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The Highlands

М.Өтемісов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан мемлекеттік университеті

Факультет: Филологиялық

Кафедра: Шетел тілдер

Шифр, мамандық: 5B011200 «Химия»

Пәні: Лингвоелтану

Card № 11


An important function of the Sovereign is the appointment of a Prime Minister. Normally the appointment is automatic since it is a convention of the constitution that the sovereign must invite the leader of the party which won a majority in the House of Commons to form a government. If no party has a majority, or the party having the Queen’s duty is to select a Prime Minister consulting anyone wishes. The Queen’s closest official contacts are with the Prime Minister whom she receives once every week, when the Queen is in London and, through him, with the Cabinet.She also sees other ministers, generally in order to discuss the affairs of their departments. She sees all the Cabinet papers, the Cabinet agenda, correspondence and other important document. The Queen is the second after the Prime Minister best informed person in the United Kingdom as information is one of the important attributes of Queen’s power.

Кафедра шешімімен құрастырылды, бекітілді:


Кафедра меңгерушісі _________________ доцент Г. Н. Кисметова

(қолы) (аты - жөні)

Факультет Оқу – әдістемелік Кеңесінде құрастырылды және бекітілді


Факультеттің ОӘК төрағасы ________________ доцент А. А. Раманова

(қолы) (аты - жөні)

М.Өтемісов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан мемлекеттік университеті

Факультет: Филологиялық

Кафедра: Шетел тілдер

Шифр, мамандық: 5B011200 «Химия»

Пәні: Лингвоелтану

Card № 11

The Highlands

The north and the west of the island of Great Britain are occupied by the highlands, here and there split by valleys. There are even two big plains there: the Lancashire Plain and Anglesey. England´s farthest west (the counties of Devon and Cornwall) has a reputation in Britain for “foreignness”: in the past, the Cornish people had even their own language which is now being revived; they still keep up some customs that go back to ancient times. Actually, neither Romans, nor Saxons could really settle in these places. It is the land where King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table were supposed to live. The historians say this legendary king was the leader of the Cornish people who fought so bravely against the Anglo – Saxon invaders. This region is often called “England’s Little California”, because it has a warmer climate than any other part of England; it also has some of the finest coast scenery, with dozens of wonderful bays, stretches of golden sand, and fine cliffs. The utmost westerly point of the peninsula is called Land’s End, popular for holidaymaking and surf riding because it is the only place in Great Britain where great ocean waves (called “rollers”) can be enjoyed. Practically there is no different between summer and winter temperatures.As in real California, fruit, vegetables, and flowers are grown for winter and spring markets of other parts of the country.The English names of type of landscape are often confusing. For instance, the words moor and heath refer to the open areas covered with heather, but a moor is hilly, while a heath is flat.

Answer these questions:

1. What is the reputation of the counties situated in the western part of England?

2. Who was King Arthur of the Celt’s legends? What enemies did he fight against?

3. Why this region is called “England’s Little California”?

4. What place is called Land’s End? Why is it popular with the surf –riders?

Кафедра шешімімен құрастырылды, бекітілді:

Дата добавления: 2015-10-16; просмотров: 183 | Нарушение авторских прав

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