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Modified Continuous Cooking (MCC®)
The concept of Modified Continuous Cooking (MCC) implies the process during
which the main part of the cooking is performed with a low alkali concentration,
while simultaneously allowing the concentration of dissolved lignin to be low. The
method is not particularly new, but has been applied in Australia since the 1960s
[141,142]. However, the conditions were far from optimal, and the process did not
attract interest for many years. It was only after theoretical and fundamental studies
at STFI and KTH in Stockholm, aimed at increasing pulping selectivity, that
this type of modified cooking process regained its attraction [16,18,143–145].
Averaging the EA concentration throughout kraft pulping of Pinus silvestris and
using a continuous two-vessel vapor/liquor-phase digester provides a more selective
delignification as compared to a conventional kraft cook [146–148]. The modified
kraft process is mainly characterized by lowering the initial EA concentration
from 1.45 mol L–1 to 0.7 mol L–1. This was achieved by a split addition of the white
liquor between the top of the impregnator and the transfer circulation line, which
takes place between the impregnator and the digester. Approximately 50% of the
total white liquor charge is sent to the chip feed system prior to the impregnation
stage. The remaining 50% of the white liquor is split into equal portions, with one
part charging to the transfer circulation which carries chips from the impregnation
vessel to the digester, and one part going to the countercurrent cooking circulation
at the top of the Hi-heat washing zone [149]. The latter EA charge keeps the
residual EA concentration at a level of 0.45 mol L–1 during the final delignification.
The EA concentration profile inside the chips is considerably leveled out by the
modifications compared with a conventional kraft cook in the digester as calculated
by a mathematical model (max 0.42 mol L–1, min 0.18 mol L–1 versus max
0.95 mol L–1, min 0.07 mol L–1, respectively) [19].
The applied temperatures in the co-current as well as countercurrent cooking
stage were typically about 165 °C.
The lignin concentration pattern is the reverse of that in conventional batch
cooking. In the latter, the lignin content increases gradually to a final concentration
of more than 100 g L–1 [150]. In MCC pulping, the highest observed lignin
concentration was about 65 g L–1 at the extraction, and this gradually decreased to
50 g L–1 at the end of the countercurrent stage. It has been reported that the concentrations
of dissolved lignin and sodium ions decreased by 40% at the end of
the cooking zone as a result of the countercurrent flow conditions [19,147].
A single-vessel hydraulic digester was modified to operate according to the modified
cooking process [151]. At a total charge of EA of approximately 24% on wood,
4.2 Kraft Pulping Processes 295
the optimum split was determined to be 57% to the feed, 10% to the upper circulation,
and 33% to the lower circulation. Under these conditions, the same residual
alkali of 8–11 g L–1 in both the downflow liquor and the upflow liquor at the
extraction screens could be maintained. The tear index was about 9% higher at
the same tensile for the MCC pulp compared to conventional pulp. Moreover,
there was less variability in pulp quality, and the pulp showed better bonding capabilities,
which resulted in better runnability on the paper machines.
Based on carbohydrate analysis of mill pulps and laboratory cooks it may be
assumed that, at an unbleached kappa number level of 25, the fully bleached pulp
yield is approximately 0.8% higher when the modified alkali profile was applied
in a continuous kraft cook [59]. The increase in yield can thus be attributed to a
better cellulose retention by simultaneously keeping the hemicellulose yield [146].
Consequently, the MCC softwood pulps show a lower hemicellulose content in
the kappa number range 21–42 as compared to conventional pulps (17.4–17.8%
versus 18.3–18.7%) [152]. The reject level from the MCC is 1.3% lower than is
experienced with conventional kraft processes (1.8% on pulp versus 3.1% on pulp
at kappa number 32 [149].
The better bleachability of MCC-cooked pulps when compared to conventional
pulps, and especially at a lower kappa number, has been explained by both the
higher residual alkali concentration (15 versus 10 g L–1) at the end of the countercurrent
cook zone, and the lower dissolved lignin concentration (50 versus 70 g L–1)
at the end of the cook. Thus, the pulp produced with the MCC technique is in
contact with liquor having about 50% higher alkali concentration and about half
the dissolved lignin concentration of the conventional cook. It has been observed
that the molecular weight of the dissolved lignin molecules increases in relation
to progress of the cook [153]. Diffusion out of the fiber will be facilitated by the
countercurrent cooking, and consequently less of the high molecular-weight lignin
should be left in the pulp fiber. Furthermore, it has been found that the ratio
of hydrogen to carbon atoms in the dissolved lignin decreases with increasing
cooking time, which might correspond to a higher degree of condensation [154].
