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LESSON 8. Wholesaling & Retailing

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  2. Amp;###@&&&&&&&&&$$&&&$&&@@&$$|;!|' .....````````````````''.. .''``'``````':'. '!
  3. Amp;$$$$%%%$$&&&&&&&&&$$%%$$$&&&&&&&&%!!
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_ has increased by of automobiles.

a) During his work at the plant he became a very manager.

b) Since we bought the computer, 15 %.

c) Henry Ford began the mass___


don't like it.

a) We can't publish this material since our

b) Put an___________ in the paper concerning your job


c) I prefer working for different

10. Найдите продолжение для каждого слова из второй колон­ки. Заполните предложение словами из колонок.

look have get with joint run accept make

a company




a quick word

something clear

in touch

reference to

with Mr Harrison?

May I_

your letter we agreed to give you a discount.

a) b)

c) Our partners and I decided to establish a_________.

d) I would like to________ about our Draft Contract.

e) We_________ to your prompt reply.

f) He wishes te_________ with our guests as soon as possi­ble.

g) I don't like the way they

h) He is so quick-tempered, he cannot_______

11. Заполните пропуски соответствующим словом: company & campaign

a) This

was established 2 years ago.

b) It is very important to conduct political


for a long time and con-

__ for diversification of goods. is devoted to him.

c) He has been with this tributed a lot in

d) This public________

e) Our________ is almost always successful in business.

УРОК 8. Оптовая и розничная торговля 229

12. Вставьте в предложения нужные слова (assortment, retailer,
customer, wholesaler, discount, guarantee, channels).

a) The________ is the most expensive link in a chain between a

producer and a consumer.

b) The_________ is an important link between a producer and a


c) I can't_________ you good quality of service.

d) Usually a wholesaler has a large_____ of items.

e) A wholesaler does not deal with the_________, he deals with

a retailer.

f) There are different_________ of distrubution helping to bring

goods to the market.

g) The department store gives a 30 % __________ on all Chinese


13. Переведите на английский язык:

a) Изучение рынка позволяет предсказывать общие направле­ния спроса на тот или иной товар.

b) Потребители хотят покупать лучший товар по самой низкой цене.

c) Спрос на товар очень чувствителен к изменению цены.

d) Деятельность бизнесменов направлена на продвижение товаров и услуг к потребителю.

e) Все люди реагируют на рекламу.

f) Товары этой фирмы пользуются большим спросом на мировом рынке.

g) Наша фирма ежегодно представляет свой товар на Лейпцигской ярмарке.

h) Все товары и услуги имеют свою цену.


The Health Service

The level of medical service both in Britain and the USA is very high. Health care is free in England (except private Health care) and every employed citizen is obliged to pay a weekly amount of money to i he national health service. The sum necessary to run medical services

LESSON 8. Wholesaling Л Retailing

is very high and a large part of it comes not from weekly payments but from taxes.

Health Care is very expensive in the USA. Everything must be paid for. For example, in the USA if you turn to a city hospital, you should pay at least $50. Separately you will pay for a consultation, minimum $50—60 for a visit. Medicine will cost you a minimum of $15—20. You need a prescription to purchase many drugs in American drug­stores.

If you are a foreigner, you can get medical service free of charge in medical institutions attached to different charities and religious organi­zations. The National Health Service (NHS), UK, provides free med­ical treatment for visitors from the EU and Commonwealth countries and to visitors from other countries with reciprocal health arrange­ments. An NHS prescription costs £5.25 at present.

A Visit to the Doctor

Doctor. Well, what is the trouble? You are looking rather unwell, I must say.

Mr Brown. You had better ask me what is not trouble with me, Doctor. It seems to me that I am suffering all the ill­nesses imaginable: headaches, earache, insomnia, indigestion, pains in the stomach, muscle pains and appetite loss. To make things worse I've caught a cold, I've got a sore throat, so I'm sneezing and coughing all the time. I feel hot and feverish. I get short of breath. Actually, I feel more dead than alive.

Doctor. I'm sorry to hear that. Anyway, I don't think things are as bad as you imagine. Let me have a look at you. I'd like to listen to your chest Your heart, chest and lungs are not too bad. Now let me see your throat. Yes, it looks a little sore. Show me your tongue. Have you taken your temperature?

Mr Brown. Not yet, but I guess I should.

Doctor. Well, I don't find anything radically wrong with you.
But it is clear that you're ran down, and if you don't
take care of yourself, you may have a nervous break­
down. So first of all I advise you to stop worrying.
Take some rest, have regular meals, keep off alcohol.
If possible, give up smoking, at least for a time. Have
this tonic made up and take 1 tablespoon three times
a day before meals. * '

УРОК 8. Оптовая и розничная торговля 231

Mr Brown. What about diet, doctor?

Doctor. Well, keep to a diet of salads and fruit, and a bit of

meat If you do this I can promise you a full recovery.

Mr Brown. But if I don't?

Doctor. You have to decide what is the lesser evil — to fol-

low my advice or prepare for a better world!

Your Doctor and the Pills You Do Not Need

In Britain hypochondriacs are increasing so rapidly that Health Service prescriptions are rising by a huge amount a year and 4,000 mil­lion aspirin tablets are being bought over the chemist's counters.

To find out the solution to the above problem, the case record of more than 500 hypochondriacs attending different hospitals have been studied. The commonest symptom of the hypochondriac is not fear of pain, but genuine pain itself, which can be just as unpleasant whether imaginary or touched off by an organic disorder.

Doctors conclude in this report that though those people are real enough there is no such disease as hypochondria. Contrary to previous

LESSON 8. Wholesaling & Reidiling

belief, compulsive pill swallowing turned out to be as common among men as with women.

Many hypochondriacs do not want to be deprived of their obses­sion. They know they will miss the sympathy of the doctors, the plea­sure of trying out the next new pill, and the fascination of talking about their fears and illnesses.

The risk of adverse reactions to any drug was always present but in the past much had been left to chance in the hope that such effects would be reported by people who took the preparation.

There is also a good deal of trouble from injudicious and sometimes excessive prescribing. This includes the taking of drugs prescribed for somebody else. Also many patients, particularly people overseas, were using drugs many years after they had been made.

Проверьте себя:

1. Where does the money for the Health Service come from?

2. How much is a simple visit to a doctor in the USA?

3. What names of illnesses do you know?

4. What is hypochondria?

5. What does the danger of taking pills you do not need lie in?


А. В некоторых из данных предложений употреблена неправильная форма глагола. Дайте правильный вариант на нижней линии там, где это необходимо.

Например: It rains at the moment.

ft is raining.

I get up early in the morning.

I. He smokes ten cigarettes a day.

2. 1 am liking black coffee.

3. Mary is in the kitchen. She cooks dinner.

4. I find London a beautiful city.

5. What are you thinking of London?

Дата добавления: 2015-10-16; просмотров: 1369 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Образец подтверждения заказа | Товарищества | Компании с ограниченной ответственностью и сов­местные предприятия | С ограниченной ответственностью, в различных | LESSON 7. At the ЕхкШбп | УРОК 7. На выставке | LESSON 8. Wholesaling & ReMUittg | Спустя некоторое время | LESSON 8. Wholesaling Si RetaMi^f | Advertising as a Career in the USA |
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