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British school today

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British education today is aimed to realize the potential of all, for the good of the individual and society as a whole. The general policy for education which is now being implemented throughout the United Kingdom is much the same with some national variations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. All schools of Great Britain are known as state schools (state supported, state maintained) and independent schools.

Independent schools are fee-paying schools ranging from public schools with centuries-old traditions to private experimental schools.

Schools supported by the state from public funds are of three kinds:

1) county schools – the largest group, provided and maintained by Local Educational Authorities (LEAs) wholly out of public funds, no fees are charged to parents; they are primary schools (infant and junior), comprehensives, some grammar schools, secondary modern schools, sixth forms.

2) voluntary schools – financially aided and controlled by government but provided by a voluntary body; mostly they are Church of England schools or Roman Catholic schools.

3) direct-grant schools – completely independent of LEAs, receiving grants from the Departments of Education and science; these are mainly grammar schools, which receive the grant for taking pupils from the state system (from a quarter to a half, the rest being fee-paying pupils).

Кафедра шешімімен құрастырылды, бекітілді:


Кафедра меңгерушісі _________________ доцент Г. Н. Кисметова

(қолы) (аты - жөні)

Факультет Оқу – әдістемелік Кеңесінде құрастырылды және бекітілді


Факультеттің ОӘК төрағасы ________________ доцент А. А. Раманова

(қолы) (аты – жөні)



М.Өтемісов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан мемлекеттік университеті

Факультет: Филологиялық

Кафедра: Шетел тілдер

Шифр, мамандық: 5B011200 «Химия»

Пәні: Лингвоелтану

Card №16


Greater London covers 600 square miles of land. It consists of 32 districts called “boroughs”, some of which had been small towns that were swallowed up by London as it grew in all directions. Among them are Chelsea, Paddington, Greenwich, Battersea and many others. In the centre of Greater London, there are two small towns from which it has grown up: the City and Westminster. The City covers one square mile on the north bank of the Thames. It contains most of the financial institutions in Britain. It is the Commercial Capital of the country. The last World War seriously affected London’s position in the world. Britain had to sell many of its valuable stocks and shares in overseas concerns to help pay for the war, and New York largely succeeded London as the financial and commercial centre of the world. Nevertheless, London firms still retain a high reputation for good business and fair deal, and there is no sign that London is losing its prosperity.About half a million people come to work in its offices during the weekdays. On Saturday and Sunday the City is almost deserted, except for the weekend crowds visiting St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Tower and other tourist sites. The chief officer of this small but important area is after Lord Mayor of London (new each year, like other mayors). He looks after the needs of 4,000 inhabitants while the Chairman of Greater London County deals with seven million.London’s size and population, its historical associations, its political and government offices, its industries and trades make it really one of the greatest cities of the world.

Answer these questions:


1. What term is used to refer to districts within London?

2. What important institutions and show places does it contain?

3. Who is the chief officer of this small but important area?

4. London which country in the world?

Кафедра шешімімен құрастырылды, бекітілді:

Дата добавления: 2015-10-16; просмотров: 389 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: The Highlands | Card № 1 | Card №2 | Хаттама | Факультеттің ОӘК төрағасы ________________ доцент А. А. Раманова | Card №5 | The House of Windsor |
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