The combined effect of improving the diffusion of lignin and keeping a higher
residual alkali concentration towards the end of the cook to prevent reprecipitation
should result in a pulp that is easier to bleach.
The viscosity level of the modified kraft pulp is more than 100 mL g–1 higher at
a given kappa number as compared to the conventional kraft pulp (1140 mL g–1
versus 1000 mL g–1 at kappa number 25 [147]). The unbleached kappa number
could be lowered by about eight kappa numbers with maintained strength properties
[154]. Hardwood pulps follow the same pattern as softwood pulps. The
unbleached viscosity is about 100 mL g–1 higher at the same kappa number, or
about the same viscosity at 3–4 units lower kappa number. The change to modified
continuous cooking of birch resulted in a better stability of the production
and pulp uniformity [150]. Moreover, the kappa number was lowered from 18 to
14, and the viscosity increased from 900 to 1015 mL g–1, respectively. However, it
must be stated that the performance of the batch line had previously also been on
the level of approximately 1000 mL g–1 [150].
296 4 Chemical Pulping Processes
The strength properties of MCC softwood pulps are reported to have a 10–30%
higher tear value at a given tensile level [149]. Cooking studies using Scandinavian
mixed softwood exhibit a viscosity advantage of approximately 70 SCAN units for
MCC pulps over laboratory-produced conventional pulps in the kappa number
range from 22 to 32. This viscosity advantage could be preserved after bleaching
to a brightness of 90% ISO using a sequence (C+D)EDED.
Extended Modified Cooking (EMCC®)
Pulping selectivity further improves when utilizing a prolonged countercurrent
cooking stage at a lower temperature [155]. The concept of extended modified
cooking (EMCC) comprises the addition of white liquor at the bottom of the Hi-
Heat washing zone to achieve a more even effective alkali profile and the extension
of cooking to the Hi-Heat washing zone. The EMCC process is comparable
to the ITC process, as the entire Hi-Heat zone is simultaneously used for both
cooking and washing. The ITC and EMCC processes differ only in the equipment
used for heating and circulating the white liquor in the High-Heat washing zone.
The ITC uses an additional dedicated heating circulation system.
Pinus taeda laboratory cooks confirmed that, at the same kappa number and
over the kappa number range investigated, EMCC pulps were generally found to
be superior in both viscosity and strength properties as compared to MCC and
conventional cook (CK) pulps (Fig. 4.81).
10 20 30 40
Screened Yield [%]
Intrinsic Viscosity [ml/g]
Kappa number
Fig. 4.81 Intrinsic viscosity and screened yield
versus kappa number of Pinus taeda kraft
cooks. Results from laboratory cooks (according
to [155]). Conventional cooks (CK):
EA-charge 19.2–21.3% on wood, 172 °C; modified
continuous cooking (MCC): EA-charge
19.6% on wood with 74:26 split addition,
171 °C; extended modified cooking (EMCC):
EA-charge 19.6% on wood with 74:26 split
addition and 160 °C.
4.2 Kraft Pulping Processes 297
The high selectivity of EMCC pulping can be explained by the low content of
dissolved lignin in the final cooking stage, combined with the low temperature
and thus prolonged cooking time. Diffusion of lignin into the aqueous phase is
improved towards the end of the cook because of the lower dissolved lignin concentration
and the longer time for diffusion. The lower pulping temperature kinetically
favors delignification over cellulose chain scission, resulting in a higher
pulp viscosity (see Section, Tab. 4.18, Kraft Pulping Kinetics).
