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Word Study to the Text. Ex1: Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents:

Читайте также:
  1. Base Case Study
  2. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of these verbs: visit / read /arrive /go / have / teach / smoke / do / speak / wash / like / go / study / know
  3. Countrystudy
  4. Exercise 1. Read the text.
  5. Exercise 11. Substitute the words in bold type by the words in the text.
  6. EXERCISE 2 Read the text, understand its contents and give a short review of this text.
  7. Exercise 4. Read and translate the text.

Ex1: Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents:


1. to manage one's time 2. to soak in the atmosphere 3. to announce

calmly 4. to share a flat 5. to attend lectures 6. to stick to a

plan 7. to feel guilty 8. individuals vary 9. to make demands

10. to divide into segments 11. to feel defeated 12. to take notes

13. to set a target 14. to think strategically 15. to undertake

activities 16. to flee from uncertainty 17. to do straight away 18.

to reflect afterwards 19. to take the control of

a/ люди различаются b/ предъявлять требования c/ чувствовать

виноватым d/ распоряжаться своим временем e/ разделять на сегментя

f/ спокойно объявить g/ чувствовать побежденным h/ установить цель

i/ делать заметки g/ впытывать атмосферу k/ избегать неопределенности

l/ посещать лекции m/ придерживатьяс плана n/ жить в одной

квартире o/ предпринимать меры p/ размышлять впоследствии q/ делать

сразу же r/ взять под контроль s/ мыслить стратегически


Ex2:. Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents:

1. address to freshers 2. huge tome 3. modest achievement 4. on

weekdays 5. at a time 6. warm-up activities 7. easily distracted

8. sufficient time 9. unclear scope 10. anxiety level 11. selected

section 12. the trick is

a/ уловка в том (что) b/ уровень беспокойства c/ скромное достижение

d/ выбранные разделы e/ разогревающая деятельность f/ достаточно

времени g/ неясный объем h/ легко отвлекающийся i/ обращение к

новичкам g/ по рабочим дням k/ за один раз l/ огромный том


Ex3:. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Парень из Олдхама спокойно заявил, что он намеревается занять первое

место по классике. 2. Он будет работать 25 часов в неделю, учиться 5 часов

в день по будням, и оставлять выходные дни свободными. 3. Этого будет

достаточно. 4. Я обязался работать много, уделяя все мое время интенсивной

учебе. 5. В обращении к новичкам было сказано, что не все их них останутся

здесь на следующий год. 6. Это сообщение поразило меня, я решил

превратиться в образец академической добродетели. 7. 3 года спустя тот

парень стал первым в группе, в то время как (whilst) другие "сражались" за

более скромные достижения. 8. Он более-менее придерживался плана, который

(ранее) очертил. 9. Иногда я чувствовал себя виноватым, поскольку время

уходило зря, при этом утешая себя, что все еще впереди. 10. Позже я понял,

что одно из главных достоинств (challenges) взрослой жизни - это умение

распоряжаться собственным временем. 11. Уловка состояла в том, чтобы взять

(все) под контроль. 12. Разделение большой работы на меньшие задачи поможет

вам. 13. Мы все стрмимся избегать неопределенности. 14. Проблема с большими

задачами в том, что ты стараешься избегать(avoid) их. 15. Если вы начали

мыслить стратегически, это позволяет вам взять под контроль вашу учебу.


Comprehension Check.

Ex4:. Answer the following questions:

1. What was the intention of the lad from Oldham?

2. What message was Andrew struck by?

3. What was he committed to?

4. How did he manage to see the success of the classicist?

5. What was his timetable like?

6. Was Andrew industriou enough?

7. What are his main conclusions concerning studies?


Topics to discuss.

1. The lad from Oldham. His ambitions and achievements.

2. Andrew's hopes and commitments.

3. Strategical approach to studies.



Text I-C

Vocational Education


Part 1

(A passage from the article.)

As well as academic subjects improve students' minds and prepare them for college, a lot of high schools in the United States offer vocational courses. These prepare students for particular jobs. At different high schools in California, students can learn how to become cooks and waiters in hotels and restaurants or mechanics and salespeople in garages and service stations. The courses are available to high school students during the day as part of their normal school program. In the evenings they are also available to other people, who are not at school. Gene Abbott runs a course in automotive repair at San Rafael High School. He teachers his students how to repair cars. He gives some lessons in a classroom, but most of the course takes place in the workshop. It's a practical course, so students learn by doing as well by studying.


Part 2

Australia Plans Big Expansion in Vocational Training



The Australian government will spend $750-minion (U.S.) over the next three years on post secondary education and (raining programs 10 create an extra 120.000 places for students

The plan was announced by the Prime Minister, Paul Healing, as part of an ambitious $1.7 billion spending package to try to revive the nation's ailing economy.

