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Grammar Exercises

Читайте также:
  1. Exercise 13. Translate the sentences into English, paying attention to Grammar.
  2. Exercises
  3. Exercises
  5. French Tutorial Basic Phrases, Vocabulary and Grammar
  7. Grammar

Ex.1. a. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the inverted word order. b. Change the inverted word order into the regular one:

1. Not only was he a painter but he persuaded others to follow his example.

2. To this class of substance belong glass, wood, etc.

3. A lot you care if I fall and break my leg.

4. Never in all my life have I made such a silly mistake.

5. Great was our surprise when we saw her new car.

6. Scarcely had he finished his work when somebody knocked at the door.

7. No sooner had this letter arrived than he started planning their meeting.

8. There goes the secretary, she will answer your questions.

9. Out rushed Arthur.

10. Hardly had he begun to listen when the music stopped.

11. Simply as it may seem, the right direction was not easy to find.

12. Not only is the position of the earth changing but our planet itself is undergoing changes.

13. Were I there in time, I could help them.

14. Not a car did I meet on the highway.

15. Hardly had she asked her questions when she understood that it was useless.

16. Curios smile is his.

17. Had I more time, I should get the problem solved long ago.

18. Down fell the glass.

19. All this did we learn while listening his report.

20. Now detective stories I do like.

21. Tired though he was, he couldn't help coming down to his guests.

22. Happy is the house that shelters a friend.

23. In walked the mayor. Out walked the governor.



Ex. 2. Translate into Russian.

a. 1. He doesn't know Chinese.

- Neither do I.

2. She can speak English fluently.

- So can her sister.

3. The oranges are juicy.

- So are the tangerines.

4. I don't feel like going out tonight.

-Neither does my friend.

5. They will go nowhere on Saturday.

-Neither shall I.

6. Charles was making a terrible noise.

-So was Tom.

7. Ann really enjoyed reading this book.

-So did Mary.

8. Paul doesn't believe you.

-Neither does George.

9. He thinks she is wrong.

-So do I.

b. 1. It is you I am to meet at the station, isn't it?

2. It was this book that I wanted to read.

3. It was not till Monday that I could get the necessary data.

4. It was an October 4, 1957, that Russian scientists launched the first sputnik in the world.

5. It was not until he finished his work that he called home.

6. It was not till late in the evening that she realised her mistake.

7. It is you who is to blame.

8. It is your support that helped me start from the very beginning.

9. It is a long time since I have seen him.



Ex. 3. Use inverted word order in the following sentences.


1. She had nowhere been so happy before.

2. He had hardly arrived at the airport was announced.

3. The morning air was unusually fresh.

4. I have never read such a boring book in my life.

5. If I were you, I would behave differently.

6. She danced so beautifully that the audience burst into applause.

7. The landlady rushed in, "Answer the phone, please. It's an urgent call."

8. His influence upon our souls was great.

9. It was a lonely and strange place.

10. Be careful Another mistake is added to the first one.

11. We tried to open the window, but in vein.

12. Though he was tired, he couldn't help coming down to his guests.

13. As the film was fascinating, we watched it breathlessly.

14. Although the day was rather cold, we still went for a work.



Ex. 4. Translate into English using inverted word order.


1. Не раз Мэри пыталась сказать Тому правду, но он не слушал ее.

2. Как же мы были счастливы снова оказаться дома.

3. Он не любил, когда его перебивали. - И я тоже не люблю.

4. На твоем месте я бы ни куда не спешил и оставался бы дома.

5. Семья, в которой любят и понимают друг друга, счастлива.

6. Мне пришлось уговаривать родителей отпустить меня на дискотеку почти пол часа. - Нам тоже.

7. Едва учитель вошел в класс, все замолчали.

8. Вверх взлетел мяч и упал прямо в реку.

9. Лишь сейчас он понял, какую совершил ошибку.

10. Как раз тебя я хочу видеть.

11. Сэм ворвался в комнату и сразу включил телевизор.

12. Вдалеке виднелись огни какого - то города.

13. Ты счастлива? - Я тоже счастлив.

14. Только когда он заговорил, мы узнали его.

15. Вот человек, которого вы искали.

16. Редко чувствовали мы себя так неуютно, как в присутствии этой девушки. Она не только была слишком эгоистична, но и груба.

17. Ночью выпал снег, но было не слишком холодно, и многие люди шли без головных уборов.

18. ей пришлось переписать все работу заново, иначе преподаватель поставил бы ей низкий бал из-за большого количества исправлений.

19. Я всегда совершаю утреннюю пробежку, а моя сестра любит поспать подольше.

