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Uniting two campuses


LADUE—An $18 million expansion and renovation project at Mary Institute and St. Louis Country Day School is the largest in the school's history.

The private, co-ed school serves more than 1,200 students in grades junior-kindergarten through 12. This capital-improvements program, made possible by a $40 million fund-raising campaign, will unify the school into a 100-acre campus.

The phased project, which is to be completed in the fall of 2001, will consist of three components: construction of a new administration/classroom building; creation of a new indoor athletic complex; and renovations to existing classroom buildings, parking lots and athletic fields. The center piece of the new campus will be Olson Hall, a classically styled, two-story, 36,000-square-foot academic/administrative building, which is scheduled to be completed in midsummer 1999. The hall will include a bookstore, as well as admissions, business, development and offices.

Work on McDonnell Athletic Center, a 65,000-square-foot athletic complex, will include a track, indoor courts, a high-jump pit and pole-vault area, a fitness center, and office, conference and storage space.

Mitchell and Hugeback Architects is project architect, and Clayco Construction is construction manager.


Part 2

Upgrading technology through renovation


STORRS—The University of Connecticut's renovation of the Homer Babbidge Library, completed last October, brings to a close more than 11 years of repairing the 20-year-old building. Originally undertaken because of struc­tural problems, the renova­tion project included inte­rior changes to make the li­brary more convenient for patrons to use and to add updated technology.

The project's renovation! included refacing the brick on the exterior of the building, which had begun to come loose. A new brick facade north entrance and roofs wen among the exterior renovations, A bank of computer was added, the library's 24 hour study room was expanded, and a coffee bar was added.

The project also involve moving the circulation and reserve desks to the ground floor, installing an electronic information centre and adding two information cafes. The renovation also permitted the library to offer new services, including scanning of books and documents; the capacity to digitise and print material from the library's microform collections; and a faculty resource lab where faculty and graduate students can use electronic technolo­gies for teaching.

The building also re­ceived new carpeting, furni­ture and hexagonal tables equipped with six worksta­tions. Larger windows were added to increase the use of natural light.

Allan Debar Associates Architects and Planners was in charge of the project.



co-ed (combined education) - совместное обучение (мальчиков и девочек);

grades (pl.) - амер. начальная школа;

fund-raising campaign - кампания по сбору средств (финансов);

phased project - поэтапный проект;

pole-vault - прыжки с шестом;

storage space - складские помещения.



Ex.1. Match the words with their Russian equivalents.

1. expansion a/ объединять
2. renovation b/ запланировать, наметить
3. junior c/ денежные средства, финансы
4. to complete d/ яма
5. to unify e/ прием (документов)
6. indoor f/ младший
7. track g/ расширение
8. to schedule h/ частный
9. funds i/ реконструкция, обновление
10. pit j/ в закрытом помещении
11. admission k/ дорожка
12. private l/ заканчивать, завершать


Ex. 2. Translate the following phrases from the text and use them in the translation below.

parking lot, fund-raising, to be scheduled, administration/classroom building, private, fitness center, capital-improvements program, indoor court, athletic complex, to serve, accommodate, existing, admission office, expansion and renovation, to complete, coed school, tuition fee, indoor and outdoor courts, to renovate, to unify, to do sports.

1. Учебно-административное здание расположено в центре студгородка

2. Школа совместного обучения рассчитана на 1200 учеников

3. Поэтапный проект будет завершен через три года.

4. Программа по капитальному усовершенствованию университета требует (need) сбора финансовых средств.

5. Этот колледж частный, в нем высокая плата за обучение

6. Cтуденты могут заниматься спортом в спортивно oздоровительном центре - на закрытых и открытых площадках.

7. Автостоянка находится недалеко от спортивного комплекса

8. Следующий футбольный матч запланирован на середину января

9. Административно-учебное здание расположено в центре студгородка.

10. Кабинет приемной комиссии находится на втором этаже

11. Данный проект объединит две школы в единый студгородок

12. В школе совместного обучения учатся более 1000 ребят, от младших групп детского сада до 12 лет.



Ex.3. Answer the following questions:


1. What project is being realized at Mary Institute and St. Louis Country Day School?

2. What is the goal of it? Where is the money taken from?

3. When will it be completed?

4. Give a list of the project components

5. What is Olson Hall?

6. What facilities will Athletic Center house



Text I-B


Across The Nation


Part 3

Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 52 | Нарушение авторских прав

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