Preliminary mill trials converting from CK to the EMCC cooking concept
showed an increase in intrinsic viscosity from 1160 mL g–1 to 1270 mL g–1 for a
kappa number-12 unbleached hardwood kraft pulp. In another mill trial using
northern softwoods in a single-vessel hydraulic digester, the EMCC concept was
realized by adding up to 25% of the total white liquor charge to the washing zone
which was operated at cooking temperature. Brownstock viscosity at kappa number
20 was significantly increased from 1030 mL g–1 to more than 1200 mL g–1
The knowledge from laboratory studies that the presence of dissolved solids during
the bulk and final delignification stages negatively influences both the rate of
delignification and pulp viscosity at a given kappa number (selectivity) led to the
development of a new continuous cooking process, the Lo-Solids™ pulping [156].
The Low-Solids™ process is based on the ITC and EMCC technologies, and is
characterized by split white liquor additions, multiple extractions and split washer
filtrate additions to achieve both an even EA profile, minimal cooking temperatures
and minimal concentrations of dissolved lignin at the end of the cook. A
typical Lo-Solids™ digester is provided with four white liquor addition points, the
first before the impregnation, the second after the first extraction in the lower
cook circulation (LCC) zone, the third after the second and main extraction in the
modified cooking circulation (MCC) zone, and the fourth after the third and last
extraction in the washing zone [157–159]. Washing filtrate is added together with
white liquor at the final three addition points. Beneath the LCC there is a con-current
cooking zone, followed by the second extraction. Below the second extraction,
the countercurrent cooking zones start, with the MCC screens in between. Results
from mill application confirm the significant reduction in the concentration of
dissolved solids within the bulk and final phases of delignification (Fig. 4.82). The
low level of dissolved lignin concentration is most evident in the wash-cooking
zone. Simultaneously, the final bleached viscosity of the hardwood kraft pulp
increased after the transition to Lo-Solids™ pulping from 990 mL g–1 (EMCC) to
approximately 1100 mL g–1, which can be mainly attributed to the lower level of
dissolved wood components in the final stages of pulping [157].
Softwood kraft mills which have been converted to Lo-Solids from MCC or
EMCC operation have typically observed 5–10% improvements in tear strength.
Laboratory trials using northwestern softwoods and simulating the time–concentration
and time–composition profiles of dissolved wood solids in full-scale pulping
systems even report a 28% (26%) gain in tear strength in the unbleached
298 4 Chemical Pulping Processes
Modified Cook Circ.
Lower Extraction
Upper Extraction
Lower Cook Circ.
Upper Cook Circ.
0 20 40 60
Dissolved lignin concentration [g/l]
Fig. 4.82 Profile of dissolved lignin concentration at various
locations on the digester. The results compare profiles for
EMCC and Lo-Solids pulping (according to [157]).
(ECF bleached) pulp [160]. It has been demonstrated that pulp tear strength
increases with increasing residual EA concentration. Thus, pulp yield losses can
be avoided when a high EA concentration is maintained only towards the very end
of the cook (see Fig. 4.44).
Dissolved wood solids also consume alkali in nonproductive decomposition
reactions (e.g., retroaldol reactions, etc.). Based on laboratory results, it can be estimated
that the dissolved wood solids present in the cooking liquors consume an
equivalent of approximately 2% EA on wood due to secondary reactions [160]. The
application of the Lo-Solids pulping process can reduce approximately 30% of the
dissolved wood components. Based on these figures, it seems reasonable to
assume a decrease of about 0.5% EA on wood. The presence of dissolved solids in
the late stage of the cook also deteriorates bleachability. ECF bleaching of northern
softwood pulps which were cooked according to the Lo-Solids technique without
dissolved wood solids present in the cooking liquor, required 11% less amount of
active chlorine to attain a brightness target of 89% ISO using a DEopDD.
Since the introduction of the Lo-Solids-pulping in 1993, there are now far more
than 60 installations all over the world [161]. Fourteen rather new Lo-Solids digesters
operating on different hardwoods such as mixed southern hardwoods, eucalyptus,
birch and mixed Japanese hardwoods report a yield increase of 1–4% on
wood compared to previous operation, mainly according to the EMCC process.