20. Я советую тебе сказать родителям правду о том, что тебя могут исключить из университета, или они узнают об этом сами, когда уже будет слишком поздно.

21. Лучше всегда все делать вовремя, хотя это не всегда легко.


Ex. 5. Translate the jokes into English using emphatic constructions.


1. Отец сыну: Мама очень сердится, когда ты в школе получаешь плохие оценки. Я - же сержусь. Сын: Но ведь виноват не я, а учитель; ведь это он ставит мне плохие оценки.

2. Джон: Почему ты так грустен? В чем дело?

Том: Видишь ли, я поуши в долгах.

Джон: Выше голову, старик, постарайся найти выход.

Том: Я ничего не могу придумать.

Джон: Ну, тогда это твоим кредиторам следует грустить, а не тебе.



Ex. 6. Translate the following into Russian paying attention to:

a. compound sentences

1. She wants to practice her French, so she is going to France.

2. The ancient Chinese valued peaches, for they believed that eating peaches made a person immortal.

3. Andrew has lived in the U.S. for 5 years, so his English is almost perfect.

4. He carries his math book everywhere, yet he never opens it.

5. I like owning a car, but I spend a lot of money on gas.

6. The rain fell softly, the streets were empty.

7. We must hurry or we shall be late.

8. It was a nice little cottage and my parents were proud of it.

9. Either you behave as a gentleman, or I'll leave you alone.

10. She never wrote home, nor did the parents write to her.

11. Dr. Petersen teacher fiction and drama classes, and both are excellent.

12. In 1912, the Titanic was hailed as the world's safest liner, yet it sank after hitting an iceberg on April 12.

13. Mary wants to be an accountant, so she will take a math class.

14. The map was displayed on the wall, and the motorists traced their routs on it.


b. complex sentences

1. What he should do is obvious.

2. That was why you were invited to the party alone.

3. All I know is what I have read in the newspapers.

4. Who did it remained unknown.

5. I'm afraid this is what is going to happen.

6. I felt as if all these years I had been living with a stranger.

7. Whatever I can do for you is nothing but paying a debt.

8. Whether she was determined to leave her husband or not, is more than I can tell.

9. This is what I know about it.

10. What she said was interesting.

11. Whatever he did became known to everybody.

12. What I want to do is to help you.



Ex. 7. Join these independent ideas with a co-ordinating conjunction. Use - " and, but, yet, so, for, otherwise." (More than one correct answer is possible).


1. I like to play chess,... I cannot play tonight.

2. My brother loves coffee,... he drinks it every morning.

3. We bought a CD player,... we never use it.

4. Susan jogs every day,... she wants to stay in shape.

5. The motorcycle runs well,... it needs a pains job.

6. My doctor asked me to wait for the x-rays,... I didn't have time.

7. The November morning had just begun,... it looked like dusk.

8. We decided not to class,... we planned to get the notes.

9. The first semester of my junior years at the university was a disaster,... my grades showed it.

10. Many modern couples choose traditional weddings,... some do not.

11. The sandwiches look great,... they need to be wrapped in waxed paper.

12. It was bitterly cold,... we stayed at home.

13. I'm glad to have spoken to you,... we might have become enemies.

14. Ann went to teacher's college,... she had always loved children.



Ex. 8. Insert connective words in the following complex sentences.(who, what, why, whose, where, when, that).


1. " I' m an officer," he said," that's... I am I do ".

2. I don't understand... he is so nervous.

3. See to it... everybody comes in time.

4. The policeman told us... and... we should come.

5.... we shall see him again is difficult to say.

6. I can't tell you... mistake is more serious.

7.... she went is none of your business.

8.... is done cannot be undone.

9. But music was always... I loved best.

10. That was... he had left you.

11. The decision simply is...murder is murder.

12..... called the first was not important.


Ex. 9. Complete the following:


1. What... surprised us greatly.

2. That is why....

3. She looked as if....

4. Where... remained a secret.

5. The problem is how...

6. This is what...

7. A lot depends on whether....

8. When... is of no impotence.

9. The fact was that.....

10. Whatever she did....


Ex. 10. Translate into English using:

a. subordinate clauses

1. А o том, что ее предстояло сделать, она пока не думал.

2. То, что Дени рассказывал ее о своей семье, оказалось ложью.

3. Я хочу, чтобы мне заплатили за то, что я сделал.

4. кем был этот незнакомец, мы так никогда и не узнаем.

5. То, что ты сделал сегодня, положило конец нашей дружбе.

6. Поверь мне, это то, что лучше всего для тебя.

7. Он чувствовал, будто жизнь начинается заново.

8. Через некоторое время то, чего она так боялась, произошло. все узнали правду о его браке.