Mr. Keating said Inc federal gov­ernment would lake over full financing of "technical and further education"—known here as TAFE —from the states to create an ex­panded system of vocational-edu­cation institutes. The plan repre­sents a shift in government empha­sis away from higher education to what the Prime Minister called "the weak reed" of technical and vocational training.

Australia's tape system is the larger of (he two post secondary ed­ucation sectors and now enrolls nearly a million students. It pro­vides para-professional, technical and technological diplomas and certificates. But TAFE- colleges are a stale responsibility, and they have been left behind in the huge expansion of the federally support­ed higher-education system over the past 10 years.

Mr. Keating said the federal government would allocate more than $525-million between 1993 to 1995 to upgrade the technical and fur­ther education system and insure a sustained increase in students’ participation. An immediate infu­sion of about $30-million would create an additional 10.000 vocational-training places starting in July.

Severe Overcrowding

An extra Sl5-million would be al­located to new construction at uni­versities over the next 12 months to be matched by $20-million from the institutions themselves. Most universities experienced severe overcrowding last year and have had to cut back on enrollment this year despite a huge surge in student demand.

Under the new plans, state and territory governments will retain responsibility for TAFE management and administration, while the federal government will take over the control and functional support for the sector.



expansion - расширение;

vocational training - профессиональное обучение;

extra - дополнительный;

to announce - объявить, заявить, сообщить;

ambitious - честолюбивый, амбициозный;

spending - расходы;

package - пакет;

to revive - возрождать, оживлять, восстанавливать;

ailing - нездоровый, больной;

to take over - сменять, идти на смену;

shift - здесь: сдвиг, изменение;

emphasis - акцент, подчеркивание;

to provide - обеспечивать;

weak reed -????

to enroll - зачислять (студентов);

responsibility - ответственность, обязанность;

huge - огромный;

to support - поддерживать; здесь: финансировать;

to allocate - выделять, распределять (финансах);

upgrade - подъем;

to insure - обеспечивать;

sustained - длительный, устойчивый;

increase - расширение, увеличение;

immediate - немедленный, безотлагательный;

infusion - здесь: вливание;

severe - суровый, серьезный, сильный, жестокий (о конкурсе)

overcrowding - переполнение;

to match - здесь: дополнять;

to cut (back) - сокращать;

enrollment - набор (студентов);

surge - резкое увеличение;

demand - требование;

to retain - удерживать, сохранять.


Ex 1:Find in the text equivalents to these words and phrases:

мастерская, заниматься на курсах, повар, официант, ремонтировать, механик, профессиональные курсы, старшеклассник, вести курсы, предлагать, продавец, доступный, обычная программа, станция техобслуживания, совершенствовать.


Ex2:. Find equivalents to the following words and phrases.

профессиональное образование; испытывать огромное переполнение; немедленное

вливание; сохранить обязанности; выделить финансы; согласно новым планам;

за следующие три года; оживить/восстановить нездоровую экономику;

после-школьное образование; создать дополнительные места; сдвиг; зачисление

студентов; система высшего образования; будет дополнено;

поддерживаемый/субсидируемый/финансируемый государством; обеспечить

долгосрочное увеличение; испытать; сократить; за последние десять лет.


Ex3:. Answer the following questions.


1. What for is the Australian government going to spend $750 million (U.S.)

2. over the next 10 years?

3. What are $ 1.7 billion allocated for?

4. What are the two post=secondary education sectors in Australia?

5. How many students do they enroll now?

6. What does TAFE mean?

7. Who are TAFE-colleges finenced (supported) by?



Ex4:. What do these phrases mean?


1. academic subjects;

2. vocational courses;

3. a course in automotive repair;

4. a practical course;

5. high school.



1. Discuss vocational courses for schoolchildren in Russia.

2. List the skills that these courses train and the jobs that they prepare students for.



Ex6:. Answer the questions.

Which five of these subjects are the most important at school nowadays?

Which five of these subjects are the least important at school nowadays?


Social studies, history, computer studies, peace studies, business studies, science, foreign language, religious education, geography, art, technical subjects, mother tongue, home economics, mathematics, economics, woodwork/metalwork, physics, chemistry.


Ex7:. Correct the mis-collocations in the following sentences. The words to replace them: lecture, take, university, profession, pass, teacher

1. I can't come out. I'm studying. I'm passing an examination tomorrow.

2. Congratulations! I hear you succeeded your examination!

3. You can study a lot of different careers at this university.

4. She is a professor in a primary school.

5. He gave an interesting 45- conference in Goethe.

6. She got a degree in personnel management from a private school.

Note: A professor is a senior university academic, not an ordinary teacher. University and college teachers are usually called lecturers or tutors


Ex8: Answer the questions

There are first degrees (where you are called a "Bachelor of..."),

post-graduate degrees (where you are called a "Master of..." or "Doctor

of...") and medical degrees. What do you think the following letters mean?


a/ BSc b/ BEd c/ MSc d/ MD

e/ BA f/ MA g/ MPhil h/ PhD


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