The wood yield is determined either by the measurement of the wood consumption
during a longer period of time, or according to a straight-line correlation of
the logarithm of TAPPI viscosity (V) divided by the square of the cellulose content
fraction (G′), log(V)/G′2, with the lignin-free yield [162]. The reasons for this really
4.2 Kraft Pulping Processes 299
significant yield advantage over conventional and even EMCC pulping processes
have been mainly attributed to the even and very low EA concentration throughout
the cook. This never exceeds values of ca. 15 g L–1, except at the very beginning
of the impregnation zone (Fig. 4.83). After impregnation, and immediately before
the start of bulk delignification, the residual EA is as low as 4 g L–1. At the same
time, the ratio of [HS– ]ion to [OH– ]ion exceeds 3, which almost achieves the values
optimized in laboratory operation [33]. The concept of Lo-Solids pulping comprises
a two-stage continuous kraft process. The pre-steamed wood chips are
impregnated with black liquor with a maximum ratio of [HS– ]/[OH– ]. The digester
is divided into two sections, one co-current and one countercurrent. The upper
half is devoted to the high sulfidity stage in a co-current flow. The sulfidity can be
selectively increased by extracting the black liquor after the first treatment zone
and reintroducing the withdrawn liquor with dilution liquor. In a subsequent second
treatment zone a kraft cooking liquor is introduced having a higher sulfidity
as compared to the first treatment zone [163].
Almost 75% of the lignin is removed in the first stage under highly selective
conditions. In the lower part of the digester, the second cooking stage is performed
in a countercurrent procedure. The cooking temperature can be kept at a
low level, at about 150–155 °C due to the fairly long retention time in the later
stage of the cook.
Wash cook zone
Main Extr.
Lower cook circ.
Upper cook circ.
Con-curr. impregn
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Molar ratio [HS-] / [OH-]
EA-concentration [g/l]
0 1 2 3 4
[HS-] / [OH-]
Fig. 4.83 Profiles of effective alkali (EA) and the molar ratio
[HS– ]/[OH– ]through Lo-Solids pulping (according to Refs.
[161,164]) (mill data).
300 4 Chemical Pulping Processes
The low level of EA concentration, in combination with the low cooking temperature
of 153 °C, decreases the extent of carbohydrate degradation reactions according
to random alkaline hydrolysis and secondary peeling reactions.
Laboratory studies on birch wood were conducted to elucidate the origin of the
yield advantage of the Lo-Solids operation [165]. Three different EA-profiles (A, B,
and C) were applied to the impregnation stages and during early bulk delignification.
The A-profile represents a high EA-level between 8–18 g EA L–1, the B-profile
an intermediate EA-concentration in the range 4–18 g L–1, and the C-profile a low
EA-level in the range 2–9 g L–1. The final bulk and residual cooking phases were
conducted at comparable conditions by varying the initial EA-concentration in the
range 5 to 25 g L–1. The cooking temperature was kept constant at 153 °C during
both cooking stages. The influence of temperature on the cooking performance
was investigated in the final cooking stage, where selected trials were run at
165 °C. The cooking time or H-factor were adjusted accordingly to attain the target
kappa number 18. The kappa number of the selected samples showed only minor
deviations from the target kappa number (16–22), so that the kappa number can
be assumed to be constant. The graph in Fig. 4.84 illustrates that the total yield is
highly dependent upon the amount of EA-charge in both the early stages and the
final stages of the cook.
