.
In Ukraine there are large centres of cardiology, surgery, oncology, ophthalmology, the First Aid Stations where people are examined and treated.
We have different sanatoria and rest-homes where our people rest and take the course of treatment. Much attention is paid to the heath protection of mother and child. We have maternity homes, nurseries, kindergartens and special hospitals.
As for medical personnel much attention is paid to the training of docfors, nurses, obstetricians and others as they must take care about the health of our people.
3. Post-reading activities
Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents
to prevent diseases; to increase longevity; a great number of hospitals; large centres of cardiology; examined and treated; take the course of treatment; much attention is paid; take care about the health of our people.
Suggest the English equivalents
зміцнити здоров’я людей; мережа закладів охорони здоров’я; станції швидкої допомоги; санаторії та будинки відпочинку; зміцнювати здоров’я; збільшувати тривалість життя; охорона здоров’я матері та дитини.
3.3 Answer the questions to the text
1. What is the main principle of our Health Service? 2. What does the Health Network of Ukraine comprise? 3. Where are people examined and treated? 4. Where do our people rest and take the course of treatment? 5. What is much attention paid to? 6. Who must take care about the health of our people?
3.4 Say if it is true or false
1. The main principle of our Health Service is to prevent diseases.
2. We have different sanatoria and rest-homes.
3. People rest and take the course of treatment in the hospitals.
4. Much attention is paid to the training of docfors, nurses and obstetricians.
5. People are examined and treated in rest-homes.
Дата добавления: 2015-07-11; просмотров: 86 | Нарушение авторских прав