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To awaken from a long winter sleep

Читайте также:
  1. A mild winter
  2. Ghosting_With_Sleeps
  4. Winter Star_O.o
  5. Winter Star_O.o

39. to break / burst into green –зеленеть (о деревьях, кустарниках)

Syn. to break / burst / come into leaf – распускаться (о почках)

The forest was just coming into leaf.

40. to grow back (of leaves on trees) – вырастать вновь

41. to blossom (usually about trees) – цвести; распускаться; расцветать

to bloom (usually about flowers or plants) – цвести, расцветать

to be in bloom = to be in blossom – быть в цвету

To make nests

to nest – вить гнездо; гнездиться

nesting season – пора гнездования

43. a rook – грач

a starling – скворец

44. to be in full swing – быть в полном разгаре

45. snowdrop – подснежник

violet – фиалка

lilac – сирень

narcissus = daffodil

coltsfoot (pl. coltsfoots) ["k@Ults.fUt] – мать-и-мачеха

dandelion ["d{n.dI.laI@n]– одуванчик

lily of the valley – ландыш

camomile = chamomile ["k{m.@.maIl] – ромашка полевая (с мелкими цветами)

ox-eye = daisy – крупная полевая ромашка

daisy – маргаритка

46. thawed patch – проталина

47. stump / stub – пень

48. to clear up – проясняться

49. to go in – заходить за тучу The sun / the moon is going in.

50. to change for the better / for the worse

51. It looks like rain / snow / gale / thunderstorm


53. to open (of flowers) The flowers only open during bright weather.

54. umbrella I always keep an umbrella in my car in case of rain.

to put up one’s umbrella = to open one’s umbrella She opened her umbrella.

She had to put up her umbrella at once against the rain.

to close one’s umbrella

55. tender green (grass) –мягкая, только появившаяся травка

To get colourful


1. to set in – начинаться, наступать, устанавливаться (обычно о погоде)

2. heat wave – период сильной жары A cold spring means an early heat wave in summer.

During the heat-wave we cooled our beds down with ice packs.

3. a scorcher – жаркий день It was a scorcher, so the whole family slept in the cool basement.

scorching – палящий, жаркий, знойный

4. boiling hot It was boiling hot, so we all jumped into the lake.

5. cool The days were boiling hot, but the nights were cool and comfortable for sleeping.

6. drought [draVt] – засуха Forest fires are a serious danger during a drought.

7. hail – град There was so much hail that some of the trailer homes were destroyed.

hailstone (s) – градина Hailstones fall. – Идёт град.

to hail It's windy and hailing outside.

8. breeze лёгкий ветерок A cool breeze blew in off the sea.

Don't bother with a hat. There is always a breeze near the ocean.

breezy ветреный The night was breezy and cloudy.

9. to tan – 1) загорать; 2) обжигать кожу (о солнце)

She has a light skin and doesn’t tan easily.

to catch the sun (Br.)to get some sun (Am.) – слегка загореть

tanned He had a tanned face.

tan = suntan – загар I want to get a tan like that.

I got a suntan on the cruise, but it has already faded away.

  1. sunscreen = sunblock – солнцезащитный крем

Don't forget to reapply your sunscreen when you get out of the lake.

suntan lotion = suntan oil – лосьон / масло для загара

How deeply we tan depends on our genes, not on our suntan lotion.

  1. UV (ultra violet) rays Ultra violet rays can cause skin cancer if you don't wear sunscreen.
  2. sunglasses = shades I forgot my shades and I was driving right into the sun.

13. holiday campa place, esp one at the seaside, providing accommodation, recreational

resort seaside / beach resort

spa – курорт на водах (Минеральные воды)

14. to bathe in the sunlight – купаться в солнечных лучах

15. to lie in the sun = to sunbathe

to laze – бездельничать, лентяйничать We spent the afternoon lazing in the sun.

16. to stay in the shade – оставаться в тени

17. sunstroke – солнечный удар

to get / have a sunstroke – получить солнечный удар

heat stroke – тепловой удар

Bring lots of water and wear a hat to avoid heat stroke in this weather.

18. to wear light clothes

  1. to get ripe

20. to pick flowers / berries/ mushrooms

to mushroom = to gather mushrooms

Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 74 | Нарушение авторских прав

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