9. Я все понимаю, но сейчас главное, что я хочу знать, это веришь ли ты мне по - прежнему.

10. проблема с вами заключается в том, что вы ни когда ни кого не слушаете.

11. Я хочу, чтобы вы сели рядом и выслушали то, что я собираюсь вам сказать.



b. coordinate - clauses

1. Прошло много времени, а она так и не решила чем ее заняться.

2. Хозяйка стала часто смотреть на часы, и гости поняли, что пора ухидить.

3. Том не может вести машину, так как он еще не получил водительские права.

4. Мне нравится делать домашние задания вместе с Джимом, однако иногда он бывает слишком шумным.

5. Репортер успел дать репортаж в вечерний выпуск новостей, так как он одним из первых оказался на месте происшествия.



Ex. 11. Read the text, open the brackets, translate the text into Russian. Discuss it.


Managing Time in College.

(Когда) I started college, time was a problem. I was (всегда) reading an assignment (перед) class or racing to get to work (во время).The stress became (слишком) much. It took a (некоторое время), (но) (сейчас) I know (как) to manage my time. The secret of my success is flexible planning.

(В начале) of each semester, I mark a calendar with all due dates (на) the term. I (кроме того, также) write in social events; (поэтому) I know (когда) I need extra time (в течение) the next few months.

(Затем) I make out a model weekly study schedule. (Сначала), I block in the hours (когда) I have to sleep, eat, work, go to class, etc. (Потом) I decide (какое) time I will devote to study and relaxation. (Обычно), I plan some time just (перед) or (после) a class. (Таким образом) I can prepare for a class or review my notes (сразу после) a lecture.

(В действительности), I vary my system (в соответствии) the demands of the week and day.(Кроме того), I spend (больше) time on my harder subjects and (меньше) time on the easy ones.

(Конечно) this system may not help everyone, (однако), it has (несомненно) worked for me.


Ex. 12. Read the dialogue. Translate into Russian, then do back translation from memory.(You may do it in written form).


Andy: Who's been drinking my coffee?

Tom: I deny having touched your precious coffee. I always avoid using caffeine.

Andy: I don't remember giving you permission. I don't mind you having some if ask me first. I regret having to say this but I'll have to stop letting you use my flat if this continues. And I want you to finish reading my private mail. I know you enjoy minding other people's business.

Tom: But I can 't help seeing what's in your letters if you leave them everywhere open.

Andy: And, besides, you are lazy! You love doing nothing.

Tom: I admit being lazy. I have working I prefer eating and sleeping.

Andy: So you must start looking for a new place.

Tom: I've no intention of going.

Andy: I insist on your leaving tomorrow.

Tom: O.K. I've no intention of staying I simply never get tired of teasing you.



Ex.13: Complete the sentences with the INFINITIVE or GERUND form of the words in parentheses.

1. I need (s tudy-) to study tonight

2. I enjoy (cook) ___ cooking _____ gourmet meals.

3. Ellen started (talk) to talk/talking about her problem.

4. Bud and Sally have decided (get) ____________ married.

5. We finished (eat) ____________ around seven.

6. Are you planning (take) ____________ a vacation this year?

7. I like (meet) _____________ new people.

8. The Wilsons went (camp) _____________ in Yellowstone National Park last summer.

9. My roommate offered (help) _____________ me with my English.

10. I'd just begun (watch) ____________ a movie on TV when the phone rang.

11. Please stop (crack) _____________ your knuckles!

12. Did you remember (feed) _____________ the cat this morning?

13. I won't be late. I promise (be) ____________ on time.

14. I'm considering (move) ____________ to a new apartment.

15. What time do you expect (arrive) _____________ in Denver?

16. Some children hate (go) _____________ to school.

17. I forgot (lock) _____________ the door when I left my apartment this morning.

18. I don't mind (live) _____________ with four roommates.

19. Don't put off (write) _____________ your composition until the last minute.

20. Ken had to quit (jog) _____________ because he hurt his knee.

21. The company will continue (hire) _____________ new employees as long as new production orders keep (come) _____________ in.

22. That's not what I meant! I meant (say) _____________ just the opposite.

23. I want (go) _____________ (shop) _____________ this afternoon.

24. Alex seems (want) _____________ (go) _____________ (sail) _____________ this weekend.


Ex.14: Complete the sentences with the INFINITIVE or GERUND form of the words in parentheses.

