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A mild winter

Читайте также:
  1. To awaken from a long winter sleep
  3. Winter Star_O.o
  4. Winter Star_O.o

Seasons and Weather


Text 1

1. to keep fine – оставаться хорошей The weather keeps fine.

to keep fit – оставаться в форме

to keep well – не болеть

to keep silent – молчать

to keep quiet / still – не шевелиться

to keep one’s looks – не подурнеть, оставаться красивым

to keep one’s figure – не располнеть

2. dull – 1) пасмурный Wha t d ull weather we are having! What a dull morning!

Syn. overcast It was a depressing overcast winter morning.

The sky is overcast this morning, but the sun is supposed to come out by late afternoon.

Syn. cloudy It may look cloudy in the morning, but the sun always comes out by afternoon.

Ant. bright = clear On a clear night you can see a lot of stars.

2) скучный Syn. boring, tedious Ant. interesting, entertaining

3. fog (n.) We couldn't see the bridge because there was too much fog.

Syn. mist, haze – (лёгкий) туман; дымка; мгла

a thick / dense / heavy fog = a thick / heavy mist a light mist

foggy (adj.) The morning was cold and foggy.

4. smog You really notice the smog downtown in this type of humidity.

5. to spread (spread, spread) over – распространяться, простираться

A light mist spread over the river.

6. beastly – ужасный, противный What beastly weather we are having!

Syn. nasty

7. frost (n.) The frost is severe in Siberia.

Some flowers are so strong they can withstand frost.

frosty (adj.) It is very frosty.

to freeze (froze, frozen) It is freezing hard. The river / lake is frozen over.

8. hard (adj.) – сильный, холодный, суровый (о погоде и т. п.) a hard frost

Syn. heavy There is a hard rain / snowfall outside. – There’s a heavy rain / snowfall outside.

a hard life – тяжелая (трудная) жизнь

But: a heavy bag – тяжелая сумка

to be hard on smb. / smth. – быть суровым по отношению к кому-то / чему-то.

He was too hard on her, I’m afraid.

hard (adj.) – сильно, резко, интенсивно (о погоде, ветре, дожде)

Syn. heavily It’s raining / snowing hard = It’s raining / snowing heavily.

9. to sparkle – искриться; сверкать

Syn. to shine – светить(ся); блестеть, сиять, сверкать

to glimmer – мерцать; тускло светить; блеснуть, мелькнуть

to glisten – искриться; сиять; блестеть, сверкать

to glitter – блестеть, сверкать

10. icicle (n.) – сосулька Icicles sparkle in the sun.

11. thaw (n.) – оттепель; таяние

to thaw – таять; оттаивать

Syn. to melt When the snow melts, the ground is covered with slush.

12. slush (n.) – грязь, слякоть; жижа; снеговая каша

The snow turned to slush as soon as it started to rain.

slushy (adj.) – покрытый грязью; слякотный

13. degree (n.) I don't feel the heat until it's about forty degrees Celsius outside.

It was minus twenty degrees at the top of the hill.

Text 2

1. to breathe [brJD] – дышать; вдыхать, выдыхать

breath [breT] – 1) дыхание; вздох; 2) дуновение

a breath of fresh air – дуновение свежего ветра

to take / get / catch / have a breath of fresh air

2. to remain Please remain seated until all the lights are on.

We remained friends.

The boy remained silent.

to stay I decided to stay (at) home.

3. worth – 1) стоящий; 2) достойный, заслуживающий

worth doing smth. The book is worth reading.

The film isn’t worth seeing.

The subject of the talk is worth changing.

4. such such a fine day / such a wonderful book / such a silly mistake

suc h f ine day s / suc h w onderful book s / suc h s illy mistake s

suc h f ine weather / suc h g ood advice / suc h s low progress

so The day is so fine! / The weather is so good! / The mistakes are so silly!

What...! What a fine day! / What lovely weather! / What interesting books!

5. vast – обширный, громадный; безбрежный, пространный

Vast areas of the Amazon rainforest have been destroyed.

Syn. huge – большой, гигантский, громадный, огромный

Your room's huge compared to mine.

enormous – громадный; гигантский, обширный, огромный

He gave her an enormous bunch of flowers.

great – большой, огромный, крупный The movie was a great success.

The temptation was too great to resist.

large He lived alone on the edge of a large forest.

big Germany is much bigger than Britain.


1. mild It was quite mild out so I didn't bother with a hat or mittens.

a mild winter

Ant. a severe / hard winter

late / early winter

2. snow The trees were covered with snow.

The roads were blocked by deep snow.

snowy the snowy fields one snowy January day

Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 112 | Нарушение авторских прав

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