The comparable slopes of the curves in Fig. 4.84 suggest that the yield loss is
similar in magnitude for all three EA profiles investigated. A lower EA concentration
at the final cooking stage is certainly favorable for xylan reprecipitation, as
0 10 20 30
EA-Profiles in the early cooking stage:
High EA (A) Intermediate-EA (B) Low-EA (C)
Total Yield [%]
Residual EA concentration [g/l]
Fig. 4.84 Influence of different effective alkali
(EA)-profiles in the early stages (EA-profiles A–
C) and final stages of the cook (residual EA in
the Figure) on the total yield of birch Lo-Solids
laboratory cooks (according to [165]). All trials
were conducted at 153 °C in both cooking
stages. The kappa numbers of all pulps were
on average about 18 (minimum 16, maximum
4.2 Kraft Pulping Processes 301
0 10 20 30
EA-Profiles in the early cooking stage:
High EA (A) Intermediate-EA (B) Low-EA (C)
Intrinsic Viscosity [ml/g]
Residual EA-concentration [g/l]
Fig. 4.85 Influence of both different effective
alkali (EA)-profiles in the early stages (EA-profiles
A–C) and final stages of the cook (residual
EA in the Figure) on the pulp viscosity of birch
laboratory cooks (according to [165]). All trials
were conducted at 153 °C in both cooking
stages. The kappa numbers of all pulps were
on average about 18 (minimum 16, maximum
has been confirmed by carbohydrate analysis. The cellulose content is particularly
preserved at lower EA concentration in the early stages of the cook. A high concentration
of EA in the early bulk delignification phase also deteriorates pulp viscosity,
as shown in Fig. 4.85. The lower cellulose content might be an explanation
for the decrease in viscosity. The influence of the EA concentration in the final
cooking stages, however, has an even more pronounced influence on pulp viscosity
(Fig. 4.85). High viscosity levels are attained at very low residual EA concentration,
despite the high extent of xylan reprecipitation. With an increasing EA
charge, pulp viscosity passes through a minimum at a residual EA concentration
of 5 g L–1 for all three EA-profiles investigated.
Higher EA charges in the residual delignification phase promote higher pulp
viscosities due to unfavorable conditions for xylan retention on the fiber, while
largely preserving the cellulose fraction.
By increasing the temperature from 153 °C to 165 °C in the final cooking stages,
the brownstock yield is decreased by 1.2% at a given kappa number. It has been
calculated that 28% of the yield loss is due to a lower cellulose yield, and 72% to a
lower hemicellulose yield [165]. Hardwood kraft pulping is associated with the formation
of the HexA. Kraft pulping offers only limited possibilities to reduce the
HexA content prior to bleaching; however, the HexA content was shown to
decrease slightly, from approximately 73 lmol g–1 to about 65 lmol g–1 with a
higher EA concentration in both early stages and the last cooking stage.
302 4 Chemical Pulping Processes
0 100 200 300
Temperature [. C]
CK Low EA High EA
EA-concentration [g/l]
Cooking time [min]
Fig. 4.86 Effective alkali and temperature profiles (according to [166]).
In another study, where a conventional batch cook was included for comparative
purposes, it was again shown that a higher EA concentration at the start of bulk
delignification tends to decrease mainly the cellulose yield, while a higher EA concentration
towards the end of the cook decreases mainly the yield of xylans [139].
The corresponding alkali profiles are shown in Fig. 4.86.
For the low-EA profile, the cellulose yield is 37.5% on wood, and thus 1.5% on
wood higher as compared to the conventional EA profile, whereas the xylan yield
amounts to 13.7% on wood for both profiles. For the high-EA profile, the cellulose
yield is 35.9% on wood and thus the same as for the conventional, but the xylan
yield is 1.4% on wood lower than for the conventional and low- EA profiles.
The concentrations of dissolved xylan in the black liquor throughout the cooks
reflect the amount of xylan reprecipitation onto the fiber. In the case of the conventional
EA profile, the xylan concentration increases steadily to 15 g L–1 as it dissolves
into the liquor. After having achieved maximum temperature, the xylan
concentration decreases again as it reprecipitates onto the fiber. Interestingly, the
dissolved xylan concentration remains constant at a very low level of about 4 g L–1
when cooking with a low-EA profile (see Figs. 4.86 and 4.87).
The dissolved xylan content is exactly the same after both conventional and low-
EA cooks, reflecting equal xylan yields for the two cooks. As shown in Fig. 4.87,
the dissolved xylan content after the high-EA cook remains at a high level when
the residual EA concentration is high. This implies a direct correlation between
the residual EA concentration and the xylan content of the pulp.
