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A volcanic eruption

Читайте также:

active volcano (=one that may explode at any time) – действующий вулкан

dormant volcano (=one that is not active at the moment) – спящий, дремлющий вулкан

extinct volcano (=one that is no longer active at all) – потухший вулкан

9. flood The flood was so bad, our basement was full of water.

to flood = to inundate (formal)

to burst its banks – выйти из берегов

The River Deben had burst its banks and people's homes were getting flooded.

10. wildfire ['waIldfaIq] – лесной пожар On Monday, the wildfire was still out of control.

11. ball lightning – шаровая молния

12. landslipa small fall of earth or rocks down a hill, cliff etc, that is smaller than a landslide

landslide – a sudden fall of a lot of earth or rocks down a hill, cliff etc – обвал

mudslidewhen a lot of wet earth suddenly falls down the side of a hill – сель

Torrential rains (проливной дождь) caused a massive mudslide.

13. torrent – 1) стремительный поток

The river occasionally becomes a torrent after a downpour, and may even cause flooding.

2) (torrents) ливень

There was no shelter anywhere and the rain was coming down in torrents.

14. the Northern Lights = aurora borealis [O:%rO:.r@.bQr.i"eI.lIs, @-, -"A:.lIs]– Северное сияние

The sky was aflame with the aurora borealis.

15. an eclipse of the sun – solar eclipse

No solar eclipses will be visible from the United States this summer.

an eclipse of the moon = lunar eclipse

total eclipse A total eclipse of the Sun doesn't happen often.

to eclipse If the moon eclipses the sun, the sun cannot be seen behind the moon.

If the Earth eclipses the moon, the moon cannot be seen because the Earth is between the sun and the moon.

Common questions and responses about the weather

What's it like out? – It's miserable out.

How's the weather? – It's ten below. (-10 degrees)

Do you have rain? –We haven't had a drop of rain for weeks.

What's the temperature there? – It's 22 degrees Celsius.

It's snowing here, what's it doing there? – It's pouring outside. (raining heavily)

Beautiful day, huh? – We couldn't ask for a better day than this.

What's the weather forecast? – They're calling for blue skies all week.

One common mistake learners make when talking about the weather is mixing up the noun, adjective and verb forms of weather words.

Example 1: How's the weather? It is snow. (Incorrect) It is snowing. (Correct) It is snowy. (Correct)

Example 2: What's it like out? It is rain. (Incorrect) It is raining. (Correct) It is rainy. (Correct)

Example 3: What's the weather like? It is sun. (Incorrect) It is sunny. (Correct) The sun is shining. (Correct)

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