1. Cindy intends (go) _____________ to graduate school next year.

2. Pierre can't afford (buy) _____________ a new car.

3. Janice is thinking about (look) _____________ for a new job.

4. My boss refused (^foe) _____________ me a raise, so I quit.

5. Mr. Carter continued (read) ____________ his book even though the children were making a lot of noise.

6. Shhh. My roommate is trying (take) _____________ a nap.

7. Dick appears (have) ____________ a lot of money.

8. Eric agreed (meet) _____________ us at the restaurant at seven.

9. Have you discussed (change) _____________ your major with your academic advisor?

10. I haven't heard from Stacy in a long time. I keep (hope) _________ that I'll get a letter from her soon.

11. My wife can't stand (sleep) _____________ in a room with all of the windows closed.

12. Sam's tomato crop always failed. Finally he quit (try) ___________ (grow) _____________ tomatoes in his garden.

13. Would you like (go) __________ (dance) __________ tonight?

14. The Knickerbockers talked about (build) _____________ a new house.

15. Children like (play) _____________ make-believe games. Yesterday Jason pretended (be) _____________ a doctor, and Bobby pretended (be) _____________ a patient.

16. My cousin offered (take) _____________ me to the airport.

17. I'm planning (go)____________ (shop) ____________ tomorrow.

18. Would you mind (pass) _____________ this note to Joanna? Thanks.

19. Tim expects (go) ____________ (fish) ____________ this weekend.

20. When Tommy broke his toy, he started (cry) _____________.

21. Jerry likes (go) _____________ to professional conferences.

22. Would you like (go) ____________ to Sharon's house next Saturday?


Ex.15: Complete the sentences. Use prepositions* and gerunds.


1. Bill interrupted me. He apologized for that. —. Bill apologized for interrupting me

2. I like to learn about other countries and cultures. I'm interested ______ that. — I'm interested ___________________ about other countries and cultures.

3. I helped Ann. She thanked me ______ that. — Ann thanked me ____________________ her.

4. Jessica wanted to walk to work. She insisted ______ that. — We offered Jessica a ride, but she insisted ________________ to work.

5. Nick lost my car keys. I forgave him ______ that. I forgave Nick ___________________ my car keys when he borrowed my car.

6. Sara wanted to go to a movie, but James didn't want to. They argued ______ that. — Sara and James argued ____________________ to a movie.

7. Jake cuts his own hair. Instead ______ that, he should go to a barber. — Instead __________________ his own hair, Jake should go to a barber.

8. Mr. and Mrs. Reed have always saved for a rainy day. They believe ______ that. Mr. and Mrs. Reed believe _____________ for a rainy day

9. I may fall on my face and make a fool of myself. I'm worried ______ that. —>• I'm worried___________________ on my face and _____________ a fool of myself when I walk up the steps to receive my diploma.

10. The children are going to go to Disneyland. They're excited _____ that.

—>• The children are excited ___________________ to Disneyland.

11. Their parents are going to Disneyland, too. They are looking forward ______ that. —>• Their parents are looking forward __________________ there, too.

Ex.16: Complete the following by using by + a. GERUND. Use the words in the list or your own words.

eat smile watch drink wag wave guess wash hand-write grow


1. Students practice written English "by writing compositions.

2. We clean our clothes ________________ them in soap and water.

3. I save money on food _________________ my own vegetables.

4. Dick improved his English ___________________ a lot of TV.

5. We show other people we are happy _____________________.

6. We satisfy our hunger ____________________ something.

7. We quench our thirst ____________________ something.

8. I figured out what "quench" means _____________________.

9. Alex caught my attention ________________ his arms in the air.

10. My dog shows me she is happy __________________ her tail.

11. Students show teachers they want to say something ____________

_____________ their hands.

12. You can destroy bacteria in meat ____________________ it.

13. You can cook an egg _____________ it, _____________ it, or _____________ it.

14. After work, I relax _____________ or _____________.

15. Each of you, in your own small way, can help conserve the world's natural resources ________________________________.


Ex.17: Complete the sentences with by or with.

1. I opened the door with a key.

2. I went to Cherryville by bus.

3. I dried the dishes ______ a dishtowel.

4. I went from Portland to San Francisco ______ train.

5. Paul dug a hole ______ a shovel.


Ex.18: Complete the sentences by using to or for.

1. I went to Chicago for a visit.

2. I went to Chicago to visit my aunt and uncle.

3. I take long walks ______ relax.

4. I take long walks ______ relaxation.

5. I'm going to school ______ a good education.

6. I'm going to school ______ get a good education.

7. I'm not going to school just ______ have fun.

8. I'm not going to school just ______ fun.

9. I went to the store ______ some bread and milk.

10. I went to the store ______ get some bread and milk.

11.1 turned on the radio ______ listen to the news.

12. I listened to the radio ______ news about the earthquake in Peru.

13. We wear coats in the winter ______ keep warm.

14. We wear coats in the winter ______ warmth.


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