The effects of the alkali profile during Lo-Solids cooking of eucalyptus chips has
been described in a recent study [167]. After the impregnation stage, a first displacement
stage simulates a countercurrent heating stage by displacing part of
the cooking liquor with white liquor; this is then followed by a 60-min co-current
4.2 Kraft Pulping Processes 303
0 100 200 300
CK Low EA High EA
Dissolved Xylan [g/l]
Cooking Time [min]
Fig. 4.87 Dissolved xylan concentration in the cooking liquor
for cooks with different effective alkali (EA) profile (according
to [139]).
cooking phase. Finally, the second displacement simulates the countercurrent
cooking/washing stage at the bottom zone of a Lo-Solids digester. Again, the cooking
liquor is displaced by white liquor. The maximum cooking temperature is varied
in the range from 147 °C to 153 °C. Conventional batch cooks with a total EA
charge of 20% NaOH on o.d. wood and a maximum temperature of 164 °C were
conducted as a reference. Lo-Solids cooks were performed from both E. urophylla
and mixed eucalypts from New Zealand, using different alkali profiles that were
adjusted by adding alkali to each cooking stage. The conditions were selected such
that the unbleached kappa number ranges between 14 and 17. The results indicate
that pulping selectivity in terms of both yield and viscosity is clearly associated
with a low and even EA profile throughout the whole cook (Fig. 4.88). Only
small deviations from the optimum alkali profile would lead to a reduced pulping
selectivity. The lower alkali profile (as shown in Fig. 4.88) contributes to a yield
gain of 3.7% compared to the conventional batch cooks.
The Lo-Solids cooks of the mixed eucalypts showed, however, only a yield gain
of 1.7% compared to the reference cook, probably due to a suboptimal EA profile.
In both cases the yield gain resulted from a better retention of both cellulose
(1.5–2.7% higher glucan yield) and xylan (1–1.2 % higher xylan yield) in comparison
to the conventional batch cooks. Maintaining an optimum alkali
profile and a low cooking temperature also improves the selectivity in terms of
viscosity at a given kappa number. The viscosity/kappa number ratio for the optimized
E. urophylla Lo-Solids cook was 82.4 (1400 mL g–1 at kappa number 17)
304 4 Chemical Pulping Processes
0 100 200 300 400
E. urophylla Mixed eucalypt
EA concentration, g/l
Cooking time, min
Fig. 4.88 Effective alkali (EA) profiles for Lo-Solids cooks of
both mixed eucalypts originating from New Zealand and E.
urophylla at the same cooking temperature of 147 °C (according
to [167].)
with only 72.4 (1100 mL g–1 at kappa number 15.2) for the conventional batchcooked
A further development of the continuous cooking concept is based on the
results from numerous laboratory trials in which the combination of low EA concentration
at the beginning of a cook and a high EA concentration in the late stage
turned out to be favorable with respect to cooking time or temperature, pulp yield,
pulp viscosity, bleachability and HexA content [24]. This new continuous cooking
process – denoted as Enhanced Alkali Profile Cooking (EAPC) – allows the EA
profiles to be controlled in kraft cooking, without increasing white liquor consumption
[29]. The first zone in the digester comprises a co-current pretreatment
stage where most of the alkali introduced into the feed system is allowed to be
consumed. The spent liquor with the low alkali concentration is extracted to recovery.
The chips then pass the countercurrent impregnation zone where fresh alkali
is added. The subsequent cooking is divided between co-current and countercurrent
zones. After the first cooking zone, the cooking liquor is extracted and
replaced by white liquor before entering the countercurrent cooking zone. To
maintain a high EA concentration during residual delignification, white liquor is
added at the end of the countercurrent cooking zone to the upflow liquor. Because
of the high EA concentration, the cooking liquor from the lower extraction (of the
final cooking stage) is recycled to the chip feed system to utilize the residual alkali
for the subsequent cook. In this process, all black liquor to recovery is extracted
from the digester between the end of the pretreatment and beginning of the
4.2 Kraft Pulping Processes 305
impregnation stage. The black liquor extracted from the cooking zones is to be
reused in the previous stages. Thus, the continuous EAPC cooking process facilitates
control of the EA profile during kraft cooking to consider the principles of
modified cooking. Consequently, a wide range of alkali profiles in the cooking
phase can be adjusted to partly control the unbleached pulp properties (bleachability,
tear strength, etc.). Mill trials at the Enso Varkaus mill in 1996 revealed an
increase in tear strength (bulk) at a given tensile strength of about 20% (10%),
which confirmed the predicted improvements of unbleached pulp properties.
Moreover, chlorine dioxide consumption was decreased by about 10% in a subsequent
ECF bleaching sequence, suggesting an improved bleachability of the
EAPC-produced softwood kraft pulps [168].
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