Читайте также: |
В. Вставьте в предложения подходящие по смыслу слова из приведенного ниже списка.
after since many
long before never
of by yet
already this morning ever
1. Have you discussed the terms of delivery_______?
2. They' ve_______ discussed the terms of payment.
3. I've_______ been to Kiev.
4. I haven't seen the Director_______.
5. Have you_______ been to Moscow?
6. I'll have finished my work____ 6 o'clock.
7. Jane had completed the report________ you left.
8. How_______ have you been here?
9. We have received your letter______ 18th November.
10.1 have known Jane_______ 1961.
11. How_____ orders have you received mis month?
12.______ they had finished their work, they went home.
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Темы и ситуации:
Грамматика: Текст для чтения:
Контракт (предмет контракта, сроки поставки, условия оплаты, отгрузочная документация, гарантии, упаковка и маркировка, страхование, санкции, форс-мажор, арбитраж). Базисные условия поставки в соответствии с "1NCOTERMS". Различия в американской и английской деловой терминологии. Страдательный залог. В банке (о системе кредитных карточек),
After talks in Brighton Victor Klimenko has signed the contract between Continental Equipment and TST Systems for the supply of processing equipment. Here are some clauses of this contract.
Brighton, England
April 10, 1997
Continental Equipment Pic, Brighton, England, hereinafter i cferred to as "the Seller", on the <>ne part, and TST Systems Ltd., Kiev, Ukraine, hereinafter refer-•ned to as "the Buyer", on the "iher part, have concluded the
Брайтон, Англия
10 апреля, 1997 г.
Компания Continental Equipment Pic, Брайтон, Англия, в дальнейшем именуемая «Продавец», с одной стороны, и компания ТСТ Системз Лтд., Киев, Украина, в дальнейшем именуемая «Покупатель», с
266 _______________
present Contract as follows:
/. Subject ofthe Contract 1.1. The Seller has sold and the Buyer has bought the machinery, equipment, materials, and services ("Equipment") as listed in Appendix 1 being an integral part of this Contract.
2. Prices and Total Value ofthe Contract
2. 1. The Total Contract Value is as follows:
Equipment and engineering
FOB U.K. port + documen-
mentation £____
Supervision, start-up and
training £
Spare and wear parts £
Freight £
Total price CIF Odessa £.
Discount £
Total Contract Value
2.2. The prices are understood to be CIF Odessa including cost of packing, marking, loading on board a ship, stowing and fastening the eqipment in the hold, and the cost ofthe materials used for this purpose.
2.3. The prices are firm for the duration ofthe Contract and shall not be subject to any revision except on account of any mutually agreed changes or modifications
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Quantity Type Price | | | LESSON 10. The Contract |